public ErrorCodeMessage(ERROR_CODES code, Dictionary <ERROR_LANGUAGE, string> Msg_LNG_TO_ERRORCODE) { if (Msg_LNG_TO_ERRORCODE.ContainsKey(ERROR_LANGUAGE.eng) == false) { throw new Exception("ErrorCodeItem-기본 언어:eng 값이 없음."); } dic_ErrorCode = Msg_LNG_TO_ERRORCODE; }
public ProviderEventArgs(ProviderAction action, ERROR_CODES error, string response, WebServer listener, ref HttpListenerContext context) { Action = action; ErrorCode = error; Response = response; Socket = listener; Context = context; }
public Result(ERROR_CODES code, T response, bool log = false, ERROR_LANGUAGE language = ERROR_LANGUAGE.kor) { Code = (int)code; Message = ErrorCode.Message(code, language); Log = log; Response = response; }
public ProviderEventArgs(ProviderAction action, ERROR_CODES error, T userid, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, string response, WebServer listener, ref HttpListenerContext context) { Action = action; ErrorCode = error; Response = response; Parameters = parameters; Socket = listener; Context = context; UserId = userid; }
private String ErrorCodeToString(ERROR_CODES code) { switch (code) { case ERROR_CODES.SUCCESS: return("Success"); case ERROR_CODES.NO_DEVICES_FOUND: return("No devices attached to system"); case ERROR_CODES.FAILED_TO_OPEN: return("Open failed"); case ERROR_CODES.FAILED_TO_READ_ALL_DATA: return("Failed to read all the data"); case ERROR_CODES.DATA_INTEGRITY: return("Data read does not match data written!!!"); default: return("General error"); } }
private void MultipayValider_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ERROR_CODES codes = refreshEntriesAndReturnError(); switch (codes) { case ERROR_CODES.CB_ERROR: MessageBox.Show("Le montant CB est mal formaté !"); break; case ERROR_CODES.CHEQUE_ERROR: MessageBox.Show("Le montant CHEQUE est mal formaté !"); break; case ERROR_CODES.ESP_ERROR: MessageBox.Show("Le montant ESP est mal formaté !"); break; case ERROR_CODES.NONE: this.Close(); break; } }
public static string Message(ERROR_CODES code, ERROR_LANGUAGE language = ERROR_LANGUAGE.eng) { return(ErrorCodes[code].Message(language)); }
public PACKET_TYPES GetPacketType(byte[] packet, ref int payLoadLength, ref ERROR_CODES error, out PACKET_HEADER managedHeader) { managedHeader = new PACKET_HEADER(); try { if (packet.Length < HeaderLessSOPLength) { return(PACKET_TYPES.INVALID_PACKET); } PACKET_HEADER_LESS_SOP_STRUCT pktHdr = new PACKET_HEADER_LESS_SOP_STRUCT(); int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PACKET_HEADER_LESS_SOP_STRUCT)); byte[] headerPart = new byte[size]; headerPart = (byte[])Slice(packet, 0, size); GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(headerPart, GCHandleType.Pinned); pktHdr = (PACKET_HEADER_LESS_SOP_STRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(PACKET_HEADER_LESS_SOP_STRUCT)); handle.Free(); payLoadLength = (int)pktHdr.PACKET_LEN; PACKET_TYPES pktTpye = (PACKET_TYPES)pktHdr.PACKET_TYPE; error = ERROR_CODES.NO_ERROR; if (!CheckAllPacketTypes(pktTpye)) { error = ERROR_CODES.BAD_PACKET; return(PACKET_TYPES.INVALID_PACKET); } switch ((PACKET_TYPES)pktTpye) { case PACKET_TYPES.REQUEST_HOST_NAME: m_Log.Log("GetPacketType, received REQUEST_HOST_NAME ", ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.INFORMATIONAL); if (!DoesGetHostPWMatch(pktHdr.PasswordHash)) { m_Log.Log("GetPacketType, ERROR_CODES.INVALID_PASSWORD", ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.INFORMATIONAL); error = ERROR_CODES.INVALID_PASSWORD; } break; default: managedHeader.Type = (PACKET_TYPES)pktHdr.PACKET_TYPE; managedHeader.PasswordHash = pktHdr.PasswordHash; managedHeader.SequenceNumber = (int)pktHdr.SEQUENCE_NUMBER; managedHeader.Length = (int)pktHdr.PACKET_LEN; break; } return((PACKET_TYPES)pktHdr.PACKET_TYPE); } catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Log("GetPacketTypeex: " + ex.Message, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.INFORMATIONAL); return((PACKET_TYPES)PACKET_TYPES.INVALID_PACKET); } }