public static IList<Link> createLink(EOpenType type, IList<ARequestView> items, bool isPartial) { List<Link> links = new List<Link>(); string link = ""; link += isPartial ? "Partial" : ""; switch (type) { case EOpenType.Element : link += "Element"; break; case EOpenType.Project: link += "Project"; break; case EOpenType.Request: link += "Request"; break; default: break; } foreach (ARequestView item in items) { Link l = new Link(type.ToString().Left(1) + item.ID + " - " + item.Summary, item.Summary.Replace("\"", """), link + "/" + item.ID); if (type == EOpenType.Request && ((RequestView)item).RequestedDueDate < DateTime.Today) l.Class = "invalid"; links.Add(l); } return links; }
public IList<LookupActive> getRequestTypes(EOpenType type, bool activeOnly) { IList<LookupActive> requestType; if (type == EOpenType.Request) requestType = this.requestTypeList.Data; else requestType = this.projectTypeList.Data; if (activeOnly) return requestType.Where(x => x.Active == activeOnly).OrderBy(y => y.Text).ToList(); else return requestType.OrderBy(x => x.Text).OrderByDescending(y => y.Active).ToList(); }
public bool OpenDatabank(ref Databank databank, EOpenType openType, int openPosition) { if (openType == EOpenType.Pos) { if (openPosition > { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: There are " + ( - 1) + " numbered databanks in the databank list (F2)."); G.Writeln(" Opening in position " + openPosition + " is not possible.", Color.Red); throw new GekkoException(); } } if (openType == EOpenType.Ref) { G.Writeln2("+++ WARNING: OPEN<ref> is for advanced users, and will put the existing " + Globals.Ref + " in the list of 'normal' databanks", Globals.warningColor); } bool readFromFile = false; //Does not read the actual bank, but just arranges for the bank to be read into the right 'slot' //If <first/edit> or <ref>, the bank in the [0] or [1] slot is pushed down to [2]. if (G.equal(databank.aliasName, Globals.Work)) { if (openType == EOpenType.Normal || openType == EOpenType.Last) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: The 'Work' databank cannot be opened or closed (it is always open)."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.First) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<first> with the 'Work' databank."); G.Writeln(" If Work is not first and it needs to be, you must CLOSE"); G.Writeln(" the present first databank. After that, Work will be first."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<edit> with the 'Work' databank."); G.Writeln(" Work is always editable, and if Work is not first on"); G.Writeln(" the F2 databank list, you must CLOSE the present first"); G.Writeln(" databank. After that, Work will become first (and editable)."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Ref) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<ref> with the 'Work' databank."); G.Writeln(" It is not legal to set Work as the ref databank."); G.Writeln(" Use the Ref databank for such purposes."); throw new GekkoException(); } } else if (G.equal(databank.aliasName, Globals.Ref)) //Ref { if (openType == EOpenType.Normal) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: The '" + Globals.Ref + "' databank cannot be opened or closed (it is always open)."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.First) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<first> with the '" + Globals.Ref + "' databank."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Last) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<last> with the '" + Globals.Ref + "' databank."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<edit> with the '" + Globals.Ref + "' databank."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Ref) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: You cannot use OPEN<ref> with the '" + Globals.Ref + "' databank."); throw new GekkoException(); } } string name = databank.aliasName; int existI; int WorkI; int BaseI; FindBanksI(name, out existI, out WorkI, out BaseI); List <Databank> m = new List <Databank>(; if (existI != -12345) //the databank name already exists. No actual file reading, just rearrange the banks { DatabankLogicExistingBank(out databank, openType, openPosition, out readFromFile, name, existI, WorkI, BaseI, m); } else //the databank name does not exist, so it is new and will be read from file later on { readFromFile = true; if (G.equal(Program.options.databank_logic, "aremos")) { DatabankLogicAREMOS(databank, openType, openPosition, name, m); } else { DatabankLogicDefault(databank, openType, openPosition, name, m); } } = m; return(readFromFile); }
public bool ShouldPutBankLastAREMOS(EOpenType openType, int openPosition) { return(openType == EOpenType.Last || (openType == EOpenType.Pos && openPosition == + 1)); }
private void DatabankLogicAREMOS(Databank databank, EOpenType openType, int openPosition, string name, List <Databank> m) { //AREMOS logic if (openType == EOpenType.Normal || openType == EOpenType.Sec || (openType == EOpenType.Pos && openPosition == 2)) { m.Add([0]); //first m.Add([1]); //ref m.Add(databank); for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { m.Add([i]); } G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened"); } else if (openType == EOpenType.First || openType == EOpenType.Edit || (openType == EOpenType.Pos && openPosition == 1)) { bool edit = false; if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { edit = true; } m.Add(databank); //first m.Add([1]); //ref m.Add([0]); for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { m.Add([i]); } if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened as editable in first position"); } else { G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened in first position"); } } else if (openType == EOpenType.Ref) { m.Add([0]); //first m.Add(databank); //ref m.Add([1]); for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { m.Add([i]); } G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened as ref"); } else if (ShouldPutBankLastAREMOS(openType, openPosition)) { m.Add([0]); //first m.Add([1]); //ref for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { m.Add([i]); } m.Add(databank); G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened"); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Pos) { //pos is not 1., 2. or count+1 ===> so 3, 4, ..., up to count. if (openPosition < 1) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: OPEN<pos=...> cannot be 0 or negative"); throw new GekkoException(); } m.Add([0]); //first m.Add([1]); //ref for (int i = 2; i < openPosition; i++) { m.Add([i]); } m.Add(databank); for (int i = openPosition; i <; i++) { m.Add([i]); } G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' opened in position " + openPosition); } else { G.Writeln("*** ERROR: Internal error ¤89435734"); throw new GekkoException(); } return; }
private void DatabankLogicExistingBank(out Databank databank, EOpenType openType, int openPosition, out bool readFromFile, string name, int existI, int WorkI, int BaseI, List <Databank> m) { databank =[existI]; //now points to the existing databank, and no longer the empty databank the method was called with readFromFile = false; if (openType == EOpenType.Normal || openType == EOpenType.Last || (openType == EOpenType.Pos && openPosition != 1)) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: Databank '" + databank.aliasName + "' is already open. Use CLOSE to close it first."); throw new GekkoException(); } else if (openType == EOpenType.Edit || openType == EOpenType.First || (openType == EOpenType.Pos && openPosition == 1)) { if (existI == 0) { //Note: OPEN<edit> could be used to unlock an OPEN<first>... //[0].protect = false; //this is set elsewhere if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { if (databank.protect == false) { G.Writeln2("Databank '" + databank.aliasName + "' is already editable in first position."); } else { databank.protect = false; G.Writeln2("Databank '" + databank.aliasName + "' set editable."); } } m.AddRange(; //just copied, and put back again later on } else if (existI == 1) //Trying an OPEN<edit>db on a db that is already ref (opened with OPEN<ref>db). { m.Add([existI]); //first, = former sec m.Add([BaseI]); //ref, = Ref databank, to aviod empty slot m.Add([0]); //former first ends here for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { if (i == BaseI) { continue; } m.Add([i]); } } else //Trying an OPEN<edit>db on a db that is already there in slot [2] or below { m.Add([existI]); //first m.Add([1]); //ref, same m.Add([0]); for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { if (i == existI) { continue; } m.Add([i]); } } if (openType == EOpenType.Edit) { G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' set as editable databank, put first position."); } else { G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' put in first position."); } } else if (openType == EOpenType.Ref) { if (existI == 0) //Trying an OPEN<sec>db on a db that is already first/editable (opened with OPEN<first> or OPEN<edit>) { m.Add([WorkI]); //first, = Work databank, to aviod empty slot m.Add([existI]); //ref, = former first m.Add([1]); //former ref ends here for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { if (i == WorkI) { continue; } m.Add([i]); } } else if (existI == 1) { G.Writeln2("*** ERROR: Databank '" + databank.aliasName + "' is already open as ref bank"); throw new GekkoException(); } else //Trying an OPEN<edit/first>db on a db that is already there in slot [2] or below { m.Add([0]); //first, same m.Add([existI]); //ref m.Add([1]); for (int i = 2; i <; i++) { if (i == existI) { continue; } m.Add([i]); } } G.Writeln2("Databank '" + name + "' set as ref bank"); } }
public IList<LookupSorted> getStatusList(EOpenType type) { switch (type) { case EOpenType.Request: return this.requestStatusList.Data.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder).ToList(); case EOpenType.Element: return this.elementStatusList.Data.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder).ToList(); default: return this.projectStatusList.Data.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder).ToList(); } }
public IList<ARequestView> getRequests(EOpenType type, IUser user) { List<ARequestView> items = new List<ARequestView>(); switch (type) { case EOpenType.Request : if (user != null) return this.requestList .Data .Where(x => ((x.AssignedTo.EmployeeID == user.EmployeeID || x.RequestedBy.EmployeeID == user.EmployeeID) && x.ClosedDate == null) || (user == null)) .Cast<ARequestView>() .ToList(); else return this.requestList.Data.Cast<ARequestView>().ToList(); case EOpenType.Project : foreach (RequestView r in this.requestList.Data) if (r.AssignedTo.Equals(user) && new[] { "complete", "cancelled", "rejected", "out of scope" }.All(x => !x.Equals(r.Parent == null ? "complete" : r.Parent.Status.Text.ToLower()))) if (!items.Any(x => x.ID == r.Parent.ID)) items.Add(r.Parent); return items.OrderBy(x => x.Summary).ToList(); case EOpenType.Element : foreach (RequestView r in this.requestList.Data) items.AddRange(r.ElementList.Where(x => x.AssignedTo.EmployeeID == user.EmployeeID && x.ClosedDate == null)); return items; default: return items; } }