// Token: 0x0600097B RID: 2427 RVA: 0x0005F164 File Offset: 0x0005D364 public void GIGQBNOLIJM() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("mistyterrain", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("-formechange", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, true, false); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("#,##0", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x06000996 RID: 2454 RVA: 0x0005FC0C File Offset: 0x0005DE0C public void EEIMJHEDFMH() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("Battle Update: ", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("Big/", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, false, true); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("Hidden/Post FX/Lut Generator", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x06000979 RID: 2425 RVA: 0x0005F06C File Offset: 0x0005D26C public void GIBLMNBLCQQ() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("COLOR_GRADING_LOG_VIEW", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("[00EE07]", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, true, true); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("defiant", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x06000994 RID: 2452 RVA: 0x0005FB14 File Offset: 0x0005DD14 public void HEGHGBIBNQQ() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped!\r\n", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("bcam", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, false, true); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("[wisher]", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x06000991 RID: 2449 RVA: 0x0005FA1C File Offset: 0x0005DC1C public void MCGDQMBFQOD() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("[-]", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError(", shiny", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, false, false); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("Down", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x06000990 RID: 2448 RVA: 0x0005F924 File Offset: 0x0005DB24 public void PPNLGOMQOPH() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("Ally Grass-type Pokémon are protected from status conditions and the lowering of their stats.", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("HidePanel", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, true, false); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("Icon_Pokemon_Alive", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
// Token: 0x0600098C RID: 2444 RVA: 0x0005F82C File Offset: 0x0005DA2C public void PHIOEPKJINQ() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("The healing wish came true for ", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("_FogPointLightColor2", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, true, true); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage(" and ", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
public void CPGBBDIDOID() { if (this.GKIHKHNBGEG == base.transform) { Debug.LogError("Target Root object cannot be the same object that has Envelop Content. Make it a sibling instead.", this); } else if (IKBQNBHOJJB.MGPLNEFOIFM(this.GKIHKHNBGEG, base.transform)) { Debug.LogError("Target Root object should not be a parent of Envelop Content. Make it a sibling instead.", this); } else { Bounds bounds = JNNGOIIKENH.HFMJNILQCMK(base.transform.parent, this.GKIHKHNBGEG, false, true); float num = bounds.min.x + (float)this.PCMFJJMBFMN; float num2 = bounds.min.y + (float)this.PHNNIGNDICG; float num3 = bounds.max.x + (float)this.JMOOKQFLQEN; float num4 = bounds.max.y + (float)this.EGBDMHFIHEO; ENFMCDNLEQQ component = base.GetComponent <ENFMCDNLEQQ>(); component.LOIPCGLJGPI(num, num2, num3 - num, num4 - num2); base.BroadcastMessage("UpdateAnchors", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }