internal static unsafe bool Invoke(byte StaticGesturesToActivate /*TODO: array TArray */, EHandTrackingKeypointFilterLevel KeypointsFilterLevel, EHandTrackingGestureFilterLevel GestureFilterLevel, EHandTrackingGestureFilterLevel HandSwitchingFilterLevel, bool bTrackingEnabled)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                throw new NotImplementedException(); //TODO: array TArray StaticGesturesToActivate
                *(b + 16)           = (byte)KeypointsFilterLevel;
                *(b + 17)           = (byte)GestureFilterLevel;
                *(b + 18)           = (byte)HandSwitchingFilterLevel;
                *((bool *)(b + 19)) = bTrackingEnabled;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(MagicLeapHandTrackingFunctionLibrary.DefaultObject, SetConfiguration_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                //TODO: array TArray StaticGesturesToActivate
                return(*((bool *)(b + 20)));
 ///<summary>Enables and disables the gestures to be detected by the gesture recognition system.</summary>
 ///@param StaticHandTrackingToActivate List of static gestures to be detected by the system.
 ///@param KeypointsFilterLevel Filtering for the keypoints and hand centers.
 ///@param GestureFilterLevel Filtering for the static gesture recognition.
 ///@param HandSwitchingFilterLevel Filtering for if the left or right hand is present.
 ///@return true if the configuration was set successfully.
 public static bool SetConfiguration(byte StaticGesturesToActivate /*TODO: array TArray */, EHandTrackingKeypointFilterLevel KeypointsFilterLevel, EHandTrackingGestureFilterLevel GestureFilterLevel, EHandTrackingGestureFilterLevel HandSwitchingFilterLevel, bool bTrackingEnabled) =>
 MagicLeapHandTrackingFunctionLibrary_methods.SetConfiguration_method.Invoke(StaticGesturesToActivate, KeypointsFilterLevel, GestureFilterLevel, HandSwitchingFilterLevel, bTrackingEnabled);