public override bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirementData RequirementData) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand SelectedHand = DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(Hand); if (SelectedHand.IsSet()) { Vector3 FingerDirection = SelectedHand.GetFinger(RequirementData.m_FingerValue).GetFingerDirection(); DetectionManager.DetectionFinger SelectedFinger = SelectedHand.GetFinger(RequirementData.m_FingerValue); Vector3 Bone1Dir = SelectedFinger.GetBoneDirection(ESpecificBone.eBone0); Vector3 Bone2Dir = SelectedFinger.GetBoneDirection(ESpecificBone.eBone1); Vector3 Bone3Dir = SelectedFinger.GetBoneDirection(ESpecificBone.eBone2); float boneDot; if (RequirementData.m_FingerValue == EFinger.eThumb) { boneDot = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(Bone2Dir, Bone3Dir), 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { boneDot = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(Bone1Dir, Bone3Dir), 0.0f, 1.0f); } float percentage = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, boneDot); if (percentage > RequirementData.m_FloatValue) { return(true); } } return(false); }
bool JustifiesHand(EHand Hand) { if (!m_CustomGesture) { return(false); } List <GestureRequirementData> GestureRequirements = m_CustomGesture.GetHandRequirements(Hand); foreach (GestureRequirementData require in GestureRequirements) { if (require.m_Requirement.m_DataRequirements.GetRequiresFinger()) { if (require.m_FingerValue == EFinger.eUnknown) { Debug.Log("[GestureDetection] Object: " + + ": \"" + require.m_Requirement.GetType().ToString() + "\" Cannot use a Requirement with an unknown finger"); return(false); } } if (!require.m_Requirement.JustifiesRequirement(Hand, require)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Called in an update method to check if a click is still down /// </summary> /// <param name="handHoldingHandle">The hand with with the user is clicking</param> /// <param name="clickIsDown">The ClickIsDown BoolVariable Value for the corresponding hand</param> public void CheckClickStillDown(ref EHand handHoldingHandle, bool clickIsDown) { if (!clickIsDown) { handHoldingHandle = EHand.NONE; } }
public OnHapticRequestedEvent(EHand hand, EHapticDuration hapticDuration, EHapticAmplitude hapticAmplitude = EHapticAmplitude.MEDIUM) : base("Event to call when you want to launch haptic in the controller of the user.") { Hand = hand; HapticDuration = GetBaseDuration(hapticDuration); HapticAmplitude = GetBaseAmplitude(hapticAmplitude); FireEvent(this); }
public OnHapticRequestedEvent(EHand hand, float hapticDuration = 1.0f, float hapticAmplitude = 1.0f) : base("Event to call when you want to launch haptic in the controller of the user.") { Hand = hand; HapticDuration = hapticDuration; HapticAmplitude = hapticAmplitude; FireEvent(this); }
EDirection GetClosestDirection(ref bool a_bDetected, EHand InHand, EHandAxis InAxis) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand detectionHand = DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(InHand); if (!detectionHand.IsSet()) { a_bDetected = false; return(EDirection.eDownwards); } Vector3 handDirection = detectionHand.GetHandAxis(InAxis); float currentDistance = float.MaxValue; EDirection currentDir = EDirection.eUpwards; Dictionary <EDirection, Vector3> directionMap = GetDirections(); foreach (EDirection dir in directionMap.Keys) { float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(handDirection, directionMap[dir]); if (newDistance < currentDistance) { currentDistance = newDistance; currentDir = dir; a_bDetected = true; } } return(currentDir); }
public void BurgerIsFinished() { Destroy(currentBurger); GameManager.Instance.scoreManager.IncrementScore(); audioSource.PlayOneShot(eatSounds[Random.Range(0, eatSounds.Length)]); currentHand = currentHand == EHand.Right ? EHand.Left : EHand.Right; GenerateBurger(); }
public static bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, string InRequirement) { if (InRequirement == "ThumbExtended") { return(ThumbExtended(Hand)); } return(false); }
Vector3 GetHandPosition(EHand a_Hand) { if (DetectionManager.Get().IsHandSet(m_Hand)) { return(DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(a_Hand).GetRelativeHandPosition()); } return(; }
public override bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirementData RequirementData) { if (DetectionManager.Get().IsHandSet(Hand)) { return(DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(Hand).IsPinching()); } return(false); }
public Vector3 GetHandAxis(EHand a_Hand) { if (DetectionManager.Get().IsHandSet(m_Hand)) { return(DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(a_Hand).GetHandAxis(EHandAxis.eFingerDirection)); } return(; }
/// <summary> /// We check which hand correspond to the Action Button that was choosen /// </summary> private void CheckButtonHand() { EControllersInput gazeClick = GetGazeClick(); // If we use the Gaze Button but the Controllers are inactive if (UseGazeButton && !_controllersParameters.UseControllers) { this.enabled = false; throw new Exception("The Button Action Choser parameters for the " + this.GetType().Name + " script are invalid.\n" + "If you want to use the Gaze Click, please activate the Controllers by setting the UseControllers bool in the Window VRSF/Controllers Parameters to true.\n" + "Disabling the script."); } // If we use the Gaze Button but the chosen gaze button is None else if (UseGazeButton && gazeClick == EControllersInput.NONE) { this.enabled = false; throw new Exception("The Button Action Choser parameters for the " + this.GetType().Name + " script are invalid.\n" + "Please specify a GazeButton in the Gaze Parameters Window to use the Gaze Click feature. Disabling the script."); } // if the Action Button is set to the Wheel Button (SIMULATOR SPECIFIC) else if (ActionButton == EControllersInput.WHEEL_BUTTON) { _isUsingWheelButton = true; } // if the Action Button is set to the A, B or Right Thumbrest option (OCULUS SPECIFIC) else if (ActionButton == EControllersInput.A_BUTTON || ActionButton == EControllersInput.B_BUTTON || ActionButton == EControllersInput.RIGHT_THUMBREST) { _isUsingOculusButton = true; _buttonHand = EHand.RIGHT; } // if the Action Button is set to the X, Y or Left Thumbrest option (OCULUS SPECIFIC) else if (ActionButton == EControllersInput.X_BUTTON || ActionButton == EControllersInput.Y_BUTTON || ActionButton == EControllersInput.LEFT_THUMBREST) { _isUsingOculusButton = true; _buttonHand = EHand.LEFT; } // if the Action Button is set to the Right Menu option (VIVE AND SIMULATOR SPECIFIC) else if (ActionButton == EControllersInput.RIGHT_MENU) { _isUsingViveButton = true; _buttonHand = EHand.RIGHT; } // If non of the previous solution was chosen, we just check if the button is on the right or left controller else if (ActionButton.ToString().Contains("RIGHT")) { _buttonHand = EHand.RIGHT; } else if (ActionButton.ToString().Contains("LEFT")) { _buttonHand = EHand.LEFT; } }
static bool ThumbExtended(EHand Hand) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand CurrentHand = DetectionManager.sInstance.GetHand(Hand); if (CurrentHand.IsSet()) { return(CurrentHand.GetFinger(EFinger.eIndex).IsExtended()); } return(false); }
public void AddRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirement Requirement) { if (Hand == EHand.eRightHand) { RightHandRequirements.Add(new GestureRequirementData(Requirement)); } else { LeftHandRequirements.Add(new GestureRequirementData(Requirement)); } }
void AddItem(object requirement, EHand Hand) { GestureRequirement[] AllRequirements = TargetGesture.GetListOfAllRequirements(); foreach (GestureRequirement Gesture in AllRequirements) { if (Gesture.GetType().ToString() == requirement.GetType().ToString()) { TargetGesture.AddRequirement(Hand, Gesture); break; } } }
public override bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirementData RequirementData) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand SelectedHand = DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(Hand); if (SelectedHand.IsSet()) { if (RequirementData.m_BoolValue == SelectedHand.GetFinger(RequirementData.m_FingerValue).IsExtended()) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public override bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirementData RequirementData) { EDirection Dir = EDirection.eOutwards; if (IsSwiping(ref Dir, RequirementData.m_FloatValue, Hand)) { if (Dir == RequirementData.m_DirectionValue) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Give the Exclusion Layer(s) depending on the IgnoreOnlyExclusionLayer bools and the specified exclusion layers /// </summary> /// <param name="hand">The hand to which the exclusion layer is set (LEFT OR RIGHT)</param> /// <returns>the exclusion layers as an int</returns> public LayerMask GetExclusionsLayer(EHand hand) { switch (hand) { case (EHand.LEFT): return(~LeftExclusionLayer); case (EHand.RIGHT): return(~RightExclusionLayer); default: Debug.LogError("No Hand provided, returning -1"); return(-1); } }
public override bool JustifiesRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirementData RequirementData) { bool bDetected = false; EDirection Direction = GetClosestDirection(ref bDetected, Hand, RequirementData.m_HandAxisValue); if (bDetected) { if (RequirementData.m_DirectionValue == Direction) { return(true); } } return(false); }
bool IsSwiping(ref EDirection a_swipeDirection, float InVelocity, EHand InHand) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand detectHand = DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(InHand); if (!detectHand.IsSet()) { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eOutwards; return(false); } Vector3 velocity = detectHand.GetVelocity(); velocity = Camera.main.transform.InverseTransformDirection(velocity); if (velocity.x >= InVelocity) //right { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eRight; return(true); } else if (velocity.x <= -InVelocity)//left { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eLeft; return(true); } else if (velocity.y >= InVelocity) //up { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eUpwards; return(true); } else if (velocity.y <= -InVelocity)//down { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eDownwards; return(true); } else if (velocity.z >= InVelocity) //forward { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eOutwards; return(true); } else if (velocity.z <= -InVelocity)//back { a_swipeDirection = EDirection.eInWards; return(true); } return(false); }
private Transform GetNextHand() { if (m_last == EHand.NONE) { m_last = EHand.LEFT; return(m_leftHand); } else if (m_last == EHand.LEFT) { m_last = EHand.RIGHT; return(m_rightHand); } else { m_last = EHand.LEFT; return(m_leftHand); } }
void HandPunch(EHand InHand) { DetectionManager.DetectionHand DetectHand = DetectionManager.Get().GetHand(InHand); if (DetectHand.IsSet()) { if (rb) { rb.useGravity = true; PunchBagCollider.isTrigger = false; rb.AddForce(DetectHand.GetVelocity() * 200); CurrentPunchState = EPunchingBagState.PunchState; if (SpawnedBy) { SpawnedBy.StartSpawnTimer(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Move the Scrollable component when the user is holding the handle. /// </summary> /// <param name="handHoldingHandle">The hand that is holding the Scrollable element</param> /// <param name="minPosTransform">The min position of the scrollable element, set at runtime</param> /// <param name="maxPosTransform">The max position of the scrollable element, set at runtime</param> /// <param name="raycastHitDictionary">The dictionary containing references to the RaycastHitVariable of the controllers</param> /// <param name="direction">The direction of the scrollable element</param> /// <returns>The new value of the scrollable</returns> public float MoveComponent(EHand handHoldingHandle, Transform minPosTransform, Transform maxPosTransform, Dictionary <string, RaycastHitVariable> raycastHitDictionary) { switch (handHoldingHandle) { case (EHand.GAZE): return(SetComponentNewValue(raycastHitDictionary["Gaze"].Value.point, minPosTransform, maxPosTransform)); case (EHand.LEFT): return(SetComponentNewValue(raycastHitDictionary["Left"].Value.point, minPosTransform, maxPosTransform)); case (EHand.RIGHT): return(SetComponentNewValue(raycastHitDictionary["Right"].Value.point, minPosTransform, maxPosTransform)); default: Debug.LogError("Error in MoveComponent method"); return(0); } }
void DrawCustomGestureDropdown(List <GestureRequirementData> Requirements, EHand Hand, SerializedProperty InHandProp) { GUIStyle BorderStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.gray; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(BorderStyle); int index = 0; foreach (GestureRequirementData requirement in Requirements.ToArray()) { SerializedProperty ReqArrayElem = InHandProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); DrawCustomGestureWidget(requirement, Hand, ReqArrayElem); ++index; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
/// <summary> /// Check which hand is holding clicking on the scrollbar /// </summary> private void CheckHandClickingScrollbar() { // Next if statements are to check which click was used on the slider if (_rightTriggerDown.Value && _ListenersDictionary["Right"].Value == transform) { _HandHoldingHandle = EHand.RIGHT; } else if (_leftTriggerDown.Value && _ListenersDictionary["Left"].Value == transform) { _HandHoldingHandle = EHand.LEFT; } else if (_gazeParameter.UseGaze && _inputContainer.GazeIsCliking.Value && _ListenersDictionary["Gaze"].Value == transform) { _HandHoldingHandle = EHand.GAZE; } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find reference to the Click Listener on the slider."); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the color of the Hand pointers by getting the Controllers Parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="hand">the Hand to check</param> /// <param name="on">The color for the On State</param> /// <param name="off">The color for the Off State</param> /// <param name="selectable">The color for the Selectable State</param> private void GetColor(EHand hand, ref Color on, ref Color off, ref Color selectable) { switch (hand) { case (EHand.RIGHT): on = _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnRight; off = _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffRight; selectable = _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableRight; break; case (EHand.LEFT): on = _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnLeft; off = _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffLeft; selectable = _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableLeft; break; default: Debug.LogError("The hand wasn't specified, setting pointer color to white."); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Display the Controllers Pointer Parameters /// </summary> private void ShowPointerParameters(EHand hand) { Undo.RecordObject(_controllersParameters, "Modifiying pointer"); switch (hand) { case (EHand.RIGHT): _controllersParameters.RightPointerState = (EPointerState)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Right Pointer State", _controllersParameters.RightPointerState); LayerMask rightTempMask = EditorGUILayout.MaskField("Excluded layer Right", InternalEditorUtility.LayerMaskToConcatenatedLayersMask(_controllersParameters.RightExclusionLayer), InternalEditorUtility.layers); _controllersParameters.RightExclusionLayer = InternalEditorUtility.ConcatenatedLayersMaskToLayerMask(rightTempMask); _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnRight = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color On Right", _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnRight); _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffRight = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color Off Right", _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffRight); _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableRight = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color Selectable Right", _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableRight); _controllersParameters.MaxDistancePointerRight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max Distance Right Pointer", _controllersParameters.MaxDistancePointerRight); break; case (EHand.LEFT): _controllersParameters.LeftPointerState = (EPointerState)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Left Pointer State", _controllersParameters.LeftPointerState); LayerMask leftTempMask = EditorGUILayout.MaskField("Excluded layer Left", InternalEditorUtility.LayerMaskToConcatenatedLayersMask(_controllersParameters.LeftExclusionLayer), InternalEditorUtility.layers); _controllersParameters.LeftExclusionLayer = InternalEditorUtility.ConcatenatedLayersMaskToLayerMask(leftTempMask); _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnLeft = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color On Left", _controllersParameters.ColorMatOnLeft); _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffLeft = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color Off Left", _controllersParameters.ColorMatOffLeft); _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableLeft = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color Selectable Left", _controllersParameters.ColorMatSelectableLeft); _controllersParameters.MaxDistancePointerLeft = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max Distance Left Pointer", _controllersParameters.MaxDistancePointerLeft); break; default: Debug.LogError("Error in ShowPointerParameters, the hand wasn't recognized."); break; } Undo.FlushUndoRecordObjects(); }
/// <summary> /// Method called when the user release the slider bar /// </summary> private void HandleUp() { // If the bar was filled and the user is releasing it, we invoke the OnBarReleased event if (_barFilled) { OnBarReleased.Invoke(); _barFilled = false; } // If the coroutine has been started (and thus we have a reference to it) stop it. if (_fillBarRoutine != null) { StopCoroutine(_fillBarRoutine); _fillBarRoutine = null; } // Reset the timer and bar values. _timer = 0f; value = 0.0f; // Set the Hand filling at null _handFilling = EHand.NONE; }
/// <summary> /// Check which hand is clicking on the Slider /// </summary> private void CheckHandClicking() { // Next if statements are to check which click was used on the slider if (_rightIsClicking.Value && _overListenersDictionary["Right"].Value == transform) { _handFilling = EHand.RIGHT; _fillBarRoutine = StartCoroutine(FillBar()); } else if (_leftIsClicking.Value && _overListenersDictionary["Left"].Value == transform) { _handFilling = EHand.LEFT; _fillBarRoutine = StartCoroutine(FillBar()); } else if (_gazeParameter.UseGaze && _inputContainer.GazeIsCliking.Value && _overListenersDictionary["Gaze"].Value == transform) { _handFilling = EHand.GAZE; _fillBarRoutine = StartCoroutine(FillBar()); } else { Debug.LogError("VRSF : Couldn't find reference to the Click Listener on the slider."); } }
public void RemoveRequirement(EHand Hand, GestureRequirement Requirement) { if (Hand == EHand.eRightHand) { foreach (GestureRequirementData item in RightHandRequirements) { if (item.m_Requirement == Requirement) { RightHandRequirements.Remove(item); } } } else { foreach (GestureRequirementData item in LeftHandRequirements) { if (item.m_Requirement == Requirement) { LeftHandRequirements.Remove(item); return; } } } }