        static string OverdueTaskNotifications(DateTime currentTime)
            string   nextStep     = "";
            DateTime openFromDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
            DateTime localTime;
            int      execAtHour = 10;           // set exec time default to 5 am EST

            WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

            SETTINGS        setting = null;
            List <SETTINGS> sets    = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");

                // execute at specified hour of day (e.g. TASKNOTIFY_TIME == 01:00)
                if ((setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "TASKNOTIFY_TIME").FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                    // throwing an error here if the setting format was incorrect will be helpful for debugging
                    execAtHour = int.Parse(WebSiteCommon.SplitString(setting.VALUE, ':').First());

                entities = new PSsqmEntities();

                List <PLANT> plantList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0);
                PLANT        plant     = null;

                List <TaskItem> openTaskList = TaskMgr.SelectOpenTasks(currentTime, openFromDate);
                if (openTaskList.Count > 0)
                    WriteLine("Open Tasks ...");
                    foreach (TaskItem taskItem in openTaskList)
                            if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident)
                                INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (incident != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                        EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                         //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests

                                        if (taskItem.Taskstatus >= SQM.Website.TaskStatus.Overdue)
                                            // send to notification list for plant, BU, ...
                                            //EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentStatus(incident, taskItem.Task.TASK_STEP, ((int)SysPriv.notify).ToString(), "");
                                            //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer); //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding incident or plant record");
                            else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.PreventativeAction)
                                INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (incident != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                        EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyPrevActionTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                         //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding preventative action or plant record");
                            else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit)
                                AUDIT audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (audit != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == audit.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        if (taskItem.Task.TASK_STEP == "0")
                                            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditStatus(audit, taskItem);
                                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                             //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditTaskStatus(audit, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                             //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding audit or plant record");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Error - " + ex.ToString());

            WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

        static string ProcessIncidents()
            PSsqmEntities entities          = new PSsqmEntities();
            SETTINGS      setting           = null;
            int           workdays          = 7;
            int           rollupMonthsAhead = 0;
            string        nextStep          = "";
            DateTime      fromDate          = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-11);  // set the incident 'select from' date.  TODO: get this from SETTINGS table
            // set end date to end of current month to clear spurrious entries ?
            DateTime rollupToDate = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month));

            WriteLine("INCIDENT Rollup Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

            List <SETTINGS> sets = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");            // ABW 20140805

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_WORKDAYS").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE))
                    if (!int.TryParse(setting.VALUE, out workdays))
                        workdays = 7;

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_NEXTPAGE").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE) && setting.VALUE.Length > 1)
                    nextStep = setting.VALUE;

                // fetch all incidents occurring after the minimum reporting date
                List <INCIDENT> incidentList = (from i in entities.INCIDENT.Include("INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS")
                                                i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID != (decimal)EHSIncidentTypeId.PreventativeAction &&
                                                i.INCIDENT_DT >= fromDate && i.DETECT_PLANT_ID > 0
                                                select i).OrderBy(l => l.DETECT_PLANT_ID).ThenBy(l => l.INCIDENT_DT).ToList();

                List <PLANT> plantList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0);
                PLANT        plant     = null;

                // fetch all the plant accounting records for the target timespan
                DateTime minDate = incidentList.Select(l => l.INCIDENT_DT).Min();
                minDate = minDate.AddMonths(-1);
                PLANT_ACCOUNTING        pa     = null;
                List <PLANT_ACCOUNTING> paList = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACCOUNTING
                                                  EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(a.PERIOD_YEAR, a.PERIOD_MONTH, 1, 0, 0, 0) >= minDate && EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(a.PERIOD_YEAR, a.PERIOD_MONTH, 1, 0, 0, 0) <= rollupToDate
                                                  select a).OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_ID).ThenBy(l => l.PERIOD_YEAR).ThenBy(l => l.PERIOD_MONTH).ToList();

                List <EHSIncidentTimeAccounting> summaryList = new List <EHSIncidentTimeAccounting>();

                foreach (INCIDENT incident in incidentList)
                    WriteLine("Incident ID: " + incident.INCIDENT_ID.ToString() + "  Occur Date: " + Convert.ToDateTime(incident.INCIDENT_DT).ToShortDateString());
                    if (incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == (decimal)EHSIncidentTypeId.InjuryIllness)
                    plant       = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == (decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault();
                    summaryList = EHSIncidentMgr.SummarizeIncidentAccounting(summaryList, EHSIncidentMgr.CalculateIncidentAccounting(incident, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE, workdays));

                plant = null;
                PLANT_ACTIVE pact = null;
                DateTime     periodDate;

                foreach (PLANT_ACCOUNTING pah in paList.OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_ID).ToList())
                    if (pact == null || pact.PLANT_ID != pah.PLANT_ID)
                        pact = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == pah.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident select a).SingleOrDefault();
                    //if (pact != null && pact.EFF_END_DATE.HasValue && new DateTime(pah.PERIOD_YEAR, pah.PERIOD_MONTH, 1).Date >= ((DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE).Date)
                    if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue && new DateTime(pah.PERIOD_YEAR, pah.PERIOD_MONTH, 1).Date >= ((DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE).Date)
                        pah.TIME_LOST       = pah.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED = 0;
                        pah.TIME_LOST_CASES = pah.RECORDED_CASES = pah.FIRST_AID_CASES = 0;

                plant = null;
                pact  = null;
                foreach (EHSIncidentTimeAccounting period in summaryList.OrderBy(l => l.PlantID).ThenBy(l => l.PeriodYear).ThenBy(l => l.PeriodMonth).ToList())
                    if (plant == null || plant.PLANT_ID != period.PlantID)
                        plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == period.PlantID).FirstOrDefault();
                        pact  = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident select a).SingleOrDefault();
                    periodDate = new DateTime(period.PeriodYear, period.PeriodMonth, 1);

                    if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue && periodDate >= pact.EFF_START_DATE)
                        // write PLANT_ACCOUNTING metrics
                        if ((pa = paList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == period.PlantID && l.PERIOD_YEAR == period.PeriodYear && l.PERIOD_MONTH == period.PeriodMonth).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
                            paList.Add((pa = new PLANT_ACCOUNTING()));
                            pa.PLANT_ID     = period.PlantID;
                            pa.PERIOD_YEAR  = period.PeriodYear;
                            pa.PERIOD_MONTH = period.PeriodMonth;
                        pa.TIME_LOST             = period.LostTime;
                        pa.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED = period.RestrictedTime;
                        pa.TIME_LOST_CASES       = period.LostTimeCase;
                        pa.RECORDED_CASES        = period.RecordableCase;
                        pa.FIRST_AID_CASES       = period.FirstAidCase;
                        pa.LAST_UPD_DT           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        pa.LAST_UPD_BY           = "automated";

                        EHSModel.UpdatePlantAccounting(entities, pa);

                WriteLine("INCIDENT Rollup Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("INCIDENT RollUp Error: " + ex.ToString());

        AlertData PopulateByIncidentId(decimal iid)
            AlertData d        = new AlertData();
            var       entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            d.incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, iid);

            if (d.incident != null)
                    string plantName = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectPlantNameById((decimal)d.incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID);
                    d.incidentLocation = plantName;
                    d.incidentNumber   = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(iid, 6);

                    string  incidentType   = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeByIncidentId(iid);
                    decimal incidentTypeId = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeIdByIncidentId(iid);
                    decimal companyId      = d.incident.DETECT_COMPANY_ID;
                    var     questions      = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 0);
                    questions.AddRange(EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 1));

                    d.answerList = EHSIncidentMgr.GetIncidentAnswerList(d.incident.INCIDENT_ID);
                    INCIDENT_ANSWER answer = null;

                    // Date/Time

                    d.incidentDate = d.incident.INCIDENT_DT.ToShortDateString();
                    if ((answer = d.answerList.Where(a => a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.TimeOfDay).SingleOrDefault()) != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer.ANSWER_VALUE))
                            d.incidentTime = Convert.ToDateTime(answer.ANSWER_VALUE).ToShortTimeString();

                    if ((answer = d.answerList.Where(a => a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.Shift).SingleOrDefault()) != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(reportXLAT, "SHIFT", answer.ANSWER_VALUE).DESCRIPTION))
                            answer.ANSWER_VALUE = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(reportXLAT, "SHIFT", answer.ANSWER_VALUE).DESCRIPTION;

                    if ((answer = d.answerList.Where(a => a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.Department).SingleOrDefault()) != null)
                        d.incidentDept = answer.ANSWER_VALUE;
                        decimal deptID = 0;
                        if (decimal.TryParse(answer.ANSWER_VALUE, out deptID))
                            DEPARTMENT dept = SQMModelMgr.LookupDepartment(entities, deptID);
                            if (dept != null)
                                d.incidentDept = dept.DEPT_NAME;

                    // Incident Type

                    d.incidentType = incidentType;

                    // Description

                    d.incidentDescription = d.incident.DESCRIPTION;

                    d.detectPerson = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, (decimal)d.incident.CREATE_PERSON, "", false);
                    if (d.detectPerson != null)
                        d.supervisorPerson = SQMModelMgr.LookupPersonByEmpID(entities, d.detectPerson.SUPV_EMP_ID);

                    if (d.incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == (decimal)EHSIncidentTypeId.InjuryIllness)
                        if (d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INVOLVED_PERSON_ID.HasValue)
                            d.involvedPerson = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, (decimal)d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INVOLVED_PERSON_ID, "", false);
                            if (d.involvedPerson != null)
                                if (d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.SUPERVISOR_PERSON_ID.HasValue)                                             // supervisor was known
                                    d.supervisorPerson = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, (decimal)d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.SUPERVISOR_PERSON_ID, "", false);
                                    // get current supervisor
                                    d.supervisorPerson = SQMModelMgr.LookupPersonByEmpID(entities, d.involvedPerson.SUPV_EMP_ID);
                            d.involvedPerson            = new PERSON();
                            d.involvedPerson.FIRST_NAME = d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.INVOLVED_PERSON_NAME;

                        if (d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.DEPT_ID.HasValue)
                            DEPARTMENT dept = SQMModelMgr.LookupDepartment(entities, (decimal)d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.DEPT_ID);
                            if (dept != null)
                                d.incidentDept = dept.DEPT_NAME;
                            d.incidentDept = d.incident.INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS.DEPARTMENT;

                    // Containment
                    foreach (INCFORM_CONTAIN cc in EHSIncidentMgr.GetContainmentList(iid, null, false))
                        if (cc.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID.HasValue)
                            cc.ASSIGNED_PERSON = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)cc.ASSIGNED_PERSON_ID, ""));

                    // Root Cause(s)
                    d.root5YList = EHSIncidentMgr.GetRootCauseList(iid).Where(l => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l.ITEM_DESCRIPTION)).ToList();
                    if (d.root5YList != null && d.root5YList.Count > 0)
                        if (d.incident.INCFORM_CAUSATION != null && d.incident.INCFORM_CAUSATION.Count > 0)
                            d.causation = d.incident.INCFORM_CAUSATION.ElementAt(0);

                    // Corrective Actions
                    foreach (TASK_STATUS ac in EHSIncidentMgr.GetCorrectiveActionList(iid, null, false))
                        if (ac.RESPONSIBLE_ID.HasValue)
                            ac.COMMENTS = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)ac.RESPONSIBLE_ID, ""));

                    var files = (from a in entities.ATTACHMENT
                                 (a.RECORD_ID == iid && a.RECORD_TYPE == 40 && a.DISPLAY_TYPE > 0) &&
                                 (a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpg") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg") ||
                                  a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".gif") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".png") ||
                                 orderby a.RECORD_TYPE, a.FILE_NAME
                                 select new
                        Data = (from f in entities.ATTACHMENT_FILE where f.ATTACHMENT_ID == a.ATTACHMENT_ID select f.ATTACHMENT_DATA).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Description = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.FILE_DESC)) ? "" : a.FILE_DESC,

                    d.approvalList = EHSIncidentMgr.GetApprovalList(entities, (decimal)d.incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID, 10.0m, iid, null, 0);

                    if (files.Count > 0)
                        d.photoData     = new List <byte[]>();
                        d.photoCaptions = new List <string>();

                        foreach (var f in files)

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pageMode = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["m"]))               // .../...aspx?p=xxxxx
                pageMode = Request.QueryString["m"].ToLower();                 // page mode (web == running manually from the menu)

            if (IsPostBack)
                if (pageMode != "web")
                    System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

            output = new StringBuilder();
            bool     validIP         = true;
            DateTime thisPeriod      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            decimal  updateIndicator = thisPeriod.Ticks;
            decimal  locationID      = 0;

            WriteLine("Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

                string          currentIP = GetIPAddress();
                List <SETTINGS> sets      = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");           // ABW 20140805

                string strValidIP = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ValidIP").VALUE.ToString();

                 * if (strValidIP.Equals(currentIP))
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from a valid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = true;
                 *      if (Request.QueryString["validation"] != null)
                 *      {
                 *              if (Request.QueryString["validation"].ToString().Equals("Vb12M11a4"))
                 *                      validIP = true;
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *              WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp requested from incorrect source.");
                 *              validIP = false;
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from invalid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = false;
                 * }
            catch (Exception ex)
                validIP = false;
                WriteLine("Main Email Notification Error validating IP Address: " + ex.ToString());

            // make sure this code is NOT moved to production
            validIP = true;

            if (!validIP)
                WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp Invalid IP Address");
                ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

                System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

                PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

                List <TaskItem> openAuditList = TaskMgr.SelectOpenAudits(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow);
                if (openAuditList.Count > 0)
                    WriteLine("Open Audits ...");
                    foreach (TaskItem taskItem in openAuditList)
                        WriteLine("Audit: " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                        AUDIT audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                        if (audit != null)
                            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditStatus(audit, taskItem);

                List <TaskItem> openTaskList = TaskMgr.SelectOpenTasks(DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow);
                if (openTaskList.Count > 0)
                    WriteLine("Open Tasks ...");
                    foreach (TaskItem taskItem in openTaskList)
                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                        if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident)
                            INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                            if (incident != null)
                                // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                if (taskItem.Taskstatus >= TaskStatus.Overdue)
                                    // send to notification list for plant, BU, ...
                                    EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentStatus(incident, taskItem.Task.TASK_STEP, ((int)SysPriv.notify).ToString(), "");
                        else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.PreventativeAction)
                            INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                            if (incident != null)
                                // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyPrevActionTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                        else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit)
                            AUDIT audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                            if (audit != null)
                                EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditTaskStatus(audit, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("Main Email Notificaion Error - " + ex.ToString());

            WriteLine("Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
            ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

            System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);
        AlertData PopulateByIncidentId(decimal iid)
            AlertData d        = new AlertData();
            var       entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            var incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, iid);

            if (incident != null)
                string plantName = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectPlantNameById((decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID);
                d.incidentLocation = String.Format("Location: {0}", plantName);
                d.incidentNumber   = String.Format("Incident #: {0}", iid);

                string  incidentType   = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeByIncidentId(iid);
                decimal incidentTypeId = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeIdByIncidentId(iid);
                decimal companyId      = incident.DETECT_COMPANY_ID;
                var     questions      = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 0);
                questions.AddRange(EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 1));

                // Date/Time

                d.incidentDateTime = incident.INCIDENT_DT.ToLongDateString();

                var timeQuestion = questions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.TimeOfDay);
                if (timeQuestion != null)
                    string timeAnswer = (from a in entities.INCIDENT_ANSWER
                                         a.INCIDENT_ID == incident.INCIDENT_ID &&
                                         a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.TimeOfDay
                                         select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeAnswer))
                        d.incidentDateTime += " " + Convert.ToDateTime(timeAnswer).ToShortTimeString();

                // Incident Type

                d.incidentType = incidentType;

                // Description

                d.incidentDescription = incident.DESCRIPTION;

                // Root Cause(s)

                var rootCauseQuestion = questions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.RootCause);
                if (rootCauseQuestion != null)
                    string rootCauseAnswer = (from a in entities.INCIDENT_ANSWER
                                              a.INCIDENT_ID == iid &&
                                              a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.RootCause
                                              select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootCauseAnswer))
                        d.incidentRootCause = new List <string> {

                // Containment

                var containmentQuestion = questions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.Containment);
                if (containmentQuestion != null)
                    string containmentAnswer = (from a in entities.INCIDENT_ANSWER
                                                a.INCIDENT_ID == iid &&
                                                a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.Containment
                                                select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(containmentAnswer))
                        d.incidentContainment = new List <string> {

                // Corrective Actions

                var correctiveQuestion = questions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.CorrectiveActions);
                if (correctiveQuestion != null)
                    string correctiveAnswer = (from a in entities.INCIDENT_ANSWER
                                               a.INCIDENT_ID == iid &&
                                               a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.CorrectiveActions
                                               select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(correctiveAnswer))
                        d.incidentCorrectiveActions = new List <string> {

                var files = (from a in entities.ATTACHMENT
                             (a.RECORD_ID == iid && a.RECORD_TYPE == 40 && a.DISPLAY_TYPE > 0) &&
                             (a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpg") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg") ||
                              a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".gif") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".png") ||
                             orderby a.RECORD_TYPE, a.FILE_NAME
                             select new
                    Data = (from f in entities.ATTACHMENT_FILE where f.ATTACHMENT_ID == a.ATTACHMENT_ID select f.ATTACHMENT_DATA).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Description = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.FILE_DESC)) ? "" : a.FILE_DESC,

                if (files.Count > 0)
                    d.photoData     = new List <byte[]>();
                    d.photoCaptions = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var f in files)

        AlertData PopulateByProblemCaseId(decimal pcid)
            AlertData d        = new AlertData();
            var       entities = new PSsqmEntities();

            PROB_CASE probCase = ProblemCase.LookupCase(entities, pcid);

            if (probCase != null)
                List <INCIDENT> incidentList = ProblemCase.LookupProbIncidentList(entities, probCase);

                if (incidentList.Count > 0)
                    var incident = incidentList[0];

                    string plantName = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectPlantNameById((decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID);
                    d.incidentLocation = String.Format("Location: {0}", plantName);
                    d.incidentNumber   = String.Format("Incident #: {0}", incident.INCIDENT_ID);

                    string  incidentType   = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeByIncidentId(incident.INCIDENT_ID);
                    decimal incidentTypeId = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeIdByIncidentId(incident.INCIDENT_ID);
                    decimal companyId      = incident.DETECT_COMPANY_ID;
                    var     questions      = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 0);
                    questions.AddRange(EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentQuestionList(incidentTypeId, companyId, 1));

                    d.incidentDateTime = incidentList[0].INCIDENT_DT.ToLongDateString();

                    var timeQuestion = questions.FirstOrDefault(q => q.QuestionId == 5);
                    if (timeQuestion != null)
                        string timeAnswer = (from a in entities.INCIDENT_ANSWER
                                             a.INCIDENT_ID == incident.INCIDENT_ID &&
                                             a.INCIDENT_QUESTION_ID == 5
                                             select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeAnswer))
                            d.incidentDateTime += " " + Convert.ToDateTime(timeAnswer).ToShortTimeString();

                    d.incidentType        = incidentType;
                    d.incidentDescription = probCase.DESC_LONG;

                    // Root Cause(s)

                    List <PROB_CAUSE_STEP> probCauses = (from i in entities.PROB_CAUSE_STEP
                                                         i.PROBCASE_ID == pcid &&
                                                         i.IS_ROOTCAUSE == true
                                                         select i).ToList();

                    if (probCauses.Count > 0)
                        d.incidentRootCause = (from rc in probCauses select rc.HOW_CONFIRMED).ToList();

                    // Containment

                    var containment = (from i in entities.PROB_CONTAIN
                                       where i.PROBCASE_ID == pcid
                                       select new
                        Recommendation = i.CONTAINMENT_DESC,
                        Action = i.INITIAL_ACTION,
                        Results = i.INITIAL_RESULTS

                    var actions = (from i in entities.PROB_CONTAIN_ACTION
                                   where i.PROBCASE_ID == pcid
                                   select i.ACTION_ITEM).ToList();

                    if (containment != null)
                        d.incidentContainment = new List <string> ();

                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(containment.Recommendation))
                        //	d.incidentContainment.Add("RECOMMENDATION: " + containment.Recommendation);
                        //	d.incidentContainment.Add(" ");

                        if (actions != null)
                            string strActions;
                            int    i = 1;
                            foreach (var actionItem in actions)
                                strActions = i++ + ") " + actionItem;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(containment.Results))
                            d.incidentContainment.Add(" ");
                            d.incidentContainment.Add("RESULTS: " + containment.Results);

                    // Corrective Actions

                    var correctiveActions = (from i in entities.PROB_CAUSE_ACTION
                                             where i.PROBCASE_ID == pcid
                                             select i.ACTION_DESC).ToList();

                    if (correctiveActions.Count() > 0)
                        d.incidentCorrectiveActions = new List <string>();
                        int i = 1;
                        foreach (var ca in correctiveActions)
                            d.incidentCorrectiveActions.Add(i++ + ") " + ca);

                    // Photos

                    var files = (from a in entities.ATTACHMENT
                                 ((a.RECORD_ID == incident.INCIDENT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == 40) || (a.RECORD_ID == pcid && a.RECORD_TYPE == 21)) &&
                                 (a.DISPLAY_TYPE > 0) &&
                                 (a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpg") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg") ||
                                  a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".gif") || a.FILE_NAME.ToLower().Contains(".png") ||
                                 orderby a.RECORD_TYPE, a.FILE_NAME
                                 select new
                        Data = (from f in entities.ATTACHMENT_FILE where f.ATTACHMENT_ID == a.ATTACHMENT_ID select f.ATTACHMENT_DATA).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Description = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.FILE_DESC)) ? "" : a.FILE_DESC,

                    if (files.Count > 0)
                        d.photoData     = new List <byte[]>();
                        d.photoCaptions = new List <string>();

                        foreach (var f in files)

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pageMode = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["m"]))               // .../...aspx?p=xxxxx
                pageMode = Request.QueryString["m"].ToLower();                 // page mode (web == running manually from the menu)

            if (IsPostBack)
                if (pageMode != "web")
                    System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

            output = new StringBuilder();
            SETTINGS         setting  = null;
            bool             validIP  = true;
            int              workdays = 7;
            string           pageURI  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string           nextPage = "";
            PLANT_ACCOUNTING pa       = null;

            fromDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-11);                // set the incident 'select from' date.  TODO: get this from SETTINGS table
            // set end date to end of current month to clear spurrious entries ?
            DateTime rollupToDate = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month));

            WriteLine("Incident Rollup Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));


                string          currentIP = GetIPAddress();
                List <SETTINGS> sets      = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");           // ABW 20140805

                string strValidIP = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ValidIP").VALUE.ToString();
                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_WORKDAYS").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE))
                    if (!int.TryParse(setting.VALUE, out workdays))
                        workdays = 7;
                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_NEXTPAGE").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE) && setting.VALUE.Length > 1)
                    nextPage = setting.VALUE;

                 * int rollupMonthsAhead = 0;
                 * setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_MONTHS_AHEAD").FirstOrDefault();
                 * if (setting != null  &&  !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE))
                 * {
                 *      int.TryParse(setting.VALUE, out rollupMonthsAhead);
                 *      rollupToDate = rollupToDate.AddMonths(rollupMonthsAhead);
                 * }
                 * if (strValidIP.Equals(currentIP))
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from a valid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = true;
                 *      if (Request.QueryString["validation"] != null)
                 *      {
                 *              if (Request.QueryString["validation"].ToString().Equals("Vb12M11a4"))
                 *                      validIP = true;
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *              WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp requested from incorrect source.");
                 *              validIP = false;
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from invalid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = false;
                 * }
            catch (Exception ex)
                validIP = false;
                WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp Error validating IP Address: " + ex.ToString());

            // make sure this code is NOT moved to production
            //validIP = true;

            if (!validIP)
                WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp Invalid IP Address");
                ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

                if (pageMode != "web")
                    System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

                PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

                // fetch all incidents occurring after the minimum reporting date
                List <INCIDENT> incidentList = (from i in entities.INCIDENT.Include("INCFORM_INJURYILLNESS")
                                                i.ISSUE_TYPE_ID != (decimal)EHSIncidentTypeId.PreventativeAction &&
                                                i.INCIDENT_DT >= fromDate && i.DETECT_PLANT_ID > 0
                                                select i).OrderBy(l => l.DETECT_PLANT_ID).ThenBy(l => l.INCIDENT_DT).ToList();

                List <PLANT> plantList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0);
                PLANT        plant     = null;

                // fetch all the plant accounting records for the target timespan
                DateTime minDate = incidentList.Select(l => l.INCIDENT_DT).Min();
                minDate = minDate.AddMonths(-1);
                List <PLANT_ACCOUNTING> paList = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACCOUNTING
                                                  EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(a.PERIOD_YEAR, a.PERIOD_MONTH, 1, 0, 0, 0) >= minDate && EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(a.PERIOD_YEAR, a.PERIOD_MONTH, 1, 0, 0, 0) <= rollupToDate
                                                  select a).OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_ID).ThenBy(l => l.PERIOD_YEAR).ThenBy(l => l.PERIOD_MONTH).ToList();

                List <EHSIncidentTimeAccounting> summaryList = new List <EHSIncidentTimeAccounting>();

                foreach (INCIDENT incident in incidentList)
                    WriteLine("Incident ID: " + incident.INCIDENT_ID.ToString() + "  Occur Date: " + Convert.ToDateTime(incident.INCIDENT_DT).ToShortDateString());
                    if (incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == (decimal)EHSIncidentTypeId.InjuryIllness)
                    plant       = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == (decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault();
                    summaryList = EHSIncidentMgr.SummarizeIncidentAccounting(summaryList, EHSIncidentMgr.CalculateIncidentAccounting(incident, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE, workdays));

                plant = null;
                PLANT_ACTIVE pact = null;
                DateTime     periodDate;

                foreach (PLANT_ACCOUNTING pah in paList.OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_ID).ToList())
                    if (pact == null || pact.PLANT_ID != pah.PLANT_ID)
                        pact = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == pah.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident select a).SingleOrDefault();
                    //if (pact != null && pact.EFF_END_DATE.HasValue && new DateTime(pah.PERIOD_YEAR, pah.PERIOD_MONTH, 1).Date >= ((DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE).Date)
                    if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue && new DateTime(pah.PERIOD_YEAR, pah.PERIOD_MONTH, 1).Date >= ((DateTime)pact.EFF_START_DATE).Date)
                        pah.TIME_LOST       = pah.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED = 0;
                        pah.TIME_LOST_CASES = pah.RECORDED_CASES = pah.FIRST_AID_CASES = 0;

                plant = null;
                pact  = null;
                foreach (EHSIncidentTimeAccounting period in summaryList.OrderBy(l => l.PlantID).ThenBy(l => l.PeriodYear).ThenBy(l => l.PeriodMonth).ToList())
                    if (plant == null || plant.PLANT_ID != period.PlantID)
                        plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == period.PlantID).FirstOrDefault();
                        pact  = (from a in entities.PLANT_ACTIVE where a.PLANT_ID == plant.PLANT_ID && a.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident select a).SingleOrDefault();
                    periodDate = new DateTime(period.PeriodYear, period.PeriodMonth, 1);

                    if (pact != null && pact.EFF_START_DATE.HasValue && periodDate >= pact.EFF_START_DATE)
                        // write PLANT_ACCOUNTING metrics
                        if ((pa = paList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == period.PlantID && l.PERIOD_YEAR == period.PeriodYear && l.PERIOD_MONTH == period.PeriodMonth).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
                            paList.Add((pa = new PLANT_ACCOUNTING()));
                            pa.PLANT_ID     = period.PlantID;
                            pa.PERIOD_YEAR  = period.PeriodYear;
                            pa.PERIOD_MONTH = period.PeriodMonth;
                        pa.TIME_LOST             = period.LostTime;
                        pa.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED = period.RestrictedTime;
                        pa.TIME_LOST_CASES       = period.LostTimeCase;
                        pa.RECORDED_CASES        = period.RecordableCase;
                        pa.FIRST_AID_CASES       = period.FirstAidCase;
                        pa.LAST_UPD_DT           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        pa.LAST_UPD_BY           = "automated";

                        EHSModel.UpdatePlantAccounting(entities, pa);
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp Error - " + ex.ToString());

            WriteLine("Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
            ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPage))
                    int    s1          = pageURI.LastIndexOf('/');
                    int    s2          = pageURI.LastIndexOf('.') > -1 ? pageURI.LastIndexOf('.') : pageURI.Length;
                    string nextPageURI = pageURI.Substring(0, s1 + 1) + nextPage + pageURI.Substring(s2, pageURI.Length - s2);
            catch (Exception ex)
                output = new StringBuilder();
                WriteLine("RollUp Redirect Error - " + ex.ToString());

            if (pageMode != "web")
                System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);