public static void ProcessEvents(EGAHTTPApiResponse responseEnum, JSONNode dataDict, string putbackSql, string deleteSql, int eventCount)
            if (responseEnum == EGAHTTPApiResponse.Ok)
                // Delete events
                GALogger.I("Event queue: " + eventCount + " events sent.");
                // Put events back (Only in case of no response)
                if (responseEnum == EGAHTTPApiResponse.NoResponse)
                    GALogger.W("Event queue: Failed to send events to collector - Retrying next time");
                    // Delete events (When getting some anwser back always assume events are processed)
                    if (dataDict != null)
                        JSONNode json = null;
                        IEnumerator <JSONNode> enumerator = dataDict.Childs.GetEnumerator();
                        if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                            json = enumerator.Current;

                        if (responseEnum == EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest && json is JSONArray)
                            GALogger.W("Event queue: " + eventCount + " events sent. " + dataDict.Count + " events failed GA server validation.");
                            GALogger.W("Event queue: Failed to send events.");
                        GALogger.W("Event queue: Failed to send events.");


        public KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONNode> SendEventsInArray(List <JSONNode> eventArray)
            JSONNode json;

            if (eventArray.Count == 0)
                GALogger.D("sendEventsInArray called with missing eventArray");

            EGAHTTPApiResponse result  = EGAHTTPApiResponse.NoResponse;
            string             gameKey = GAState.GameKey;

            // Generate URL
            string url = baseUrl + "/" + gameKey + "/" + eventsUrlPath;

            GALogger.D("Sending 'events' URL: " + url);

            // make JSON string from data
            string JSONstring = GAUtilities.ArrayOfObjectsToJsonString(eventArray);

            if (JSONstring.Length == 0)
                GALogger.D("sendEventsInArray JSON encoding failed of eventArray");
                json   = null;
                result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonEncodeFailed;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONNode>(result, json));

            string         body                = "";
            HttpStatusCode responseCode        = (HttpStatusCode)0;
            string         responseDescription = "";
            string         authorization       = "";

                byte[]         payloadData = CreatePayloadData(JSONstring, useGzip);
                HttpWebRequest request     = CreateRequest(url, payloadData, useGzip);
                authorization = request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization];
                using (Stream dataStream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync())
                using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    dataStream.Write(payloadData, 0, payloadData.Length);

                using (HttpWebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync() as HttpWebResponse)
                using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                    using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream))
                            string responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                            responseCode        = response.StatusCode;
                            responseDescription = response.StatusDescription;

                            // print result
                            body = responseString;
            catch (WebException e)
                if (e.Response != null)
                    using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response)
                        using (Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream())
                            using (StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse))
                                string responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd();

                                responseCode        = response.StatusCode;
                                responseDescription = response.StatusDescription;

                                body = responseString;
            catch (Exception e)

            GALogger.D("events request content: " + body);

            EGAHTTPApiResponse requestResponseEnum = ProcessRequestResponse(responseCode, responseDescription, body, "Events");

            // if not 200 result
            if (requestResponseEnum != EGAHTTPApiResponse.Ok && requestResponseEnum != EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest)
                GALogger.D("Failed events Call. URL: " + url + ", Authorization: " + authorization + ", JSONString: " + JSONstring);
                json   = null;
                result = requestResponseEnum;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONNode>(result, json));

            // decode JSON
            JSONNode requestJsonDict = JSON.Parse(body);

            if (requestJsonDict == null)
                json   = null;
                result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonDecodeFailed;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONNode>(result, json));

            // print reason if bad request
            if (requestResponseEnum == EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest)
                GALogger.D("Failed Events Call. Bad request. Response: " + requestJsonDict.ToString());

            // return response
            json   = requestJsonDict;
            result = requestResponseEnum;
            return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONNode>(result, json));
        public KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass> RequestInitReturningDict()
            JSONClass          json;
            EGAHTTPApiResponse result  = EGAHTTPApiResponse.NoResponse;
            string             gameKey = GAState.GameKey;

            // Generate URL
            string url = baseUrl + "/" + gameKey + "/" + initializeUrlPath;

            GALogger.D("Sending 'init' URL: " + url);

            JSONClass initAnnotations = GAState.GetInitAnnotations();

            // make JSON string from data
            string JSONstring = initAnnotations.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JSONstring))
                result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonEncodeFailed;
                json   = null;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));

            string         body                = "";
            HttpStatusCode responseCode        = (HttpStatusCode)0;
            string         responseDescription = "";
            string         authorization       = "";

                byte[]         payloadData = CreatePayloadData(JSONstring, useGzip);
                HttpWebRequest request     = CreateRequest(url, payloadData, useGzip);
                authorization = request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization];
                using (Stream dataStream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync())
                using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    dataStream.Write(payloadData, 0, payloadData.Length);

                using (HttpWebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync() as HttpWebResponse)
                using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                    using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream))
                            string responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                            responseCode        = response.StatusCode;
                            responseDescription = response.StatusDescription;

                            // print result
                            body = responseString;
            catch (WebException e)
                if (e.Response != null)
                    using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response)
                        using (Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream())
                            using (StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse))
                                string responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd();

                                responseCode        = response.StatusCode;
                                responseDescription = response.StatusDescription;

                                body = responseString;
            catch (Exception e)

            // process the response
            GALogger.D("init request content : " + body);

            JSONNode           requestJsonDict     = JSON.Parse(body);
            EGAHTTPApiResponse requestResponseEnum = ProcessRequestResponse(responseCode, responseDescription, body, "Init");

            // if not 200 result
            if (requestResponseEnum != EGAHTTPApiResponse.Ok && requestResponseEnum != EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest)
                GALogger.D("Failed Init Call. URL: " + url + ", Authorization: " + authorization + ", JSONString: " + JSONstring);
                result = requestResponseEnum;
                json   = null;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));

            if (requestJsonDict == null)
                GALogger.D("Failed Init Call. Json decoding failed");
                result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonDecodeFailed;
                json   = null;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));

            // print reason if bad request
            if (requestResponseEnum == EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest)
                GALogger.D("Failed Init Call. Bad request. Response: " + requestJsonDict.AsObject.ToString());
                // return bad request result
                result = requestResponseEnum;
                json   = null;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));

            // validate Init call values
            JSONClass validatedInitValues = GAValidator.ValidateAndCleanInitRequestResponse(requestJsonDict);

            if (validatedInitValues == null)
                result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadResponse;
                json   = null;
                return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));

            // all ok
            result = EGAHTTPApiResponse.Ok;
            json   = validatedInitValues;
            return(new KeyValuePair <EGAHTTPApiResponse, JSONClass>(result, json));
        public static void StartNewSession(EGAHTTPApiResponse initResponse, JSONObject initResponseDict)
            // init is ok
            if (initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.Ok && initResponseDict != null)
                // set the time offset - how many seconds the local time is different from servertime
                long timeOffsetSeconds = 0;
                if (initResponseDict["server_ts"] != null)
                    long serverTs = initResponseDict["server_ts"].AsLong;
                    timeOffsetSeconds = CalculateServerTimeOffset(serverTs);
                initResponseDict.Add("time_offset", new JSONNumber(timeOffsetSeconds));

                // insert new config in sql lite cross session storage
                GAStore.SetState(SdkConfigCachedKey, initResponseDict.SaveToBinaryBase64());

                // set new config and cache in memory
                Instance.sdkConfigCached = initResponseDict;
                Instance.sdkConfig       = initResponseDict;

                Instance.InitAuthorized = true;
            else if (initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.Unauthorized)
                GALogger.W("Initialize SDK failed - Unauthorized");
                Instance.InitAuthorized = false;
                // log the status if no connection
                if (initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.NoResponse || initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.RequestTimeout)
                    GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - no response. Could be offline or timeout.");
                else if (initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadResponse || initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonEncodeFailed || initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.JsonDecodeFailed)
                    GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - bad response. Could be bad response from proxy or GA servers.");
                else if (initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.BadRequest || initResponse == EGAHTTPApiResponse.UnknownResponseCode)
                    GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - bad request or unknown response.");

                // init call failed (perhaps offline)
                if (Instance.sdkConfig == null)
                    if (Instance.sdkConfigCached != null)
                        GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - using cached init values.");
                        // set last cross session stored config init values
                        Instance.sdkConfig = Instance.sdkConfigCached;
                        GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - using default init values.");
                        // set default init values
                        Instance.sdkConfig = Instance.sdkConfigDefault;
                    GALogger.I("Init call (session start) failed - using cached init values.");
                Instance.InitAuthorized = true;

                JSONNode currentSdkConfig = SdkConfig;

                if (currentSdkConfig["enabled"].IsBoolean && !currentSdkConfig["enabled"].AsBool)
                    Instance.Enabled = false;
                else if (!Instance.InitAuthorized)
                    Instance.Enabled = false;
                    Instance.Enabled = true;

            // set offset in state (memory) from current config (config could be from cache etc.)
            Instance.ClientServerTimeOffset = SdkConfig["time_offset"] != null ? SdkConfig["time_offset"].AsLong : 0;

            // populate configurations

            // if SDK is disabled in config
            if (!IsEnabled())
                GALogger.W("Could not start session: SDK is disabled.");
                // stop event queue
                // + make sure it's able to restart if another session detects it's enabled again

            // generate the new session
            string newSessionId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string newSessionIdLowercase = newSessionId.ToLowerInvariant();

            // Set session id
            SessionId = newSessionIdLowercase;

            // Set session start
            SessionStart = GetClientTsAdjusted();

            // Add session start event