        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Image,Sex,DoB,Birthplace,HomeTown,Nation,IdNumber,Phone,Email,City,Ward,Dictrict,Street,RoomID,PositionID,ContractID,HealthInsurance,HealthInsuranceID,DeductionPersonal,DeductionDependent,EducationName,MajorID,Date,Place,CertificateName,TypeCertificate,CertificateDate,CertificatePlace,ContractID,ContractType,DateStartWork,ContractExpirationDate,BasicSalary,Password")] EmployeeViewModel employee)
            List <SelectListItem> city            = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> ward            = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> dictrict        = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> nation          = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> contractType    = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> education       = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> typecertificate = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var Directory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            //path of folder
            var path     = Directory + "./File_Text/";
            var encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            string[] lines1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "City.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines2 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Ward.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines3 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Dictrict.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines4 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Nation.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines5 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "ContractType.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines6 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Education.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines7 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "TypeCertificate.txt", encoding);
            foreach (string line in lines1)
                city.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines2)
                ward.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines3)
                dictrict.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines4)
                nation.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines5)
                contractType.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines6)
                education.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines7)
                typecertificate.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            SelectList citylist         = new SelectList(city, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList wardlist         = new SelectList(ward, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList dictrictlist     = new SelectList(dictrict, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList nationlist       = new SelectList(nation, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList contracttypelist = new SelectList(contractType, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList educationlist    = new SelectList(education, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList certificatelist  = new SelectList(typecertificate, "Value", "Text");

            // Set vào ViewBag
            ViewBag.Birthplace      = citylist;
            ViewBag.HomeTown        = citylist;
            ViewBag.nationList      = nationlist;
            ViewBag.ContractType    = contracttypelist;
            ViewBag.City            = citylist;
            ViewBag.Ward            = wardlist;
            ViewBag.Dictrict        = dictrictlist;
            ViewBag.EducationName   = educationlist;
            ViewBag.PositionID      = new SelectList(db.POSITIONs, "PositionID", "PositionName");
            ViewBag.RoomID          = new SelectList(db.ROOMs, "RoomID", "RoomName");
            ViewBag.MajorID         = new SelectList(db.MAJORs, "MajorID", "MajorName");
            ViewBag.TypeCertificate = certificatelist;
            if (employee.ContractExpirationDate < employee.DateStartWork)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ContractExpirationDate", "Ngày kết thúc phải lớn hơn ngày bắt đầu");
            var Parameter = db.PARAMETERs.ToList();
            var tuoi      = DateTime.Now.Year - employee.DoB.Year;

            if (employee.Sex == "Nam")
                if (tuoi < Parameter[19].Value) //tuoi toi thieu nam
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi > Parameter[17].Value) //tuoi toi da nam
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi < Parameter[17].Value) //tuoi toi thieu nu
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi > Parameter[18].Value) //tuoi toi da nu
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                EMPLOYEE eMPLOYEE = new EMPLOYEE();
                eMPLOYEE.EmployeeID   = employee.EmployeeID;
                eMPLOYEE.EmployeeName = FormatProperCase(employee.EmployeeName); //Chuan hoa chuoi
                if (employee.ImageFile != null)
                    employee.ImageFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/images") + "/" + employee.EmployeeID + ".jpg");
                eMPLOYEE.Sex                = employee.Sex;
                eMPLOYEE.DoB                = (DateTime)employee.DoB;
                eMPLOYEE.Birthplace         = employee.Birthplace;
                eMPLOYEE.HomeTown           = employee.HomeTown;
                eMPLOYEE.Nation             = employee.Nation;
                eMPLOYEE.IdNumber           = employee.IdNumber;
                eMPLOYEE.Phone              = employee.Phone;
                eMPLOYEE.Email              = employee.Email;
                eMPLOYEE.City               = employee.City;
                eMPLOYEE.Ward               = employee.Ward;
                eMPLOYEE.Dictrict           = employee.Dictrict;
                eMPLOYEE.Street             = employee.Street;
                eMPLOYEE.RoomID             = employee.RoomID;
                eMPLOYEE.PositionID         = employee.PositionID;
                eMPLOYEE.ContractID         = employee.ContractID;
                eMPLOYEE.FreeInsurance      = Convert.ToBoolean(employee.HealthInsurance);
                eMPLOYEE.HealthInsuranceID  = employee.HealthInsuranceID;
                eMPLOYEE.SelfDeduction      = Convert.ToBoolean(employee.DeductionPersonal);
                eMPLOYEE.DependentDeduction = employee.DeductionDependent;
                db.Entry(eMPLOYEE).State    = EntityState.Modified;
                //Trinh do
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.EmployeeID    = employee.EmployeeID;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName = employee.EducationName;
                if (eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "10" || eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "11" || eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "12")
                    eDUCATIONDETAIL.MajorID = "M09";
                    eDUCATIONDETAIL.MajorID = employee.MajorID;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.Date  = employee.Date;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.Place = employee.Place;

                //Chung chi
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.EmployeeID       = employee.EmployeeID;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificateName  = employee.CertificateName;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificateDate  = employee.CertificateDate;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificatePlace = employee.CertificatePlace;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.TypeCertificate  = employee.TypeCertificate;

                //Hop dong
                CONTRACT cONTRACT = new CONTRACT();
                cONTRACT.ContractID               = employee.ContractID;
                cONTRACT.ContractType             = employee.ContractType;
                cONTRACT.DateStartWork            = (DateTime)employee.DateStartWork;
                cONTRACT.ContractExpirationDate   = (DateTime)employee.ContractExpirationDate;
                cONTRACT.BasicSalary              = employee.BasicSalary;
                db.Entry(eDUCATIONDETAIL).State   = EntityState.Modified;
                db.Entry(cERTIFICATEDETAIL).State = EntityState.Modified;
                db.Entry(cONTRACT).State          = EntityState.Modified;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "EmployeeName,ImageFile,Sex,DoB,Birthplace,HomeTown,Nation,IdNumber,Phone,Email,City,Ward,Dictrict,Street,RoomID,PositionID,ContractID,HealthInsurance,HealthInsuranceID,DeductionPersonal,DeductionDependent,EducationName,MajorID,Date,Place,CertificateName,TypeCertificate,CertificateDate,CertificatePlace,ContractID,ContractType,DateStartWork,ContractExpirationDate,BasicSalary,Password")] EmployeeViewModel employee)
            //Tao ID nhan vien tu dong
            var    emloyeeList = db.EMPLOYEEs.SqlQuery("Select * from EMPLOYEE").ToList();
            int    n           = 0;
            string id;
            bool   flag;

                flag = false;
                String formatted = String.Format("{0:000000}", n);
                id = "NV" + formatted;
                foreach (var i in emloyeeList)
                    if (i.EmployeeID == id)
                        flag = true;
            }while (flag == true);
            List <SelectListItem> city            = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> ward            = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> dictrict        = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> nation          = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> contractType    = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> education       = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <SelectListItem> typecertificate = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var Directory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            //path of folder
            var path     = Directory + "./File_Text/";
            var encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            string[] lines1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "City.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines2 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Ward.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines3 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Dictrict.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines4 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Nation.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines5 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "ContractType.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines6 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "Education.txt", encoding);
            string[] lines7 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path + "TypeCertificate.txt", encoding);
            foreach (string line in lines1)
                city.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines2)
                ward.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines3)
                dictrict.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines4)
                nation.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines5)
                contractType.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines6)
                education.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            foreach (string line in lines7)
                typecertificate.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = line,
                    Value = line
            SelectList citylist         = new SelectList(city, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList wardlist         = new SelectList(ward, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList dictrictlist     = new SelectList(dictrict, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList nationlist       = new SelectList(nation, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList contracttypelist = new SelectList(contractType, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList educationlist    = new SelectList(education, "Value", "Text");
            SelectList certificatelist  = new SelectList(typecertificate, "Value", "Text");

            // Set vào ViewBag
            ViewBag.Birthplace      = citylist;
            ViewBag.HomeTown        = citylist;
            ViewBag.nationList      = nationlist;
            ViewBag.ContractType    = contracttypelist;
            ViewBag.City            = citylist;
            ViewBag.Ward            = wardlist;
            ViewBag.Dictrict        = dictrictlist;
            ViewBag.EducationName   = educationlist;
            ViewBag.PositionID      = new SelectList(db.POSITIONs, "PositionID", "PositionName");
            ViewBag.RoomID          = new SelectList(db.ROOMs, "RoomID", "RoomName");
            ViewBag.MajorID         = new SelectList(db.MAJORs, "MajorID", "MajorName");
            ViewBag.TypeCertificate = certificatelist;
            ViewBag.EmployeeID      = id;
            if (employee.ContractExpirationDate < employee.DateStartWork)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ContractExpirationDate", "Ngày kết thúc phải lớn hơn ngày bắt đầu");
            var Parameter = db.PARAMETERs.ToList();
            var tuoi      = DateTime.Now.Year - employee.DoB.Year;

            if (employee.Sex == "Nam")
                if (tuoi < Parameter[19].Value) //tuoi toi thieu nam
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi > Parameter[17].Value) //tuoi toi da nam
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi < Parameter[17].Value) //tuoi toi thieu nu
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
                if (tuoi > Parameter[18].Value) //tuoi toi da nu
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DoB", "Tuổi không hợp lệ");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                EMPLOYEE eMPLOYEE = new EMPLOYEE();
                eMPLOYEE.EmployeeID   = id;
                eMPLOYEE.EmployeeName = FormatProperCase(employee.EmployeeName); //Chuan hoa chuoi
                if (employee.ImageFile != null)
                    BinaryReader b       = new BinaryReader(employee.ImageFile.InputStream);
                    byte[]       binData = b.ReadBytes(employee.ImageFile.ContentLength);
                    eMPLOYEE.Image = binData;
                eMPLOYEE.Sex                = employee.Sex;
                eMPLOYEE.DoB                = (DateTime)employee.DoB;
                eMPLOYEE.Birthplace         = employee.Birthplace;
                eMPLOYEE.HomeTown           = employee.HomeTown;
                eMPLOYEE.Nation             = employee.Nation;
                eMPLOYEE.IdNumber           = employee.IdNumber;
                eMPLOYEE.Phone              = employee.Phone;
                eMPLOYEE.Email              = employee.Email;
                eMPLOYEE.City               = employee.City;
                eMPLOYEE.Ward               = employee.Ward;
                eMPLOYEE.Street             = employee.Street;
                eMPLOYEE.Dictrict           = employee.Dictrict;
                eMPLOYEE.RoomID             = employee.RoomID;
                eMPLOYEE.PositionID         = employee.PositionID;
                eMPLOYEE.ContractID         = employee.ContractID;
                eMPLOYEE.FreeInsurance      = Convert.ToBoolean(employee.HealthInsurance);
                eMPLOYEE.HealthInsuranceID  = employee.HealthInsuranceID;
                eMPLOYEE.SelfDeduction      = Convert.ToBoolean(employee.DeductionPersonal);
                eMPLOYEE.DependentDeduction = employee.DeductionDependent;
                eMPLOYEE.State              = true;
                //Trinh do
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.EmployeeID    = id;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName = employee.EducationName;
                if (eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "10" || eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "11" || eDUCATIONDETAIL.EducationName == "12")
                    eDUCATIONDETAIL.MajorID = "M09";
                    eDUCATIONDETAIL.MajorID = employee.MajorID;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.Date  = employee.Date;
                eDUCATIONDETAIL.Place = employee.Place;
                //Chung chi
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.EmployeeID       = id;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificateName  = employee.CertificateName;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificateDate  = employee.CertificateDate;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.CertificatePlace = employee.CertificatePlace;
                cERTIFICATEDETAIL.TypeCertificate  = employee.TypeCertificate;
                //Hop dong
                CONTRACT cONTRACT = new CONTRACT();
                cONTRACT.ContractID             = employee.ContractID;
                cONTRACT.ContractType           = employee.ContractType;
                cONTRACT.DateStartWork          = (DateTime)employee.DateStartWork;
                cONTRACT.ContractExpirationDate = (DateTime)employee.ContractExpirationDate;
                cONTRACT.BasicSalary            = employee.BasicSalary;
                //Tai khoan
                USER uSER = new USER();
                uSER.EmployeeID = id;
                uSER.Password   = employee.Password;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();
