 private void StoreUncommittedNote()
     if (_uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry != null)
         if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEdsm && _uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry.IsFSDJump)           // only send on FSD jumps
             EDSMSync.SendComments(_uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry.snc.Name, _uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry.snc.Note, _uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry.snc.EdsmId);
         _uncommittedNoteHistoryEntry = null;
        public void SetJournalSystemNoteText(string text, bool commit, bool sendtoedsm)
            if (snc == null || snc.Journalid == 0)           // if no system note, or its one on a system, from now on we assign journal system notes only from this IF
                snc = SystemNoteClass.MakeSystemNote("", DateTime.Now, System.name, Journalid, System.id_edsm, IsFSDJump);

            snc = snc.UpdateNote(text, commit, DateTime.Now, snc.EdsmId, IsFSDJump);    // and update info, and update our ref in case it has changed or gone null
                                                                                        // remember for EDSM send purposes if its an FSD entry

            if (snc != null && commit && sendtoedsm && snc.FSDEntry)                    // if still have a note, and commiting, and send to esdm, and FSD jump
                EDSMSync.SendComments(snc.SystemName, snc.Note, snc.EdsmId);