        //Get all of the repositories
        public ActionResult ServiceProviderCatalog()
            //Get the current list of EA repositories from the session variable
            List <EA.Repository> MyListRepo = new List <EA.Repository>();

            MyListRepo = HttpContext.Application["IanList"] as List <EA.Repository>;
            EA_Data_Manipulator EDM = new EA_Data_Manipulator();

            string WholeURL = EDM.GetBaseURL(Request, Url);

            ViewBag.ListOfSPs  = EDM.GetListOfSPs(MyListRepo);
            ViewBag.CurrentURL = "SPC";

            //We'll look into the header to decide if we need to return somthing different for JSON
            string header = Request.Headers.Get("Accept");

            if (header.Contains("json"))
                JObject JObjectToReturn = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateSPCList(WholeURL, GetListOfSPs());
                return(Content(JObjectToReturn.ToString(), "application/json"));
            if (header.Contains("html"))

        //The the top layer of the repository
        public ActionResult ServiceProviderTop()
            //Get the current list of EA repositories from the session variable
            List <EA.Repository> MyListRepo = new List <EA.Repository>();

            MyListRepo = HttpContext.Application["IanList"] as List <EA.Repository>;
            EA_Data_Manipulator EDM = new EA_Data_Manipulator();

            string BaseURL = EDM.GetBaseURL(Request, Url);

            string SP_URL = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            //Get the URL that was posted.
            var    UrlAppended  = this.Url.Action();
            string UrlAppendage = UrlAppended.ToString();

            UrlAppendage = UrlAppendage.Remove(0, 1);

            //parse the URL
            var VallueArray = UrlAppendage.Split('/');

            //Clean emptycells
            string[] CleanURL        = VallueArray.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
            string   ThingOfInterest = CleanURL[1];

            var TOI_Array = ThingOfInterest.Split('|');

            EA.Repository m_Repository = new EA.Repository();  //store the current working repository
            m_Repository = getEA_Repos(TOI_Array[0]);

            //   ViewBag.CurrentURL = BaseURL + UrlAppendage;
            ViewBag.CurrentURL = SP_URL;
            ViewBag.TOI_Name   = ThingOfInterest;
            ViewBag.TOI_Type   = m_Repository.ObjectType;

            List <string> ListOfPackagesWithData = EDM.GetListOfPackageWithData(ThingOfInterest, m_Repository);
            List <string> ListOfPackageNameOnly  = EDM.GetListOfPackageWithName(ThingOfInterest, m_Repository);

            ViewBag.ListOfPackages      = ListOfPackagesWithData;
            ViewBag.ListOfPackagesNames = ListOfPackageNameOnly;

            //We'll look into the header to decide if we need to return somthing different for JSON
            string header = Request.Headers.Get("Accept");

            if (header.Contains("json"))
                JObject JObjectToReturn = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateServices(BaseURL + "/" + CleanURL[1], ListOfPackagesWithData);
                return(Content(JObjectToReturn.ToString(), "application/json"));

            if (header.Contains("html"))

        //Get a "thing" from inside the rest service
        public ActionResult ServiceProviderContent()
            //Stuff we use later
            EA.Repository       m_Repository = new EA.Repository();
            EA_Data_Manipulator EDM          = new EA_Data_Manipulator();

            //TODO - Investigate if we really need this.
            string RootURL = EDM.GetBaseURL(Request, Url);

            //TODO - Tidy up all this array stuff
            //Get the URL that was posted.
            var    UrlAppended  = this.Url.Action();
            string UrlAppendage = UrlAppended.ToString();

            UrlAppendage = UrlAppendage.Remove(0, 1);
            var URLArray = UrlAppendage.Split('/');                                         //parse the URL

            string[] BaseURL     = URLArray.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); //Clean emptycells
            var      ThingArrary = BaseURL[2].Split('|');

            string TOI_Name    = ThingArrary[0];
            string TOI_Type    = ThingArrary[1];
            string TOI_GUID    = ThingArrary[2];
            string SP_Root_URL = RootURL + BaseURL[0] + "/" + BaseURL[1];

            ViewBag.TOI_Name   = TOI_Name;
            ViewBag.TOI_Type   = TOI_Type;
            ViewBag.TOI_GUID   = TOI_GUID;
            ViewBag.CurrentURL = BaseURL[0] + "/" + BaseURL[1];

            //Get the master repo which is needed by all things that have been clicked.
            m_Repository = getEA_Repos(URLArray[1]);

            //otPackage Lists
            List <string> ListOfPackages      = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfDiagrams      = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfElements      = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfPackagesNames = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfDiagramsNames = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfElementsNames = new List <string>();

            //otDiagram Lists
            Dictionary <string, string> DiagramDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //otElement Lists
            List <string> ListOfConnectors                = new List <string>();
            List <string> ListOfConnectorNames            = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> ElementAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            RestfulEA.Models.EA_TaggedValueStore myTVS = new Models.EA_TaggedValueStore();

            //EA.Connector MyLink = new EA.Connector();
            EA.Connector Mycon;
            Dictionary <string, string> ConnectorDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Objects for the JSON
            EA_Diagram EA_JSON_Diagram = new EA_Diagram();

            //Generate the content for the viewbag depending on type of object that the
            //user last clicked on.
            switch (ThingArrary[1])
            case "otPackage":
                EA.Package PackageToShow = (EA.Package)m_Repository.GetPackageByGuid(ThingArrary[2]);
                EDM.Generate_otPackage_content(PackageToShow, out ListOfPackages, out ListOfDiagrams, out ListOfElements, out ListOfPackagesNames, out ListOfDiagramsNames, out ListOfElementsNames);
                ViewBag.ListOfPackages      = ListOfPackages;
                ViewBag.ListOfDiagrams      = ListOfDiagrams;
                ViewBag.ListOfElements      = ListOfElements;
                ViewBag.ListOfPackagesNames = ListOfPackagesNames;
                ViewBag.ListOfDiagramsNames = ListOfDiagramsNames;
                ViewBag.ListOfElementsNames = ListOfElementsNames;


            case "otDiagram":

                //HTML Content
                EDM.Generate_otDiagram_content(m_Repository, ThingArrary[2], SP_Root_URL, out ListOfElements, out ListOfElementsNames, out ListOfConnectors, out ListOfConnectorNames, out DiagramDictionary);
                ViewBag.ListOfElements      = ListOfElements;
                ViewBag.ListOfElementsNames = ListOfElementsNames;
                ViewBag.ListOfLinkURLs      = ListOfConnectors;
                ViewBag.ListOfLinkNames     = ListOfConnectorNames;
                ViewBag.CurrentURL         += "/" + TOI_Name + "|" + TOI_Type + "|" + TOI_GUID;
                ViewData["CurrentURL"]      = TOI_Name + "|" + TOI_Type + "|" + TOI_GUID;
                ViewData["SP_URL"]          = BaseURL[0] + "/" + BaseURL[1];
                ViewBag.DiagramName         = ThingArrary[0];

                //JSON Conten


            case "otElement":
                EDM.Generate_otElement_content(m_Repository, ThingArrary[2], out ListOfDiagrams, out ListOfDiagramsNames, out ListOfConnectors, out ListOfConnectorNames, out ElementAttributes, out myTVS);
                ViewBag.TG_Store             = myTVS;
                ViewBag.ListOfConnectors     = ListOfConnectors;
                ViewBag.ListOfConnectorNames = ListOfConnectorNames;
                ViewBag.ListOfDiagramsNames  = ListOfDiagramsNames;
                ViewBag.ListOfDiagrams       = ListOfDiagrams;
                ViewBag.ElementName          = ElementAttributes["Name"];
                ViewBag.notes          = ElementAttributes["Name"];
                ViewBag.Author         = ElementAttributes["Author"];
                ViewData["CurrentURL"] = TOI_Name + "|" + TOI_Type + "|" + TOI_GUID;


            case "otTaggedValue":
                EDM.Generate_otTaggedValues_content(m_Repository, TOI_GUID, TOI_Name, out myTVS);
                ViewBag.TG_Store = myTVS;


            case "otConnector":
                EDM.Generate_otConnector_content(m_Repository, TOI_GUID, TOI_Name, TOI_Type, out Mycon, out ConnectorDictionary);

                ViewBag.TOI_Name = TOI_Name;
                ViewBag.TOI_Type = TOI_Type;
                ViewBag.TOI_GUID = TOI_GUID;

                ViewBag.Alias       = Mycon.Alias;
                ViewBag.Colour      = Mycon.Color;
                ViewBag.Direction   = Mycon.Direction;
                ViewBag.Notes       = Mycon.Notes;
                ViewBag.Type        = Mycon.Type;
                ViewBag.ConnectorID = Mycon.ConnectorID;
                ViewBag.Sterotype   = Mycon.Stereotype;



            //RETURN HTML
            string header = Request.Headers.Get("Accept");

            if (header.Contains("html"))
                switch (TOI_Type)
                case "otPackage":

                case "otDiagram":

                case "otElement":

                case "otTaggedValue":

                case "otConnector":


            //RETURN JSON
            if (header.Contains("json"))
                string DiagramRoot = RootURL + BaseURL[0] + "/" + BaseURL[1];
                string headerText  = "application/json";

                switch (ThingArrary[1])
                case "otPackage":
                    JObject JotPackageToReturn = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreatePackage(DiagramRoot, ListOfPackages, ListOfDiagrams, ListOfElements);
                    return(Content(JotPackageToReturn.ToString(), headerText));

                case "otDiagram":
                    JObject JotDiagramToReturn = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateDiagram(DiagramRoot, ListOfElements, DiagramDictionary, ListOfConnectors);
                    return(Content(JotDiagramToReturn.ToString(), headerText));

                case "otElement":
                    JObject JotElemenet = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateElement(DiagramRoot, ElementAttributes, myTVS, ListOfDiagrams);
                    return(Content(JotElemenet.ToString(), headerText));

                case "otTaggedValue":
                    JObject jotTaggedValue = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateTaggedValues(myTVS);
                    return(Content(jotTaggedValue.ToString(), headerText));

                case "otConnector":
                    JObject jotConnector = EA_JsonBuilder.JsonCreateConnector(DiagramRoot, ConnectorDictionary);
                    return(Content(jotConnector.ToString(), headerText));

