private bool validateFirstObject(String selectedExpressionString, int firtObjectClassifierId) { bool valid = false; if (methodParameterClassifierIdFilter != -1 && methodParameterClassifierIdFilter != 0) { if (selectedExpressionString == "ObjectVariableExpression" || selectedExpressionString == "ParameterExpression") { try { //is object classifier == method parameter classifier, we can skip the base class detection if (firtObjectClassifierId == methodParameterClassifierIdFilter) { valid = true; } //is the object classifier contained in the method parameter classifier type hierarchy? else { SQLElement methodClassifier = EAUtil.getClassifierElement(repository, methodParameterClassifierIdFilter); if (methodClassifier != null) { //all targets are valid for EObject parameters if (methodClassifier.Name == "EObject") { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { SQLElement classifierFilter = repository.GetElementByID(firtObjectClassifierId); List <SQLElement> baseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(classifierFilter); foreach (SQLElement baseClass in baseClasses) { if (baseClass.ElementID == methodParameterClassifierIdFilter) { valid = true; } } } } } catch (COMException) { } } //other expression is used. do not filter it else { valid = true; } } else { valid = true; } return(valid); }
public List <string> getSecondStringList(int selectedFirstObjectIndex) { this.secondObjects = new List <SecondObject>(); this.selectedFirstObjectIndex = selectedFirstObjectIndex; this.selectedSecondObjectIndex = -1; List <String> sourceStringList = new List <string>(); Object targetElement = this.firstObjects[selectedFirstObjectIndex].EaObject; EditorExpression editorExpression = EditorExpression.createEditorExpression(selectedExpressionString); List <SecondObject> sourceList = editorExpression.getSecondObjects(targetElement, repository); foreach (SecondObject actSecondObject in sourceList) { String name = actSecondObject.Name; int classifierId = actSecondObject.ClassifierId; if (actSecondObject.EaObject is SQLMethod) { SQLMethod method = actSecondObject.EaObject as SQLMethod; if (methodParameterClassifierIdFilter != 0) { if (classifierId != 0) { SQLElement methodReturnTypeClass = repository.GetElementByID(classifierId); SQLElement wantedParameterTypeClasss = repository.GetElementByID(methodParameterClassifierIdFilter); foreach (SQLElement baseClass in EAUtil.getBaseClasses(methodReturnTypeClass)) { if (baseClass.ElementID == methodParameterClassifierIdFilter) { name = EAUtil.getMethodSignature(method); break; } } } } else { name = EAUtil.getMethodSignature(method); } } if (name != "" && !sourceStringList.Contains(name)) { sourceStringList.Add(name); this.secondObjects.Add(actSecondObject); } } this.expression = computeExpression(); //sourceStringList.Sort(); sourceStringList = sourceStringList.Distinct().ToList(); return(sourceStringList); }
public override List <string> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository) { List <String> result = new List <string>(); if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceTypeStereotype) { List <SQLElement> baseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(eaElement); if (baseClasses.Count > 1) { foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors) { if (con.Type != Main.EAGeneralizationConType) { result.Add("Only the top level correspondence type in inheritance hierarchy should have connectors besides inheritance "); break; } } } else { int count = 0; bool valid = true; foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors) { if (con.Type == Main.EAAssociationType) { count++; SQLConnectorEnd rightEnd = null; SQLConnectorEnd wrongEnd = null; if (con.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID) { wrongEnd = con.ClientEnd; rightEnd = con.SupplierEnd; } else if (con.SupplierID == eaElement.ElementID) { wrongEnd = con.SupplierEnd; rightEnd = con.ClientEnd; } valid &= wrongEnd.Role == ""; valid &= !wrongEnd.IsNavigable; valid &= (rightEnd.Role == "source" || rightEnd.Role == "target"); valid &= rightEnd.IsNavigable; valid &= rightEnd.Cardinality == "1"; } } if (count != 2 || !valid) { result.Add("Correspondence type should only have source and target EReference with multiplicity 1"); } } } return(result); }
public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage) { if (i == 0) { List <SQLConnector> toDelte = new List <SQLConnector>(); List <SQLElement> baseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(eaElement); if (baseClasses.Count > 1) { foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors) { if (con.Type != Main.EAGeneralizationConType) { toDelte.Add(con); } } } else { foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors) { if (con.Type == Main.EAAssociationType) { bool valid = true; SQLConnectorEnd rightEnd = null; SQLConnectorEnd wrongEnd = null; if (con.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID) { wrongEnd = con.ClientEnd; rightEnd = con.SupplierEnd; } else if (con.SupplierID == eaElement.ElementID) { wrongEnd = con.SupplierEnd; rightEnd = con.ClientEnd; } valid &= wrongEnd.Role == ""; valid &= !wrongEnd.IsNavigable; valid &= (rightEnd.Role == "source" || rightEnd.Role == "target"); valid &= rightEnd.IsNavigable; valid &= rightEnd.Cardinality == "1"; if (!valid) { toDelte.Add(con); } } } } foreach (EA.Connector toDeleteCon in toDelte) { EAUtil.deleteConnector(toDeleteCon, repository.GetOriginalRepository()); } } }
private static bool checkIfClassifierContainsAttribute(SQLElement ovElement, SQLRepository repository, SQLAttribute attribute) { SQLElement ovClassifier = repository.GetElementByID(ovElement.ClassifierID); //assignment was created while ov had an other classifier Boolean attributeParentValid = false; foreach (SQLElement actBaseClass in EAUtil.getBaseClasses(ovClassifier)) { if (attribute.ParentID == actBaseClass.ElementID) { attributeParentValid = true; } } return(attributeParentValid); }
private Dictionary <int, List <SQLConnector> > computeCorrespondencesWithLinks(SQLElement clientClassifier, SQLElement targetClassifier, SQLRepository Repository, int tggPackageId) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; Dictionary <int, List <SQLConnector> > possibleCorrespondencesLinkWithConnectors = new Dictionary <int, List <SQLConnector> >(); foreach (SQLElement clientAndBases in EAUtil.getBaseClasses(clientClassifier)) { foreach (SQLConnector conOfClientClassifier in clientAndBases.Connectors) { SQLElement elementOnOtherSide = null; if (conOfClientClassifier.ClientID == clientAndBases.ElementID) { elementOnOtherSide = Repository.GetElementByID(conOfClientClassifier.SupplierID); } else if (conOfClientClassifier.SupplierID == clientAndBases.ElementID) { elementOnOtherSide = Repository.GetElementByID(conOfClientClassifier.ClientID); } if (elementOnOtherSide.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceTypeStereotype && EAUtil.getOutermostPackage(elementOnOtherSide, Repository).PackageID == tggPackageId) { foreach (SQLConnector conOfTGGCorrType in elementOnOtherSide.Connectors) { foreach (SQLElement targetAndBases in EAUtil.getBaseClasses(targetClassifier)) { if (conOfTGGCorrType.ClientID == targetAndBases.ElementID || conOfTGGCorrType.SupplierID == targetAndBases.ElementID) { foreach (SQLElement subClass in EAUtil.findSubclasses(elementOnOtherSide, Repository)) { List <SQLConnector> refs = new List <SQLConnector>(); refs.Add(conOfTGGCorrType); refs.Add(conOfClientClassifier); if (!possibleCorrespondencesLinkWithConnectors.ContainsKey(subClass.ElementID)) { possibleCorrespondencesLinkWithConnectors.Add(subClass.ElementID, refs); } } } } } } } } return(possibleCorrespondencesLinkWithConnectors); }
public override List <SecondObject> getSecondObjects(Object targetObject, SQLRepository repository) { Object targetElement = targetObject; List <SecondObject> sourceMethods = new List <SecondObject>(); SQLElement realClassifier = null; List <SQLElement> allClasses = new List <SQLElement>(); if (targetObject is SQLElement) { realClassifier = EAUtil.getClassifierElement(repository, (targetObject as SQLElement).ClassifierID); } else if (targetElement is SQLParameter) { if ((targetObject as SQLParameter).ClassifierID != "0" && (targetObject as SQLParameter).ClassifierID != "") { try { realClassifier = repository.GetElementByID(int.Parse((targetObject as SQLParameter).ClassifierID)); } catch { realClassifier = null; } } } if (realClassifier != null) { allClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(realClassifier); foreach (SQLElement actClass in allClasses) { foreach (SQLMethod method in actClass.Methods) { SecondObject sObject = new SecondObject(method); sourceMethods.Add(sObject); } } sourceMethods.Sort(new EAObjectIComparer()); } return(sourceMethods); }
private void addLeftAttributes() { cmbAttributes.Items.Clear(); if (this.objectVariable.Classifier != null) { SQLElement classifier = this.objectVariable.Classifier.EaElement; List <SQLElement> classifierAndParents = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(classifier); foreach (SQLElement classif in classifierAndParents) { foreach (SQLAttribute attribute in classif.Attributes) { cmbAttributes.Items.Add(attribute.Name); this.leftAttributes.Add(attribute); } } if (cmbAttributes.Items.Count > 0) { cmbAttributes.SelectedIndex = 0; } cmbAttributes.DropDownWidth = EAUtil.computeDropDownWidth(cmbAttributes); } }
public override List <SecondObject> getSecondObjects(Object targetObject, SQLRepository repository) { Object targetElement = targetObject; List <SecondObject> sourceAttributes = new List <SecondObject>(); SQLElement realClassifier = null; List <SQLElement> allClasses = new List <SQLElement>(); if (targetObject is SQLElement) { SQLElement tempElement = targetObject as SQLElement; realClassifier = EAUtil.getClassifierElement(repository, tempElement.ClassifierID); } else if (targetElement is SQLParameter) { SQLParameter targetParameter = targetObject as SQLParameter; if (targetParameter.ClassifierID != "0" && targetParameter.ClassifierID != "") { realClassifier = repository.GetElementByID(int.Parse((targetObject as EA.Parameter).ClassifierID)); } } if (realClassifier != null) { allClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(realClassifier); foreach (SQLElement actClass in allClasses) { foreach (SQLAttribute attribute in actClass.Attributes) { SecondObject sObject = new SecondObject(attribute); sourceAttributes.Add(sObject); } } sourceAttributes.Sort(new EAObjectIComparer()); } return(sourceAttributes); }
public override List <String> doRule(SQLConnector eaConnector, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository) { List <String> results = new List <string>(); if (eaConnector.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.LinkVariableStereotype || eaConnector.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggLinkVariableStereotype) { LinkVariable lv = new LinkVariable(eaConnector, repository); lv.loadTreeFromTaggedValue(); SQLConnector referencedReference = SDMUtil.getRelatedEReference(lv); //try to get the related EReference //related EReference cant be found if (referencedReference == null) { results.Add("There is no related EReference"); } //rolename of linkVariable not existing in the referenced EReference if (eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role != "" && referencedReference != null) { if (!((eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.ClientEnd.Role || eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.SupplierEnd.Role) && (eaConnector.ClientEnd.Role == referencedReference.ClientEnd.Role || eaConnector.ClientEnd.Role == referencedReference.SupplierEnd.Role))) { results.Add("The rolename(s) of the LinkVariable differs from the related EReference"); } } //for unidirectional EReferences the supplierEnd.Role of the linkvariable must be the "value" rolename if (eaConnector.ClientEnd.Role != "" && eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == "") { results.Add("The rolename(s) of the LinkVariable differs from the related EReference"); } //checks if the related reference is connecting the correct EClasses if (referencedReference != null) { try { SQLElement lvSource = repository.GetElementByID(eaConnector.ClientID); SQLElement lvTarget = repository.GetElementByID(eaConnector.SupplierID); SQLElement sourceClassifier = EAUtil.getClassifierElement(repository, lvSource.ClassifierID); SQLElement targetClassifier = EAUtil.getClassifierElement(repository, lvTarget.ClassifierID); SQLElement refRefClient = repository.GetElementByID(referencedReference.ClientID); SQLElement refRefSupplier = repository.GetElementByID(referencedReference.SupplierID); if (sourceClassifier != null && targetClassifier != null) { List <SQLElement> sourceBases = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(sourceClassifier); List <SQLElement> targetBases = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(targetClassifier); Boolean valid = false; foreach (SQLElement sourceBase in sourceBases) { foreach (SQLElement targetBase in targetBases) { if (((referencedReference.ClientID == sourceBase.ElementID || referencedReference.ClientID == targetBase.ElementID) && (referencedReference.SupplierID == sourceBase.ElementID || referencedReference.SupplierID == targetBase.ElementID))) { valid = true; } } } //maybe there is a direct connectio to EObject if (!valid) { if (refRefClient.Name == "EObject" && (eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.SupplierEnd.Role || eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.ClientEnd.Role) || refRefSupplier.Name == "EObject" && (eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.SupplierEnd.Role || eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Role == referencedReference.ClientEnd.Role)) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { results.Add("The related EReference doesn't connect EClasses from the same type hiearchy as the LinkVariable"); } } } catch { results.Add("Error during computing of related EReference. Please update your LinkVariable manually"); } } } return(results); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the new created Element is an SDM related Element. /// Opens the custom User Dialogues or sets default values if it is necessary. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlRep"></param> /// <param name="Info"></param> /// <returns>if newElement is still valid</returns> public bool EA_OnPostNewElement(SQLRepository sqlRep, EA.Element newElement, EA.Diagram currentDiagram) { if (SdmDiagramMetatype.Contains(currentDiagram.MetaType)) { sqlRep.SuppressEADialogs = true; if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableQuickCreateStereotype) { newElement.Stereotype = SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype; ObjectVariable ov = new ObjectVariable(sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID), sqlRep); OvDialog objectVariableDialogue = new OvDialog(sqlRep, ov); List <SQLElement> validEClassesTemp = new List <SQLElement>(); List <EClass> validEClasses = new List <EClass>(); SQLElement sourceObjectVariable = sqlRep.GetElementByGuid(Main.lastContextItemGUID); SQLElement classifier = sqlRep.GetElementByID(sourceObjectVariable.ClassifierID); foreach (SQLElement baseclass in EAUtil.getBaseClasses(classifier)) { foreach (SQLConnector connector in baseclass.Connectors) { if (connector.Type == ECOREModelingMain.EReferenceConnectorType) { EReference eRef = new EReference(connector, sqlRep); eRef.loadTreeFromTaggedValue(); SQLElement otherEnd = null; if (connector.ClientID == baseclass.ElementID && eRef.SupplierEnd.Navigable) { otherEnd = sqlRep.GetElementByID(connector.SupplierID); } else if (connector.SupplierID == baseclass.ElementID && eRef.ClientEnd.Navigable) { otherEnd = sqlRep.GetElementByID(connector.ClientID); } if (otherEnd != null && otherEnd.Stereotype == ECOREModelingMain.EClassStereotype) { validEClassesTemp.Add(otherEnd); } } } } objectVariableDialogue.ovPropertiesControl.comboTypes.clearClassifiers(); foreach (SQLElement tempClassifier in validEClassesTemp) { objectVariableDialogue.ovPropertiesControl.comboTypes.addClassifier(new EClass(tempClassifier, sqlRep)); } objectVariableDialogue.ovPropertiesControl.comboTypes.printClassifiers(); objectVariableDialogue.ShowDialog(); } else if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype || (newElement.Type == Main.EAObjectType && newElement.Stereotype == "")) { Boolean dragAndDropUsed = newElement.ClassifierID != 0; if (dragAndDropUsed && !classifierIsValid(sqlRep, newElement)) { Main.addToDeleteGUIDQueue(newElement.ElementGUID); return(false); } EA.DiagramObject diagObj = EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.findDiagramObject(sqlRep, newElement, currentDiagram); foreach (EA.DiagramObject diagObjs in currentDiagram.DiagramObjects) { if (diagObj.left > (diagObjs.left - 45) && diagObj.right < (diagObjs.right + 45) && < ( + 30) && diagObj.bottom > (diagObjs.bottom - 30)) { if (newElement.ElementID != diagObjs.ElementID) { EA.Element realElement = sqlRep.GetOriginalRepository().GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID); realElement.ParentID = diagObjs.ElementID; realElement.Update(); break; } } } //recompute newElement because of drag and drop changes to the element if (dragAndDropUsed) { newElement = sqlRep.GetOriginalRepository().GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID); } newElement.Stereotype = SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype; ObjectVariable ov = new ObjectVariable(sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID), sqlRep); OvDialog objectVariableDialogue = new OvDialog(sqlRep, ov); objectVariableDialogue.ShowDialog(); } else if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StoryNodeStereotype) { //save initial data for storyNode EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.setTaggedValue(sqlRep, newElement, Main.MoflonExtractedStoryPatternTaggedValueName, "false"); StoryNode storyNode = new StoryNode(sqlRep, sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID)); storyNode.ForEach = false; storyNode.saveTreeToEATaggedValue(true); } else if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StopNodeStereotype) { //save initial data for stopNode StopNode stopNode = new StopNode(sqlRep, sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID)); stopNode.saveTreeToEATaggedValue(true); } else if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StartNodeStereotype) { //save initial data for startNode StartNode startNode = new StartNode(sqlRep, sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID)); startNode.saveTreeToEATaggedValue(false); } else if (newElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.CSPInstanceStereotype) { EA.DiagramObject instanceObject = EAUtil.findDiagramObject(sqlRep, newElement, sqlRep.GetCurrentDiagram()); instanceObject.right = instanceObject.left + 225; instanceObject.bottom = - 125; instanceObject.Update(); SDMCSPDialog sdmCspDialog = new SDMCSPDialog(sqlRep.GetElementByID(newElement.ElementID), sqlRep); sdmCspDialog.ShowDialog(); } } return(true); }
public static void collectPossibleAssociations(ref SQLElement clientClassifier, ref SQLElement supplierClassifier, ref List <SQLConnector> clientToSupplierAssociations, ref List <SQLConnector> supplierToClientAssociations, ref SQLRepository repository) { List <SQLElement> clientBaseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(clientClassifier); List <SQLElement> supplierBaseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(supplierClassifier); String sqlStub = "select * from t_connector where "; foreach (SQLElement actClient in clientBaseClasses) { String sqlClientToSupplier = ""; String sqlSupplierToClient = ""; foreach (SQLElement actSupplier in supplierBaseClasses) { sqlClientToSupplier = sqlClientToSupplier + " Start_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " and End_Object_ID = " + actSupplier.ElementID + " and Connector_Type = 'Association' or "; sqlSupplierToClient = sqlSupplierToClient + " End_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " and Start_Object_ID = " + actSupplier.ElementID + " and Connector_Type = 'Association' or "; } sqlSupplierToClient = sqlSupplierToClient.Substring(0, sqlSupplierToClient.Length - 3); sqlClientToSupplier = sqlClientToSupplier.Substring(0, sqlClientToSupplier.Length - 3); String sqlStringClientToSupplier = sqlStub + sqlClientToSupplier; String sqlStringSupplierToClient = sqlStub + sqlSupplierToClient; String sqlResultClientToSupplier = repository.SQLQuery(sqlStringClientToSupplier); String sqlResultSupplierToClient = repository.SQLQuery(sqlStringSupplierToClient); foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(sqlResultClientToSupplier, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); clientToSupplierAssociations.Add(actCon); } } foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(sqlResultSupplierToClient, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); supplierToClientAssociations.Add(actCon); } } } //only if there is no valid association if (supplierToClientAssociations.Count == 0 && clientToSupplierAssociations.Count == 0) { foreach (SQLElement actClient in clientBaseClasses) { String sqlString = @"select a.* from t_connector a, t_object b where " + "a.Start_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " AND a.End_Object_ID = b.Object_ID AND " + "b.Name = 'EObject' AND a.Connector_Type = 'Association'"; String result = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString); foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); clientToSupplierAssociations.Add(actCon); } } sqlString = @"select a.* from t_connector a, t_object b where " + "a.End_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " AND a.Start_Object_ID = b.Object_ID AND " + "b.Name = 'EObject' AND a.Connector_Type = 'Association'"; result = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString); foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); supplierToClientAssociations.Add(actCon); } } } foreach (SQLElement actClient in supplierBaseClasses) { String sqlString = @"select a.* from t_connector a, t_object b where " + "a.End_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " AND a.Start_Object_ID = b.Object_ID AND " + "b.Name = 'EObject' AND a.Connector_Type = 'Association'"; String result = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString); foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); clientToSupplierAssociations.Add(actCon); } } sqlString = @"select a.* from t_connector a, t_object b where " + "a.Start_Object_ID = " + actClient.ElementID + " AND a.End_Object_ID = b.Object_ID AND " + "b.Name = 'EObject' AND a.Connector_Type = 'Association'"; result = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString); foreach (String row in EAEcoreAddin.Util.EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row")) { if (row != "") { SQLConnector actCon = new SQLConnector(repository, row); supplierToClientAssociations.Add(actCon); } } } } }