public static EA.Element GetElementFromName(EA.Repository rep, string elementName, string elementType) { EA.Element el = null; string query = @"select o.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_object o where = '" + elementName + "' AND " + "o.Object_Type = '" + elementType + "' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; el = rep.GetElementByGuid(guid); } return el; }
public static EA.Method GetMethodFromMethodName(EA.Repository rep, string methodName) { EA.Method method = null; string query = @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_operation op where = '" + methodName + "' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; method = rep.GetMethodByGuid(guid); } return method; }
// Find the operation from Activity / State Machine // it excludes operations in state machines public static Method GetOperationFromBrehavior(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element el) { Method method = null; string query = ""; string conString = GetConnectionString(rep); // due to shortcuts if (conString.Contains("DBType=3")) { // Oracle DB query = @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_operation op where Cast(op.Behaviour As Varchar2(38)) = '" + el.ElementGUID + "' "+ " AND (Type is Null or Type not in ('do','entry','exit'))"; } if (conString.Contains("DBType=1")) // SQL Server { query = @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_operation op where Substring(op.Behaviour,1,38) = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'" + " AND (Type is Null or Type not in ('do','entry','exit'))"; } if (conString.Contains(".eap")) // SQL Server { query = @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_operation op where op.Behaviour = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'" + " AND ( Type is Null or Type not in ('do','entry','exit'))"; } if ((! conString.Contains("DBType=1")) && // SQL Server, DBType=0 MySQL (! conString.Contains("DBType=3")) && // Oracle (! conString.Contains(".eap")))// Access { query = @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID from t_operation op where op.Behaviour = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'" + " AND (Type is Null or Type not in ('do','entry','exit'))"; } string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; method = rep.GetMethodByGuid(guid); } return method; }
// // read PDATA1 // public static EA.Element getPDATA(EA.Repository rep, int ID) // { // EA.Element el = null; // string query = ""; // query = // @"select pdata1 AS PDATA1 // from t_object o // where Cast(op.Behaviour As Varchar2(38)) = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'"; // if (rep.ConnectionString.Contains("DBType=3")) // { // Oracle DB // query = // @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID // from t_operation op // where Cast(op.Behaviour As Varchar2(38)) = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'"; // } // if (rep.ConnectionString.Contains("DBType=1")) // // SQL Server // { // query = // @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID // from t_operation op // where Substring(op.Behaviour,1,38) = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'"; // } // if (rep.ConnectionString.Contains(".eap")) // // SQL Server // { // query = // @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID // from t_operation op // where op.Behaviour = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'"; // } // if ((!rep.ConnectionString.Contains("DBType=1")) && // SQL Server, DBType=0 MySQL // (!rep.ConnectionString.Contains("DBType=3")) && // Oracle // (!rep.ConnectionString.Contains(".eap")))// Access // { // query = // @"select op.ea_guid AS EA_GUID // from t_operation op // where op.Behaviour = '" + el.ElementGUID + "'"; // } // string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); // XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // XmlDoc.LoadXml(str); // XmlNode operationGUIDNode = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); // if (operationGUIDNode != null) // { // string GUID = operationGUIDNode.InnerText; // method = rep.GetMethodByGuid(GUID); // } // return method; // } public static Method GetOperationFromConnector(EA.Repository rep, EA.Connector con) { Method method = null; string query = ""; if (GetConnectionString(rep).Contains("DBType=3")) //pdat3: 'Activity','Sequence', (..) { // Oracle DB query = @"select description AS EA_GUID from t_xref x where Cast(x.client As Varchar2(38)) = '" + con.ConnectorGUID + "'" + " AND Behavior = 'effect' "; } if (GetConnectionString(rep).Contains("DBType=1")) { // SQL Server query = @"select description AS EA_GUID from t_xref x where Substring(x.client,1,38) = " + "'" + con.ConnectorGUID + "'" + " AND Behavior = 'effect' " ; } if (GetConnectionString(rep).Contains(".eap")) { query = @"select description AS EA_GUID from t_xref x where client = " + "'" + con.ConnectorGUID + "'" + " AND Behavior = 'effect' " ; } if ((! GetConnectionString(rep).Contains("DBType=1")) && // SQL Server, DBType=0 MySQL (! GetConnectionString(rep).Contains("DBType=3")) && // Oracle (! GetConnectionString(rep).Contains(".eap")))// Access { query = @"select description AS EA_GUID from t_xref x where client = " + "'" + con.ConnectorGUID + "'" + " AND Behavior = 'effect' " ; } string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); //string type = ""; //XmlNode pdat3Node = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//PDAT3"); //if (pdat3Node != null) //{ // type = pdat3Node.InnerText; //} //if ( type.EndsWith(")")) // Operation //{ string guid = null; XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; method = rep.GetMethodByGuid(guid); } if (method == null) { if (guid != null) OpenBehaviorForElement(rep, rep.GetElementByGuid(guid)); } //} return method; }
// Gets the composite element for a diagram GUID public static string GetElementFromCompositeDiagram(EA.Repository rep, string diagramGuid) { string query = @"select o.ea_guid AS COMPOSITE_GUID from t_xref x INNER JOIN t_object o on (x.client = o.ea_guid and type = 'element property') where x.supplier = '" + diagramGuid + "' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//COMPOSITE_GUID"); diagramGuid = ""; if (operationGuidNode != null) { diagramGuid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; } return diagramGuid; }
private static string GetSingleSqlValue(EA.Repository rep, string query, string attributeName) { string s = ""; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//"+attributeName); if (node != null) { s = node.InnerText; } return s; }
// Find the calling operation from a Call Operation Action public static string GetClassifierGuid(EA.Repository rep,string guid) { string query = @"select o.Classifier_guid AS CLASSIFIER_GUID from t_object o where o.EA_GUID = '" + guid + "'"; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//CLASSIFIER_GUID"); guid = ""; if (operationGuidNode != null) { guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; } return guid; }
// Gets the signal associated with the element public static string GetSignal(EA.Repository rep, string guid) { string query = @"select x.Description AS SIGNAL_GUID from t_xref x where x.Client = '" + guid + "' AND behavior = 'event' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//SIGNAL_GUID"); guid = ""; if (operationGuidNode != null) { guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; } return guid; }
// Find the calling operation from a Call Operation Action public static string GetParameterType(EA.Repository rep, string actionPinGuid) { string query = @"SELECT par.type AS OPTYPE from t_object o inner join t_operationparams par on (o.classifier_guid = par.ea_guid) where o.ea_guid = '" + actionPinGuid + "' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode typeGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//OPTYPE"); if (typeGuidNode != null) { return typeGuidNode.InnerText; } return ""; }
// Find the calling operation from a Call Operation Action public static Method GetOperationFromCallAction(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element obj) { string wildCard = GetWildCard(rep); string query = @"SELECT op.ea_guid AS OPERATION from (t_object o inner join t_operation op on (o.classifier_guid = op.ea_guid)) inner join t_xref x on (x.client = o.ea_guid) where = 'CustomProperties' and x.description like '"+ wildCard + "CallOperation" + wildCard + "' and o.object_id = " + obj.ElementID; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//OPERATION"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { var guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; return rep.GetMethodByGuid(guid); } return null; }
// Find the calling operation from a Call Operation Action public static Method GetOperationFromAction(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element action) { Method method = null; string query = @"select o.Classifier_guid AS CLASSIFIER_GUID from t_object o where o.Object_ID = " + action.ElementID; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//CLASSIFIER_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; method = rep.GetMethodByGuid(guid); } return method; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find the Parameter of a Activity //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // par Parameter of Operation (only if isReturn = false) // act Activity // Parameter wird aufgrund des Alias-Namens gefunden // // public static EA.Element GetParameterFromActivity(EA.Repository rep, EA.Parameter par, EA.Element act, bool isReturn = false) { string aliasName; if (isReturn) { aliasName = "return:"; } else { aliasName = "par_" + par.Position; } EA.Element parTrgt = null; string query = @"select o2.ea_guid AS CLASSIFIER_GUID from t_object o1 INNER JOIN t_object o2 on ( o2.parentID = o1.object_id) where o1.Object_ID = " + act.ElementID + " AND o2.Alias like '"+ aliasName + GetWildCard(rep) + "'"; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//CLASSIFIER_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; parTrgt = rep.GetElementByGuid(guid); } return parTrgt; }
// Find type for name // 1. Search for name (if type contains a '*' search for type with '*' and for type without '*' // 2. Search for Synonyms public static int GetTypeId(EA.Repository rep, string name) { int intReturn = 0; //Boolean isPointer = false; //if (name.Contains("*")) isPointer = true; // // delete an '*' at the end of the type name // remove a 'const ' from start of string // remove a 'volatile ' from start of string name = name.Replace("const", ""); name = name.Replace("volatile", ""); //name = name.Replace("*", ""); name = name.Trim(); // if (isPointer) { // string queryIsPointer = @"SELECT o.object_id As OBJECT_ID // FROM t_object o // INNER JOIN t_objectproperties p ON o.object_id = p.object_id // where property = 'typeSynonyms' AND // Object_Type in ('Class','PrimitiveType','DataType','Enumeration') AND // p.value = '" + name + "*' " + // @" UNION // Select o.object_id // From t_object o // where Object_Type in ('Class','PrimitiveType','DataType','Enumeration') AND name = '" + name + "*' "; // string strIsPointer = rep.SQLQuery(queryIsPointer); // XmlDocument XmlDocIsPointer = new XmlDocument(); // XmlDocIsPointer.LoadXml(strIsPointer); // XmlNode operationGUIDNodeIsPointer = XmlDocIsPointer.SelectSingleNode("//OBJECT_ID"); // if (operationGUIDNodeIsPointer != null) // { // intReturn = Convert.ToInt32(operationGUIDNodeIsPointer.InnerText); // } // } if (intReturn == 0) { //if (name.Equals("void") || name.Equals("void*")) return 0; string query = @"SELECT o.object_id As OBJECT_ID FROM t_object o INNER JOIN t_objectproperties p ON o.object_id = p.object_id where property = 'typeSynonyms' AND Object_Type in ('Class','PrimitiveType','DataType','Enumeration') AND p.value = '" + name + "' " + @" UNION Select o.object_id From t_object o where Object_Type in ('Class','PrimitiveType','DataType','Enumeration') AND name = '" + name + "' "; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//OBJECT_ID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { intReturn = Convert.ToInt32(operationGuidNode.InnerText); } } return intReturn; }
public static int GetHighestSequenceNoFromDiagram(EA.Repository rep, EA.Diagram dia) { int sequenceNumber = 0; string query = @"select sequence from t_diagramobjects do " + " where do.Diagram_ID = "+ dia.DiagramID + " order by 1 desc"; string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//SEQUENCE_NUMBER"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { sequenceNumber = Convert.ToInt32(operationGuidNode.InnerText); } return sequenceNumber; }
// Find the operation from Activity / State Machine // it excludes operations in state machines public static EA.Package GetModelDocumentFromPackage(EA.Repository rep, EA.Package pkg) { EA.Package pkg1 = null; string repositoryType = "JET";// rep.RepositoryType(); // get object_ID of package var query = @"select pkg.ea_GUID AS EA_GUID " + @" from (((t_object o INNER JOIN t_attribute a on (o.object_ID = a.Object_ID AND a.type = 'Package')) " + @" INNER JOIN t_package pkg on (pkg.Package_ID = o.Package_ID)) " + @" INNER JOIN t_object o1 on (cstr(o1.object_id) = a.classifier)) " + @" where o1.ea_guid = '" + pkg.PackageGUID + "' "; if (repositoryType== "JET") { query = @"select pkg.ea_GUID AS EA_GUID " + @" from (((t_object o INNER JOIN t_attribute a on (o.object_ID = a.Object_ID AND a.type = 'Package')) " + @" INNER JOIN t_package pkg on (pkg.Package_ID = o.Package_ID)) " + @" INNER JOIN t_object o1 on (cstr(o1.object_id) = a.classifier)) " + @" where o1.ea_guid = '" + pkg.PackageGUID + "' "; } if (repositoryType == "SQLSVR") // SQL Server { query = @"select pkg.ea_GUID AS EA_GUID " + @" from (((t_object o INNER JOIN t_attribute a on (o.object_ID = a.Object_ID AND a.type = 'Package')) " + @" INNER JOIN t_package pkg on (pkg.Package_ID = o.Package_ID)) " + @" INNER JOIN t_object o1 on o1.object_id = Cast(a.classifier As Int)) " + @" where o1.ea_guid = '" + pkg.PackageGUID + "' "; } string str = rep.SQLQuery(query); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode operationGuidNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EA_GUID"); if (operationGuidNode != null) { string guid = operationGuidNode.InnerText; pkg1 = rep.GetPackageByGuid(guid); } return pkg1; }