public static void Postfix()
            SDVTime sunriseSTime = DynamicNightTime.GetSunrise();
            int     sunriseTime = sunriseSTime.ReturnIntTime();
            SDVTime sunsetT     = DynamicNightTime.GetSunset();


            int astronTime = DynamicNightTime.GetMorningAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();

            //sunrise 255,159,80
            //Color sunrise = new Color(0, 96, 175);
            //preSunrise - 200, 205, 227 - mask (55,50,28);

            if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsSolarEclipse())
                Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.eveningColor * .93f);

            Color moonLight = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && !Game1.isRaining && !Game1.isSnowing)
                moonLight = DynamicNightTime.GetLunarLightDifference();

            var weather = DynamicNightTime.ClimatesAPI?.GetCurrentWeatherName() ?? "error";

            bool shouldDarken = Game1.isRaining || ((DynamicNightTime.ClimatesLoaded && weather.Contains("overcast")));

            if (Game1.timeOfDay <= astronTime)
                Color oldLight = (Game1.eveningColor * .93f);

                if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                    oldLight.R = (byte)(oldLight.R - moonLight.R);
                    oldLight.G = (byte)(oldLight.G - moonLight.G);
                    oldLight.B = (byte)(oldLight.B - moonLight.B);
                Game1.outdoorLight = oldLight;

            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= astronTime && Game1.timeOfDay < sunriseTime)
                if (shouldDarken)
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = new Color((byte)(237 - (158 * percentage)), (byte)(185 - (126 * percentage)), (byte)(74 - (51 * percentage)), (byte)(237 - (161 * percentage)));
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    //means delta r is -255, delta g is -159, delta b is +175 from evening to sunrise
                    //Normal sunrise is 0,96,175. Rainy sunrises are.. 0,50,148?
                    //However, this is set to a light blue-gray

                    Color destColor = new Color((byte)(255 - (200 * percentage)), (byte)(255 - (205 * percentage)), (byte)(28 * percentage));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;

                 * else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= sunriseTime && Game1.timeOfDay < sunriseEnd)
                 * {
                 * if (ShouldDarken)
                 * {
                 *  Game1.outdoorLight = Game1.ambientLight * 0.3f;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  float minEff = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                 *  float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                 *  //means delta r is -255, delta g is -159, delta b is +175 from evening to sunrise
                 *  //Normal sunrise is 0,96,175. Rainy sunrises are.. 0,50,148?
                 *  //We're coming from 55 50 28 to 0 96 175
                 *  Color destColor = new Color(55 + (200 * percentage), 50 + (109 * percentage), 28 + (62* percentage));
                 *  //Color destColor = sunrise;
                 *  Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                 * }*/
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= sunriseTime && Game1.timeOfDay <= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                if (shouldDarken)
                    Game1.outdoorLight = Game1.ambientLight * 0.3f;
                    //preSunrise - 200, 205, 227 - mask (55,50,28);
                    //flips to orange (243,206,155) then fades to noon - mask (9, 49, 100)
                    //Goes from [0,96,175] to [0,5,1] to [0,98,193]
                    int solarNoon = DynamicNightTime.GetSolarNoon().ReturnIntTime();
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay < solarNoon)
                        //this is really the mask color, tho.
                        var newSunrise = DynamicNightTime.NightConfig.MoreOrangeSunrise ? new Color(13, 72, 147) : new Color(9, 49, 100);

                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunriseTime) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));

                        float tgtColorR = newSunrise.R - 0;
                        float tgtColorG = newSunrise.G - 5;
                        float tgtColorB = newSunrise.B - 1;
                        Color destColor = new Color((byte)(newSunrise.R - (tgtColorR * percentage)), (byte)(newSunrise.G - (tgtColorG * percentage)), (byte)(newSunrise.B - (tgtColorB * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay == solarNoon)
                        Color destColor = new Color(0, 5, 1);
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > solarNoon)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, solarNoon) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(0, (byte)(5 + (93 * percentage)), (byte)(1 + (192 * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                //Goes from [0,98,193] to [255,255,0]. We should probably space this out so that civil is still fairly bright.
                int sunset        = sunsetT.ReturnIntTime();
                int sunsetEnding  = DynamicNightTime.GetSunset().ReturnIntTime();
                int astroTwilight = DynamicNightTime.GetAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();
                //Color navalColor = new Color(120,178,113);
                if (shouldDarken)
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getTrulyDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.75 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getTrulyDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.000624999986030161));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.300000011920929 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.00224999990314245));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > sunset && Game1.timeOfDay <= sunsetEnding)
                        //orange. >:(
                        //so much orange.
                        Game1.outdoorLight = new Color(35, 87, 228);
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay > sunsetEnding)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunset) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunset, astroTwilight));
                        //clamp percentage. :|
                        if (percentage < 0)
                            percentage = 0;
                        if (percentage > 1)
                            percentage = 1;

                        int redTarget, greenTarget, blueTarget, alphaTarget;

                        switch (DynamicNightTime.NightConfig.NightDarknessLevel)
                        case 1:
                            redTarget   = 213;
                            greenTarget = 200;
                            blueTarget  = 128;
                            alphaTarget = 40;

                        case 2:
                            redTarget   = 200;
                            greenTarget = 220;
                            blueTarget  = 128;
                            alphaTarget = 50;

                        case 3:
                            redTarget   = 220;
                            greenTarget = 240;
                            blueTarget  = 128;
                            alphaTarget = 20;

                        case 4:
                            redTarget   = 230;
                            greenTarget = 250;
                            blueTarget  = 128;
                            alphaTarget = 20;

                        case 5:
                            redTarget   = 250;
                            greenTarget = 250;
                            blueTarget  = 120;
                            alphaTarget = 10;

                        //subtract the origin color.
                        redTarget   -= 35;
                        greenTarget -= 87;
                        blueTarget   = 228 - blueTarget;
                        //Goes from [0,98,193] <-former, now from [35,87,228]

                        var destColor = new Color(r: (byte)(35 + (redTarget * percentage)), g: (byte)(87 + (greenTarget * percentage)), b: (byte)(228 - (blueTarget * percentage)), a: (byte)(255 - (alphaTarget * percentage)));


                        if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                            //start adding the moon in naval light
                            minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunset) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                            percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunset, astroTwilight));
                            //clamp percentage. :|
                            if (percentage < 0)
                                percentage = 0;
                            if (percentage > 1)
                                percentage = 1;

                            int rRaw = (int)(destColor.R - (moonLight.R * percentage));
                            int gRaw = (int)(destColor.G - (moonLight.G * percentage));
                            int bRaw = (int)(destColor.B - (moonLight.B * percentage));

                            byte R, G, B;

                            R = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(rRaw);
                            G = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(gRaw);
                            B = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(bRaw);

                            destColor.R = R;
                            destColor.G = G;
                            destColor.B = B;
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
        public static void Postfix()
            int sunriseTime = DynamicNightTime.GetSunrise().ReturnIntTime();
            int astronTime  = DynamicNightTime.GetMorningAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();

            if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsSolarEclipse())
                Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.eveningColor * .93f);

            Color moonLight = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && !Game1.isRaining && !Game1.isSnowing)
                moonLight = DynamicNightTime.GetLunarLightDifference();

            bool ShouldDarken = Game1.isRaining || ((DynamicNightTime.ClimatesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.ClimatesAPI.GetCurrentWeatherName().Contains("overcast")));

            if (Game1.timeOfDay <= astronTime)
                Color oldLight = (Game1.eveningColor * .93f);

                if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                    oldLight.R = (byte)(oldLight.R - moonLight.R);
                    oldLight.G = (byte)(oldLight.G - moonLight.G);
                    oldLight.B = (byte)(oldLight.B - moonLight.B);
                Game1.outdoorLight = oldLight;

            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= astronTime && Game1.timeOfDay < sunriseTime)
                if (ShouldDarken)
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = new Color((byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)), (byte)(185 - (6 * percentage)), (byte)(74 + (105 * percentage)), (byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)));
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    //means delta r is -255, delta g is -159, delta b is +175 from evening to sunrise
                    //Normal sunrise is 0,96,175. Rainy sunrises are.. 0,50,148?
                    Color destColor = new Color((byte)(255 - (255 * percentage)), (byte)(255 - (159 * percentage)), (byte)(175 * percentage));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= sunriseTime && Game1.timeOfDay <= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                if (ShouldDarken)
                    Game1.outdoorLight = Game1.ambientLight * 0.3f;
                    //Goes from [0,96,175] to [0,5,1] to [0,98,193]
                    int solarNoon = DynamicNightTime.GetSolarNoon().ReturnIntTime();
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay < solarNoon)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunriseTime) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(0, (byte)(96 - (91 * percentage)), (byte)(175 - (174 * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay == solarNoon)
                        Color destColor = new Color(0, 5, 1);
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > solarNoon)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, solarNoon) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(0, (byte)(5 + (93 * percentage)), (byte)(1 + (192 * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                //Goes from [0,98,193] to [255,255,0]. We should probably space this out so that civil is still fairly bright.
                int sunset        = DynamicNightTime.GetSunset().ReturnIntTime();
                int astroTwilight = DynamicNightTime.GetAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();
                //Color navalColor = new Color(120,178,113);
                if (ShouldDarken)
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getTrulyDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.75 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getTrulyDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.000624999986030161));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.300000011920929 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.00224999990314245));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    //if (Game1.timeOfDay > sunset && Game1.timeOfDay < astroTwilight)
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > sunset)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunset) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunset, astroTwilight));
                        //clamp percentage. :|
                        if (percentage < 0)
                            percentage = 0;
                        if (percentage > 1)
                            percentage = 1;

                        Color destColor;
                        int   redTarget, greenTarget, blueTarget, alphaTarget;

                        switch (DynamicNightTime.NightConfig.NightDarknessLevel)
                        case 1:
                            redTarget   = 252;
                            greenTarget = 151;
                            blueTarget  = 193;
                            alphaTarget = 77;

                        case 2:
                            redTarget   = 227;
                            greenTarget = 111;
                            blueTarget  = 193;
                            alphaTarget = 17;

                        case 3:
                            redTarget   = 222;
                            greenTarget = 112;
                            blueTarget  = 193;
                            alphaTarget = 5;

                        case 4:
                            redTarget   = 242;
                            greenTarget = 132;
                            blueTarget  = 193;
                            alphaTarget = 5;

                        destColor = new Color(r: (byte)(0 + (redTarget * percentage)), g: (byte)(98 + (greenTarget * percentage)), b: (byte)(193 - (blueTarget * percentage)), a: (byte)(255 - (alphaTarget * percentage)));


                        if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                            //start adding the moon in naval light
                            minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunset) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                            percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunset, astroTwilight));
                            //clamp percentage. :|
                            if (percentage < 0)
                                percentage = 0;
                            if (percentage > 1)
                                percentage = 1;

                            int rRaw = (int)(destColor.R - (moonLight.R * percentage));
                            int gRaw = (int)(destColor.G - (moonLight.G * percentage));
                            int bRaw = (int)(destColor.B - (moonLight.B * percentage));

                            byte R, G, B;

                            R = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(rRaw);
                            G = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(gRaw);
                            B = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(bRaw);

                            destColor.R = R;
                            destColor.G = G;
                            destColor.B = B;
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
        public static void Postfix()
            int sunriseTime = DynamicNightTime.GetSunrise().ReturnIntTime();
            int astronTime  = DynamicNightTime.GetMorningAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();
            int sunsetTime  = DynamicNightTime.GetSunset().ReturnIntTime();

            Color preSunrise = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * .15f;
            Color moonLight  = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && !Game1.isRaining && !Game1.isSnowing)
                moonLight = DynamicNightTime.GetLunarLightDifference(Game1.timeOfDay);

            if (Game1.timeOfDay <= astronTime)
                Color oldLight = (Game1.eveningColor * .93f);

                if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                    oldLight.R = (byte)(oldLight.R - moonLight.R);
                    oldLight.G = (byte)(oldLight.G - moonLight.G);
                    oldLight.B = (byte)(oldLight.B - moonLight.B);
                Game1.outdoorLight = oldLight;

            else if (Game1.timeOfDay < sunriseTime && Game1.timeOfDay >= astronTime)
                if (Game1.isRaining)
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    Color destColor  = new Color((byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)), (byte)(185 - (6 * percentage)), (byte)(74 + (105 * percentage)), (byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = new Color((byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)), (byte)(185 - (6 * percentage)), (byte)(74 + (105 * percentage)), (byte)(237 - (58 * percentage)));
                    float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(astronTime, Game1.timeOfDay) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                    float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, astronTime));
                    //means delta r is -255, delta g is -159, delta b is +175 from evening to sunrise
                    //Normal sunrise is 0,96,175. Rainy sunrises are.. 0,50,148?
                    Color destColor = new Color((byte)(255 - (255 * percentage)), (byte)(255 - (159 * percentage)), (byte)(175 * percentage));
                    Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= sunriseTime && Game1.timeOfDay <= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                if (Game1.isRaining)
                    Game1.outdoorLight = Game1.ambientLight * 0.3f;
                    //Goes from [0,96,175] to [0,5,1] to [0,98,193]
                    int solarNoon = DynamicNightTime.GetSolarNoon().ReturnIntTime();
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay < solarNoon)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunriseTime) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(0, (byte)(96 - (91 * percentage)), (byte)(175 - (174 * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay == solarNoon)
                        Color destColor = new Color(0, 5, 1);
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > solarNoon)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, solarNoon) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunriseTime, solarNoon));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(0, (byte)(5 + (93 * percentage)), (byte)(1 + (192 * percentage)));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;
            else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                //Goes from [0,98,193] to [255,255,0]. We should probably space this out so that civil is still fairly bright.
                int sunset        = DynamicNightTime.GetSunset().ReturnIntTime();
                int astroTwilight = DynamicNightTime.GetAstroTwilight().ReturnIntTime();
                //Color navalColor = new Color(120,178,113);
                if (Game1.isRaining)
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getTrulyDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.75 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getTrulyDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.000624999986030161));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    else if (Game1.timeOfDay >= Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime())
                        float num = Math.Min(0.93f, (float)(0.300000011920929 + ((double)((int)((double)(Game1.timeOfDay - Game1.timeOfDay % 100) + (double)(Game1.timeOfDay % 100 / 10) * 16.6599998474121) - Game1.getStartingToGetDarkTime()) + (double)Game1.gameTimeInterval / 7000.0 * 16.6000003814697) * 0.00224999990314245));
                        Game1.outdoorLight = (Game1.isRaining ? Game1.ambientLight : Game1.eveningColor) * num;
                    if (Game1.timeOfDay > sunset && Game1.timeOfDay < astroTwilight)
                        float minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, sunset) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                        float percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(sunset, astroTwilight));
                        Color destColor  = new Color(r: (byte)(0 + (227 * percentage)), g: (byte)(98 + (111 * percentage)), b: (byte)(193 - (193 * percentage)), a: (byte)(255 - (17 * percentage)));


                        if (DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay))
                            //start adding the moon in naval light
                            minEff     = SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.timeOfDay, Game1.getModeratelyDarkTime()) + (float)Math.Min(10.0, Game1.gameTimeInterval / 700);
                            percentage = (minEff / SDVTime.MinutesBetweenTwoIntTimes(Game1.getModeratelyDarkTime(), astroTwilight));

                            int rRaw = (int)(destColor.R - (moonLight.R * percentage));
                            int gRaw = (int)(destColor.G - (moonLight.G * percentage));
                            int bRaw = (int)(destColor.B - (moonLight.B * percentage));

                            byte R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;

                            R = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(rRaw);
                            G = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(gRaw);
                            B = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(bRaw);

                            destColor.R = R;
                            destColor.G = G;
                            destColor.B = B;

                        Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;

                    if (Game1.timeOfDay >= astroTwilight)
                        Color destColor = Game1.eveningColor * .93f;

                        if ((DynamicNightTime.LunarDisturbancesLoaded && DynamicNightTime.MoonAPI.IsMoonUp(Game1.timeOfDay)))
                            int rRaw = (int)(destColor.R - moonLight.R);
                            int gRaw = (int)(Game1.outdoorLight.G - moonLight.G);
                            int bRaw = (int)(Game1.outdoorLight.B - moonLight.B);

                            byte R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;

                            R         = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(rRaw);
                            G         = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(gRaw);
                            B         = DynamicNightTime.ClampByteValue(bRaw);
                            destColor = new Color
                                R = R,
                                G = G,
                                B = B,
                                A = Game1.outdoorLight.A

                            Game1.outdoorLight = destColor;