List <LocalVariableInfo> GetLocals()
            DynamicMethod dm = ReflectionExtensions.TryGetDynamicMethod(
                this.method as MethodInfo) ?? this.method as DynamicMethod;

            if (dm != null)
                var localSig = dm.GetLocalSignature();
                List <LocalVariableInfo> locals = null;

                using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(
                           new System.IO.MemoryStream(localSig)))
                    VariableFlags flags;

                    var ilr = new ILReader(reader, resolver);

                    var sig = ilr.ReadByte();
                    if (sig != 0x7)
                        throw new System.IO.InvalidDataException(
                                  "Signature code is not valid");

                    // read the compressed local count value
                    var localCount = ilr.ReadSerializedInt32();
                    locals = new List <LocalVariableInfo>(localCount);

                    // read and resolve the local type signatures
                    for (int i = 0; i < localCount; ++i)
                        var type = ilr.ReadTypeSignature(out flags);
                        locals.Add(new LocalVariableInfo(i, type,
                                                         (flags | VariableFlags.Pinned) == VariableFlags.Pinned));

                       .Select(lvi => new LocalVariableInfo(
                                   lvi.LocalIndex, lvi.LocalType, lvi.IsPinned))