        /// <summary>Infrastructure. Converts contracts to entities.</summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
        /// <returns>An entity.</returns>
        private static DynamicEventRotation ConvertRotationContract(RotationContract content)
            Debug.Assert(content != null, "content != null");

            // Create a new rotation object
            var value = new DynamicEventRotation();

            // Set the event identifier
            if (content.EventId != null)
                value.EventId = Guid.Parse(content.EventId);

            // Set the rotating shifts
            if (content.Shifts != null)
                value.Shifts = ConvertShiftCollectionContract(content.Shifts);

            // Return the rotation object
        /// <summary>Converts contracts to entities.</summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
        /// <returns>An entity.</returns>
        private static DynamicEventRotation ConvertRotationContract(RotationContract content)
            Debug.Assert(content != null, "content != null");

            // Create a new rotation object
            var value = new DynamicEventRotation();

            // Set the event identifier
            if (content.EventId != null)
                value.EventId = Guid.Parse(content.EventId);

            // Set the rotating shifts
            if (content.Shifts != null)
                value.Shifts = ConvertShiftCollectionContract(content.Shifts);

            // Return the rotation object
            return value;