static void Main(string[] args) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); DynamicDictionary <int, string> myDictionary = new DynamicDictionary <int, string>(); myDictionary.Add(37, "Kastamonu"); Console.WriteLine(myDictionary.Count); myDictionary.Add(37, "Kastamonu"); Console.WriteLine(myDictionary.Count); myDictionary.Add(01, "Adana"); myDictionary.Add(34, "Istanbul"); Console.WriteLine(myDictionary.Count); foreach (var kvp in myDictionary.MyKeyandValuePairs) { Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key + "-->" + kvp.Value); } foreach (var key in myDictionary.GetKeys) { Console.WriteLine($"Key --> {key}"); } foreach (var values in myDictionary.GetValues) { Console.WriteLine($"Value --> {values}"); } }
public override ResponseModel Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary item) { AssignedUserRightsModel model = new AssignedUserRightsModel(); if (model.GetType().GetProperty("client_id") != null) { object rights_user = item.GetValue("assigned_right_ids"); IEnumerable enumerable = rights_user as IEnumerable; if (enumerable != null) { foreach (object element in enumerable) { object aa = element; if (item.GetValueAsInt("client_id") == null) { item.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id); } else { item.Add("client_id", item.GetValueAsInt("client_id")); } item.Add("assigned_right_id", aa); base.Insert(con, item); } } } ResponseModel Assigned_right_user = new ResponseModel(); Assigned_right_user.success = true; Assigned_right_user.message = "Data Successfully Added."; return(Assigned_right_user); }
public HomeModule(ITransient transient, IRequestScoped requestScoped) : base("/home") { _transient = transient; _requestScoped = requestScoped; Debug.Assert(_requestScoped == _transient.RequestScoped); Get["/"] = _ => { var viewBag = new DynamicDictionary(); viewBag.Add("Transient", _transient); viewBag.Add("RequestScoped", _requestScoped); return(View["home/index", viewBag]); }; Get["/index", runAsync : true] = async(_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1000); return("123"); }; Get["/list", runAsync : true] = async(_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1); return(500); }; Get["/edit", runAsync : true] = async(_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1); return(404); }; }
// GET: TotalCount public ResponseModel Get() { ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(); BangoCommand cmd = new BangoCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder); cmd.Template = cmd.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(string.Format($@" select count(id) as total_donation_details from donation_details")); BangoCommand cmd_total_charities = new BangoCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder); cmd.Template = cmd.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(string.Format($@" select count(id) as total_charities_events from charities_events_details")); //BangoCommand cmd_total_volunters = new BangoCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder); //cmd.Template = cmd.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(string.Format($@" // select count(id) as total_donation_details from donation_details")); IEnumerable <dynamic> total_donation_details = null; IEnumerable <dynamic> total_charities_event = null; using (DbConnect con = new DbConnect()) { total_donation_details = con.DB.Query(cmd.FinalSql.ToString(), null); total_charities_event = con.DB.Query(cmd_total_charities.FinalSql.ToString(), null); } DynamicDictionary dic = new DynamicDictionary(); dic.Add("total_donation_details", total_donation_details); dic.Add("total_donation_details", total_charities_event); = dic; return(resp); }
public HomeModule(ITransient transient, IRequestScoped requestScoped) : base("/home") { _transient = transient; _requestScoped = requestScoped; Debug.Assert(_requestScoped == _transient.RequestScoped); Get["/"] = _ => { var viewBag = new DynamicDictionary(); viewBag.Add("Transient", _transient); viewBag.Add("RequestScoped", _requestScoped); return View["home/index", viewBag]; }; Get["/index", runAsync: true] = async (_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1000); return "123"; }; Get["/list", runAsync: true] = async (_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1); return 500; }; Get["/edit", runAsync: true] = async (_, token) => { await Task.Delay(1); return 404; }; }
public override ResponseModel Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary item) { UserModel model = new UserModel(); //setting the client_id before inserting record if client_id field exists. if(model.GetType().GetProperty("client_id") != null) { if (item.GetValueAsInt("client_id") == null) { item.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id); } else { item.Add("client_id", item.GetValueAsInt("client_id")); } } string new_file_name = item.GetValueAsString("new_file_name"); if (new_file_name != "") { string reltive_path = "temp/"; item.SetValue("photo_path", reltive_path + new_file_name); } ResponseModel resp = base.Insert(con, item); if (resp.success) { int user_id = (int)((DynamicDictionary)"id"); = user_id; return(resp); } return(resp); }
public DynamicDictionary PushErrors(List <string> errorList) { int cnt = 1; foreach (string s in errorList) { errors.Add(cnt.ToString(), s); } return(errors); }
public void AddNotNullItems() { const string VALUE = "Hello"; const string NAME = "Joe"; _dictionary.Add(VALUE, nameof(VALUE)); Assert.Contains(_dictionary.ToDictionary(), kvp => kvp.Key == nameof(VALUE) && (string)kvp.Value == "Hello"); _dictionary.Add(NAME, nameof(NAME), NAME); Assert.Contains(_dictionary.ToDictionary(), kvp => kvp.Key == nameof(NAME) && (string)kvp.Value == "Joe"); }
public DynamicDictionary ValidateToken(DbConnect con, string token, int user_id) { DynamicDictionary data = new DynamicDictionary(); SessionLogService sessionSrvc = new SessionLogService(); DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary(); data_param.Add("token", token); data_param.Add("user_id", user_id); data = sessionSrvc.CrudRepo.Get(con, data_param); return(data); }
public virtual ResponseAuth Authenticate(int client_id, string username, string password) { //validate if data is passed with all 3 parameters. ResponseAuth resp = new ResponseAuth(); if (client_id < 1) { resp.message = "Please select a Client."; return(resp); } if (username.Trim().Length == 0) { resp.message = "Please enter a Username."; return(resp); } if (password.Trim().Length == 0) { resp.message = "Please enter a Password."; return(resp); } //var usermodel = Bango.Container.GetInstance<IUserModel>(); //UserService<UserModel, int?> userSrvc = (UserService<UserModel, int?>)Bango.Container.GetInstance(typeof(IUserService<UserModel, int?>)); var userSrvc = GetUserServiceInstance(); using (DbConnect con = new DbConnect()) { resp = userSrvc.AuthenticateUserNamePasword(con, client_id, username, password); //generate token string token = string.Empty; if (resp.success) { token = GenerateToken(); } resp.token = token; //save data in session & generate SessionLogService sessionSrvc = new SessionLogService(); DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary(); data_param.Add("client_id", client_id); data_param.Add("user_id", resp.user_id); DateTime login_datetime = DateTime.Now; data_param.Add("login_datetime", login_datetime); data_param.Add("expire_datetime", GetExpirtyDateTime(login_datetime)); data_param.Add("token", token); sessionSrvc.Insert(con, data_param); //SessionLogModel } return(resp); }
public static DynamicDictionary PushValidationErros(DynamicDictionary soruce, DynamicDictionary destination) { foreach (string s in soruce.KeyList) { if (destination.ContainsKey(s)) { List <string> msgs = new List <string>(); if (destination.GetValue(s).GetType() == typeof(List <string>)) { msgs = (List <string>)destination.GetValue(s); //soruce } else { msgs.Add(destination.GetValue(s).ToString()); } if (soruce.GetValue(s).GetType() == typeof(List <string>)) { List <string> n = (List <string>)soruce.GetValue(s); msgs.AddRange(n); } else { msgs.Add(soruce.GetValue(s).ToString()); } destination.SetValue(s, msgs); } else { destination.Add(s, soruce.GetValue(s)); } } return(destination); }
public override BangoCommand GetComboItemsCommand(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary data_param, int page = -1, int pageSize = 20, string sort_by = null, bool count = false) { sort_by = sort_by == null ? string.Empty : sort_by; ComboFieldsAttribute comboAttrib = _model.GetComoFields(); if (sort_by.Trim().Length == 0 && comboAttrib.OrderBy.Length > 0) { sort_by = DbServiceUtility.SetColumnAlias(TableDetail.Alias, comboAttrib.OrderBy); } BangoCommand cmd = GetCombotItemsCommandTemplate(comboAttrib.ToString(), count, TableDetail.Alias); if (comboAttrib.Status != null || comboAttrib.Status.Length > 0) { data_param.Add(comboAttrib.Status, true); //for Combo Status=True mains Active Recors load in ComboBOx } cmd = GetSearchCommand(SearchScenario.Combo, con, cmd, data_param, comboAttrib.ToString() , sort_by, page, pageSize, count, TableDetail.Alias); //adding the query clause string or_query = string.Empty; Dapper.DynamicParameters param = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); return(cmd); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetFile() { int? client_id = SessionData.client_id; object filePaths = ""; if (Directory.Exists($@"D:\ERP\ERP\ERP-MunTax\ERP-MunTax\ERP.Tax.EndPoint\filebox\CommonInput\logo\{client_id}") == true) { filePaths = Directory.GetFiles($@"D:\ERP\ERP\ERP-MunTax\ERP-MunTax\ERP.Tax.EndPoint\filebox\CommonInput\logo\{client_id}"); } DynamicDictionary data = new DynamicDictionary(); ResponseModel resp = new ResponseModel(false, data); data.Add("temp_file_url", filePaths); try { resp.success = true; resp.message = "Files successfully loaded."; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp)) }); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e)); } }
public virtual DynamicDictionary Get(DbConnect con, TKey id) { DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary(); TModel mdl = new TModel(); data_param.Add(mdl.GetKeyPropertyName(), id); dynamic item = Get(con, data_param); if (item != null) { return(item); } else { TModel itm = GetAsModel(con, id); if (itm == null) { return(null); } else { return(Models.ModelService.ToDictionary(itm)); } } }
public static List <DynamicDictionary> ToDictionaryListFromJson(string jsonString) { List <DynamicDictionary> paraList = new List <DynamicDictionary>(); if (jsonString != string.Empty) { Object obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString); if (obj is JArray) { JArray arr = ((JArray)obj); for (int i = 0, len = arr.Count; i < len; i++)//JObject o in arr) { DynamicDictionary dic = new DynamicDictionary(); JObject o = (JObject)arr[i]; if (o.HasValues) { JToken item = o.First; do { string key = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty)item).Name; //dic.Add(item.Path, o.Value<object>(item.Path).ToString()); dic.Add(key, o.GetValue(key).ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(item.Path + " => " + item.ToString()); item = item.Next; } while (item != null); } paraList.Add(dic); } } } return(paraList); }
public void TestAddKeyValuePair() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("foo", "bar")); Assert.AreEqual("bar", d["foo"]); }
public void Test_get_cards_by_filter() { DynamicDictionary query = new DynamicDictionary(); query.Add("name", "Ankh of Mishra"); Card[] cards = repository.GetCards(query).Result; Assert.Greater(cards.Length, 1); }
public WebConfiguration() { _settings = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (string k in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys) { _settings.Add(k, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[k]); } }
public void TestContainsKeyValuePairThatDoesNotExists() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.IsFalse(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("key", "value"))); }
public void TestAdd() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.AreEqual("value", d["key"]); }
public void TestContainsKey() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.IsTrue(d.ContainsKey("key"), "Did not contain key: \"key\""); }
public void Test_get_cards_by_filter () { DynamicDictionary query = new DynamicDictionary(); query.Add ("name", "Ankh of Mishra"); Card[] cards = repository.GetCards (query).Result; Assert.Greater (cards.Length,1); }
public void TestRemove() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.IsTrue(d.Remove("key"), "Did not remove key: \"key\""); }
public void DynamicDictionary_EventsTests() { DynamicDictionary d = new DynamicDictionary(); int countAdd = 0; int countRemove = 0; int countChanged = 0; int countClear = 0; int countOther = 0; d.OnChange += (sender, e) => { switch (e.EventType) { case DynamicDictionaryChangedType.AddedValue: countAdd++; break; case DynamicDictionaryChangedType.RemovedValue: countRemove++; break; case DynamicDictionaryChangedType.ChangedValue: countChanged++; break; case DynamicDictionaryChangedType.Clear: countClear++; break; default: countOther++; break; } }; d["1"] = "Main"; Assert.AreEqual(1, countAdd); d["1"] = "Main"; Assert.AreEqual(0, countChanged); d["2"] = "New"; Assert.AreEqual(2, countAdd); d["2"] = "Test"; Assert.AreEqual(1, countChanged); d.Add("3", "Name"); Assert.AreEqual(3, countAdd); d.Remove("3"); Assert.AreEqual(1, countRemove); d.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(1, countClear); Assert.AreEqual(0, countOther); }
public static DynamicDictionary ToDictionary(DataRow dr) { DynamicDictionary row = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (DataColumn col in dr.Table.Columns) { row.Add(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), dr[col]); } return(row); }
public void BaseArticleRevaluationServiceTest_UpdateByDeltasDictionary_And_EmptyExistingIndicatorList_Must_Add_All_From_DeltasDictionary() { // Assign var d0101 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1); var d0201 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 2); var d0301 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 3); var deltasInfo = new DynamicDictionary <DateTime, decimal>(); deltasInfo.Add(d0101, 100.15M); deltasInfo.Add(d0201, 150.25M); deltasInfo.Add(d0301, 500.45M); exactArticleRevaluationIndicatorRepository.Setup(x => x.GetFrom(d0101, storageId, accountOrganizationId)) .Returns(new List <ExactArticleRevaluationIndicator>()); // для проверки созданных показателей var createdIndicators = new List <ExactArticleRevaluationIndicator>(); // получение созданных показателей GetCreatedIndicators(createdIndicators); // Act baseArticleRevaluationIndicatorService.Update(deltasInfo, storageId, accountOrganizationId); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, createdIndicators.Count); var firstIndicator = createdIndicators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartDate == d0101 && x.EndDate == d0201 && x.RevaluationSum == 100.15M && x.StorageId == storageId && x.AccountOrganizationId == accountOrganizationId && x.PreviousId == null); Assert.IsNotNull(firstIndicator); var secondIndicator = createdIndicators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartDate == d0201 && x.EndDate == d0301 && x.RevaluationSum == 250.40M && x.StorageId == storageId && x.AccountOrganizationId == accountOrganizationId && x.PreviousId == firstIndicator.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(secondIndicator); var thirdIndicator = createdIndicators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartDate == d0301 && x.EndDate == null && x.RevaluationSum == 750.85M && x.StorageId == storageId && x.AccountOrganizationId == accountOrganizationId && x.PreviousId == secondIndicator.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(thirdIndicator); }
public void TestClearNonEmptyList() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("foo", "bar")); d.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); }
public void TestRemoveKeyValuePair() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.IsTrue(d.Remove(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("key", "value"))); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); }
protected bool AuthenticationFromDB(HttpActionContext actionContext, string token, int user_id) { if (!App.CheckToken) { return(true); } IAuthService authSrvc = App.Container.GetInstance <Rbac.IAuthService>(); DynamicDictionary tokenDetail = authSrvc.GetTokenDetail(token, user_id); if (tokenDetail == null || tokenDetail.GetCount() == 0) { Status = AuthorizationStatus.NotLoggedIn; return(false); } if (tokenDetail.ContainsKey("expire_datetime")) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenDetail["expire_datetime"].ToString())) { DateTime expiryDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tokenDetail["expire_datetime"]); DateTime current_date = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan difference = expiryDate - current_date; if (difference.TotalMinutes < 0) { Status = AuthorizationStatus.SessionExpired; return(false); } else { int?session_id = tokenDetail.GetValueAsInt("id"); _client_id = (int)tokenDetail.GetValueAsInt("client_id"); SessionData.client_id = _client_id; DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary(); data_param.Add("expire_datetime", AuthService.GetExpirtyDateTime(DateTime.Now)); data_param.Add("id", session_id); SessionLogService logSrvc = new SessionLogService(); logSrvc.Update(session_id, data_param); Status = AuthorizationStatus.Authorized; return(true); } } } return(false); }
protected virtual DynamicDictionary GetQueryAsDictionary() { DynamicDictionary dic = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs()) { dic.Add(item.Key, (object)item.Value); } return(dic); }
public static DynamicDictionary ToDynamic <T>(this T @object, bool inherit = true) { var dynDic = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (var property in @object.GetType().GetInstanceProperties(inherit)) { dynDic.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(@object, null)); } return(dynDic); }
/// <summary> /// Proxy ile mevcut dictionary i istediğimiz kurallarca veriyoruz. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override DynamicDictionary GetDictionary() { var proxyDictionary = new DynamicDictionary(); foreach (var item in DynamicProperties) { proxyDictionary.Add(GetKeyNameProxy(item.Key), GetValue(item.Key)); } return(Sort(proxyDictionary)); }
public void Should_add_value_when_invoking_keyvaluepair_overload_of_add_method() { // Given var input = new DynamicDictionary(); // When input.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, dynamic>("test", 10)); var value = (int)input["test"]; // Then value.ShouldEqual(10); }
public void Should_add_value_when_invoking_string_dynamic_overload_of_add_method() { // Given var input = new DynamicDictionary(); // When input.Add("test", 10); var value = (int)input["test"]; // Then value.ShouldEqual(10); }
public object Deserialize( BsonDeserializationContext context, BsonDeserializationArgs args ) { var bsonReader = context.Reader; BsonType bsonType = bsonReader.CurrentBsonType; object result; if( bsonType == BsonType.Null ) { bsonReader.ReadNull(); result = null; } else { if( bsonType == BsonType.Document ) { var dictionary = new DynamicDictionary(); bsonReader.ReadStartDocument(); IDiscriminatorConvention valueDiscriminatorConvention = BsonSerializer.LookupDiscriminatorConvention( typeof( object ) ); while( bsonReader.ReadBsonType() != BsonType.EndOfDocument ) { string key = bsonReader.ReadName(); Type valueType = valueDiscriminatorConvention.GetActualType( bsonReader, typeof( object ) ); IBsonSerializer valueSerializer = BsonSerializer.LookupSerializer( valueType ); object value = valueSerializer.Deserialize( context ); if( key != "_t" ) { dictionary.Add( key.Replace( '\x03', '.' ), value ); } } bsonReader.ReadEndDocument(); result = dictionary; } else { string message = string.Format( "Can't deserialize a {0} from BsonType {1}.", context.Reader.CurrentBsonType, bsonType ); throw new BsonException( message ); } } return result; }
private dynamic DownloadReportResults(dynamic args) { var requestId = new Guid(; var allResults = reportResultService.GetAllResults(requestId); var colNameLookup = allResults.FieldColumns.ToDictionary(x => x.FieldId, x => String.Format(FieldNameFormat, x.FieldName, x.UnitName)); return allResults.Rows.Select(x => { var row = new DynamicDictionary(); row.Add("Date Recorded", x.RowDateTime.ToString(RowDateFormat)); row.Add("Site Name", x.SiteName); foreach (var field in x.Fields) { row.Add(colNameLookup[field.FieldId], field.Value); } return row; }); }
public void TestClearNonEmptyList() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("foo", "bar")); d.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); }
public void TestAddKeyValuePair() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("foo", "bar")); Assert.AreEqual("bar", d["foo"]); }
public void Should_remove_natural_key() { // Given var input = new DynamicDictionary(); input.Add("a-b-c", "hello"); //when input.Remove("a-b-c"); //then input.ContainsKey("abc").ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void Should_return_dynamic_objects_as_objects() { //Given var input = new DynamicDictionary(); input.Add("Test", new { Title = "Fred", Number = 123 }); //When var result = input.ToDictionary(); //Then Assert.Equal("Fred", ((dynamic)result["Test"]).Title); Assert.Equal(123, ((dynamic)result["Test"]).Number); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the view. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewLocationResult">A <see cref="ViewLocationResult"/> instance, containing information on how to get the view template.</param> /// <param name="model">The model that should be passed into the view</param> /// <param name="renderContext"></param> /// <returns>A response</returns> public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext) { Template parsed; Hash hashedModel; HttpStatusCode status; try { // Set the parsed template parsed = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd( viewLocationResult, x => Template.Parse(viewLocationResult.Contents.Invoke().ReadToEnd())); hashedModel = Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { Model = new DynamicDrop(model), ViewBag = new DynamicDrop(renderContext.Context.ViewBag) }); // If we got past that, we have a good response status = HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (SyntaxException syntaxException) { // Syntax Exceptions cause a 500 status = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; // Build the error message String errorMessage = String.Format("Syntax error in liquid view '{0}':\r\n\r\n{1}", String.Format("{0}/{1}.{2}", viewLocationResult.Location, viewLocationResult.Name, viewLocationResult.Extension), syntaxException.Message); // Create the error model with a Nancy DynamicDictionary because i can ;) DynamicDictionary errorModel = new DynamicDictionary(); errorModel.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, dynamic>("ErrorMessage", errorMessage)); // Hash up the Error model so DotLiquid will understand it hashedModel = Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { Model = new DynamicDrop(errorModel) }); // Grab the error HTML from the embedded resource and build up the DotLiquid template. String errorHtml = LoadResource(@"500.liquid"); parsed = Template.Parse(errorHtml); } catch (Exception ex) { status = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; // Build the error message String errorMessage = String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message); // Create the error model with a Nancy DynamicDictionary because i can ;) DynamicDictionary errorModel = new DynamicDictionary(); errorModel.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, dynamic>("ErrorMessage", errorMessage)); // Hash up the Error model so DotLiquid will understand it hashedModel = Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { Model = new DynamicDrop(errorModel) }); // Grab the error HTML from the embedded resource String errorHtml = LoadResource(@"500.liquid"); parsed = Template.Parse(errorHtml); } // Build the response return new HtmlResponse(statusCode: status, contents: stream => { parsed.Render(stream, new RenderParameters { LocalVariables = hashedModel, Registers = Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { nancy = renderContext }) }); }); }
public void TestTryGetValueKeyExists() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); object value; Assert.IsTrue( d.TryGetValue("key", out value), "Expected true to trying to get a value for an existing key."); Assert.AreEqual("value", value); }
public void TestGetEnumerator() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); IEnumerator enumerator = d.GetEnumerator(); int count = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { var pair = (KeyValuePair<string, object>) enumerator.Current; Assert.AreEqual("key", pair.Key); Assert.AreEqual("value", pair.Value); count += 1; } Assert.AreEqual(1, count, "Enumerator did not move through the right number of items."); }
public void TestRemoveKeyValuePair() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.IsTrue(d.Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key", "value"))); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); }
public void TestCount() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); d.Add("key", "value"); Assert.AreEqual(1, d.Count); d.Remove("key"); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); }
public void TestCopyToKeyValuePair() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("foo", "bar"); var array = new KeyValuePair<string, object>[d.Count]; d.CopyTo(array, 0); KeyValuePair<string, object> pair = array[0]; Assert.AreEqual("foo", pair.Key); Assert.AreEqual("bar", pair.Value); }
public void TestContainsKeyValuePairThatDoesNotExists() { var d = new DynamicDictionary(); d.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.IsFalse(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("key", "value"))); }
private dynamic ViewReportResults(dynamic args) { var requestId = new Guid(; var results = reportResultService.GetResultsPage(requestId, Context.RequestedPage()); var columns = results.FieldColumns.Select(x => new { name = String.Format(FieldNameFormat, x.FieldName, x.UnitName), id = x.FieldId }).ToList(); columns.Insert(0, new { name = "Date Recorded", id = "DateRecorded" }); columns.Insert(1, new { name = "Site Name", id = "SiteName" }); var pagedResult = new { ReportName = results.ReportName, Count = results.Count, Pages = results.Pages, Columns = columns, Rows = results.Rows.Select(x => { var row = new DynamicDictionary(); row.Add("DateRecorded", x.RowDateTime.ToString(RowDateFormat)); row.Add("SiteName", x.SiteName); foreach (var field in x.Fields) { row.Add(field.FieldId, field.Value); } return row; }) }; return pagedResult; }