bool _loginToUboot(int time_out) { bool ret = false; //get logsytem var prop_logsystem = testingInfo.GetType().GetProperty("logSystem"); string log_value = (string)prop_logsystem.GetValue(testingInfo); //get log uart var prop_loguart = testingInfo.GetType().GetProperty("logUart"); log_value += string.Format("\n-------------------------------\n"); log_value += string.Format("{0}, login to uboot, timeout = {1}\n", DateTime.Now, time_out); prop_logsystem.SetValue(testingInfo, log_value); int count = 0; string reg_text = "Hit any key to stop autoboot"; int delay_ms = 100; int max_count = (time_out * 1000) / delay_ms; RE: count++; camera.captureLog(); string loguart = (string)prop_loguart.GetValue(testingInfo); ret = loguart.ToLower().Contains(reg_text.ToLower()); if ((count * delay_ms) % 1000 == 0) { log_value += string.Format("...{0}\n", (count * delay_ms) / 1000); prop_logsystem.SetValue(testingInfo, log_value); } if (!ret) { if (count < max_count) { Thread.Sleep(delay_ms); goto RE; } } else { ret = camera.loginToUboot(); } return(ret); }
bool _waitCameraUploadComplete(Dut.IPCamera <U> camera, int time_out) { bool ret = false; int count = 0; var prop_logsystem = uploadInfo.GetType().GetProperty("logSystem"); string log_value = (string)prop_logsystem.GetValue(uploadInfo); string data = ""; RE: count++; string tmpStr = camera.captureLog(); data += tmpStr; log_value += tmpStr; prop_logsystem.SetValue(uploadInfo, log_value); ret = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data) ? false : data.Contains("~ #"); if (!ret) { if (count < time_out) { Thread.Sleep(1000); goto RE; } } if (ret) { ret = data.Contains("updatefirmware success"); } return(ret); }
//kiem tra sd card qua cong UART public bool excuteUart(Grid grid_container) { bool ret = false; var prop_buttonresult = testingInfo.GetType().GetProperty("buttonResult"); prop_buttonresult.SetValue(testingInfo, "Waiting..."); //get logsytem var prop_logsystem = testingInfo.GetType().GetProperty("logSystem"); string log_value = (string)prop_logsystem.GetValue(testingInfo); try { if (!camera.IsConnected()) { goto END; } Thread.Sleep(500); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { uc_button = new UI.ucButton(30); grid_container.Children.Clear(); grid_container.Children.Add(uc_button); })); RE: string data = camera.captureLog(); log_value += data; prop_logsystem.SetValue(testingInfo, log_value); if (data != null) { ret = data.ToUpper().Contains(std_value.ToUpper()); } if (!ret) { if (uc_button.timeOut > 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); goto RE; } } goto END; } catch (Exception ex) { log_value += ex.ToString(); prop_logsystem.SetValue(testingInfo, log_value); goto END; } END: prop_buttonresult.SetValue(testingInfo, ret ? "Passed" : "Failed"); return(ret); }