 public void SetupRoomObjects(DungeonSettings gameInit, int level, Vector2Int pos, Vector2Int dim, Corridor corridor)
     SetupLights(gameInit, level, pos, dim);
     SetupEnemies(gameInit, level, pos, dim);
     SetupTorches(gameInit, level, pos, dim);
     SetupPotions(gameInit, level, pos, dim);
     SetupChests(gameInit, level, pos, dim);
        public CorridorDirection enteringCorridor;    // The direction of the corridor that is entering this room.

        // This is used for the first room.  It does not have a Corridor parameter since there are no corridors yet.
        public void SetupRoom(int level, DungeonSettings gameInit, int columns, int rows)
            // Set a random width and height.
            dim.x = gameInit.roomWidth.Random;
            dim.y = gameInit.roomHeight.Random;

            // Set the x and y coordinates so the room is roughly in the middle of the board.
            pos.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(columns / 2f - dim.x / 2f);
            pos.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(rows / 2f - dim.y / 2f);
        // This is an overload of the SetupRoom function and has a corridor parameter that represents the corridor entering the room.
        public void SetupRoom(int level, DungeonSettings gameInit, int columns, int rows, Corridor corridor)
            // Set the entering corridor direction.
            enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;

            // Set random values for width and height.
            dim.x = gameInit.roomWidth.Random;
            dim.y = gameInit.roomHeight.Random;

            switch (corridor.direction)
            // If the corridor entering this room is going north...
            case CorridorDirection.North:
                // ... the height of the room mustn't go beyond the board so it must be clamped based
                // on the height of the board (rows) and the end of corridor that leads to the room.
                dim.y = Mathf.Clamp(dim.y, 1, rows - corridor.EndPositionY);

                // The y coordinate of the room must be at the end of the corridor (since the corridor leads to the bottom of the room).
                pos.y = corridor.EndPositionY;

                // The x coordinate can be random but the left-most possibility is no further than the width
                // and the right-most possibility is that the end of the corridor is at the position of the room.
                pos.x = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);

                // This must be clamped to ensure that the room doesn't go off the board.
                pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, 0, columns - dim.x);

            case CorridorDirection.East:
                dim.x = Mathf.Clamp(dim.x, 1, columns - corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = corridor.EndPositionX;

                pos.y = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, 0, rows - dim.y);

            case CorridorDirection.South:
                dim.y = Mathf.Clamp(dim.y, 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1;

                pos.x = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, 0, columns - dim.x);

            case CorridorDirection.West:
                dim.x = Mathf.Clamp(dim.x, 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1;

                pos.y = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, 0, rows - dim.y);
 public void LoadAlgorithmSettings()
     if (Algorithm > -1)
         List <Tuple <string, bool> > settings = GameData.DungeonAlgorithmDex[Algorithm].DungeonSettings;
         for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; i++)
             DungeonSettings.Add(settings[i].Item1, 0);
        private void SetupChests(DungeonSettings gameInit, int level, Vector2Int Pos, Vector2Int Dim)
            int NumOfEnemies = Random.Range(1, settings.objectSet[level <= settings.objectSet.Length ? level : 0].chestPerRoom);

            for (int i = 0; i < NumOfEnemies; ++i)
                float startXPos = Random.Range(Pos.x, Pos.x + Dim.x);
                float startYPos = Random.Range(Pos.y, Pos.y + Dim.y);

                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(startXPos, startYPos, 0.0f);
                chestSpawner.spawn(null, pos - chestSpawner.transform.position);
        private void SetupLights(DungeonSettings gameInit, int level, Vector2Int Pos, Vector2Int Dim)
            int NumOfLights = settings.objectSet[level <= settings.objectSet.Length ? level : 0].lightsPerRoom.Random;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLights; ++i)
                float startXPos = Random.Range(Pos.x, Pos.x + Dim.x);
                float startYPos = Random.Range(Pos.y, Pos.y + Dim.y);

                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(startXPos, startYPos, lightSpawner.transform.position.z);
                lightSpawner.spawn(null, pos - lightSpawner.transform.position);
        public void Load(int rdungeonNum)
            //load settings from algorithm

            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(Paths.DataPath + "RDungeon\\" + rdungeonNum + "\\base.xml"))
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsStartElement())
                        switch (reader.Name)
                        case "Name":
                            Name = reader.ReadString();

                        case "Algorithm":
                            Algorithm = reader.ReadString().ToInt();

                        case "DungeonSettings":
                            XmlReader settingsReader = reader.ReadSubtree();
                            while (settingsReader.Read())
                                if (settingsReader.IsStartElement() && DungeonSettings.ContainsKey(settingsReader.Name))
                                    DungeonSettings[settingsReader.Name] = settingsReader.ReadString().ToInt();
            int floorNum = 0;

            while (File.Exists(Paths.DataPath + "RDungeon\\" + rdungeonNum + "\\" + floorNum + ".xml"))
                RDungeonFloor floor = new RDungeonFloor();
                floor.Load(rdungeonNum, floorNum);
    private void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

        //setup scales according to dungeon level
        private void SetupEnemies(DungeonSettings gameInit, int level, Vector2Int Pos, Vector2Int Dim)
            int NumOfEnemies = settings.enemiesSets[level <= settings.enemiesSets.Length ? level : 0].enemiesPerRoom.Random;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumOfEnemies; ++i)
                float startXPos = Random.Range(Pos.x, Pos.x + Dim.x);
                float startYPos = Random.Range(Pos.y, Pos.y + Dim.y);

                Vector3 pos      = new Vector3(startXPos, startYPos, 0.0f);
                Vector3 localPos = pos - enemySpawner.transform.position;
                enemySpawner.spawn(null, localPos);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dungeon">The dungeon information</param>
        /// <param name="browser">The browser object for displaying wiki information</param>
        /// <param name="userSettings">The dungeon user settings</param>
        public DungeonViewModel(Dungeon dungeon, IBrowserController browserController, DungeonSettings userSettings)
            this.DungeonModel      = dungeon;
            this.browserController = browserController;
            this.userSettings      = userSettings;

            // Initialize the path view models
            this.Paths = new ObservableCollection <PathViewModel>();
            foreach (var path in this.DungeonModel.Paths)
                this.Paths.Add(new PathViewModel(path, this.userSettings));

            this.userSettings.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => this.RefreshVisibility();
            this.userSettings.HiddenDungeons.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => this.RefreshVisibility();
        private void SetupTorches(DungeonSettings gameInit, int level, Vector2Int Pos, Vector2Int Dim)
            int NumOfTorches = Random.Range(1, settings.objectSet[level <= settings.objectSet.Length ? level : 0].torchesPerRoom);

            for (int i = 0; i < NumOfTorches; ++i)
                int   whichWall      = Random.Range(0, 4);
                float startXPos      = 0;
                float startYPos      = 0;
                float padding        = 0.3f;
                float lastTorchNorth = 0;
                float spacing        = 2;

                switch (whichWall)
                // north
                case 0:
                    startXPos      = Mathf.Clamp(lastTorchNorth + Random.Range(spacing, Dim.x - spacing), Pos.x, Pos.x + Dim.x);
                    startYPos      = Pos.y + Dim.y - padding;
                    lastTorchNorth = startXPos;

                // east
                case 1:
                    startXPos = Pos.x + Dim.x - padding;
                    startYPos = Random.Range(Pos.y, Pos.y + Dim.y);

                // south
                case 2:
                    startXPos = Random.Range(Pos.x, Pos.x + Dim.x);
                    startYPos = Pos.y + padding;

                // west
                case 3:
                    startXPos = Pos.x + padding;
                    startYPos = Random.Range(Pos.y, Pos.y + Dim.y);

                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(startXPos, startYPos, 0.0f);
                torchSpawner.spawn(null, pos - torchSpawner.transform.position);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dungeonsService">The dungeons service object</param>
        /// <param name="userSettings">The dungeons user settings object</param>
        public DungeonsController(IDungeonsService dungeonsService, IBrowserController browserController, DungeonSettings userSettings)
            logger.Debug("Initializing Dungeons Controller");
            this.dungeonsService   = dungeonsService;
            this.browserController = browserController;
            this.userSettings      = userSettings;

            // Initialize the refresh timer
            this.dungeonsRefreshTimer = new Timer(this.RefreshDungeons);
            this.RefreshInterval      = 1000;

            // Initialize the start call count to 0
            this.startCallCount = 0;

            // Initialize the WorldEvents collection

            logger.Info("Dungeons Controller initialized");
        private void Start()
            dungeonModSettings = new DungeonSettings();

            Mod  mod = ModManager.Instance.GetMod("Handpainted Models - Main");
            bool handPaintedModFound = mod != null;

            improvedDungeonLightMod.GetSettings().Deserialize("Dungeons", ref dungeonModSettings);
            if (dungeonModSettings.Enabled == true)
                if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideDungeon)
                    ApplyShadowSettings(null);       //Apply our shadow settings
                    RemoveVanillaLightSources(null); //If the game starts or is loaded indoors, apply the shadows right away

                    //Check to see if the hand painted mod exists - if it does we don't have to add new lights, only adjust exisitng ones.
                    if (handPaintedModFound == true)

                PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += RemoveVanillaLightSources; //Remove all the daggerfall vanilla light sources in dungeons.
                PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += ApplyShadowSettings;

                //If the hainted painted mod is found, adjust that mods existing lights instead of creating new ones
                if (handPaintedModFound == true)
                    PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += AdjustExistingLightSources;
                    PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += AddImprovedLighting;
 public virtual void InstantiateOuterWalls(DungeonModel.TileType[][] tiles, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
 protected virtual void InstantiateFromArray(GameObject[] prefabs, float xCoord, float yCoord, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
 protected virtual void InstantiateHorizontalOuterWall(float startingX, float endingX, float yCoord, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
 protected virtual void InstantiateVerticalOuterWall(float xCoord, float startingY, float endingY, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
        //public override void InstantiateOuterWalls(DungeonModel.TileType[][] tiles, GameObject boardHolder, GameSettings gameInit) { }
        //protected override void InstantiateVerticalOuterWall(float xCoord, float startingY, float endingY, GameObject boardHolder, GameSettings gameInit) { }
        //protected override void InstantiateHorizontalOuterWall(float startingX, float endingX, float yCoord, GameObject boardHolder, GameSettings gameInit) { }

        protected override void InstantiateFromArray(GameObject[] prefabs, float xCoord, float yCoord, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
            // Create a random index for the array.
            //int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, prefabs.Length);

            //// The position to be instantiated at is based on the coordinates.
            //Vector3 position = new Vector3(xCoord, yCoord, 0f);

            //// Create an instance of the prefab from the random index of the array.
            //GameObject tileInstance = Instantiate(prefabs[randomIndex], position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            //// Set the tile's parent to the board holder.
            //tileInstance.transform.parent = boardHolder.transform;
        protected override void InstantiateVerticalOuterWall(float xCoord, float startingY, float endingY, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
            // Start the loop at the starting value for Y.
            float currentY = startingY;

            // While the value for Y is less than the end value...
            while (currentY <= endingY)
                // ... instantiate an outer wall tile at the x coordinate and the current y coordinate.
                InstantiateFromArray(gameInit.tileSets[0].outerWallTiles, xCoord, currentY, boardHolder, gameInit);

 public override void InstantiateTiles(DungeonModel.TileType[][] tiles, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
     // Go through all the tiles in the jagged array...
     for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].Length; j++)
             // If the tile type is Wall...
             if (tiles[i][j] == DungeonModel.TileType.Wall)
                 // ... instantiate a wall over the top.
                 InstantiateFromArray(gameInit.tileSets[0].wallTiles, i, j, boardHolder, gameInit);
                 // ... and instantiate a floor tile for it.
                 InstantiateFromArray(gameInit.tileSets[0].floorTiles, i, j, boardHolder, gameInit);
        protected override void InstantiateHorizontalOuterWall(float startingX, float endingX, float yCoord, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
            // Start the loop at the starting value for X.
            float currentX = startingX;

            // While the value for X is less than the end value...
            while (currentX <= endingX)
                // ... instantiate an outer wall tile at the y coordinate and the current x coordinate.
                InstantiateFromArray(gameInit.tileSets[0].outerWallTiles, currentX, yCoord, boardHolder, gameInit);

        public override void InstantiateOuterWalls(DungeonModel.TileType[][] tiles, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
            // The outer walls are one unit left, right, up and down from the board.
            float leftEdgeX   = -1f;
            float rightEdgeX  = gameInit.columns + 0f;
            float bottomEdgeY = -1f;
            float topEdgeY    = gameInit.rows + 0f;

            // Instantiate both vertical walls (one on each side).
            InstantiateVerticalOuterWall(leftEdgeX, bottomEdgeY, topEdgeY, boardHolder, gameInit);
            InstantiateVerticalOuterWall(rightEdgeX, bottomEdgeY, topEdgeY, boardHolder, gameInit);

            // Instantiate both horizontal walls, these are one in left and right from the outer walls.
            InstantiateHorizontalOuterWall(leftEdgeX + 1f, rightEdgeX - 1f, bottomEdgeY, boardHolder, gameInit);
            InstantiateHorizontalOuterWall(leftEdgeX + 1f, rightEdgeX - 1f, topEdgeY, boardHolder, gameInit);
        public override void InstantiateTiles(DungeonModel.TileType[][] tiles, GameObject boardHolder, DungeonSettings gameInit)
            // create the Grid object
            GameObject gridObject = new GameObject("Grid");

            gridObject.AddComponent <Grid>();

            // create the tileMap object and attach required scripts
            GameObject tilemapObject = new GameObject("dungeonTilemap");

            tilemapObject.AddComponent <Tilemap>();
            tilemapObject.AddComponent <TilemapRenderer>();
            tilemapObject.AddComponent <TilemapCollider2D>();
            tilemapObject.transform.parent = gridObject.transform;

            // get the tile map component
            Tilemap         tilemap         = tilemapObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>();
            TilemapRenderer TilemapRenderer = tilemapObject.GetComponent <TilemapRenderer>();

            TilemapRenderer.material = dungeonMaterial;
            tilemapObject.layer      = 10;

            int tileSetIdx = Random.Range(0, gameInit.tileSets.Length - 1);


            // Go through all the tiles in the jagged array...
            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].Length; j++)
                    TileDungeonTileMap tileDungeonTileMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TileDungeonTileMap>();

                    // If the tile type is Wall...
                    if (tiles[i][j] == DungeonModel.TileType.Wall)
                        // ... instantiate a wall over the top.
                        int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, gameInit.tileSets[tileSetIdx].wallTiles.Length);
                        tileDungeonTileMap.sprite       = gameInit.tileSets[tileSetIdx].wallTiles[randomIndex].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.Sprite;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.color        = wallColor;
                        int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, gameInit.tileSets[tileSetIdx].floorTiles.Length);
                        // ... and instantiate a floor tile for it.
                        tileDungeonTileMap.sprite       = gameInit.tileSets[tileSetIdx].floorTiles[randomIndex].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.None;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.color        = Color.white; //floorColor;

                    tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(i, j, 0), tileDungeonTileMap);

            //create the minimap
            tilemapObject = new GameObject("MinimapTilemap");
            tilemapObject.AddComponent <Tilemap>();
            tilemapObject.AddComponent <TilemapRenderer>();
            tilemapObject.transform.parent = gridObject.transform;
            tilemapObject.layer            = 9;
            //get the tile map component
            tilemap = tilemapObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>();

            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tiles[i].Length; j++)
                    // If the tile type is Wall...
                    if (tiles[i][j] == DungeonModel.TileType.Floor)
                        TileDungeonTileMap tileDungeonTileMap = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TileDungeonTileMap>();

                        // ... and instantiate a floor tile for it.
                        Transform temp = gameInit.tileSets[tileSetIdx].floorTiles[0].transform.GetChild(0);
                        tileDungeonTileMap.sprite       = temp.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.None;
                        tileDungeonTileMap.color        = Color.yellow;

                        tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(i, j, 0), tileDungeonTileMap);
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path"></param>
 /// <param name="userSettings"></param>
 public PathViewModel(DungeonPath path, DungeonSettings userSettings)
     this.PathModel    = path;
     this.userSettings = userSettings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public ApplicationController()
            // Create services
            logger.Debug("Creating services");
            this.EventsService    = new EventsService();
            this.PlayerService    = new PlayerService();
            this.SystemService    = new SystemService();
            this.ZoneService      = new ZoneService();
            this.DungeonsService  = new DungeonsService();
            this.WvWService       = new WvWService();
            this.GuildService     = new GuildService();
            this.TeamspeakService = new TeamspeakService();
            this.CommerceService  = new CommerceService();

            // Create ZoneName view model for the Zone Completion Assistant
            this.ZoneName = new ZoneNameViewModel();

            // Create WvWMap view model for the WvW Tracker
            this.WvWMap = new WvWMapViewModel();

            // Load user settings
            logger.Debug("Loading event user settings");
            this.EventSettings = EventSettings.LoadSettings(EventSettings.Filename);
            if (this.EventSettings == null)
                this.EventSettings = new EventSettings();

            logger.Debug("Loading zone completion assistant user settings");
            this.ZoneCompletionSettings = ZoneCompletionSettings.LoadSettings(ZoneCompletionSettings.Filename);
            if (this.ZoneCompletionSettings == null)
                this.ZoneCompletionSettings = new ZoneCompletionSettings();

            logger.Debug("Loading dungeon user settings");
            this.DungeonSettings = DungeonSettings.LoadSettings(DungeonSettings.Filename);
            if (this.DungeonSettings == null)
                this.DungeonSettings = new DungeonSettings();

            logger.Debug("Loading wvw user settings");
            this.WvWSettings = WvWSettings.LoadSettings(WvWSettings.Filename);
            if (this.WvWSettings == null)
                this.WvWSettings = new WvWSettings();

            logger.Debug("Loading teamspeak settings");
            this.TeamspeakSettings = TeamspeakSettings.LoadSettings(TeamspeakSettings.Filename);
            if (this.TeamspeakSettings == null)
                this.TeamspeakSettings = new TeamspeakSettings();

            logger.Debug("Loading commerce settings");
            this.CommerceSettings = CommerceSettings.LoadSettings(CommerceSettings.Filename);
            if (this.CommerceSettings == null)
                this.CommerceSettings = new CommerceSettings();

            // Enable autosave on the user settings
            logger.Debug("Enabling autosave of user settings");

            // Create the controllers
            logger.Debug("Creating browser controller");
            this.BrowserController = new BrowserController();

            logger.Debug("Creating events controller");
            this.EventsController = new EventsController(this.EventsService, this.EventSettings);
            this.EventsController.Start(); // Get it started for event notifications

            logger.Debug("Creating zone completion assistant controller");
            this.ZoneCompletionController = new ZoneCompletionController(this.ZoneService, this.PlayerService, this.SystemService, this.ZoneName, this.ZoneCompletionSettings);

            logger.Debug("Creating dungeons controller");
            this.DungeonsController = new DungeonsController(this.DungeonsService, this.BrowserController, this.DungeonSettings);

            logger.Debug("Creating wvw controller");
            this.WvWController = new WvWController(this.WvWService, this.PlayerService, this.GuildService, this.WvWMap, this.WvWSettings);
            this.WvWController.Start(); // Get it started for wvw notifications

            logger.Debug("Creating commerce controller");
            this.CommerceController = new CommerceController(this.CommerceService, this.CommerceSettings);
            this.CommerceController.Start(); // Get it started for price-watch notifications

            // Create the event notifications view
            logger.Debug("Initializing event notifications");
            this.eventNotificationsView = new EventNotificationWindow(this.EventsController);
            this.eventNotificationsView.Show(); // Transparent window, just go ahead and show it

            // Create the wvw notifications view
            logger.Debug("Initializing WvW notifications");
            this.wvwNotificationsView = new WvWNotificationWindow(this.WvWController);
            this.wvwNotificationsView.Show(); // Transparent window, just go ahead and show it

            logger.Debug("Initializing price notifications");
            this.priceNotificationsView = new PriceNotificationWindow(this.CommerceController);
            this.priceNotificationsView.Show(); // Transparent window, just go ahead and show it

            // Initialize the menu items
            logger.Debug("Initializing application menu items");

            logger.Info("Application controller initialized");