    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isMoving)
            // How long has it been since we last updated our position
            float distanceIncrement = this.moveRate * Time.deltaTime;
            // find out how far we should move
            // convert to T value 0...1
            this.currentDistanceAlongDubinPath += distanceIncrement;
            if (currentDistanceAlongDubinPath >= finalDistanceAlongDubinPath)
                distanceIncrement             = currentDistanceAlongDubinPath - finalDistanceAlongDubinPath;
                currentDistanceAlongDubinPath = finalDistanceAlongDubinPath;
                isMoving = false;
                this.CurrentMoveDistance -= distanceIncrement;

            this.CurrentMoveDistance = Mathf.Max(0.0f, CurrentMoveDistance);

            DubinCSC currentDubin     = CurrentPath.path[this.currentDubinIdx];
            float    relativeDistance = currentDistanceAlongDubinPath - runningDubinDistanceTotal;

            if (relativeDistance > currentDubin.totalLength)
                this.runningDubinDistanceTotal += currentDubin.totalLength;
                relativeDistance -= currentDubin.totalLength;

                currentDubin = this.currentPath.path[currentDubinIdx];

            Vector3 nextPos;
            Vector3 nextDir;

            currentDubin.GetPositionAndHeadingFromDistance(relativeDistance, this.currentPath.turnRadius, out nextPos, out nextDir);

            // move to that spot.
            this.transform.position = nextPos;
            this.transform.forward  = this.CurrentPath.isReverse ? -nextDir : nextDir;

            gameEventSystem.RaiseEvent(GameEventType.ObjectPropertyChanged, this.gameObject, this.gameObject);

            // TODO:
            // Do something with tile grid?
            // Do we care for in motion stuff, or just the end position?

            if (!isMoving)
                ////TODO: Do we really want to clear the entire, or just from the last point?
                //// in which case, we'd need to clip the dubin, basicaly....or repath
                gameEventSystem.RaiseEvent(GameEventType.PathChanged, this.gameObject, CurrentPath);
                gameEventSystem.RaiseEvent(GameEventType.MoveEnded, this.gameObject, CurrentPath);
    public List <HeadingPositionPair> AsPointsList(LineRenderArgs args, float distInc)
        Vector3 nextPos = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 nextDir;
        int     dubinIndex = path.Count - 1;

        float totalLength = this.CalculateTotalDistance();

        float    pathDistance = 0.0f;
        DubinCSC currentDubin = path[path.Count - 1];

        // Figure out which Dubin in the list we should start on
        for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i)
            pathDistance += path[i].totalLength;
            if (args.StartDistance <= pathDistance)
                currentDubin  = path[i];
                dubinIndex    = i;
                pathDistance -= path[i].totalLength;
                break; //Found our dubin

        // const int numSegmentsPerDubin = 100;
        // int totalNumSegments = numSegmentsPerDubin * (path.Count - dubinIndex);
        //float distInc = Mathf.Ceil(currentDubin.totalLength / numSegmentsPerDubin);
        int numPairs = (int)(totalLength / distInc);
        List <HeadingPositionPair> pathLines = new List <HeadingPositionPair>(numPairs);

        for (float distance = args.StartDistance; distance < args.EndDistance;)
            float relativeDistanceStart = distance - pathDistance;
            float relativeDistanceEnd   = Mathf.Min(currentDubin.totalLength, args.EndDistance - pathDistance);
            //float distInc = Mathf.Ceil(currentDubin.totalLength / numSegmentsPerDubin);

            for (float relativeDistance = relativeDistanceStart;
                 relativeDistance <= relativeDistanceEnd;
                 relativeDistance += distInc)
                currentDubin.GetPositionAndHeadingFromDistance(relativeDistance, turnRadius, out nextPos, out nextDir);
                pathLines.Add(new HeadingPositionPair(nextPos, nextDir));

            // ensure that the last spot is included
            currentDubin.GetPositionAndHeadingFromDistance(relativeDistanceEnd, turnRadius, out nextPos, out nextDir);
            pathLines.Add(new HeadingPositionPair(nextPos, nextDir));

            distance     += currentDubin.totalLength;
            pathDistance += currentDubin.totalLength;

            if (dubinIndex >= path.Count)

            currentDubin = path[dubinIndex];

    public void DrawDubin(AccessibleLineRenderer lineRenderer, LineRenderArgs args)
        if (path == null || path.Count == 0)
            lineRenderer.enabled = false;

        lineRenderer.UnderlyingLineRenderer.SetWidth(args.LineWidth, args.LineWidth);

        if (lineRenderer.enabled == false)
            lineRenderer.enabled = true;

        Vector3 nextPos = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 nextDir;
        int     dubinIndex = path.Count - 1;

        float totalLength = this.CalculateTotalDistance();

        float    pathDistance = 0.0f;
        DubinCSC currentDubin = path[path.Count - 1];

        // Figure out which Dubin in the list we should start on
        for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i)
            pathDistance += path[i].totalLength;
            if (args.StartDistance <= pathDistance)
                currentDubin  = path[i];
                dubinIndex    = i;
                pathDistance -= path[i].totalLength;
                break; //Found our dubin

        const int numSegmentsPerDubin = 100;
        int       totalNumSegments    = numSegmentsPerDubin * (path.Count - dubinIndex);

        lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(totalNumSegments); //hackery
        int idx = totalNumSegments - 1;

        for (float distance = args.StartDistance; distance < args.EndDistance;)
            float relativeDistanceStart = distance - pathDistance;
            float relativeDistanceEnd   = Mathf.Min(currentDubin.totalLength, args.EndDistance - pathDistance);
            float distInc = Mathf.Ceil(currentDubin.totalLength / numSegmentsPerDubin);

            for (float relativeDistance = relativeDistanceStart;
                 relativeDistance <= relativeDistanceEnd;
                 relativeDistance += distInc)
                currentDubin.GetPositionAndHeadingFromDistance(relativeDistance, turnRadius, out nextPos, out nextDir);
                nextPos.y += 1.0f;
                lineRenderer.SetPosition(idx--, nextPos);

            // ensure that the last spot is included
            currentDubin.GetPositionAndHeadingFromDistance(relativeDistanceEnd, turnRadius, out nextPos, out nextDir);
            nextPos.y += 1.0f;
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(idx, nextPos);

            distance     += currentDubin.totalLength;
            pathDistance += currentDubin.totalLength;

            if (dubinIndex >= path.Count)

            currentDubin = path[dubinIndex];

        int badMath = 0;

        //for (int i = idx; i < totalNumSegments; i++)
        for (int i = idx; i >= 0; --i)
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, nextPos);

        //      Debug.Log("BadMath: " + badMath);