private void varInitialization()
     currentPoint     = new TwoDPoint(0, 0);
     startPoint       = new TwoDPoint(0, 0);
     currentPointList = new List <TwoDPoint>();
     currentPointList.Add(new TwoDPoint(0, 0));
     reducedPoints = new TwoDPoint[pointsPerGesture];
     for (int i = 0; i < pointsPerGesture; i++)
         reducedPoints[i] = new TwoDPoint(0, 0);
     gestureStarted  = false;
     gestureComplete = false;
     inputReady      = false;
     currentGesture  = new DrawnGesture("currentGesture", pointsPerGesture);
    //      AverageDistanceWithAnomalies
    //      use:        calculates the average difference between
    //                  the points of two gestures but weighing
    //                  those which deviate significantly by
    //                  multiplying them
    //                  Both the tightness of this and the factor
    //                  of multiplication are customizable
    //                  above
    //      param:      playerGesture:  first to be compared
    //                  template:       gesture to be compared against
    //      return:     returns float value of the average distance
    //                  between points of two parameter gestures
    //                  with weights
    private float AverageDifferenceWithAnomalies(DrawnGesture playerGesture, DrawnGesture template)
        int numPoints = playerGesture.GetNumPoints();

        if (numPoints != template.GetNumPoints())
            Debug.Log("Number of points differs from templates");

        float totalDifference = 0;

        float[] sampleDifferences = new float[numPoints];
        float[] sampleDeviations  = new float[numPoints];
        float   standardDev       = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            float thisDistance = PointDistance(playerGesture.GetPoints()[i], template.GetPoints()[i]);
            sampleDifferences[i] = thisDistance;
            totalDifference     += thisDistance;

        float average = totalDifference / numPoints;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            sampleDeviations[i] = Math.Abs(sampleDifferences[i] - average);
            standardDev        += sampleDifferences[i];

        standardDev = standardDev / numPoints;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            if (Math.Abs(sampleDeviations[i]) > devTightness * standardDev)
                totalDifference -= sampleDifferences[i];
                totalDifference += anomaliesFactor * sampleDifferences[i];

        average = totalDifference / numPoints;

    //      MapPoints
    //      use:        maps the list of recorded points to a desired
    //                  number of points by calculating an even distance
    //                  between such a number of points and interpolating
    //                  when that distance is reached upon traversal of the
    //                  list
    //                  Called after scaling on every gesture
    //      param:      gesture:    the object to store the new array
    private void MapPoints(DrawnGesture gesture)
        int   newIndex        = 1;
        float totalDistance   = TotalDistance();
        float coveredDistance = 0;
        float thisDistance    = 0;
        float idealInterval   = totalDistance / pointsPerGesture;

        for (int i = 0; i < currentPointList.Count - 1; i++)
            thisDistance = PointDistance(currentPointList[i], currentPointList[i + 1]);
            bool passedIdeal = (coveredDistance + thisDistance) >= idealInterval;
            if (passedIdeal)
                TwoDPoint reference = currentPointList[i];
                while (passedIdeal && newIndex < reducedPoints.Length)
                    float percentNeeded = (idealInterval - coveredDistance) / thisDistance;
                    if (percentNeeded > 1f)
                        percentNeeded = 1f;
                    if (percentNeeded < 0f)
                        percentNeeded = 0f;
                    float new_x = (((1f - percentNeeded) * reference.GetX()) + (percentNeeded * currentPointList[i + 1].GetX()));
                    float new_y = (((1f - percentNeeded) * reference.GetY()) + (percentNeeded * currentPointList[i + 1].GetY()));
                    reducedPoints[newIndex] = new TwoDPoint(new_x, new_y);
                    reference = reducedPoints[newIndex];
                    thisDistance    = (coveredDistance + thisDistance) - idealInterval;
                    coveredDistance = 0;
                    passedIdeal     = (coveredDistance + thisDistance) >= idealInterval;
                coveredDistance = thisDistance;
                coveredDistance += thisDistance;
    //      FindMatch
    //      use:        determines template gesture with the minimum
    //                  average distance between points to the
    //                  currently recorded gesture
    //                  Called after finishing a gesture when not
    //                  recording
    //      param:      playerGesture:  current gesture to be matched
    //                  templates:      object containting list of
    //                                  gestures to compare against
    //      return:     returns gesture object of the minimum
    //                  difference template
    private DrawnGesture FindMatch(DrawnGesture playerGesture, GestureTemplates templates)
        float        minAvgDifference = float.MaxValue;
        DrawnGesture match            = new DrawnGesture("no match", pointsPerGesture);

        foreach (DrawnGesture template in templates.templates)
            float d = AverageDifference(playerGesture, template);
            if (d < minAvgDifference)
                minAvgDifference = d;
                match            = template;
    //      AverageDifference
    //      use:        caluclates the average distance between
    //                  the points of two gestures
    //      param:      playerGesture:  first to be compared
    //                  template:       gesture to be compared against
    //      return:     returns float value of the average distance
    //                  between points of two parameter gestures
    private float AverageDifference(DrawnGesture playerGesture, DrawnGesture template)
        int numPoints = playerGesture.GetNumPoints();

        if (numPoints != template.GetNumPoints())
            Debug.Log("Number of points differs from templates");

        float totalDifference = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            totalDifference += PointDistance(playerGesture.GetPoints()[i], template.GetPoints()[i]);

        return(totalDifference / numPoints);
    //      Rescale
    //      use:        scales recorded list of points to a square field
    //                  of a chosen size by multiplication of the factor
    //                  of the desired size it already is
    //                  Called on every gesture after recording
    private void Rescale(DrawnGesture gesture)
        float scale  = 1f;
        float xrange = gesture.GetMaxX() - gesture.GetMinX();
        float yrange = gesture.GetMaxY() - gesture.GetMinY();

        if (xrange >= yrange)
            scale = standardRatio / (gesture.GetMaxX() - gesture.GetMinX());
            scale = standardRatio / (gesture.GetMaxY() - gesture.GetMinY());
        if (scale != 1)
            foreach (TwoDPoint point in currentPointList)
                point.SetX(point.GetX() * scale);
                point.SetY(point.GetY() * scale);
 //      EndGesture
 //      use:            Resets control bools and other variables
 //                      records gesture to the templates object
 //                      or calls recognition.
 //                      Called when max recording points reached.
 private void EndGesture()
     if (inputReady)
         inputReady = false;
     gestureStarted  = false;
     gestureComplete = true;
     if (recording)
         templates.templates.Add(new DrawnGesture(currentGesture.GetName(), pointsPerGesture, currentGesture.GetMaxX(), currentGesture.GetMaxY(),
                                                  currentGesture.GetMinX(), currentGesture.GetMinY(), currentGesture.GetPoints()));
         DrawnGesture m = FindMatch(currentGesture, templates);