public Jhin() { foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { TextsInScreen.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.ChampionName + " is R killable", new Font("Arial", 30F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); TextsInHeroPosition.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text("R killable", new Font("Arial", 23F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); LastPredictedPositionText.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.ChampionName + " last predicted position", new Font("Arial", 23F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); } Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Targeted, 600) { Width = 450, Speed = 1800, CastDelay = 250, }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Linear, 2500) { Width = 40, CastDelay = 750, Speed = 5000, AllowedCollisionCount = -1, }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Circular, 750) { Width = 135, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1600, }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Linear, 3500) { Width = 65, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 5000, AllowedCollisionCount = -1, }; Evader.OnEvader += delegate { if (EvaderMenu.CheckBox("BlockW")) { LastBlockTick = Core.GameTickCount; } }; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.W) { args.Process = Core.GameTickCount - LastBlockTick > 750; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.R: if (args.SData.Name == "JhinR") { IsCastingR = true; LastRCone = new Geometry.Polygon.Sector(sender.Position, args.End, (float)(45 * 2f * Math.PI / 175f), R.Range); Stacks = 4; } else if (args.SData.Name == "JhinRShot") { R.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; TapKeyPressed = false; Stacks--; } break; } } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && sender.IsEnemy) { if (MyHero.Distance(args.Start, true) > MyHero.Distance(args.End)) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("E.Gapcloser") && MyHero.IsInRange(args.End, E.Range) && E.IsReady) { E.Cast(args.End); } if (MyHero.Distance(args.End, true) < (sender.GetAutoAttackRange(MyHero) * 1.5f).Pow()) { WShouldWaitTick = Core.GameTickCount; } } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("TapKey", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')).OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue && R.IsLearned && (R.IsReady || IsCastingR) && R.EnemyHeroes.Count > 0) { TapKeyPressed = true; } }; KeysMenu.AddValue("UltKey", new KeyBind("R Key in game", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'R')).OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue && R.IsLearned && (R.IsReady || IsCastingR)) { Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.Stop, Player.Instance.ServerPosition); } }; ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("AutoW", new KeyBind("AutoW Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { foreach (var enemy in UnitManager.ValidEnemyHeroes.Where(TargetHaveEBuff)) { if (MiscMenu.CheckBox("AutoW." + enemy.ChampionName)) { CastW(enemy); } } }); } W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); ComboMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); ComboMenu.AddValue("Items", new CheckBox("Use offensive items")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Ultimate"); { UltimateMenu.AddStringList("Mode", "R AIM Mode", new[] { "Disabled", "Using TapKey", "Automatic" }, 3); UltimateMenu.AddValue("OnlyKillable", new CheckBox("Only attack if it's killable", false)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("Delay", new Slider("Delay between R's (in ms)", 0, 0, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse", new GroupLabel("Near Mouse Settings")); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Enabled", new CheckBox("Only select target near mouse", false)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Radius", new Slider("Near mouse radius", 500, 100, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw near mouse radius")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 5, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 6, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit is greater than {0}", 5, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("Qmin", new CheckBox("Use Q On Minions")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("E.Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on hero gapclosing / dashing")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Immobile", new CheckBox("Use E on hero immobile")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Buffed", new CheckBox("Use W on hero with buff")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Evader"); { EvaderMenu.AddValue("BlockW", new CheckBox("Block W to Evade")); } Evader.Initialize(); Evader.AddCrowdControlSpells(); Evader.AddDangerousSpells(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Misc"); { MiscMenu.AddValue("Champions", new GroupLabel("Allowed champions to use Auto W")); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { MiscMenu.AddValue("AutoW." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(false); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Draw text if target is r killable")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.LastPredictedPosition", new CheckBox("Draw last predicted position")); } }
public Zed() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Linear, 925) { CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1700, Width = 50 }; Q.SetSourceFunction(() => MyHero); Q.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => MyHero); W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Linear, WRange) { Speed = 1750, Width = 60 }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Self, 280); E.SetSourceFunction(() => MyHero); E.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => MyHero); R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Targeted, 625); IsDeadText = new Text("", new Font("Arial", 30F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red, Position = new Vector2(100, 50) }; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Obj_AI_BaseBuffGainEventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName && args.Buff.Caster.IsMe) { switch (args.Buff.Name) { case "zedwshadowbuff": WShadow = minion; break; case "zedrshadowbuff": RShadow = minion; break; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnPlayAnimation += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectPlayAnimationEventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName) { if (args.Animation == "Death") { if (WShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { WShadow = null; } else if (RShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { RShadow = null; } } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (sender.Name == IsDeadName && RTarget != null && RTarget.IsInRange(sender, 200)) { IsDeadObject = sender; } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName) { if (WShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { WShadow = null; } else if (RShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { RShadow = null; } } else if (sender.IdEquals(IsDeadObject)) { IsDeadObject = null; } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.W: if (args.SData.Name == "ZedW") { W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; } break; case SpellSlot.R: if (args.SData.Name == "ZedR") { MarkedDamageReceived = 0; EnemyWillDie = false; } break; } } }; Evader.OnEvader += delegate(EvaderArgs args) { var w1Distance = W.IsReady && IsW1 && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.W1") ? MyHero.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var w2Distance = W.IsReady && WShadowIsValid && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.W2") && !args.WillHitMyHero(WShadow.Position) ? WShadow.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var rTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, DamageType.Physical) ?? args.Sender; var r1Distance = R.IsReady && IsR1 && rTarget != null && R.InRange(rTarget) && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.R1") ? MyHero.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var r2Distance = R.IsReady && RShadowIsValid && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.R2") && !args.WillHitMyHero(RShadow.Position) ? RShadow.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var min = Math.Min(w1Distance, Math.Min(w2Distance, Math.Min(r1Distance, r2Distance))); if (min < 16000000) { if (Math.Abs(min - r2Distance) < float.Epsilon) { R.Cast(); } else if (Math.Abs(min - r1Distance) < float.Epsilon) { R.Cast(rTarget); } else if (Math.Abs(min - w2Distance) < float.Epsilon) { W.Cast(); } else if (Math.Abs(min - w1Distance) < float.Epsilon) { var wPos = MyHero.ServerPosition + ((args.Sender.ServerPosition - MyHero.ServerPosition).Normalized() * WRange) .To2D() .Perpendicular() .To3DWorld(); W.Cast(wPos); } } }; AttackableUnit.OnDamage += delegate(AttackableUnit sender, AttackableUnitDamageEventArgs args) { if (args.Source.IsMe) { var hero = args.Target as AIHeroClient; if (hero != null && TargetHaveR(hero)) { MarkedDamageReceived += args.Damage; } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { Orbwalker.RegisterKeyBind( KeysMenu.AddValue("Combo2", new KeyBind("Combo without R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A')), Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo); Orbwalker.RegisterKeyBind( KeysMenu.AddValue("Harass2", new KeyBind("Harass WEQ", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S')), Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddStringList("Mode", "R Combo Mode", new[] { "Line", "Triangle", "MousePos" }); ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); ComboMenu.AddValue("Items", new CheckBox("Use offensive items")); ComboMenu.AddValue("SwapDead", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 if target will die")); ComboMenu.AddValue("SwapGapclose", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 to get close to target")); ComboMenu.AddValue("SwapHP", new Slider("Use W2/R2 if my % of health is less than {0}", 15)); ComboMenu.AddValue("Prevent", new CheckBox("Don't use spells before R")); if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0) { ComboMenu.AddValue("BlackList.R", new GroupLabel("Don't use R on:")); var enemiesAdded = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { if (!enemiesAdded.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)) { ComboMenu.AddValue("BlackList." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, false)); enemiesAdded.Add(enemy.ChampionName); } } } } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Collision", new CheckBox("Check collision when casting Q (more damage)", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("WE", new CheckBox("Only harass when combo WE will hit", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("SwapGapclose", new CheckBox("Use W2 if target is killable")); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("SwapDead", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 if target will die", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Evader"); { EvaderMenu.AddValue("Evader.W1", new CheckBox("Use W1", false)); EvaderMenu.AddValue("Evader.W2", new CheckBox("Use W2")); EvaderMenu.AddValue("Evader.R1", new CheckBox("Use R1")); EvaderMenu.AddValue("Evader.R2", new CheckBox("Use R2")); } Evader.Initialize(); Evader.AddCrowdControlSpells(); Evader.AddDangerousSpells(); MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle( DrawingsMenu.AddValue("W.Shadow", new CheckBox("Draw W shadow circle")), SharpDX.Color.Blue, () => 100, () => WShadowIsValid, () => WShadow) { Width = 1 }); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle( DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.Shadow", new CheckBox("Draw R shadow circle")), SharpDX.Color.Orange, () => 100, () => RShadowIsValid, () => RShadow) { Width = 1 }); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("IsDead", new CheckBox("Draw text if target will die")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Passive", new CheckBox("Draw text when passive is available")); } }
public Xerath() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Linear, 1500) { CastDelay = 500, Width = 100, }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Circular, 1000) { CastDelay = 750, Width = 100,//Width = 250, }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Linear, 1125) { CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1400, Width = 60, CollidesWithYasuoWall = true, AllowedCollisionCount = 0, }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Circular, 5600) { Width = 190, CastDelay = 600, }; foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { IsKillableOnEnemyPosition.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text("R KILLABLE", new Font("Arial", TextEnemyPositionSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red, }); IsKillableOnScreen.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.BaseSkinName + " is killable", new Font("Arial", TextScreenSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red, }); } Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.E: E.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; E.LastEndPosition = sender.Position + (args.End - sender.Position).Normalized() * E.Range; break; case SpellSlot.R: R.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; TapKeyPressed = false; break; } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe && missile.SData.Name.ToLower() == Spells.E.MissileName) { Spells.E.Missile = missile; } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe && missile.SData.Name.ToLower() == Spells.E.MissileName) { Spells.E.Missile = null; } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) <= sender.Distance(MyHero, true)) { CastE(sender); } }; Dash.OnDash += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Dash.DashEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && args.EndPos.Distance(MyHero, true) <= sender.Distance(MyHero, true)) { CastE(sender); } }; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Interrupter")) { CastE(sender); } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("TapKey", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')).OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue && R.IsLearned) { TapKeyPressed = true; if (!IsCastingR) { R.Cast(); } } }; ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("StartWithCC", new KeyBind("Start with CC", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L')), delegate { }); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); E.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Ultimate"); { UltimateMenu.AddStringList("Mode", "R AIM Mode", new[] { "Disabled", "Using TapKey", "Automatic" }, 2); UltimateMenu.AddValue("Delay", new Slider("Delay between R's (in ms)", 0, 0, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse", new GroupLabel("Near Mouse Settings")); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Enabled", new CheckBox("Only select target near mouse", false)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Radius", new Slider("Near mouse radius", 500, 100, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Draw", new CheckBox("Draw near mouse radius")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 0, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Use E on channeling spells")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on hero gapclosing / dashing")); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Draw text if target is r killable")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); } }
public Cassiopeia() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 850) { Width = 130, CastDelay = 400 }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Circular, 900) { Width = 180, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 3000 }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Targeted, 730) { Speed = 1900, CastDelay = 125 }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Cone, 825) { Width = 80, CastDelay = 500 }; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; } } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if ((ModeManager.LastHit || ModeManager.Harass) && sender.IsEnemy && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) <= 700 && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) > 500) { CastW(sender); } else if (sender.IsEnemy && (ModeManager.Harass || ModeManager.Flee) && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) <= 900 && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) > 500) { foreach ( var ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(ally => sender.IsFacing(ally))) { // { CastW(sender); } } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (ModeManager.Harass && sender.IsValidTarget(800) && Q.IsReady && KeysMenu.KeyBind("HarassToggle") && sender.IsEnemy && sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { Q.Cast(sender.ServerPosition + 20); } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("AssistedUltimate", new KeyBind("Assisted Ultimate", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("HarassToggle", new KeyBind("Harass Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { } }); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ComboMenu.AddValue("R", new Slider("Use R if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 5)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 2, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddStringList("LaneClear.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R on channeling spells")); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(false); E.AddDrawings(); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); } }
public Jhin() { foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { TextsInScreen.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.ChampionName + " 可击杀", new Font("Arial", 30F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); TextsInHeroPosition.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text("R 可击杀", new Font("Arial", 23F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); LastPredictedPositionText.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.ChampionName + " 最后预知位置", new Font("Arial", 23F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red }); } Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Targeted, 600) { Width = 450, Speed = 1800, CastDelay = 250, }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Linear, 2500) { Width = 40, CastDelay = 750, AllowedCollisionCount = -1, }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Circular, 750) { Width = 135, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1600, }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Linear, 3500) { Width = 80, CastDelay = 200, Speed = 5000, AllowedCollisionCount = -1, }; Evader.OnEvader += delegate { if (EvaderMenu.CheckBox("BlockW")) { LastBlockTick = Core.GameTickCount; } }; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.W) { args.Process = Core.GameTickCount - LastBlockTick > 750; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.R: if (args.SData.Name == "JhinR") { IsCastingR = true; LastRCone = new Geometry.Polygon.Sector(sender.Position, args.End, (float)(60f * Math.PI / 180f), R.Range); Stacks = 4; } else if (args.SData.Name == "JhinRShot") { R.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; TapKeyPressed = false; Stacks--; } break; } } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsValidTarget() && sender.IsEnemy) { if (MyHero.Distance(args.Start, true) > MyHero.Distance(args.End)) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("E.Gapcloser") && MyHero.IsInRange(args.End, E.Range)) { E.Cast(args.End); } if (MyHero.Distance(args.End, true) < (sender.GetAutoAttackRange(MyHero) * 1.5f).Pow()) { WShouldWaitTick = Core.GameTickCount; } } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("TapKey", new KeyBind("R 半自动发射", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32)).OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue && R.IsLearned && IsCastingR) { TapKeyPressed = true; } }; ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("AutoW", new KeyBind("自动W开关", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { foreach (var enemy in UnitManager.ValidEnemyHeroes.Where(TargetHaveEBuff)) { if (MyHero.ManaPercent >= MiscMenu.Slider("W.ManaPercent")) { if (MiscMenu.CheckBox("自动W." + enemy.ChampionName)) { CastW(enemy); } } } }); } W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.AddValue("Items", new CheckBox("Use offensive items")); ComboMenu.AddStringList("W", "Use W", new[] { "Never", "Only buffed enemies", "Always" }, 2); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Ultimate"); { UltimateMenu.AddStringList("Mode", "R 瞄准模式", new[] { "不使用", "使用扳机键", "自动" }, 2); UltimateMenu.AddValue("OnlyKillable", new CheckBox("只攻击可击杀目标")); UltimateMenu.AddValue("Delay", new Slider("R之间的延迟(毫秒)", 0, 0, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse", new GroupLabel("鼠标附近设置")); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Enabled", new CheckBox("只选择鼠标附近目标", false)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Radius", new Slider("靠近鼠标半径", 500, 100, 1500)); UltimateMenu.AddValue("NearMouse.Draw", new CheckBox("显示鼠标半径")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 5, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit is greater than {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("E.Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on hero gapclosing / dashing")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Immobile", new CheckBox("对无法移动目标使用E")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Evader"); { EvaderMenu.AddValue("BlockW", new CheckBox("保留W进行躲避")); } Evader.Initialize(); Evader.AddCrowdControlSpells(); Evader.AddDangerousSpells(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Misc"); { MiscMenu.AddValue("W.ManaPercent", new Slider("最低蓝量百分比使用自动W", 10)); MiscMenu.AddValue("Champions", new GroupLabel("自动使用W英雄")); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { MiscMenu.AddValue("自动W." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(false); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.Killable", new CheckBox("显示可被R击杀的目标")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.LastPredictedPosition", new CheckBox("显示预判敌人最后出现位置")); } }
public Cassiopeia() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 750) { Width = 130, CastDelay = 400 }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Circular, 800) { Width = 180, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 3000 }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Targeted, 700) { Speed = 1900, CastDelay = 125 }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Cone, 825) { Width = 80, CastDelay = 500 }; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("AssistedUltimate", new KeyBind("Assisted Ultimate", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("HarassToggle", new KeyBind("Harass Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { Harass(HarassMenu); } }); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("LastHitToggle", new KeyBind("LastHit Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { LastHit(ClearMenu); } }); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ComboMenu.AddValue("R", new Slider("Use R if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 5)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 2, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddStringList("LaneClear.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "If Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R on channeling spells")); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(false); E.AddDrawings(); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); } }
public Orianna() { try { AIO.Initializers.Add(delegate { _ballObject = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_GeneralParticleEmitter>() .FirstOrDefault( o => o.IsValid && !o.IsDead && o.Name.Equals(BallName)); }); Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 815) { Speed = 1200, Width = 80, CollidesWithYasuoWall = false }; Q.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Self, 255); W.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); W.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => Ball); E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Circular, 1095) { Speed = 1800, Width = 85, MinHitChancePercent = 45, CollidesWithYasuoWall = false }; E.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Self, 400) { CastDelay = 500 }; R.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); R.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => Ball); Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.R && MiscMenu.CheckBox("R.Block")) { args.Process = _hitR != 0 && !_ballIsMissile; } } }; GameObject eTarget = null; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.E) { eTarget = args.Target; } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (sender.Name.Equals(BallName)) { _ballObject = sender; } else { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaizuna") || missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaredact")) { _ballObject = missile; } } } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaredact")) { _ballObject = eTarget; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnPlayAnimation += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectPlayAnimationEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe && args.Animation.Equals("Prop")) { _ballObject = sender; } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsAlly) { if (Target != null && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && Ball.GetDistanceSqr(Target) > args.End.Distance(Target, true) && args.End.Distance(Target, true) < args.Sender.GetDistanceSqr(Target)) { CastE(sender); } } }; Dash.OnDash += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Dash.DashEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsAlly) { if (Target != null && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && Ball.GetDistanceSqr(Target) > args.EndPos.Distance(Target, true) && args.EndPos.Distance(Target, true) < sender.GetDistanceSqr(Target)) { CastE(sender); } } }; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Interrupter")) { if (!Ball.InRange(args.Sender, R.Range)) { ThrowBall(args.Sender); } else { CastR(args.Sender); } } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && _canShield && args.Target != null && args.Target.IsMe) { if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { if (sender.IsMelee) { CastE(MyHero); } } else if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.obj_AI_Turret) { CastE(MyHero); } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && _canShield && args.Target != null && args.Target.IsMe) { if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { CastE(MyHero); } } }; Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("TeamFight", new Slider("Use TeamFight logic if enemies near is greater than {0}", 3, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddValue("Common", new GroupLabel("Common logic")); ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E.HealthPercent", new Slider("Use E if my % of health is less than {0}", 40)); ComboMenu.AddValue("1vs1", new GroupLabel("1 vs 1 logic")); ComboMenu.AddValue("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Use R if target is killable")); ComboMenu.AddValue("TeamFightLogic", new GroupLabel("TeamFight logic")); ComboMenu.AddValue("Q.Hit", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddValue("W.Hit", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddValue("R.Hit", new Slider("Use R if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 1, 5)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.AddValue("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); HarassMenu.AddValue("E.HealthPercent", new Slider("Use E if my % of health is less than {0}", 40)); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit is greater than {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit is greater than {0}", 6, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on hero gapclosing / dashing")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Use R on channeling spells")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("W.Hit", new Slider("Use W if hit is greater than {0}", 2, 1, 5)); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("R.Hit", new Slider("Use R if hit is greater than {0}", 3, 1, 5)); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { var c = DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Ball", new CheckBox("Draw ball position")); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle(c, new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 255, 100), () => 120, () => true, () => Ball) { Width = 3 }); Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Misc"); { MiscMenu.AddValue("R.Block", new CheckBox("Block R if will not hit")); if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0) { var enemiesAdded = new HashSet <string>(); MiscMenu.AddValue("BlackList.R", new GroupLabel("Don't use R on:")); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { if (!enemiesAdded.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)) { MiscMenu.AddValue("BlackList." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, false)); enemiesAdded.Add(enemy.ChampionName); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { AIO.WriteInConsole(e.ToString()); } }
public Syndra() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 825) { CastDelay = 600, Width = Spells.Q.Width, }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Circular, 950) { CastDelay = 250, Width = Spells.W.Width, Speed = 1450, }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Cone, 675 + Spells.E.ExtraRange) { CastDelay = 250, Width = Spells.E.Level1Angle, Speed = 2500, }; QE = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Linear, Spells.QE.Range) { CastDelay = Spells.QE.CastDelay, Width = 60, Speed = Spells.QE.Speed, }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Targeted, Spells.R.Level1Range); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { IsKillableOnEnemyPosition.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text("R KILLABLE", new Font("Arial", TextEnemyPositionSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red, }); IsKillableOnScreen.Add(enemy.NetworkId, new Text(enemy.BaseSkinName + " is killable", new Font("Arial", TextScreenSize, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = Color.Red, }); } Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender == Target && (ModeManager.LastHit || ModeManager.Flee || ModeManager.Harass || ModeManager.LaneClear) && sender.IsValidTarget(1300) && sender.IsEnemy && sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { if (Q.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(825)) { Q.Cast(sender.ServerPosition); } if (W.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(950)) { CastW(sender); } if (E.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(1300)) { CastE(sender); } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastEndPosition = args.End.IsInRange(sender, Q.Range) ? args.End : (MyHero.Position + (args.End - MyHero.Position).Normalized() * Q.Range); Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; break; case SpellSlot.W: if (args.SData.Name.ToLower() == "syndrawcast") { W.LastEndPosition = args.End.IsInRange(sender, W.Range) ? args.End : (MyHero.Position + (args.End - MyHero.Position).Normalized() * W.Range); W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; } break; case SpellSlot.E: E.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; break; } } { if (!sender.IsDashing() && sender == Target && (ModeManager.LastHit || ModeManager.Flee || ModeManager.Harass || ModeManager.LaneClear) && sender.IsValidTarget(1300) && sender.IsEnemy && sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { if (Q.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(825)) { Q.Cast(sender.ServerPosition); } if (W.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(950)) { CastW(sender); } if (E.IsReady && sender.IsValidTarget(1300)) { CastE(sender); } } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var objBase = sender as Obj_AI_Base; if (objBase != null && Sphere.IsMySphere(objBase)) { Spheres.Add(new Sphere(objBase)); } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) <= sender.Distance(MyHero, true) && args.End.Distance(MyHero, true) <= 900) { E.Cast(args.End); CastQE(sender); } }; Dash.OnDash += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Dash.DashEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && args.EndPos.Distance(MyHero, true) <= sender.Distance(MyHero, true) && args.EndPos.Distance(MyHero, true) <= E.Range) { CastE(sender); CastQE(sender); } }; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Interrupter")) { CastE(sender); CastQE(sender); } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.AddValue("QE", new KeyBind("Use QE/WE on enemy near mouse", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'E')); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.AddValue("HarassToggle", new KeyBind("Harass Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { Harass(HarassMenu); } }); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(50); W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(60); QE.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(75); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.AddValue("QE", new CheckBox("Use QE")); ComboMenu.AddValue("WE", new CheckBox("Use WE")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Ultimate"); { UltimateMenu.AddValue("BlackList", new GroupLabel("BlackList")); var hashSet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => hashSet.Add(enemy.ChampionName))) { UltimateMenu.AddValue("BlackList." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.AddValue("Turret", new CheckBox("Don't harass under enemy turret")); HarassMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("QE", new CheckBox("Use QE", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("WE", new CheckBox("Use WE", false)); HarassMenu.AddValue("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear", new GroupLabel("LaneClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddValue("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit", new GroupLabel("LastHit")); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "Never", "Smartly", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddValue("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear", new GroupLabel("JungleClear")); { ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.AddValue("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.AddValue("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.AddValue("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Use E on channeling spells")); AutomaticMenu.AddValue("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on hero gapclosing / dashing")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Misc"); { MiscMenu.AddValue("QE.ReducedRange", new Slider("Less QE Range", 0, 0, 650)); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); QE.AddDrawings(); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Draw text if target is r killable")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); DrawingsMenu.AddValue("E.Lines", new CheckBox("Draw lines for E")); } foreach (var sphere in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>().Where(o => o.IsValid && o.IsVisible && !o.IsDead && Sphere.IsMySphere(o))) { Spheres.Add(new Sphere(sphere)); } }