public PigGuardianFragmentBase(byte PigID) { this.PigID = PigID; Size = GuardianSize.Medium; Age = 15; CompanionSlotWeight = 0.6f; SetBirthday(SEASON_AUTUMN, 14); CompanionContributorName = "Smokey"; //Same animations and settings for all! StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; JumpFrame = 9; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; SittingFrame = 14; ChairSittingFrame = 14; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 15 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 16; BedSleepingFrame = 18; DownedFrame = 15; ReviveFrame = 17; BackwardStanding = 27; BackwardRevive = 28; SittingPoint2x = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(15, 24); SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(14, 0); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(16, 1); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(22, 2); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(23, 3); //Left Arm LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 10, 4); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 22, 11); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 24, 19); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 20, 24); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 24, 28); //Right Arm RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 16, 4); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 26, 11); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 28, 19); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 24, 24); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 26, 28); //Headgear HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(16, 11); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(14, 16, 9); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(17, 23, 18); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(22, 16, 9); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(25, 23, 18); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(23, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(24, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(26, -1000, -1000); }
/// <summary> /// -Objective centered. /// -Naive. /// -Tries to be like a mother to the Angler. /// -Exceeds on caffeine when stressed. /// -Loves company. /// -Insecure. /// -She saw Rococo before, somewhere. /// </summary> public MabelBase() { Name = "Mabel"; Description = "She dreams of being a model. And she still pursues it."; Size = GuardianSize.Large; Width = 30; Height = 84; CompanionSlotWeight = 1.15f; DefaultTactic = CombatTactic.Charge; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Scale = 92f / 84; Age = 17; SetBirthday(SEASON_AUTUMN, 26); Male = false; InitialMHP = 150; //975 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 35; LifeFruitHPBonus = 15; Accuracy = 0.81f; Mass = 0.55f; MaxSpeed = 5.78f; Acceleration = 0.17f; SlowDown = 0.39f; MaxJumpHeight = 17; JumpSpeed = 7.12f; CanDuck = true; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = false; SetTerraGuardian(); CallUnlockLevel = 3; Roles = GuardianRoles.PopularityContestHost; DodgeRate = 10; PopularityContestsWon = 0; ContestSecondPlace = 1; ContestThirdPlace = 1; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.BeeKeeper, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.HealingPotion, 5); SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = JumpFrame = 9; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; HeavySwingFrames = new int[] { 10, 14, 15 }; DuckingFrame = 17; DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 18, 19, 20 }; SittingFrame = 16; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11 }); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(16, 0); ThroneSittingFrame = 21; BedSleepingFrame = 22; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 23; DownedFrame = 24; BackwardStanding = 25; BackwardRevive = 26; //Mounted Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(19, 14); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 19, 20); SittingPoint = new Point(24 * 2, 37 * 2); //Left Arm LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 14, 5); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 37, 8); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 39, 20); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 35, 33); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 42, 20); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 42, 39); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 14, 12); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 37, 15); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 39, 28); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(23, 36, 40); //Right Arm RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 17, 5); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 40, 8); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 42, 20); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 38, 33); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 45, 20); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 44, 39); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 17, 12); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 40, 15); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 42, 27); //Headgear Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(23, 12); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(14, 36, 21); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(15, 38, 31); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(17, 23, 19); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(23, 34, 28); }
public CinnamonBase() //Her recruitment could involve Soup. { Name = "Cinnamon"; PossibleNames = new string[] { "Cinnamon", "Canela" }; Description = "A food enthusiast who is travelling worlds,\nseeking the best seasonings for food."; Size = GuardianSize.Medium; Width = 24; Height = 68; DuckingHeight = 60; CompanionSlotWeight = 0.9f; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Scale = 59f / 68; Age = 13; SetBirthday(SEASON_SPRING, 28); Male = true; InitialMHP = 160; //860 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 20; LifeFruitHPBonus = 20; Accuracy = 0.43f; Mass = 0.36f; MaxSpeed = 4.6f; Acceleration = 0.22f; SlowDown = 0.26f; MaxJumpHeight = 18; JumpSpeed = 7.19f; CanDuck = true; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = false; SetTerraGuardian(); CallUnlockLevel = 4; MoveInLevel = 3; MountUnlockLevel = 6; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.RedRyder, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.LesserHealingPotion, 5); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.CookedFish, 3); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; JumpFrame = 10; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = 23; //HeavySwingFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 11, 12, 13, 14 }; DuckingFrame = 18; DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 20, 21, 22 }; SittingFrame = 16; ChairSittingFrame = 15; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 24; BedSleepingFrame = 25; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 19; DownedFrame = 17; //PetrifiedFrame = 28; BackwardStanding = 26; BackwardRevive = 27; SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(15, 0); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(16, 0); RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(15, 0); RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(18, 1); RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(19, 1); //Left Hand LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 16, 4); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 30, 22); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 32, 28); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 29, 34); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 26, 38); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 15, 17); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 29, 25); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 29, 36); //Right Hand RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 29, 14); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 32, 22); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 35, 28); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 31, 35); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 26, 17); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 31, 25); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 31, 36); //Mount Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(18 * 2, 23 * 2); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 18, 27); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 18, 27); //Sitting Position SittingPoint = new Point(21 * 2, 39 * 2); //Head Vanity Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(23, 18 + 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(18, 23, 22 + 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(19, 23, 22 + 2); //Wing Position //WingPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(20, 23); }
/// <summary> /// -Coward /// -Knows of many things /// -Brags about knowing many things /// -Female Terrarians keep touching his tail. /// -Spends most of his day reading books. /// -Rarelly leaves house, unless for a research. /// -Fears Malisha. /// </summary> public LeopoldBase() { Name = "Leopold"; Description = "A sage from the Ether Realm."; Size = GuardianSize.Medium; Width = 22; Height = 58; DuckingHeight = 52; SpriteWidth = 64; SpriteHeight = 64; Scale = 52f / 58; FramesInRows = 2048 / SpriteWidth; CompanionSlotWeight = 1.15f; Age = 23; SetBirthday(SEASON_SUMMER, 6); Male = true; InitialMHP = 160; //640 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 12; LifeFruitHPBonus = 15; InitialMP = 40; ManaCrystalMPBonus = 30; Accuracy = 0.86f; Mass = 0.4f; MaxSpeed = 5.2f; Acceleration = 0.18f; SlowDown = 0.47f; MaxJumpHeight = 17; JumpSpeed = 7.66f; CanDuck = false; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = true; SetTerraGuardian(); MountUnlockLevel = 7; CallUnlockLevel = 5; LeadGroupUnlockLevel = 13; PopularityContestsWon = 0; ContestSecondPlace = 0; ContestThirdPlace = 1; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.WaterBolt, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.HealingPotion, 5); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.ManaPotion, 20); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.TungstenBroadsword, 1); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = JumpFrame = 9; HeavySwingFrames = new int[] { 10, 22, 23 }; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; //DuckingFrame = 20; //DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 21, 22, 12 }; SittingFrame = 14; ChairSittingFrame = 24; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 15; BedSleepingFrame = 16; ReviveFrame = 20; DownedFrame = 21; BackwardStanding = 25; BackwardRevive = 26; SittingPoint = new Point(14 * 2, 23 * 2); SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(14, 0); //Left Hand LeftHandPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(14 * 2, 20 * 2); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 15, 2); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 24, 7); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 24, 14); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 23, 21); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 19, 23); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 26, 13); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(23, 23, 25); //Right Hand RightHandPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(21 * 2, 20 * 2); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 18, 2); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 28, 7); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 28, 14); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 26, 21); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 26, 23); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 28, 13); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(23, 25, 25); //Mount Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(12 * 2, 9 * 2); //Head Vanity Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(14, 9); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(20, 22, 18); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(22, 18, 12); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(23, 21, 17); //Wing Position WingPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(16, 17); }
public DominoBase() { Name = "Domino"; Description = "A sly smuggler from the Ether Realm."; Size = GuardianSize.Large; Width = 28; Height = 84; CompanionSlotWeight = 1.4f; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Scale = 96f / 84; Age = 26; SetBirthday(SEASON_SPRING, 22); Male = true; InitialMHP = 200; //1000 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 20; LifeFruitHPBonus = 25; Accuracy = 0.97f; Mass = 0.5f; MaxSpeed = 5.6f; Acceleration = 0.22f; SlowDown = 0.37f; MaxJumpHeight = 15; JumpSpeed = 6.45f; CanDuck = true; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = true; IsNocturnal = true; SetTerraGuardian(); CallUnlockLevel = 2; MountUnlockLevel = 6; PopularityContestsWon = 0; ContestSecondPlace = 0; ContestThirdPlace = 0; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.Handgun, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.HealingPotion, 5); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.MusketBall, 999); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = JumpFrame = 9; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; DuckingFrame = 26; DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 14, 15, 16 }; SittingFrame = 17; ChairSittingFrame = 18; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 12 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 19; BedSleepingFrame = 20; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 21; DownedFrame = 22; BackwardStanding = 24; BackwardRevive = 25; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(17, 0); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(18, 1); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(23, 0); SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(26, 0); //Mounted Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(18, 15); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(26, 23, 22); SittingPoint2x = new Point(25, 36 - 2); //Left Arm LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 16, 5); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 32, 11); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 35, 20); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 31, 28); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 25, 13); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 38, 19); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(16, 36, 32); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 44, 38); //Right Arm RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 19, 5); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 36, 11); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 40, 20); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 36, 28); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 30, 13); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 42, 19); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(16, 39, 32); //Head Vanity Pos HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(23, 10); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(27, 29, 20); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(21, 29, 20); }
/// <summary> /// -Playful. /// -Innocent. /// -Extremelly friendly. /// -Fears Blood Moons. /// -Want to be Blue's friend. /// -Good friend of Sardine and Alex. /// </summary> public RococoBase() { Name = "Rococo"; //Has red eyes Description = "He's a good definition of a big kid, very playful and innocent.\nLoves playing kids games, like Hide and Seek."; Size = GuardianSize.Large; Width = 28; Height = 86; DuckingHeight = 52; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Scale = 94f / 86; CompanionSlotWeight = 1.1f; Age = 15; SetBirthday(SEASON_SUMMER, 20); //Coincidence? DefaultTactic = CombatTactic.Charge; Male = true; InitialMHP = 200; //1000 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 40; LifeFruitHPBonus = 10; Accuracy = 0.15f; Mass = 0.5f; MaxSpeed = 5.2f; Acceleration = 0.18f; SlowDown = 0.47f; MaxJumpHeight = 15; JumpSpeed = 7.08f; CanDuck = true; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = false; SetTerraGuardian(); HurtSound = new SoundData(Terraria.ID.SoundID.DD2_KoboldHurt); DeadSound = new SoundData(Terraria.ID.SoundID.DD2_KoboldDeath); Roles = GuardianRoles.PopularityContestHost; CallUnlockLevel = 0; PopularityContestsWon = 2; ContestSecondPlace = 4; ContestThirdPlace = 0; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.WoodenSword, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.Mushroom, 3); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = JumpFrame = 9; HeavySwingFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 16, 17, 18, 19 }; DuckingFrame = 20; DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 21, 22, 12 }; SittingFrame = 23; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 24; BedSleepingFrame = 25; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 26; DownedFrame = 27; PetrifiedFrame = 28; BackwardStanding = 29; BackwardRevive = 30; SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(23, 0); //Left Hand LeftHandPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Point((17 + 1) * 2, 31 * 2); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 7 + 1, 10); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 31 + 1, 9); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 43 + 1, 37); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(16, 14 + 1, 4); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 34 + 1, 7); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 39 + 1, 19); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 34 + 1, 31); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 34, 14); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 43 + 1, 29); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(26, 33 + 1, 41); //Right Hand RightHandPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point((31 - 1) * 2, 31 * 2); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 9 - 1, 10); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 33 - 1, 9); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 45 - 1, 37); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(16, 16 - 1, 4); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 36 - 1, 7); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 41 - 1, 19); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 37 - 1, 31); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 36, 16); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 45 - 1, 29); //Mount Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate = new Point(18 * 2, 14 * 2); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 22, 20); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 30, 27); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 30, 27); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 30, 27); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(22, 30, 27); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(24, 16, 20); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(25, 25, 28); //Left Arm Positions LeftArmOffSet.DefaultCoordinate = new Point(18 * 2, 15 * 2); //LeftArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(11, 21, 21); //LeftArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(12, 32, 30); //LeftArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(19, 32, 30); //Right Arm Positions RightArmOffSet.DefaultCoordinate = new Point(28 * 2, 15 * 2); //RightArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(11, 30, 21); //RightArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(12, 38, 32); //RightArmOffSet.AddFramePoint2x(19, 32, 30); //Sitting Position SittingPoint = new Point(23 * 2, 37 * 2); //21, 37 //Head Vanity Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(24, 13 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(11, 27, 16 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(12, 36, 28 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(20, 36, 28 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(21, 36, 28 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(22, 36, 28 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(24, 2 - 1, 16 - 2); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(25, 26 - 1, 48 - 6); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(26, 31, 23 - 2); //Wing Position WingPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(20, 23); RewardList(); GetTopics(); }
/// <summary> /// -Very playful. /// -Blames himself for his old partner's demise. /// -Bad at protecting people. /// -Extremely sociable. /// </summary> public AlexBase() { Name = "Alex"; Description = "Your new best friend - a very playful one."; Size = GuardianSize.Large; Width = 68; Height = 62; DuckingHeight = 52; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Age = 42; //Age, 42. Mental Age, Real Age / 9 SetBirthday(SEASON_WINTER, 19); Male = true; InitialMHP = 175; //1125 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 30; LifeFruitHPBonus = 25; Accuracy = 0.36f; Mass = 0.7f; MaxSpeed = 5.65f; Acceleration = 0.33f; SlowDown = 0.83f; MaxJumpHeight = 15; JumpSpeed = 6.71f; CanDuck = false; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = false; DontUseRightHand = false; ForceWeaponUseOnMainHand = true; SetTerraGuardian(); GroupID = GiantDogGuardianGroupID; //HurtSound = new SoundData(Terraria.ID.SoundID.DD2_KoboldHurt); //DeadSound = new SoundData(Terraria.ID.SoundID.DD2_KoboldDeath); CallUnlockLevel = 0; VladimirBase.AddCarryBlacklist(Alex); PopularityContestsWon = 0; ContestSecondPlace = 0; ContestThirdPlace = 4; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.TungstenBroadsword, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.HealingPotion, 5); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; JumpFrame = 9; //HeavySwingFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; //DuckingFrame = 20; //DuckingSwingFrames = new int[] { 21, 22, 12 }; SittingFrame = 14; ChairSittingFrame = 31; SittingItemUseFrames = new int[] { 15, 16, 17 }; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 10, 11, 15 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 22; BedSleepingFrame = 23; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 20; DownedFrame = 29; PetrifiedFrame = 30; BackwardStanding = 32; BackwardRevive = 33; SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(14, 0); //for(int f = 0; f < 9; f++) // RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(f, 0); //RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(99, 1); //RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(100, 2); //Mount Player Sit Position MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(30, 25); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 13, 20); SittingPoint = new Point(20 * 2, 41 * 2); //14, 40 > 20,41 //Left Arm Item Position LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 37, 28); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 41, 31); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 42, 37); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 39, 43); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 24 + 6, 14 + 1); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(16, 29 + 6, 27 + 1); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 22 + 6, 36 + 1); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(19, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(20, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(24, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(25, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(26, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(27, 38, 47); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(28, 38, 47); //Mouth Item Position RightHandPoints.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(43, 29); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(2, 31, 24); //Wing Position WingPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(30, 27); WingPosition.AddFramePoint2x(14, 17 + 6, 25 + 1); WingPosition.AddFramePoint2x(18, 17 + 6, 25 + 1); //Helmet Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Point(38, 23); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(14, 21 + 6, 17 + 1); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(15, 21 + 6, 17 + 1); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(16, 21 + 6, 17 + 1); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(17, 21 + 6, 17 + 1); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(18, 21 + 6, 17 + 1); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(22, 23, 17); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(19, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(20, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(21, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(19, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(24, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(25, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(26, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(27, -1000, -1000); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(28, -1000, -1000); AddSkinsAndOutfits(); }
public GreenBase() { Name = "Green"; //Jochen Green Description = "Treated many TerraGuardians in the Ether Realm,\nhis newest challenge now is on the Terra Realm."; Size = GuardianSize.Large; Width = 24; Height = 86; //DuckingHeight = 52; SpriteWidth = 96; SpriteHeight = 96; Scale = 89f / 86; CompanionSlotWeight = 1.15f; DefaultTactic = CombatTactic.Snipe; Age = 31; SetBirthday(SEASON_SPRING, 4); Male = true; InitialMHP = 170; //895 LifeCrystalHPBonus = 15; LifeFruitHPBonus = 25; Accuracy = 0.6f; Mass = 0.36f; MaxSpeed = 5.15f; Acceleration = 0.21f; SlowDown = 0.39f; //MaxJumpHeight = 15; //JumpSpeed = 7.08f; CanDuck = false; ReverseMount = false; DrinksBeverage = true; DontUseHeavyWeapons = true; SetTerraGuardian(); CallUnlockLevel = 3; MountUnlockLevel = 6; PopularityContestsWon = 0; ContestSecondPlace = 0; ContestThirdPlace = 1; AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.FlintlockPistol, 1); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.Mushroom, 3); AddInitialItem(Terraria.ID.ItemID.MeteorShot, 50); //Animation Frames StandingFrame = 0; WalkingFrames = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; PlayerMountedArmAnimation = JumpFrame = 9; ItemUseFrames = new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13 }; SittingFrame = 15; ChairSittingFrame = 14; DrawLeftArmInFrontOfHead.AddRange(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22 }); ThroneSittingFrame = 17; BedSleepingFrame = 16; SleepingOffset.X = 16; ReviveFrame = 18; DownedFrame = 19; BackwardStanding = 20; BackwardRevive = 21; SpecificBodyFrontFramePositions = true; BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(14, 0); BodyFrontFrameSwap.Add(15, 0); RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(14, 0); RightArmFrontFrameSwap.Add(15, 1); SittingPoint2x = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(21, 40); //19 //Mount MountShoulderPoints.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(18, 15); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(14, 17, 20); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(17, 17, 15); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 29, 21); MountShoulderPoints.AddFramePoint2x(21, 29, 21); //Left Arm LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 12, 3); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 33, 11); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 37, 21); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 30, 29); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(15, 29, 31); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 37, 41); LeftHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 41, 41); //Right Arm RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(10, 25, 3); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(11, 37, 11); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(12, 39, 21); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(13, 33, 29); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 41, 41); RightHandPoints.AddFramePoint2x(18, 37, 41); //Head Vanity Position HeadVanityPosition.DefaultCoordinate2x = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(23, 12); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(14, 23, 17); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(15, 23, 17); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(18, 36, 30); HeadVanityPosition.AddFramePoint2x(21, 36, 30); }