public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); DoubleBuffered = true; dragger = new DragBehavior(pic); dragger.Attach(); }
public Window(string name, IGuiSize size, IGuiPosition position, IGuiManager manager, KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> mainFrame, KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> headerFrame, DragBehavior isDraggable, IGuiStyle style) : base(name, size, position, manager, mainFrame, style) { mLogger = manager.Logger; mDraggable = isDraggable; mHeaderFrame = headerFrame; if (mHeaderFrame.Key != null) { mHeaderFrame.Key.Parent = this; } if (mHeaderFrame.Value == null) { mHeaderFrame = new KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> ( mHeaderFrame.Key, new HeaderFrameSizePosition() ); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { DragBehavior drag = other.gameObject.GetComponent <DragBehavior>(); if (drag.invert) { } }
public Window(string name, IGuiSize size, IGuiManager manager, KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> mainFrame, KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> headerFrame, DragBehavior isDraggable, IGuiStyle style) : this(name, size, new FixedPosition(new Vector2(Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f)), manager, mainFrame, headerFrame, isDraggable, style) { }
public void Initialize(DragBehavior dragBehavior, GameAPI api, IEnumerable <ItemObject> pickedItems, Action <bool> backpackClicked) { _api = api; _api.ItemRemoved.AddListener(OnItemRemoved); _backpackClicked = backpackClicked; _dragBehavior = dragBehavior; _dragBehavior.ItemPushedToBag = OnItemPushedToBag; if (pickedItems == null) { return; } _pickedItems.AddRange(pickedItems); for (var i = 0; i < _pickedItems.Count; i++) { PlaceItemToHolder(_pickedItems[i]); } }
protected virtual Window BuildWindow(XmlNode windowNode) { string name = BuildName(windowNode); IGuiSize size = BuildSize(windowNode); IGuiFrame mainFrame = null; IGuiPosition mainFramePosition = null; XmlNode mainFrameNode = windowNode.SelectSingleNode("MainFrame"); if (mainFrameNode != null) { mainFramePosition = BuildPosition(mainFrameNode); mainFrame = BuildFrame(mainFrameNode); if (mainFrame == null) { throw new GuiConstructionException("Found MainFrame node in Window (" + name + "), but was unable to construct it."); } } IGuiFrame headerFrame = null; IGuiPosition headerFramePosition = null; XmlNode headerFrameNode = windowNode.SelectSingleNode("HeaderFrame"); if (headerFrameNode != null) { headerFramePosition = BuildPosition(headerFrameNode); headerFrame = BuildFrame(headerFrameNode); if (headerFrame == null) { throw new GuiConstructionException("Found HeaderFrame node in Window (" + name + "), but was unable to construct it."); } } DragBehavior dragBehavior = BuildDragBehavior(windowNode); IGuiStyle style = GetStyle(windowNode, typeof(Window)); if (windowNode.Attributes["position"] != null) { IGuiPosition position = BuildPosition(windowNode); return(new Window ( name, size, position, mManager, new KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition>( mainFrame, mainFramePosition ), new KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition>( headerFrame, headerFramePosition ), dragBehavior, style )); } else { return(new Window ( name, size, mManager, new KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> ( mainFrame, mainFramePosition ), new KeyValuePair <IGuiFrame, IGuiPosition> ( headerFrame, headerFramePosition ), dragBehavior, style )); } }