private DrInputStreamManager CreateInputNode(DryadLINQApp app, VertexInfo info, string inputName) { DrInputStreamManager s; int err = 0; DryadLogger.LogInformation("methodEntry: " + inputName); if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.PARTITIONEDFILE) { DrPartitionInputStream input = new DrPartitionInputStream(); err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), new Uri(info.sources[0]).AbsolutePath); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not read Partitioned file input {0}", info.sources[0]); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); s = inputManager; } //else if ( info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.STREAM ) //{ // DrDscInputStream input = new DrDscInputStream(); // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening DSC input fileset"); // err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]); // if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) // { // string msg = String.Format("Could not read DSC input fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); // throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); // } // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened DSC input fileset"); // DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); // DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); // s = inputManager; //} else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.HDFS_STREAM) { DrHdfsInputStream input = new DrHdfsInputStream(); DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening HDFS input fileset"); Uri srcUri = new Uri(info.sources[0]); err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), srcUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path), info.recordType); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not read HDFS input fileset {0}: {1}", info.sources[0], input.GetError()); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened HDFS input fileset"); DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); s = inputManager; } else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.AZUREBLOB) { DrAzureInputStream input = new DrAzureInputStream(); DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening Azure input fileset"); try { input.Open(info.sources[0]); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = String.Format("Could not read Azure input fileset {0}: {1}", info.sources[0], e.ToString()); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened Azure input fileset"); DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); s = inputManager; } else { string msg = String.Format("Unknown input type {0}", info.ioType); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } DryadLogger.LogInformation("methodExit"); return(s); }
public void BuildGraphFromQuery(DryadLINQApp app, Query query) { // set configurable properties int highThreshold = app.GetMaxAggregateInputs(); int lowThreshold = 16; UInt64 highDataThreshold = (UInt64)app.GetAggregateThreshold(); UInt64 lowDataThreshold = (3 * highDataThreshold) / 4; UInt64 maxSingleDataThreshold = highDataThreshold / 2; int aggFilterThreshold = app.GetMaxAggregateFilterInputs(); // use a graph stage map to store the vertices as they are created, grouped by stage. Dictionary <int, GraphStageInfo> graphStageMap = new Dictionary <int, GraphStageInfo>(); DryadLogger.LogInformation("Building graph"); // // Create a set of vertices for each vertex (stage) in the query plan // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Adding vertices"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vertex> kvp in query.queryPlan) { Vertex v = kvp.Value; GraphStageInfo value = null; if (!graphStageMap.TryGetValue(v.uniqueId, out value)) { DryadLogger.LogInformation(String.Format("Adding vertices for stage {0}",; CreateVertexSet(v, app, query, graphStageMap); } } // // Add dynamic stage managers // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Build Graph From Query", "Adding stage managers"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GraphStageInfo> kvp in graphStageMap) { Vertex v = kvp.Value.vertex; // //There are no dynamic managers // if (v.dynamicManager == null) { continue; } DrStageManager newManager = kvp.Value.stageManager; // newManager DrGraphParameters parameters = app.GetGraph().GetParameters(); string stdVertexName = "MW"; string cpyVertexName = "CP"; if (v.type != Vertex.Type.INPUTTABLE && v.type != Vertex.Type.CONCAT) { if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.SPLITTER) { if ( == 1) { DrPipelineSplitManager splitter = new DrPipelineSplitManager(); newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, splitter); } else { DrSemiPipelineSplitManager splitter = new DrSemiPipelineSplitManager(); newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, splitter); } } else if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.PARTIALAGGR) { DrDynamicAggregateManager dynamicMerge = new DrDynamicAggregateManager(); dynamicMerge.SetGroupingSettings(0, 0); dynamicMerge.SetMachineGroupingSettings(2, aggFilterThreshold); dynamicMerge.SetDataGroupingSettings(lowDataThreshold, highDataThreshold, maxSingleDataThreshold); dynamicMerge.SetSplitAfterGrouping(true); foreach (Predecessor p in { newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[p.uniqueId].stageManager, dynamicMerge); } } else if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.FULLAGGR || v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.HASHDISTRIBUTOR) { int idx = 0; int sz = v.dynamicManager.assemblyNames == null ? 0 : v.dynamicManager.assemblyNames.Length; DrDynamicAggregateManager dynamicMerge = new DrDynamicAggregateManager(); if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.FULLAGGR || sz > 1) { dynamicMerge = new DrDynamicAggregateManager(); string name = v.dynamicManager.methodNames[idx]; DrManagerBase newStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), name); DrActiveVertex mergeVertex = new DrActiveVertex(newStage, parameters.m_defaultProcessTemplate, parameters.m_defaultVertexTemplate); mergeVertex.AddArgument(stdVertexName); mergeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.assemblyNames[idx]); mergeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.classNames[idx]); mergeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.methodNames[idx]); idx++; dynamicMerge.SetInternalVertex(mergeVertex); dynamicMerge.SetGroupingSettings(0, 0); dynamicMerge.SetPodGroupingSettings(lowThreshold, highThreshold); dynamicMerge.SetDataGroupingSettings(lowDataThreshold, highDataThreshold, maxSingleDataThreshold); dynamicMerge.SetMaxAggregationLevel(v.dynamicManager.aggregationLevels); } if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.FULLAGGR) { newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, dynamicMerge); } else { string name = v.dynamicManager.methodNames[idx]; DrManagerBase newStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), name); DrActiveVertex distributeVertex = new DrActiveVertex(newStage, parameters.m_defaultProcessTemplate, parameters.m_defaultVertexTemplate); distributeVertex.AddArgument(stdVertexName); distributeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.assemblyNames[idx]); distributeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.classNames[idx]); distributeVertex.AddArgument(v.dynamicManager.methodNames[idx]); idx++; DrDynamicDistributionManager dynamicHashDistribute = new DrDynamicDistributionManager(distributeVertex, dynamicMerge); dynamicHashDistribute.SetDataPerVertex(highDataThreshold * 2); // 2GB newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, dynamicHashDistribute); } } else if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.RANGEDISTRIBUTOR) { DrStageManager splitManager = graphStageMap[v.dynamicManager.splitVertexId].stageManager; DrDynamicRangeDistributionManager drdm = new DrDynamicRangeDistributionManager(splitManager, v.dynamicManager.sampleRate); drdm.SetDataPerVertex(highDataThreshold * 2); // 2GB newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, drdm); } else if (v.dynamicManager.type == DynamicManager.Type.BROADCAST) { // the copy vertex int bcastNumber = 0; string nameString = String.Format("CP__{0}", bcastNumber++); DrManagerBase newStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), nameString); DrActiveVertex copyVertex = new DrActiveVertex(newStage, parameters.m_defaultProcessTemplate, parameters.m_defaultVertexTemplate); copyVertex.AddArgument(cpyVertexName); DrDynamicBroadcastManager bcast = new DrDynamicBroadcastManager(copyVertex); newManager.AddDynamicConnectionManager(graphStageMap[[0].uniqueId].stageManager, bcast); } else if (v.dynamicManager.type != DynamicManager.Type.NONE) { DryadLogger.LogWarning(String.Format("Dynamic manager type {0} not supported yet", v.dynamicManager.type)); } } } // // Add all the edges // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Build Graph From Query", "Adding edges"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GraphStageInfo> kvp in graphStageMap) { AddEdges(kvp.Value, graphStageMap); } // // Register the actual created vertices with the graph // MaterializeToManagers(graphStageMap); }
private void CreateVertexSet(Vertex v, DryadLINQApp app, Query query, Dictionary <int, GraphStageInfo> graphStageMap) { SortedDictionary <int, Vertex> queryPlan = query.queryPlan; DrVertexSet nodes = null; DrStageManager newManager = null; app.GetGraph().GetParameters(); DrGraphParameters parameters = app.GetGraph().GetParameters(); string stdVertexName = "MW"; if (v.type == Vertex.Type.INPUTTABLE) { DrInputStreamManager input = CreateInputNode(app,,; newManager = input.GetStageManager(); nodes = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), input); } else if (v.type == Vertex.Type.OUTPUTTABLE) { DrOutputStreamManager output = CreateOutputNode(app,,; newManager = output.GetStageManager(); nodes = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), output, v.partitions); } else if (v.type == Vertex.Type.CONCAT) { newManager = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(),; // the set of nodes in a concat is just the set of nodes in the predecessor stages concatenated nodes = new DrVertexSet(); foreach (Predecessor p in { GraphStageInfo value = null; if (graphStageMap.TryGetValue(p.uniqueId, out value)) { nodes.InsertRange(nodes.Count, value.members); } else { throw new LinqToDryadException(String.Format("Concat: Failed to find predecessor {0} in graph stage map", p.uniqueId)); } } } else { newManager = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(),; DrVertex vertex; if (v.type == Vertex.Type.TEE) { DrTeeVertex teeVertex = new DrTeeVertex(newManager); vertex = teeVertex; } else { DrActiveVertex activeVertex = new DrActiveVertex(newManager, parameters.m_defaultProcessTemplate, parameters.m_defaultVertexTemplate); activeVertex.AddArgument(stdVertexName); activeVertex.AddArgument(; activeVertex.AddArgument(; activeVertex.AddArgument(; vertex = activeVertex; } nodes = CreateVertexSet(app.GetGraph(), vertex, v.partitions); if (v.machines != null && v.machines.Length != 0 && v.type != Vertex.Type.TEE) { for (int i = 0; i < v.partitions; i++) { DrResource r = app.GetUniverse().LookUpResource(v.machines[i]); if (r != null) { DrVertex baseVertex = nodes[i]; DrActiveVertex activeVertex = baseVertex as DrActiveVertex; activeVertex.GetAffinity().SetHardConstraint(true); activeVertex.GetAffinity().AddLocality(r); } } } FileStream mapfile = app.GetIdentityMapFile(); if (mapfile != null) { for (int i = 0; i < v.partitions; i++) { DrVertex jmv = nodes[i]; string message = String.Format("Mapping {0}[{1}] to {2}\n", v.uniqueId, i, jmv.GetId()); System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); mapfile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); mapfile.Write(encoding.GetBytes(message), 0, message.Length); } } } graphStageMap.Add(v.uniqueId, new GraphStageInfo(nodes, v, newManager)); }
private DrOutputStreamManager CreateOutputNode(DryadLINQApp app, VertexInfo info, string outputName) { DryadLogger.LogInformation("methodEntry: " + outputName); DrOutputStreamManager s; if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.PARTITIONEDFILE) { DrPartitionOutputStream output = new DrPartitionOutputStream(); Uri sourceUri = new Uri(info.sources[0]); string sourcePath = sourceUri.AbsolutePath; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceUri.Host)) { sourcePath = @"\\" + sourceUri.Host + sourcePath; } int err = output.Open(sourcePath, info.partitionUncPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not open output fileset {0}", sourcePath); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); s = outputManager; } //else if ( info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.STREAM ) //{ // DrDscOutputStream output = new DrDscOutputStream(info.compressionScheme, info.isTemporary); // int err = 0; // if (info.recordType == "") // { // err = output.Open(info.sources[0], info.partitionUncPath); // } // else // { // err = output.OpenWithRecordType(info.sources[0], info.partitionUncPath, info.recordType); // } // if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) // { // string msg = String.Format("Could not open DSC output fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); // throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); // } // DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); // DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); // app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); // s = outputManager; //} else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.HDFS_STREAM) { DrHdfsOutputStream output = new DrHdfsOutputStream(); int err = output.Open(info.sources[0]); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not open HDFS output fileset {0}: {1}", info.sources[0], output.GetError()); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); s = outputManager; } else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.AZUREBLOB) { DrAzureOutputStream output = new DrAzureOutputStream(); try { output.Open(info.sources[0]); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = String.Format("Could not open Azure output fileset {0}: {1}", info.sources[0], e.ToString()); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); s = outputManager; } else { string msg = String.Format("Unknown output type {0}", info.ioType); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } return(s); }
private DrInputStreamManager CreateInputNode(DryadLINQApp app, VertexInfo info, string inputName) { DrInputStreamManager s; int err = 0; DryadLogger.LogMethodEntry(inputName); if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.PARTITIONEDFILE) { DrPartitionInputStream input = new DrPartitionInputStream(); err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not read DSC input file {0}", info.sources[0]); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); s = inputManager; } //else if ( info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.STREAM ) //{ // DrDscInputStream input = new DrDscInputStream(); // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening DSC input fileset"); // err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]); // if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) // { // string msg = String.Format("Could not read DSC input fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); // throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); // } // DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened DSC input fileset"); // DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); // DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); // s = inputManager; //} else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.HDFS_STREAM) { DrHdfsInputStream input = new DrHdfsInputStream(); DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opening HDFS input fileset"); err = input.Open(app.GetUniverse(), info.sources[0]); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not read HDFS input fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DryadLogger.LogInformation("Create input node", "Opened HDFS input fileset"); DrManagerBase inputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), inputName); DrInputStreamManager inputManager = new DrInputStreamManager(input, inputStage); s = inputManager; } else { string msg = String.Format("Unknown input type {0}", info.ioType); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } DryadLogger.LogMethodExit(); return(s); }
private DrOutputStreamManager CreateOutputNode(DryadLINQApp app, VertexInfo info, string outputName) { DrOutputStreamManager s; if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.PARTITIONEDFILE) { DrPartitionOutputStream output = new DrPartitionOutputStream(); int err = output.Open(info.sources[0], info.partitionUncPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not open DSC output fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); s = outputManager; } //else if ( info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.STREAM ) //{ // DrDscOutputStream output = new DrDscOutputStream(info.compressionScheme, info.isTemporary); // int err = 0; // if (info.recordType == "") // { // err = output.Open(info.sources[0], info.partitionUncPath); // } // else // { // err = output.OpenWithRecordType(info.sources[0], info.partitionUncPath, info.recordType); // } // if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) // { // string msg = String.Format("Could not open DSC output fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); // throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); // } // DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); // DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); // app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); // s = outputManager; //} else if (info.ioType == VertexInfo.IOType.HDFS_STREAM) { DrHdfsOutputStream output = new DrHdfsOutputStream(); int err = output.Open(info.sources[0]); if (!SUCCEEDED(err)) { string msg = String.Format("Could not open HDFS output fileset {0}", info.sources[0]); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg, err); } DrManagerBase outputStage = new DrManagerBase(app.GetGraph(), outputName); DrOutputStreamManager outputManager = new DrOutputStreamManager(output, outputStage); app.GetGraph().AddPartitionGenerator(outputManager); s = outputManager; } else { string msg = String.Format("Unknown output type {0}", info.ioType); throw new LinqToDryadException(msg); } return(s); }