bool OpenGameButtonHitTest(int x, int y) { x -= AutoScrollPosition.X; y -= AutoScrollPosition.Y; DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); return(x > DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(3) && x < DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(71) && y > DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3) && y < DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(71)); }
void BattleListTab_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { Paint -= BattleListTab_Enter; SuspendLayout(); //pause InitializeComponent(); if (DesignMode) { return; } DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); var lookingGlass = new PictureBox { Width = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(20), Height = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(20), Image =, SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage, Dock = DockStyle.Left }; Program.ToolTip.SetText(lookingGlass, "Search game, description, map or player"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(searchBox, "Search game, description, map or player"); showEmptyBox.Checked = Program.Conf.ShowEmptyBattles; showFullBox.Checked = Program.Conf.ShowNonJoinableBattles; showOfficialBox.Checked = Program.Conf.ShowOfficialBattles; // battle list battleListControl = new BattleListControl() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; battlePanel.Controls.Add(battleListControl); ResumeLayout(); }
void SettingsTab_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshConfig(); //make sure the split start at 203 (relative to any DPI scale) DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); int splitDistance = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(203);//DpiMeasurement is a static class stored in ZeroKLobby\Util.cs splitContainerAtMid.SplitterDistance = splitDistance; }
void ShowAdvanced() { int designHeight = 405; DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); Height = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(designHeight); advancedOptionsGroup.Visible = true; showAdvancedButton.Text = "Hide Advanced Options"; }
void HideAdvanced() { int designHeight = 235; DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); //this measurement use cached value. It won't cost anything if another measurement was already done in other control element Height = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(designHeight); //DpiMeasurement is a static class stored in ZeroKLobby\Util.cs advancedOptionsGroup.Visible = false; showAdvancedButton.Text = "Show Advanced Options"; }
void UpdateImage() { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(); MakeMinimap(); RenderPlayers(); int scaledWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(Width); int scaledHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(Height); image = MakeSolidColorBitmap(BackBrush, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image)) { if (disposed) { image = MakeSolidColorBitmap(BackBrush, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); return; } if (finishedMinimap != null) { g.DrawImageUnscaled(finishedMinimap, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(3), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3)); } else { g.DrawImage(, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(4), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(61), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(64)); g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default; } g.SetClip(new Rectangle(0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight)); String mod_and_engine_name = string.Format("{0} {1}{2}", Battle.ModName, Battle.EngineName, Battle.EngineVersion); int y = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3); int offset = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(16); int curMapCellSize = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(MapCellSize.Width); g.DrawString(Battle.Title, TitleFont, TextBrush, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 0); if (g.MeasureString(mod_and_engine_name, ModFont).Width < scaledWidth - curMapCellSize) { g.DrawString(mod_and_engine_name, ModFont, TextBrush, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 1); g.DrawImageUnscaled(playersBoxImage, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 2); } else { int offset_offset = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(4); //this squishes modName & engine-name and dude-icons together abit int offset_offset2 = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(6); //this squished modName & engine-name into 2 tight lines g.DrawString(Battle.ModName, ModFont, TextBrush, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 1 - offset_offset); g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}{1}", Battle.EngineName, Battle.EngineVersion), ModFont, TextBrush, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 2 - offset_offset - offset_offset2); g.DrawImageUnscaled(playersBoxImage, curMapCellSize, y + offset * 3 - offset_offset - offset_offset2); } g.ResetClip(); } }
// todo: check if this is called when joining twice the same mission protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { base.OnResize(e); if (finishLoad) { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); minimapFuncBox.minimapSplitContainer1.SplitterDistance = Math.Min(DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(23), minimapFuncBox.minimapSplitContainer1.Height); //always show button fully DrawMinimap(); } }
void MakeMinimap() { if (resizedMinimap == null) { return; // wait, map is not downloaded } if (finishedMinimap != null) { finishedMinimap.Dispose(); } finishedMinimap = new Bitmap(DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(ZklResources.border.Width), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(ZklResources.border.Height)); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(finishedMinimap)) { g.DrawImage(resizedMinimap, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(6), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(5)); g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; var x = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(10); var y = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(minimapSize - 20); Action <Image> drawIcon = image => { g.DrawImage(image, x, y, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(20), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(20)); x += DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(30); }; if (IsInGame) { g.DrawImage(ZklResources.boom, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(10), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(10), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(50), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(50)); } if (Battle.IsOfficial() && Battle.Founder.IsSpringieManaged) { g.DrawImage(, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(48), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(8), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(15), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(15)); } if (Battle.IsPassworded) { drawIcon(ZklResources._lock); } if (Battle.IsReplay) { drawIcon(ZklResources.replay); } if (Battle.Rank > 0) { drawIcon(Images.GetRank(Battle.Rank)); } if (Battle.IsLocked) { var s = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(20); g.DrawImage(ZklResources.redlight, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(minimapSize + 3) - s, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(minimapSize + 3) - s, s, s); } g.DrawImage(ZklResources.border, 0, 0, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(70), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(70)); } }
void PainOpenBattleButton(Graphics g, ref int x, ref int y, int scaledMapCellWidth, int scaledIconWidth) { g.DrawImage(ZklResources.border, x + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(3), y + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(70), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(70)); g.DrawString("Open a new battle.", BattleIcon.TitleFont, BattleIcon.TextBrush, x + scaledMapCellWidth, y + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3)); openBattlePosition = new Point(x, y); x += scaledIconWidth; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { try { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(); int scaledIconWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width); int scaledIconHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height); int scaledMapCellWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.MapCellSize.Width); base.OnPaint(pe); var g = pe.Graphics; g.TranslateTransform(AutoScrollPosition.X, AutoScrollPosition.Y); battleIconPositions.Clear(); var x = 0; var y = 0; g.DrawImage(ZklResources.border, x + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(3), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(70), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(70)); g.DrawString("Open a new battle.", BattleIcon.TitleFont, BattleIcon.TextBrush, x + scaledMapCellWidth, y + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(3)); x += scaledIconWidth; foreach (var t in view) { if (x + scaledIconWidth > Width) { x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } battleIconPositions[t] = new Point(x, y); if (g.VisibleClipBounds.IntersectsWith(new RectangleF(x, y, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight))) { g.DrawImageUnscaled(t.Image, x, y); } x += scaledIconWidth; } if (view.Count < model.Count()) { if (x + scaledIconWidth > Width) { x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } } AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(0, y + scaledIconHeight); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error in drawing battles: " + e); } }
private void panel1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Program.MainWindow != null && Program.MainWindow.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { return; } //prevent splitter from being dragged when window resize DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); //this measurement use cached value. It won't cost anything if another measurement was already done in other control element int splitDistance = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(203); //DpiMeasurement is a static class stored in ZeroKLobby\Util.cs splitDistance = Math.Min(splitDistance, splitContainerAtMid.Width - splitContainerAtMid.Panel2MinSize); splitContainerAtMid.SplitterDistance = splitDistance; //must obey minimum size constraint }
protected override void OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e) { base.OnMeasureItem(e); DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); if (DesignMode) { return; } if (e.Index > -1 && e.Index < base.Items.Count) { e.ItemHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(((PlayerListItem)base.Items[e.Index]).Height); //GetItemRectangle() will measure the size of item (for drawing). We return a custom Height defined in PlayerListItems.cs } }
void RenderPlayers() { var currentPlayers = Battle.NonSpectatorCount; var maxPlayers = Battle.MaxPlayers; var friends = 0; var admins = 0; var mes = 0; // whether i'm in the battle (can be 0 or 1) foreach (var user in Battle.Users) { if (user.Name == Program.TasClient.UserName) { mes++; } if (Program.FriendManager.Friends.Contains(user.Name)) { friends++; } else if (user.LobbyUser.IsAdmin || user.LobbyUser.IsZeroKAdmin) { admins++; } } // make sure there aren't more little dudes than non-specs in a battle while (admins != 0 && friends + admins + mes > Battle.NonSpectatorCount) { admins--; } while (friends != 0 && friends + mes > Battle.NonSpectatorCount) { friends--; } if (playersBoxImage != null) { playersBoxImage.Dispose(); } playersBoxImage = DudeRenderer.GetImage(currentPlayers - friends - admins - mes, friends, admins, 0, maxPlayers, mes > 0, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(playersBoxSize.Width), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(playersBoxSize.Height)); }
public PlayerListBox() { DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable; this.BackColor = Color.DimGray; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); realItems = new ObservableCollection <PlayerListItem>(); realItems.CollectionChanged += RealItemsOnCollectionChanged; timer = new Timer() { Interval = stagingMs, }; timer.Tick += (sender, args) => { try { BeginUpdate(); int currentScroll = base.TopIndex; base.Items.Clear(); base.Items.AddRange(realItems.ToArray()); base.TopIndex = currentScroll; EndUpdate(); timer.Stop(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error updating list: {0}", ex); } }; IntegralHeight = false; //so that the playerlistBox completely fill the edge (not snap to some item size) if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { //dummy item to fix Mono scrollbar always cutout last 3 line // DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); int numberOfDummy = (int)(DpiMeasurement.scaleUpRatioY * 3 + 0.9d); //similar to Math.Ceiling(scaleUpRatioY*3) for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDummy; i++) { PlayerListItem dummyItem = new PlayerListItem() { isOfflineMode = true, isDummy = true, Height = 1, UserName = "******" + i.ToString() }; //sorted to be last realItems.Add(dummyItem); } } }
private void EnterLocalReplay_Event(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitializeComponent(); this.OnResize(new EventArgs()); //to fix control not filling the whole window at start Paint -= EnterLocalReplay_Event; DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); charWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(listBoxDemoList.Font.SizeInPoints); ZkData.Utils.StartAsync(ScanDemoFiles); listBoxDemoList.SelectedIndexChanged += listBoxDemoList_SelectedIndexChanged; listBoxDemoList.KeyDown += listBoxDemoList_KeyDown; listBoxDemoList.KeyUp += listBoxDemoList_KeyUp; }
private void detailBox_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DesignMode) { return; } if (!detailBox.Visible) { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(); Size = new Size(DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(formWidth), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(formHeight - detailHeight)); } else { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(); Size = new Size(DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(formWidth), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(formHeight)); } }
Battle GetBattle(int x, int y) { x -= AutoScrollPosition.X; y -= AutoScrollPosition.Y; foreach (var kvp in battleIconPositions) { var battleIcon = kvp.Key; var position = kvp.Value; DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); var battleIconRect = new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height)); if (battleIconRect.Contains(x, y) && battleIcon.HitTest(x - position.X, y - position.Y)) { return(battleIcon.Battle); } } return(null); }
void BattleIconManager_BattleChanged(object sender, EventArgs <BattleIcon> e) { if (e.Data.Battle == Program.TasClient.MyBattle) { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); int scaledIconHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height); int scaledIconWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width); if (gameBox.Image == null) { gameBox.Image = new Bitmap(scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); } using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(gameBox.Image)) { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); g.DrawImageUnscaled(e.Data.Image, 0, 0); gameBox.Invalidate(); } } }
public NotifyBarContainer(INotifyBar barContent) { SuspendLayout(); //suspend layout until all bar element is finish set up BarContent = barContent; InitializeComponent(); btnDetail.Click += detail_Click; btnStop.Click += stop_Click; btnStop.Image = ZklResources.Remove; var control = barContent.GetControl(); //Note: control-element is already DPI-scaled and might be DPI-scaled again, and we dont need more scaling //Set size to control-element's maximum size (if defined in Program.cs). If not defined then use current height (hopefully the control-element is only used once) Height = (control.MaximumSize.Height > 0 ? control.MaximumSize.Height : control.Height) + DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(28); lbTitle = new Label() { Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 13.25F, FontStyle.Bold), ForeColor = Color.DarkCyan, AutoSize = true }; tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(lbTitle, 1, 0); tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(control, 1, 1); control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Dock = DockStyle.Top; BarContent.AddedToContainer(this); ResumeLayout(); }
void MakeMinimap() { if (resizedMinimap == null) { return; // wait, map is not downloaded } if (finishedMinimap != null) { finishedMinimap.Dispose(); } finishedMinimap = new Bitmap(DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(ZklResources.border.Width), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(ZklResources.border.Height)); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(finishedMinimap)) { g.DrawImage(resizedMinimap, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(6), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(5)); g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; int x = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(10); int y = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(minimapSize - 20); Action <Image> drawIcon = image => { g.DrawImage(image, x, y, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(20), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(20)); x += DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(30); }; if (IsInGame) { g.DrawImage(ZklResources.boom, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(10), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(10), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(50), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(50)); } if (Battle.IsOfficial() && Battle.IsSpringieManaged && !Battle.IsQueue) { g.DrawImage(, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(48), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(8), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(15), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(15)); } if (Battle.IsOfficial() && Battle.IsQueue) { g.DrawStringWithOutline(Battle.QueueName.Replace(' ', '\n'), QueueFont, QueueBrush, QueueBrushOutline, new Rectangle(4, 4, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(62), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(62)), new StringFormat() { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center }, 3); } if (Battle.IsPassworded) { drawIcon(ZklResources._lock); } g.DrawImage(ZklResources.border, 0, 0, DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(70), DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(70)); } }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { try { DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(); int scaledIconWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width); int scaledIconHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height); int scaledMapCellWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.MapCellSize.Width); base.OnPaint(pe); Graphics g = pe.Graphics; g.TranslateTransform(AutoScrollPosition.X, AutoScrollPosition.Y); battleIconPositions.Clear(); int x = 0; int y = 0; if (view.Any(b => b.Battle.IsQueue && !b.IsInGame)) { PaintDivider(g, ref x, ref y, "Match maker queues"); foreach (BattleIcon t in view.Where(b => b.Battle.IsQueue && !b.IsInGame)) { if (x + scaledIconWidth > Width) { x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } PainBattle(t, g, ref x, ref y, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); } x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } PaintDivider(g, ref x, ref y, "Custom battles"); PainOpenBattleButton(g, ref x, ref y, scaledMapCellWidth, scaledIconWidth); foreach (BattleIcon t in view.Where(b => !b.Battle.IsQueue && !b.IsInGame)) { if (x + scaledIconWidth > Width) { x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } PainBattle(t, g, ref x, ref y, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); } x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; PaintDivider(g, ref x, ref y, "Games in progress"); foreach (BattleIcon t in view.Where(b => b.IsInGame)) { if (x + scaledIconWidth > Width) { x = 0; y += scaledIconHeight; } PainBattle(t, g, ref x, ref y, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); } AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(0, y + scaledIconHeight); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error in drawing battles: " + e); } }
/// <summary> /// singleton, dont use, internal for designer /// </summary> internal BattleBar() { InitializeComponent(); picoChat.ChatBackgroundColor = TextColor.background; //same color as Program.Conf.BgColor picoChat.IRCForeColor = 14; //mirc grey. Unknown use picoChat.DefaultTooltip = "Last lines from room chat, click to enter full screen chat"; client = Program.TasClient; spring = new Spring(Program.SpringPaths); try { // silly way to create speech and voice engines on runtime - needed due to mono crash speech = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("ZeroKLobby.ChatToSpeech"), spring); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to init VoiceCommands:{0}", ex.Message); } spring.SpringExited += (s, e) => { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isInGame: false); if (e.Data) { Program.MainWindow.InvokeFunc(() => { var defaultButton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; var icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; if ( MessageBox.Show("Do you want me to set Low details?\n(will effect: lups.cfg and springsettings.cfg)\n\nIf you wish to file a bug report, please include a copy of infolog.txt in your game data folder (accessible through Settings).\nUpload it to a text sharing site such as", "Spring engine has crashed, update your video and audio drivers please!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, icon, defaultButton) == DialogResult.Yes) { Program.Conf.UseSafeMode = true; Program.EngineConfigurator.Configure(true, 0); } }); } }; spring.SpringStarted += (s, e) => { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isInGame: true); }; client.Rang += (s, e) => { if (e.User == GlobalConst.NightwatchName) { //Nightwatch RING is from UserController.cs (website code) MainWindow.Instance.NotifyUser("chat/zkadmin", "New report arrive at zkadmin channel", true, true); } else { MainWindow.Instance.NotifyUser("chat/battle", "Someone demands your attention in battle room!", true, true); AutoRespond(); } }; client.BattleJoined += (s, e) => { if (!isVisible) { ManualBattleStarted(); } if (IsHostGameRunning()) { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Rejoin"; } else { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; } //client.ChangeMyUserStatus(false, false); var battle = client.MyBattle; lastBattleFounder = battle.Founder.Name; if (battle.Founder.Name.StartsWith("PlanetWars") || battle.Founder.Name.StartsWith("Zk")) { ChangeDesiredSpectatorState(false); // TODO pw unpsec hack, remove later } if (battle.IsQueue) { barContainer.Title = string.Format("Joined {0} Quick Match Queue", battle.QueueName); barContainer.TitleTooltip = "Please await people, game will start automatically"; lbQueue.Visible = true; radioPlay.Visible = false; radioSpec.Visible = false; barContainer.btnDetail.Visible = false; } else { barContainer.Title = string.Format("Joined battle room hosted by {0}", battle.Founder.Name); barContainer.TitleTooltip = "Use button on the left side to start a game"; lbQueue.Visible = false; radioPlay.Visible = true; radioSpec.Visible = true; barContainer.btnDetail.Visible = true; } Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MAP, battle.MapName); Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MOD, battle.ModName); engineVersionNeeded = battle.EngineVersion; if (engineVersionNeeded != Program.SpringPaths.SpringVersion) { Program.Downloader.GetAndSwitchEngine(engineVersionNeeded); } else { engineVersionNeeded = null; } if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); int scaledIconHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height); int scaledIconWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width); gameBox.Image = new Bitmap(scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(gameBox.Image)) { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); var bi = Program.BattleIconManager.GetBattleIcon(battle.BattleID); g.DrawImageUnscaled(bi.Image, 0, 0); } gameBox.Invalidate(); RefreshTooltip(); var alliance = Enumerable.Range(0, TasClient.MaxAlliances - 1) .FirstOrDefault(allyTeam => !battle.Users.Values.Any(user => user.AllyNumber == allyTeam)); var team = battle.GetFreeTeamID(client.UserName); client.ChangeMyBattleStatus(desiredSpectatorState, HasAllResources() ? SyncStatuses.Synced : SyncStatuses.Unsynced, alliance, team); }; client.MyBattleMapChanged += (s, e) => { if (client.MyBattle != null && !Program.SpringScanner.HasResource(client.MyBattle.MapName)) { client.ChangeMyBattleStatus(syncStatus: SyncStatuses.Unsynced); Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MAP, client.MyBattle.MapName); } RefreshTooltip(); }; client.MyBattleHostExited += (s, e) => { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; }; client.MyBattleStarted += (s, e) => { try { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Rejoin"; if (client.MyBattleStatus.SyncStatus == SyncStatuses.Synced) { if (Utils.VerifySpringInstalled()) { if (spring.IsRunning) { spring.ExitGame(); } lastScript = spring.StartGame(client, null, null, null, Program.Conf.UseSafeMode, client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator ? Program.Conf.UseMtEngine : false); //use MT tag when in spectator slot } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error starting spring: " + ex.Message); } RefreshTooltip(); }; client.BattleMyUserStatusChanged += (s, e) => { if (client.MyBattleStatus != null) { barContainer.btnDetail.Enabled = client.MyBattleStatus.SyncStatus == SyncStatuses.Synced; if (client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator && radioPlay.Checked) { ChangeGuiSpectatorWithoutEvent(false); // i was spectated } if (!client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator && radioSpec.Checked) { ChangeGuiSpectatorWithoutEvent(true); //i was unspectated } } }; client.BattleClosed += (s, e) => { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } gameBox.Image = null; RefreshTooltip(); Stop(); }; client.MyBattleRemoved += (s, e) => { var t = new Timer(); var tryCount = 0; t.Interval = 1000; t.Tick += (s2, e2) => { tryCount++; if (tryCount > 15) { t.Stop(); t.Dispose(); } else if (client.IsLoggedIn && client.MyBattle == null) { var bat = client.ExistingBattles.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Founder.Name == lastBattleFounder && !x.IsPassworded); if (bat != null) { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(bat.BattleID, null); t.Stop(); t.Dispose(); } } }; t.Start(); }; client.ConnectionLost += (s, e) => { if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } gameBox.Image = null; RefreshTooltip(); Stop(); }; // process special queue message to display in label client.Said += (s, e) => { if (e.Place == SayPlace.Battle && client.MyBattle != null && client.MyBattle.Founder.Name == e.UserName && e.Text.StartsWith("Queue")) { var t = e.Text.Substring(6); queueLabelFormatter = Regex.Replace(t, "([0-9]+)s", m => { var queueSeconds = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); queueTarget = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(queueSeconds); return("{0}s"); }); lbQueue.Text = string.Format(queueLabelFormatter, Math.Round(queueTarget.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds)); } }; timer.Tick += (s, e) => { if (client.IsLoggedIn) { if (WindowsApi.IdleTime.TotalMinutes > Program.Conf.IdleTime) { if (!client.MyUser.IsAway) { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isAway: true); } } else { if (client.MyUser.IsAway) { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isAway: false); } } CheckMyBattle(); } if (client.MyBattle != null && client.MyBattle.IsQueue) { lbQueue.Text = string.Format(queueLabelFormatter, Math.Round(queueTarget.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds)); } }; timer.Interval = 1000; timer.Start(); Program.BattleIconManager.BattleChanged += BattleIconManager_BattleChanged; //picoChat.Font = new Font(Program.Conf.ChatFont.FontFamily, Program.Conf.ChatFont.Size*0.8f); picoChat.ShowHistory = false; picoChat.ShowJoinLeave = false; //picoChat.HideScroll = true; BattleChatControl.BattleLine += (s, e) => picoChat.AddLine(e.Data); picoChat.MouseClick += (s, e) => NavigationControl.Instance.Path = "chat/battle"; }
/// <summary> /// singleton, dont use, internal for designer /// </summary> internal BattleBar() { InitializeComponent(); picoChat.ChatBackgroundColor = TextColor.background; //same color as Program.Conf.BgColor picoChat.IRCForeColor = 14; //mirc grey. Unknown use Program.ToolTip.SetText(cbSide, "Choose the faction you wish to play."); client = Program.TasClient; spring = new Spring(Program.SpringPaths); try { // silly way to create speech and voice engines on runtime - needed due to mono crash speech = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("ZeroKLobby.ChatToSpeech"), spring); if (Program.Conf.EnableVoiceCommands) { voice = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("ZeroKLobby.VoiceCommand.VoiceCommandEngine"), client, spring); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to init VoiceCommands:{0}", ex.Message); } spring.SpringExited += (s, e) => { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isInGame: false); client.ChangeMyBattleStatus(ready: true); if (e.Data) { Program.MainWindow.InvokeFunc(() => { var defaultButton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; var icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; if ( MessageBox.Show("Do you want me to set Low details?\n(will effect: lups.cfg and springsettings.cfg)\n\nIf you wish to file a bug report, please include a copy of infolog.txt in your game data folder (accessible through Settings).\nUpload it to a text sharing site such as", "Spring engine has crashed, update your video and audio drivers please!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, icon, defaultButton) == DialogResult.Yes) { Program.Conf.UseSafeMode = true; Program.EngineConfigurator.Configure(true, 0); } }); } }; spring.SpringStarted += (s, e) => { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isInGame: true); }; client.Rang += (s, e) => { MainWindow.Instance.NotifyUser("chat/battle", "Someone demands your attention in battle room!", true, true); AutoRespond(); }; client.BattleJoined += (s, e) => { if (!isVisible) { ManualBattleStarted(); } if (IsHostGameRunning()) { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Rejoin"; } else { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; } //client.ChangeMyUserStatus(false, false); var battle = client.MyBattle; lastBattleFounder = battle.Founder.Name; if (battle.Founder.Name.StartsWith("PlanetWars")) { ChangeDesiredSpectatorState(false); // TODO pw unpsec hack, remove later } Program.SpringScanner.MetaData.GetModAsync(battle.ModName, (mod) => { if (!Program.CloseOnNext) { Program.MainWindow.InvokeFunc(() => { var previousSide = cbSide.SelectedItem != null ? cbSide.SelectedItem.ToString() : null; cbSide.Items.Clear(); var cnt = 0; foreach (var side in mod.Sides) { cbSide.Items.Add(new SideItem(side, mod.SideIcons[cnt++])); } var pickedItem = cbSide.Items.OfType <SideItem>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Side == previousSide); suppressSideChangeEvent = true; cbSide.Visible = mod.Sides.Length > 1; if (cbSide.Visible) { if (pickedItem != null) { cbSide.SelectedItem = pickedItem; } else { cbSide.SelectedIndex = random.Next(cbSide.Items.Count); } } suppressSideChangeEvent = false; }); } }, (ex) => { }, Program.SpringPaths.SpringVersion); Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MAP, battle.MapName); Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MOD, battle.ModName); engineVersionNeeded = battle.EngineVersion; if (engineVersionNeeded != Program.SpringPaths.SpringVersion) { Program.Downloader.GetAndSwitchEngine(engineVersionNeeded); } else { engineVersionNeeded = null; } if (battle != previousBattle) { previousBattle = battle; if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } DpiMeasurement.DpiXYMeasurement(this); int scaledIconHeight = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueY(BattleIcon.Height); int scaledIconWidth = DpiMeasurement.ScaleValueX(BattleIcon.Width); gameBox.Image = new Bitmap(scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(gameBox.Image)) { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, scaledIconWidth, scaledIconHeight); var bi = Program.BattleIconManager.GetBattleIcon(battle.BattleID); g.DrawImageUnscaled(bi.Image, 0, 0); } gameBox.Invalidate(); } RefreshTooltip(); }; cbSide.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed; cbSide.DrawItem += cbSide_DrawItem; client.MyBattleMapChanged += (s, e) => { if (client.MyBattle != null && !Program.SpringScanner.HasResource(client.MyBattle.MapName)) { client.ChangeMyBattleStatus(syncStatus: SyncStatuses.Unsynced); Program.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.MAP, client.MyBattle.MapName); } RefreshTooltip(); }; client.MyBattleHostExited += (s, e) => { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; }; client.RequestBattleStatus += (s, e) => { var battle = client.MyBattle; var alliance = Enumerable.Range(0, TasClient.MaxAlliances - 1) .FirstOrDefault(allyTeam => !battle.Users.Any(user => user.AllyNumber == allyTeam)); var team = battle.GetFreeTeamID(client.UserName); /* if (battle) * { * var b = tas.MyBattle; * return hostedMod.MissionSlots.Where(x => x.IsHuman).OrderByDescending(x => x.IsRequired).Where( * x => !b.Users.Any(y => y.AllyNumber == x.AllyID && y.TeamNumber == x.TeamID && !y.IsSpectator)); * * var slot = GetFreeSlots().FirstOrDefault(); * if (slot != null) * { * tas.ForceAlly(u.Name, slot.AllyID); * tas.ForceTeam(u.Name, slot.TeamID); * } * else tas.ForceSpectator(u.Name); * }*/ var status = new UserBattleStatus { AllyNumber = alliance, TeamNumber = team, SyncStatus = HasAllResources() ? SyncStatuses.Synced : SyncStatuses.Unsynced, IsSpectator = desiredSpectatorState, Side = cbSide.SelectedIndex >= 0 ? cbSide.SelectedIndex : 0, TeamColor = Program.Conf.DefaultPlayerColorInt, IsReady = true, }; client.SendMyBattleStatus(status); }; client.MyBattleStarted += (s, e) => { try { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Rejoin"; if (client.MyBattleStatus.SyncStatus == SyncStatuses.Synced) { if (Utils.VerifySpringInstalled()) { if (spring.IsRunning) { spring.ExitGame(); } lastScript = spring.StartGame(client, null, null, null, Program.Conf.UseSafeMode, client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator?Program.Conf.UseMtEngine:false); //use MT tag when in spectator slot } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error starting spring: " + ex.Message); } RefreshTooltip(); }; client.BattleMyUserStatusChanged += (s, e) => { if (client.MyBattleStatus != null) { barContainer.btnDetail.Enabled = client.MyBattleStatus.SyncStatus == SyncStatuses.Synced; if (client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator && radioPlay.Checked) { ChangeGuiSpectatorWithoutEvent(false); // i was spectated } if (!client.MyBattleStatus.IsSpectator && radioSpec.Checked) { ChangeGuiSpectatorWithoutEvent(true); //i was unspectated } } }; client.BattleClosed += (s, e) => { barContainer.btnDetail.Text = "Start"; if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } gameBox.Image = null; cbSide.Visible = false; RefreshTooltip(); Stop(); }; client.MyBattleEnded += (s, e) => { var t = new Timer(); var tryCount = 0; t.Interval = 1000; t.Tick += (s2, e2) => { tryCount++; if (tryCount > 15) { t.Stop(); } else if (client.IsLoggedIn && client.MyBattle == null) { var bat = client.ExistingBattles.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Founder.Name == lastBattleFounder && !x.IsPassworded); if (bat != null) { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(bat.BattleID, null); t.Stop(); } } }; t.Start(); }; client.ConnectionLost += (s, e) => { if (gameBox.Image != null) { gameBox.Image.Dispose(); } gameBox.Image = null; cbSide.Visible = false; RefreshTooltip(); Stop(); }; timer.Tick += (s, e) => { if (client.IsLoggedIn) { if (WindowsApi.IdleTime.TotalMinutes > Program.Conf.IdleTime) { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isAway: true); } else { client.ChangeMyUserStatus(isAway: false); } CheckMyBattle(); } }; timer.Interval = 2500; timer.Start(); Program.BattleIconManager.BattleChanged += BattleIconManager_BattleChanged; //picoChat.Font = new Font(Program.Conf.ChatFont.FontFamily, Program.Conf.ChatFont.Size*0.8f); picoChat.ShowHistory = false; picoChat.ShowJoinLeave = false; //picoChat.HideScroll = true; BattleChatControl.BattleLine += (s, e) => picoChat.AddLine(e.Data); picoChat.MouseClick += (s, e) => NavigationControl.Instance.Path = "chat/battle"; }