public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); vkApi = VKAPI.Instance; data = new DownloadData() { UserID = "1" }; imgData = new ImageData(); tr = TranslationManager.Instance; this.albumURL.DataContext = data; this.saveDir.DataContext = data; this.languageSelector.DataContext = tr; tr.CurrentLanguage = tr.Languages.First(a => a.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == tr.CurrentLanguage.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); }
public override ValidationResults <DownloadStateOccurance> ValidateData(ProcessedDataPackage package) { ValidationResults <DownloadStateOccurance> results = new ValidationResults <DownloadStateOccurance>(); results.Score = -1; DownloadData data = package.GetData <DownloadData>(); if (data == null || data.Count == 0) { return(results); } results.Score = 100; foreach (DownloadState ds in data) { if (regex.IsMatch(ds.URL) == false) { results.Add(new DownloadStateOccurance(ds)); } } results.Score -= Math.Min(results.Count, 4) * 10; if (results.Count > 0) { if (results.Count == 1) { results.ResultsExplenation = message_single; } else { results.ResultsExplenation = String.Format(message_more, results.Count); } } return(results); }
public SortedDictionary <string, long> UpdateDownloadTransfers( DownloadData downloads, SortedDictionary <string, long> downloadChanges, PopularityTransferData oldTransfers, PopularityTransferData newTransfers) { Guard.Assert( downloadChanges.Comparer == StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase, $"Download changes should have comparer {nameof(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)}"); Guard.Assert( downloadChanges.All(x => downloads.GetDownloadCount(x.Key) == x.Value), "The download changes should match the latest downloads"); // Downloads are transferred from a "from" package to one or more "to" packages. // The "oldTransfers" and "newTransfers" maps "from" packages to their corresponding "to" packages. // The "incomingTransfers" maps "to" packages to their corresponding "from" packages. var incomingTransfers = GetIncomingTransfers(newTransfers); _logger.LogInformation("Detecting changes in popularity transfers."); var transferChanges = _dataComparer.ComparePopularityTransfers(oldTransfers, newTransfers); _logger.LogInformation("{Count} popularity transfers have changed.", transferChanges.Count); // Get the transfer changes for packages affected by the download and transfer changes. var affectedPackages = GetPackagesAffectedByChanges( oldTransfers, newTransfers, incomingTransfers, transferChanges, downloadChanges); return(ApplyDownloadTransfers( downloads, newTransfers, incomingTransfers, affectedPackages)); }
public override async Task <RopDocument[]> FillDate() { var dd = new DownloadData(); var dataBytes = await dd.Data(rdBase.PathDocument); var str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dataBytes); var list = new List <RopData>(); var lines = str.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var line in lines) { var arr = line.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arr[0])) { continue; } if (arr[0].Contains("Jude")) { continue; } var rd = new RopData(); rd.Judet = judetFinder.Find(arr[0]); rd.Valoare = int.Parse(arr[3]); list.Add(rd); } list = list.GroupBy(it => it.Judet).Select(group => new RopData() { Judet = group.Key, Valoare = group.Sum(it => it.Valoare) } ).ToList(); rdBase.Data = list.ToArray(); return(new[] { rdBase }); }
private async Task <RopData> CreateFarmacie(Uri uri) { var rd = new RopData(); var numeFarmacie = uri.Segments.Last().Replace(".xls", ""); switch (numeFarmacie) { case "bucuresti---sector-1": case "bucuresti---sector-2": case "bucuresti---sector-3": case "bucuresti---sector-4": case "bucuresti---sector-5": case "bucuresti---sector-6": rd.Judet = judetFinder.Find("Bucuresti"); break; case "farmacii-circuit-inchis324112670-1": //TODO: take this into consideration return(null); default: rd.Judet = judetFinder.Find(numeFarmacie); break; } var dd = new DownloadData(); var dataBytes = await dd.Data(uri); var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName() + ".xls"); File.WriteAllBytes(path, dataBytes); var nr = await ExcelHelpers.NrRows(path); rd.Valoare = nr; return(rd); }
public void DetectsDecreaseDueToMissingId() { var oldData = new DownloadData(); oldData.SetDownloadCount(IdA, V1, 7); oldData.SetDownloadCount(IdA, V2, 1); oldData.SetDownloadCount(IdB, V1, 1); var newData = new DownloadData(); newData.SetDownloadCount(IdB, V1, 1); var delta = Target.Compare(oldData, newData); Assert.Equal(KeyValuePair.Create(IdA, 0L), Assert.Single(delta)); VerifyDecreaseTelemetry(Times.Exactly(2)); TelemetryService.Verify( x => x.TrackDownloadCountDecrease( IdA, V1, true, true, 7, false, false, 0), Times.Once); TelemetryService.Verify( x => x.TrackDownloadCountDecrease( IdA, V2, true, true, 1, false, false, 0), Times.Once); }
public void RejectsCyclicalPopularityTransfers() { PopularityTransfer = 1; DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("A", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("B", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadChanges["A"] = 100; DownloadChanges["B"] = 100; PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "B"); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("B", "A"); var result = Target.UpdateDownloadTransfers( DownloadData, DownloadChanges, OldTransfers, PopularityTransfers); Assert.Equal(new[] { "A", "B" }, result.Keys); Assert.Equal(0, result["A"]); Assert.Equal(0, result["B"]); }
public void IncomingTransfersAddedToNewDownloads() { PopularityTransfer = 1; DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("A", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("B", "1.0.0", 5); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("C", "1.0.0", 0); DownloadChanges["B"] = 5; PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "B"); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "C"); var result = Target.UpdateDownloadTransfers( DownloadData, DownloadChanges, OldTransfers, PopularityTransfers); // B has new downloads and receives downloads from A. Assert.Equal(new[] { "B" }, result.Keys); Assert.Equal(55, result["B"]); }
public void PopularityTransfersAreNotTransitive() { PopularityTransfer = 1; DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("A", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("B", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("C", "1.0.0", 100); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "B"); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("B", "C"); var result = Target.InitializeDownloadTransfers( DownloadData, PopularityTransfers); // A transfers downloads to B. // B transfers downloads to C. // B and C should reject downloads from A. Assert.Equal(new[] { "A", "B", "C" }, result.Keys); Assert.Equal(0, result["A"]); Assert.Equal(0, result["B"]); Assert.Equal(200, result["C"]); }
public static int DownloadedBookAdd(BookDataContext bookdb, DownloadData dd, ExistHandling handling) { int retval = 0; NQueries++; var book = BookGet(bookdb, dd.BookId); if (book == null) { return(retval); } switch (handling) { case ExistHandling.IfNotExists: if (book.DownloadData == null) { book.DownloadData = dd; retval++; } break; } return(retval); }
private void ApplyDownloadTransfers( DownloadData newData, PopularityTransferData oldTransfers, PopularityTransferData newTransfers, SortedDictionary <string, long> downloadChanges) { _logger.LogInformation("Finding download changes from popularity transfers."); var transferChanges = _downloadTransferrer.UpdateDownloadTransfers( newData, downloadChanges, oldTransfers, newTransfers); _logger.LogInformation( "{Count} package IDs have download count changes from popularity transfers.", transferChanges.Count); // Apply the transfer changes to the overall download changes. foreach (var transferChange in transferChanges) { downloadChanges[transferChange.Key] = transferChange.Value; } }
private void UserSigninProcess() { if (chkRememberMe.IsChecked == true) { SaveData(); } Uploader u = new Uploader(); Farm f = new Farm(); u.SetRole(DownloadData.GetUserRole(txtUsername.Text)); try { f = DownloadData.GetUserFarm(txtUsername.Text); u.SetFarm(f); } catch { MessageBox.Show("An error occured when attempting to load your farm details."); } this.Close(); u.ShowDialog(); }
private SortedDictionary <string, long> ApplyDownloadTransfers( DownloadData downloads, PopularityTransferData outgoingTransfers, SortedDictionary <string, SortedSet <string> > incomingTransfers, HashSet <string> packageIds) { _logger.LogInformation( "{Count} package IDs have download changes due to popularity transfers.", packageIds.Count); var result = new SortedDictionary <string, long>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var packageId in packageIds) { result[packageId] = TransferPackageDownloads( packageId, outgoingTransfers, incomingTransfers, downloads); } return(result); }
public static int CreateNewDownload(SqlConnection oConnData, string downloadName, string filetype, int studyID, int inclREL, string mlist, string tplist, string grplist, string sslist) { //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //LOG THE NEW DOWNLOAD int new_downloadPK = DownloadData.NewDownload_INSERT(oConnData, downloadName, filetype, studyID, inclREL, mlist, tplist, grplist, sslist); int new_ddversPK = DownloadData.NewDownload_vers_INSERT(oConnData, new_downloadPK); //The vers should always be 1 for new downloads SqlCommand cmdVers = new SqlCommand("select vers from datDownload_vers where ddversPK =" + new_ddversPK.ToString(), oConnData); int vers = (int)cmdVers.ExecuteScalar(); /// string[] measnames = mlist_names.Split('|'); //RETRIEVE THE DATA DataTable[] myDT = DownloadData.DownloadDataArray2(oConnData, Convert.ToInt16(new_ddversPK)); string filename = "zipdata_" + new_downloadPK.ToString() + "_v" + vers.ToString(); //string info_msg = ""; //string data_msg = ""; if (filetype == "Excel XML") { CreateExcel(myDT, filename); } else if (filetype == "TAB zip") { CreateTABzip(myDT, filename); } // Handle other file types here... ///!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return(new_ddversPK); }
private async void ReloadDownload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var FolderDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog()) { FolderDialog.InitialDirectory = (Properties.Settings.Default.CustomTempDownloadFolder) ? Properties.Settings.Default.DownloadFolder : Properties.Settings.Default.DEFAULT_TempDownloadFolder; FolderDialog.Filter = "Pdi files (*.dtemp.pdi;*.pdi)|*.dtemp.pdi;*.pdi"; FolderDialog.Multiselect = true; var result = FolderDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } foreach (String file in FolderDialog.FileNames) { var temp = DownloadData.DeserializeDownloadData(file); /** Prepare download **/ var listItem = new StreamDownloaderControls.UserControls.DownloadListItem() { Filename = temp.FileName, DownloadFolder = temp.DownloadDestination, DownloadURL = temp.RawURL }; listBox.Items.Add(listItem); var downloadContainer = new DownloadContainer(listItem, temp); /** Start **/ await downloadContainer.Initialize(); downloadContainer.Start(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Open a new download settings dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <DownloadData> OpenDialog(Window owner, DownloadData data) { //Initialize window var temp = new DownlaodSettings() { Owner = owner, _host = data.FileHost, HostIcon = data.FileHost.HostIcon, HostName = data.FileHost.HostName, DownloadURL = data.RawURL, DownloadFolder = data.DownloadDestination, Filename = data.FileName, AdditionalSettigns = (data.FileHost.CustomSettings == null) ? null : new DefaultSettings() }; //Load file extensions var sfe = new List <FileExtensionListItem>(); if (data.FileHost.SupportedFileExtensions != null) { foreach (var extension in data.FileHost.SupportedFileExtensions) { sfe.Add(new FileExtensionListItem(extension.Extension, extension)); } } temp.FileExtensions = sfe; //Apply file extensions temp.Show(); temp.Owner.IsEnabled = false; //Lock main window await WaitToContinue(temp); //Await Submit or cancel click temp.Close(); temp.Owner.IsEnabled = true; //Unlock main window return(temp._downloadData); //return result }
private async Task StartOneDownload(string fileName, Uri uri, DownloadData dd) { StorageFile destinationFile = null; try { var acFolder = await KnownFolders.VideosLibrary.CreateFolderAsync("ACFUNVideo", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); destinationFile = await acFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } BackgroundDownloader downloader = new BackgroundDownloader(); DownloadOperation download = downloader.CreateDownload(uri, destinationFile); dd.DownloadGuid.Add(download.Guid.ToString()); SaveDB(); download.Priority = BackgroundTransferPriority.Default; await download.StartAsync(); }
public void NewOrUpdatedSplitsPopularityTransfer() { PopularityTransfer = 1; DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("A", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("B", "1.0.0", 5); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("C", "1.0.0", 0); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "B"); PopularityTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "C"); TransferChanges["A"] = new[] { "B", "C" }; var result = Target.UpdateDownloadTransfers( DownloadData, DownloadChanges, OldTransfers, PopularityTransfers); Assert.Equal(new[] { "A", "B", "C" }, result.Keys); Assert.Equal(0, result["A"]); Assert.Equal(55, result["B"]); Assert.Equal(50, result["C"]); }
public void RemovePopularityTransfer() { // A used to transfer to both B and C. PopularityTransfer = 1; DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("A", "1.0.0", 100); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("B", "1.0.0", 5); DownloadData.SetDownloadCount("C", "1.0.0", 0); TransferChanges["A"] = new string[0]; OldTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "B"); OldTransfers.AddTransfer("A", "C"); var result = Target.UpdateDownloadTransfers( DownloadData, DownloadChanges, OldTransfers, PopularityTransfers); Assert.Equal(new[] { "A", "B", "C" }, result.Keys); Assert.Equal(100, result["A"]); Assert.Equal(5, result["B"]); Assert.Equal(0, result["C"]); }
public static List <DownloadData> Uliza(string json, string domain) { var list = new List <DownloadData>(); ULIZAINFO info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ULIZAINFO>(json); string url = info.NET_CONN; string title = info.TITLE; string dir = info.STORAGESUBDIR; foreach (var item in info.PLAYLIST) { string filename = item.NAME; string ext = Util.GetExtension(filename); string T = url; string Y = String.Format("{0}:{1}/{2}", ext, dir, filename); DownloadData data = new DownloadData { URL = url, Title = title, Folder = domain, Protocol = "RTMP", Extension = "", RTMP_T = T, RTMP_Y = Y, }; list.Add(data); } //rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -s "" -t "rtmp://" -y "mp4:nhk-mov/7b1527cb9377660aa81d869c284e73dd-1_multi_464000_v1.mp4" -o filename.mp4 return(list); }
private static List <DownloadData> ParseSite(ShowData showData, string url, out string nextpageurl, out string firstcover, UploadCache uploadCache) { nextpageurl = ""; firstcover = ""; HttpWebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.CreateHttp(url); req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; var resp = req.GetResponse(); BufferedStream buffStream = new BufferedStream(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); url = resp.ResponseUri.ToString(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(buffStream); bool inContent = false; bool inPost = false; bool inPostContent = false; List <DownloadData> list = new List <DownloadData>(); Match m; SeasonData seasonData = null; UploadData uploadData = null; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { String line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line.Contains("line-height") && line.Contains(" ")) //detect: <div style="line-height:5px;height:5px;background-color:lightgrey;"> </div> { continue; //I can only hope this will never occour in any other case.. } if (inContent) { if (inPost) { if (inPostContent) { //Debug.Assert(seasonData!=null); if (seasonData == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Invalid Html received while parsing " + showData.Name + ". Trying to continue"); continue; } if ((m = new Regex("<p>\\s*<strong>\\s*(.+?)\\s*</strong>\\s*[^/]*\\s*<br\\s?/>").Match(line)).Success) { //Debug.Assert(uploadData != null); if (uploadData == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Invalid Html received while parsing " + showData.Name + ". Trying to continue"); continue; } string title = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[1].Value); var downloads = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Regex r = new Regex("<a\\s+href\\s*=\"([^\"]+)\".+\\s+(.+?)\\s*<"); while (true) { line = reader.ReadLine(); Match m2 = r.Match(line); if (m2.Success) { String keyOrg = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(m2.Groups[2].Value); String key = keyOrg; while (downloads.ContainsKey(key)) { Match mx = new Regex("\\((\\d+)\\)$").Match(key); int num = 1; if (mx.Success) { num = int.Parse(mx.Groups[1].Value); } key = keyOrg + "(" + ++num + ")"; } String val = m2.Groups[1].Value; if (val != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val) && val.Trim().StartsWith("http://")) { downloads.Add(key, val); } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Invalid Download received while parsing " + showData.Name + ". Ignoring link"); //ignoring invalid download } } if (line.Contains("</p>")) { break; } } if (title.Contains("720p")) { uploadData.Format = "720p"; } else if (title.Contains("1080p")) { uploadData.Format = "1080p"; } else if (title.Contains("720i")) { uploadData.Format = "720i"; } else if (title.Contains("1080i")) { uploadData.Format = "1080i"; } DownloadData dd = new DownloadData(); dd.Upload = uploadCache == null ? uploadData : uploadCache.GetUniqueUploadData(uploadData); dd.Title = title; if (title.ToLower().Contains("subbed")) { dd.Upload.Subbed = true; } foreach (var download in downloads) { dd.Links.Add(download.Key, download.Value); } list.Add(dd); } else if ((m = new Regex("(?:(?:<p(?:\\s+style\\s*\\=\\s*\\\"[^\\\"]+\\\"\\s*)?>)|(?:<div\\s+class\\s*=\\s*\"info\">))\\s*(.*?(?:Dauer|Größe|Sprache|Format|Uploader).*?)\\s*(?:(?:</p>)|(?:</div>))").Match(line)).Success || ((m = new Regex("<p\\s+style\\s*\\=\\s*\\\"[^\\\"]+\\\"\\s*>").Match(line)).Success && ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != "") && (m = new Regex("\\s*(.*?(?:Dauer|Größe|Sprache|Format|Uploader).*?)\\s*</p>").Match(line)).Success)) { /* * Nice case: * <p><strong>Dauer:</strong> 20:00 | <strong>Größe:</strong> 175 MB | <strong>Sprache:</strong> Englisch & deutsche Untertitel | <strong>Format:</strong> XviD | <strong>HQ-Cover:</strong> <a href=",,">Download</a> | <strong>Uploader:</strong> block06</p> * * Bad case: (note newline!!) * <p style="background-color: #f0f0f0;"> * <strong>Dauer:</strong> 20:00 | <strong>Größe:</strong> 175 MB | <strong>Sprache:</strong> Englisch | <strong>Format:</strong> XviD | <strong>HQ-Cover:</strong> <a href=",,">Download</a> | <strong>Uploader:</strong> block06</p> */ uploadData = new UploadData(); uploadData.Season = seasonData; String c = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[1].Value); MatchCollection mc = new Regex("<strong>\\s*(.+?)\\s*</strong>\\s*(.+?)\\s*(?:\\||$)").Matches(c); foreach (Match match in mc) { String key = match.Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); String value = match.Groups[2].Value; if (key.Contains("dauer") || key.Contains("runtime") || key.Contains("duration")) { uploadData.Runtime = value; } else if (key.Contains("grösse") || key.Contains("größe") || key.Contains("size")) { uploadData.Size = value; } else if (key.Contains("uploader")) { uploadData.Uploader = value; } else if (key.Contains("format")) { uploadData.Format = value; } else if (key.Contains("sprache") || key.Contains("language")) { value = value.ToLower(); if (value.Contains("deutsch") || value.Contains("german")) { uploadData.Language |= UploadLanguage.German; } if (value.Contains("englisch") || value.Contains("english")) { uploadData.Language |= UploadLanguage.English; } if (value.Contains("subbed")) { uploadData.Subbed = true; } } } } else if ((m = new Regex("<p>\\s*([^<]+)\\s*</p>").Match(line)).Success) { if (seasonData.Description == "") { seasonData.Description = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[1].Value); } } else if ((m = new Regex("<p>\\s*<img\\s+src\\s*=\"([^\"]+)\".*?/>\\s*</p>").Match(line)).Success) { seasonData.CoverUrl = m.Groups[1].Value; if (firstcover == "") { firstcover = seasonData.CoverUrl; } } else if (new Regex("</div>").Match(line).Success) { inPostContent = false; seasonData = null; uploadData = null; } } else if ((m = new Regex("<h2>\\s*<a\\s+href\\s*=\"([^\"]+)\".*?>(.+?)</a>\\s*</h2>").Match(line)).Success) { seasonData = new SeasonData(); seasonData.Show = showData; seasonData.Url = m.Groups[1].Value; seasonData.Title = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Groups[2].Value); } else if (new Regex("<div\\s+class\\s*=\\s*\"post-content\"\\s*>").Match(line).Success) { inPostContent = true; } else if (new Regex("</div>").Match(line).Success) { inPost = false; } } else if (new Regex("<div\\s+class\\s*=\\s*\"post\"\\s*>").Match(line).Success) { inPost = true; } else { if ((m = new Regex("<span\\s+class\\s*=\\s*'page\\s+current'>\\s*(\\d+)\\s*</span>").Match(line)).Success) { int currentPage = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); int nextPage = currentPage + 1; if (new Regex("title\\s*='" + nextPage + "'").Match(line).Success) { if (new Regex("/page/" + currentPage + "/?$").Match(url).Success) { nextpageurl = url.Replace("page/" + currentPage, "page/" + nextPage); } else { nextpageurl = url; if (!nextpageurl.EndsWith("/")) { nextpageurl += "/"; } nextpageurl += "page/" + nextPage + "/"; } } } if (new Regex("</div>").Match(line).Success) { inContent = false; } } } else if (new Regex("<div\\s+id\\s*=\\s*\"content\"\\s*>").Match(line).Success) { inContent = true; } } reader.Close(); return(list); }
bool DownMultiFiles(DownloadData dd) { MultiFileDownData mfdd = (MultiFileDownData)dd.Data; List <DownChunkData> chunkList = new List <DownChunkData>(); List <DownChunkData> waitList = new List <DownChunkData>(); List <DownChunkData> retryList = new List <DownChunkData>(); List <CheckServerIP> serverList = new List <CheckServerIP>(); bool bHasNoYD = false; for (byte i = 0; i < mfdd.FTPIPList.Count; ++i) { CheckServerIP ssi = new CheckServerIP(i); if (mfdd.FTPIPList[i].ISP == (byte)ISPType.ISP_YD) { ssi.FailedCount = (uint)(MAX_CHUNK_COUNT * 2); } serverList.Add(ssi); if (mfdd.FTPIPList[i].ISP != (byte)ISPType.ISP_YD) { bHasNoYD = true; } } //1.划分Chunk //================================ uint tick = Utility.GetTickCount(); byte ipidx = 0; int CHUNK_SIZE2 = CHUNK_SIZE << 1; uint chunkIdx = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < mfdd.FileList.Count; ++i) { int resSize = (int)mfdd.FileList[i].ResSize; int resOffset = 0; while (resSize > 0) { DownChunkData dcd = new DownChunkData(); dcd.FileIdx = i; if (resSize >= CHUNK_SIZE2) { dcd.Length = CHUNK_SIZE; } else { dcd.Length = resSize; } dcd.ChunkIdx = chunkIdx++; dcd.Offset = resOffset; dcd.RecvSize = 0; dcd.RecvTick = 0; resOffset += dcd.Length; resSize -= dcd.Length; if (chunkList.Count < MAX_CHUNK_COUNT) { do { ipidx = (byte)((ipidx + 1) % serverList.Count); } while (bHasNoYD && mfdd.FTPIPList[ipidx].ISP == (byte)ISPType.ISP_YD); dcd.checkServer = serverList[ipidx]; dcd.checkServer.BeginUse(); if (!InitChunk(dd, dcd, mfdd.FTPIPList[ipidx])) { return(false); } dcd.RecvTick = tick; chunkList.Add(dcd); } else { waitList.Add(dcd); } } } //1.接收Chunk //================================ while (true) { tick = Utility.GetTickCount(); for (int i = 0; i < chunkList.Count;) { DownChunkData chunk = chunkList[i]; if (!DownChunk(dd, chunk, tick)) { CloseSocket(chunk); chunk.checkServer.EndUse(chunk.State != ChunkState.CHUNK_CONNECT && chunk.RecvSize != 0); if (chunk.State == ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_DATA) { //将接收的数据coy到data CopyBuffToData(mfdd, chunk); chunk.Offset += chunk.RecvSize; chunk.Length -= chunk.RecvSize; chunk.RecvSize = 0; ++chunk.RetryCount; chunk.SendCmdData = null; } if (chunk.RetryCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { //split if ((chunk.Length > MAX_XOR_SIZE || chunk.XOR == 1) && chunk.Length > 16) { DownChunkData dcd1, dcd2; SplitChunk(ref chunkIdx, chunk, out dcd1, out dcd2); waitList.Add(dcd1); waitList.Add(dcd2); } else { chunk.RetryCount = 0; chunk.XOR = 1; chunk.SendCmdData = null; retryList.Add(chunk); } } else { retryList.Add(chunk); } Utility.ListRemoveAt(chunkList, i); continue; } else if (chunk.State == ChunkState.CHUNK_COMPLETION) { CopyBuffToData(mfdd, chunk); CloseSocket(chunk); chunk.checkServer.EndUse(true); RecvFileDataFlag cfd = mfdd.RecvFileList[chunk.FileIdx]; if (cfd.RecvSize == cfd.FileData.Length) { //完成 MultiFileOK mfo = new MultiFileOK(); mfo.Data = cfd.FileData; mfo.Drd = mfdd.FileList[chunk.FileIdx]; mfdd.CompletionList[mfdd.RecvCount] = mfo; if (++mfdd.RecvCount == mfdd.FileList.Count) { Debug.Log("所有文件完成!"); return(true); } } Utility.ListRemoveAt(chunkList, i); continue; } ++i; }//end for if (chunkList.Count < MAX_CHUNK_COUNT) { tick = Utility.GetTickCount(); DownChunkData dcd = null; if (waitList.Count > 0) { dcd = waitList[0]; waitList.RemoveAt(0); } else if (retryList.Count > 0) { dcd = retryList[0]; retryList.RemoveAt(0); } if (dcd != null) { serverList.Sort(SortCheckServer); serverList[0].BeginUse(); dcd.checkServer = serverList[0]; if (!InitChunk(dd, dcd, mfdd.FTPIPList[dcd.checkServer.ServerIdx])) { return(false); } dcd.RecvTick = Utility.GetTickCount(); chunkList.Add(dcd); } } if (mfdd.RecvCount == mfdd.FileList.Count) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1); } ; //end while return(true); }
public void DownloadSubtitle(SubtitleItem subtitleItem, BasicMediaDetail mediaDetail, FolderSelectionItem folderSelectionItem, SubtitlesSearchType searchType, bool skipDefaults) { if (IsCanceled()) Kill(); if (_subtitlesDownloaderThread != null && _subtitlesDownloaderThread.IsAlive) return; _isCanceled = false; _status = ThreadStatus.StatusEnded; DownloadData downloadData = new DownloadData { SubtitleItem = subtitleItem, MediaDetail = mediaDetail, FolderSelectionItem = folderSelectionItem, SearchType = searchType, SkipDefaults = skipDefaults, StatusList = new List<SubtitleDownloadStatus>() }; _subtitlesDownloaderThread = new Thread(DownloadSubtitleAsync); _subtitlesDownloaderThread.IsBackground = true; _subtitlesDownloaderThread.Name = "Subtitles Downloader Thread"; _subtitlesDownloaderThread.Start(downloadData); }
void DownMultiFile_OldFTP(DownloadData dd) { byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; MultiFileDownData mfdd = (MultiFileDownData)dd.Data; for (int i = 0; i < mfdd.FTPIPList.Count; ++i) { ServerIPData sid = mfdd.FTPIPList[i]; if (sid.ISP == (int)ISPType.ISP_DX) { LogMgr.Log("<电信FTP:" + sid.IP + ">"); } else if (sid.ISP == (int)ISPType.ISP_LT) { LogMgr.Log("<联通FTP:" + sid.IP + ">"); } else { LogMgr.Log("<移动FTP:" + sid.IP + ">"); } int retryCount = 0; while (mfdd.RecvCount < mfdd.FileList.Count) { DownResData drd = mfdd.FileList[mfdd.RecvCount]; string url = "ftp://" + sid.IP + "/" + drd.ResUrl; int readSize = 0; try { FtpWebRequest ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(url); if (ftpRequest == null) { if (retryCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { break; } else { ++retryCount; Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } } ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; ftpRequest.UseBinary = true; ftpRequest.KeepAlive = false; FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse(); Stream ftpStream = null; if (response == null || (ftpStream = response.GetResponseStream()) == null) { if (retryCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { break; } else { ++retryCount; Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); while (true) { int s = ftpStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (s <= 0) { break; } ms.Write(buffer, 0, s); readSize += s; mfdd.CurrentRecvSize += s; dd.DownloadBytes += (uint)s; } try { ftpStream.Close(); response.Close(); } catch { } if (mfdd.CurrentRecvSize == drd.ResSize) { MultiFileOK mfo = new MultiFileOK(); mfo.Data = ms.ToArray(); mfo.Drd = mfdd.FileList[mfdd.RecvCount]; mfdd.CompletionList[mfdd.RecvCount] = mfo; ++mfdd.RecvCount; if (mfdd.RecvCount == mfdd.FileList.Count) { dd.DownState = DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_OK; if (dd.Type != DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT) { m_CompletionList.AddItem(dd); } return; } else { mfdd.CurrentRecvSize = 0; } } } catch (System.Exception e) { dd.DownloadBytes -= (uint)readSize; LogMgr.Log("OLD_FTP下载失败:" + e.ToString()); if (retryCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { break; } else { ++retryCount; Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } } } } dd.DownState = DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_ERROR; if (dd.Type != DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT) { m_CompletionList.AddItem(dd); } }
bool DownChunk(DownloadData dd, DownChunkData dcd, uint tick) { int ret = 0; switch (dcd.State) { case ChunkState.CHUNK_CONNECT: if (dcd.Fcd.connected) { dcd.Fcd.socket.Blocking = false; dcd.State = ChunkState.CHUNK_SEND_CMD; dcd.RecvTick = tick; return(true); } return(tick - dcd.RecvTick < 3000); break; case ChunkState.CHUNK_SEND_CMD: try { ret = dcd.Fcd.socket.Send(dcd.SendCmdData, SocketFlags.None); if (ret == dcd.SendCmdData.Length) { dcd.State = ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_SIZE; dcd.SendCmdData = null; dcd.RecvTick = tick; return(true); } } catch { if (dcd.Fcd.socket.Connected == false) { return(false); } } return(tick - dcd.RecvTick < TIME_OUT); break; case ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_SIZE: try { ret = dcd.Fcd.socket.Receive(dcd.RecvData, dcd.RecvSize, dcd.RecvData.Length - dcd.RecvSize, SocketFlags.None); } catch { if (dcd.Fcd.socket.Connected == false) { return(false); } } if (ret <= 0) { return(tick - dcd.RecvTick < TIME_OUT); } dcd.RecvTick = tick; dcd.RecvSize += ret; int retIdx = 0; while (dcd.RecvSize >= 4) { uint recvID = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(dcd.RecvData, retIdx); retIdx += 4; dcd.RecvSize -= 4; if (recvID == 0xEFFFFFFF) { //正在等待打开文件中 } else if ((recvID & 0xF0000000) == 0xF0000000) { //文件大小 recvID &= 0x0fffffff; if (dcd.Length == 0) { dcd.Length = (int)recvID; } else if (dcd.Length != recvID) { throw new System.Exception("Recv FileSize Error:ServerSize:" + recvID + ", LocalSize:" + dcd.Length); return(false); } if (dcd.RecvData.Length < dcd.Length) { byte[] recvdata = new byte[dcd.Length]; CopyXorData(dcd.RecvData, retIdx, recvdata, dcd.RecvSize, dcd.XOR == 1); retIdx = 0; dcd.RecvData = recvdata; } //接收完成 dd.Queue = 0xffffffff; dcd.State = ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_DATA; dcd.RecvTick = tick; dd.DownloadBytes += (uint)dcd.RecvSize; break; } else if ((recvID & 0xC0000000) == 0xC0000000) { //文件个数 byte isp = (byte)((recvID >> 28) & 0x3); if (dd.Type == DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_CHECK_VER) { ISP_TYPE = isp; // LogMgr.Log("<ISP:" + ((ISPType)ISP_TYPE) + ">"); } recvID &= 0xff; if (recvID != 1) { throw new System.Exception("File Count Error,ServerCount:" + recvID + ", LocalCount:1"); return(false); } } else if ((recvID & 0x80000000) != 0) { //排队中 dd.Queue = (recvID) & 0x7fffffff; } else { throw new System.Exception("未知的RecvSize数据:" + recvID); return(false); } } //移动数据到最开始 if (retIdx != 0) { CopyXorData(dcd.RecvData, retIdx, dcd.RecvData, dcd.RecvSize, (dcd.XOR == 1 && dcd.State == ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_DATA)); } if (dcd.State == ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_DATA && dcd.RecvSize == dcd.Length) { dcd.State = ChunkState.CHUNK_COMPLETION; } return(true); break; case ChunkState.CHUNK_RECV_DATA: try { ret = dcd.Fcd.socket.Receive(dcd.RecvData, dcd.RecvSize, dcd.Length - dcd.RecvSize, SocketFlags.None); } catch (SocketException e) { if (dcd.Fcd.socket.Connected == false) { return(false); } } if (ret <= 0) { if (tick - dcd.RecvTick < TIME_OUT) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } if (dcd.XOR == 1) { int endsize = dcd.RecvSize + ret; for (int i = dcd.RecvSize; i < endsize; ++i) { dcd.RecvData[i] ^= XOR_MASK; } } dcd.RecvTick = tick; dcd.RecvSize += ret; dd.DownloadBytes += (uint)ret; if (dcd.RecvSize == dcd.Length) { dcd.State = ChunkState.CHUNK_COMPLETION; } return(true); default: throw new System.Exception("未知的Recv状态:" + dcd.State); return(false); } return(false); }
private void btnDownloadStock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string OrginalDataDate = dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string ConvertDataDate = dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string DownloadData; string Uri = $"{ConvertDataDate}&selectType=ALL"; #region HttpWebRequest to get stcok data HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Uri); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); try { using (HttpWebResponse aHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using Stream aStream = aHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); using StreamReader aReader = new StreamReader(aStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(950)); DownloadData = aReader.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion if (DownloadData.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No stock data to download!"); return; } #region Sql scripts StringBuilder UpdateSql = new StringBuilder(); string InitialSQL = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[StockInformation] ([Code], [Name], [Yield], [DividendYear], [PeRatio], [PbRatio], [FinancialQuarter], [DataDate] ) VALUES ( "; string DeleteDuplicateDataSql = $"DELETE FROM StockInformation WHERE DataDate = '{OrginalDataDate}' ; "; #endregion #region Paser the stock data CsvReader Csv = new CsvReader(); string[] LineStrs = DownloadData.Split('\n'); string Code; // 證券代號 string Name; // 證券名稱 string Yield; // 殖利率 string DividendYear; // 股利年度 string PeRatio; // 本益比 string PbRatio; // 股價淨值比 string FinancialQuarter; // 財報年/季 for (int i = 0; i < LineStrs.Length; i++) { string strline = LineStrs[i]; // First row or no data if (i == 0 || i == 1 || strline.Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } // Exclude the sheet description wording if (strline.IndexOf("個股日本益比、殖利率及股價淨值比") > -1 || strline.IndexOf("說明") > -1 || strline.IndexOf("本網頁資料僅供研究參考用途") > -1 || strline.IndexOf("本網頁資料推計基礎如下") > -1) { continue; } ArrayList Result = new ArrayList(); Csv.ParseCSVData(Result, strline); string[] StockDatas = (string[])Result.ToArray(typeof(string)); if (StockDatas.Count() < 7) { continue; } Code = StockDatas[0].Trim(); // 證券代號 Name = StockDatas[1].Trim(); // 證券名稱 Yield = StockDatas[2].Trim(); // 殖利率 DividendYear = StockDatas[3].Trim(); // 股利年度 PeRatio = StockDatas[4].Trim(); // 本益比 PbRatio = StockDatas[5].Trim(); // 股價淨值比 FinancialQuarter = StockDatas[6].Trim(); // 財報年/季 UpdateSql.Append(InitialSQL); UpdateSql.Append($"'{Code}','{Name}','{Yield}','{DividendYear}','{PeRatio}'," + $"'{PbRatio}','{FinancialQuarter}','{OrginalDataDate}');"); } #endregion #region Insert to db try { using (var Conn = new SqlConnection(CommonSetting.DbSetting.DbConnectionString)) { using (TransactionScope aTransactionScope = new TransactionScope()) { Conn.Execute(DeleteDuplicateDataSql); Conn.Execute(UpdateSql.ToString()); aTransactionScope.Complete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } #endregion MessageBox.Show($"Download the stock data of {OrginalDataDate} successfully!"); }
//资源有带前缀"ftp://" public DownloadData AddMultiResDownload(DownloadType dt, List <ServerIPData> serverList, List <DownResData> resList, object obj = null) { if (m_DownList.HasSpace() == false) { return(null); } MultiFileDownData mfdd = new MultiFileDownData(); mfdd.CompletionList = new MultiFileOK[resList.Count]; mfdd.FTPIPList = new List <ServerIPData>(); mfdd.FileList = new List <DownResData>(); mfdd.OutsideRecvIndex = 0; mfdd.RecvCount = 0; mfdd.CurrentRecvSize = 0; mfdd.ExtraData = obj; mfdd.RecvFileList = new RecvFileDataFlag[resList.Count]; List <ServerIPData> ipList1 = new List <ServerIPData>(); List <ServerIPData> ipList2 = new List <ServerIPData>(); for (int i = 0; i < serverList.Count; ++i) { if (serverList[i].ISP == ISP_TYPE || serverList[i].ISP == (byte)ISPType.ISP_YD || ISP_TYPE == (byte)ISPType.ISP_YD) { ipList1.Add(serverList[i]); } //else // ipList2.Add(sip); } if (ipList1.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < serverList.Count; ++i) { ipList1.Add(serverList[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < resList.Count; ++i) { mfdd.RecvFileList[i] = new RecvFileDataFlag(); DownResData drd = resList[i]; string url = drd.ResUrl.ToLower(); int idx = url.IndexOf("fishpublish"); if (idx == -1) { return(null); } drd.ResUrl = url.Substring(idx, url.Length - idx); mfdd.FileList.Add(drd); } //将FTP排队 for (int i = 0; i < ipList1.Count;) { int idx = Utility.Range(0, ipList1.Count); if (idx >= ipList1.Count) { idx = ipList1.Count - 1; } mfdd.FTPIPList.Add(ipList1[idx]); ipList1.RemoveAt(idx); } for (int i = 0; i < ipList2.Count;) { int idx = Utility.Range(0, ipList2.Count); if (idx >= ipList2.Count) { idx = ipList2.Count - 1; } mfdd.FTPIPList.Add(ipList2[idx]); ipList2.RemoveAt(idx); } DownloadData dd = new DownloadData(null, mfdd, dt); dd.DownState = DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADING; m_DownList.AddItem(dd); return(dd); }
private bool DownloadOsmTile(string tile_name) { if (DlList.Count > 2) //only 2 download threads allowed on osm return false; DownloadData dld = new DownloadData(); try { String forecastAdress = tile_name.Replace(MapsFilesDirectory + "\\", OsmServer); forecastAdress = forecastAdress.Replace("\\", "/"); dld.DLFilename = tile_name; dld.httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(forecastAdress); dld.httpRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; dld.httpRequest.Timeout = 30000; // 10 sec timeouts dld.httpRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = 30000; dld.httpRequest.UserAgent = "GpsCycleComputer"; dld.httpRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetResponseCallback, dld); DlList.Add(dld); return true; } catch(Exception e) { DownloadEnd(e, dld); } return false; }
public void Update(float delta) { if (m_bError) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("res_save_error", 109); return; } if (m_ActiveDown != null) { if (m_ActiveDown.Type == DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_MULTI_FILE && m_ActiveDown.DownloadBytes != 0) { } else { m_UpdateUI.SetIsQueue(m_ActiveDown.IsQueue, m_ActiveDown.Type == DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_CHECK_VER); } if (m_ActiveDown.IsQueue) { m_UpdateTick = Utility.GetTickCount(); } } switch (m_State) { case UpdateState.UPDATE_CHECK_LOCALVER: CheckLocalFile(); break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_UNZIPING_FILE: CheckUnzipping(); break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_INIT: m_UpdateTick = Utility.GetTickCount(); string ftpurl = RuntimeInfo.GetFTPVersionURL(); m_ActiveDown = FTPClient.Instance.AddDownload(DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_CHECK_VER, ftpurl, null); m_State = UpdateState.UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_VERSION; break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_VERSION: if (m_ActiveDown.IsOK) { m_RetryCount = 0; string xml = m_ActiveDown.Text; m_ActiveDown = null; if (!CheckVersion(xml)) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("update_error", 101); } } else if (m_ActiveDown.HasError) { //出错了 if (++m_RetryCount > MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("res_connect_error", 102); } else { m_State = UpdateState.UPDATE_INIT; m_ActiveDown = null; } } else { if (m_ActiveDown.IsQueue == false && Utility.GetTickCount() - m_UpdateTick > UPDATE_VERSION_TIME_OUT) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("res_connect_error", 103); } } break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_RES: if (m_ActiveDown == null) { if (m_DownList.Count > 0) { m_DownloadBytes = 0; m_UpdateTick = Utility.GetTickCount(); m_UpdateUI.BeginDown(ResType.FishRes); m_ActiveDown = FTPClient.Instance.AddMultiResDownload(DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_MULTI_FILE, m_ResFtpList, m_DownList); m_RecvFileCount = m_DownList.Count; m_DownList.Clear(); } else { m_State = UpdateState.UPDATE_COMPLETE; } } else if (m_ActiveDown.IsOK) { m_RetryCount = 0; m_CurrentDownloadBytes += m_ActiveDown.DownloadBytes; m_DownloadBytes = 0; //m_ThreadList.AddItem(m_ActiveDown); SaveDownloadData(m_ActiveDown); m_ActiveDown = null; } else if (m_ActiveDown.HasError) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("update_error", 105); } else { if (m_ActiveDown.IsQueue) { //排队中 } else if (m_DownloadBytes != m_ActiveDown.DownloadBytes) { m_DownloadBytes = m_ActiveDown.DownloadBytes; m_UpdateTick = Utility.GetTickCount(); MultiFileDownData mfdd = (MultiFileDownData)m_ActiveDown.Data; if (mfdd.OutsideRecvIndex < mfdd.RecvCount) { SaveDownloadData(m_ActiveDown); } } else if (Utility.GetTickCount() - m_UpdateTick > UPDATE_RES_TIME_OUT) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("update_error", 106); } } break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_COMPLETE: //if (m_DownloadCompletionCount != m_DownloadOrgCount) //{ // m_UpdateUI.SetUnzipping(); // return; //} //更新完成,进入下一个逻辑 if (m_SaveCount != m_RecvFileCount) { return; } if (m_bNewClient) { if (RuntimeInfo.GetPlatform() == GamePlatformType.Android) { NativeInterface.DownNewClientVersion(GetClientPath()); } else if (RuntimeInfo.GetPlatform() == GamePlatformType.Windows) { NativeInterface.ShowMsgAndExit("update_restart", 0); } else { NativeInterface.DownNewClientVersion(m_NewClientURL); } } else { LogicManager.Instance.Forward(null); } break; case UpdateState.UPDATE_NEW_CLIENT: LogicManager.Instance.Shutdown(); break; } }
public override IEnumerable <string> Process(string fileName) { if (removeOldFile && new FileInfo(fileName).Exists) { new FileInfo(fileName).Delete(); } using (DownloadData data = DownloadData.Create(url, fileName)) { bool bShowProgress = data.IsProgressKnown; if (bShowProgress) { Progress.SetRange(0, data.FileSize); } // send the new download state Progress.SetMessage("Downloading ..."); // create the download buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[downloadBlockSize]; int readCount; // update how many bytes have already been read long totalDownloaded = data.StartPoint; using (FileStream f = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { // read a block of bytes and get the number of bytes read while ((int)(readCount = data.DownloadStream.Read(buffer, 0, downloadBlockSize)) > 0) { // break on cancel if (Progress.IsCancellationPending()) { throw new UserTerminatedException(); } // update total bytes read totalDownloaded += readCount; // send progress info if (bShowProgress) { Progress.SetPosition(totalDownloaded); } else { Progress.SetMessage("Downloaded " + totalDownloaded + " bytes ..."); } // save block to end of file f.Write(buffer, 0, readCount); // break on cancel if (Progress.IsCancellationPending()) { throw new UserTerminatedException(); } } // send 100% completion if url size is known and user hasn't cancelled if (bShowProgress) { Progress.SetPosition(data.FileSize); } else { Progress.SetMessage("Finished, downloaded " + totalDownloaded + " bytes"); } } } return(new string[] { fileName }); }
void DownloadEnd(Exception e, DownloadData dld) { Utils.log.Error (" DownloadOsmTile ", e); if (e.Message.IndexOf("404") != -1) MapErrors = __MapErrorNotFound; else MapErrors = __MapErrorDownload; try { File.Delete(dld.DLFilename); } catch { } DlList.Remove(dld); dld.Cleanup(); }
public static void Handle(DownloadData dd) { switch (dd.Type) { case DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_RANK_INFO: { //下载普通的排行榜文件 if (dd.DownState == DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_OK) { PlayerRole.Instance.RankManager.SaveRankXml(dd.Bytes); PlayerRole.Instance.RankManager.DownLoadReadRankXml(); } else if (dd.DownState == DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_ERROR) { PlayerRole.Instance.RankManager.DownLoadReadRankXml(true); } return; } case DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_Month_Rank: { if (dd.DownState == DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_OK) { PlayerRole.Instance.MonthManager.SaveMonthRankXml(dd.Bytes, (string)dd.Data); //保存XML文件 PlayerRole.Instance.MonthManager.OnDownLoadMonthRankXml((string)dd.Data); } else if (dd.DownState == DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_ERROR) { PlayerRole.Instance.MonthManager.OnDownLoadMonthRankXml((string)dd.Data, true); } return; } case DownloadType.DOWNLOAD_ANNOUNCEMENT: { if (dd.DownState == DownloadState.DS_DOWNLOADED_OK) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(dd.Text); XmlElement ele = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNode title = ele.SelectSingleNode("items"); List <AnnouncementData> annoucesList = new List <AnnouncementData>(); for (int i = 0; i < title.ChildNodes.Count; ++i) { AnnouncementData ad = new AnnouncementData(); ad.Title = title.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["title"].Value; ad.Date = title.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["date"].Value; ad.Content = title.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["content"].Value; annoucesList.Add(ad); } //获取公告列表 LogonRuntime.LogonLogicUI.UpdateNotice(annoucesList); } else { //获取公告失败。 GlobalHallUIMgr.Instance.ShowSystemTipsUI(StringTable.GetString("UOM_Login_GetNoticeError"), 2.0f, false); } break; } } }
public ActiveDownloadJob(ExtractImages.DownloadData downloadData, ProgressBar progressBar, WebClient webClient) { this.DownloadData = downloadData; this.ProgressBar = progressBar; this.WebClient = webClient; }
private static List <DownloadData> ParseSite(ShowData showData, string url, out string nextpageurl, out string firstcover, UploadCache uploadCache) { nextpageurl = ""; firstcover = ""; WebResponse resp = null; for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { try { HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; req.KeepAlive = false; resp = req.GetResponse(); break; } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status != WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) { throw; } } } if (resp == null) { throw new TimeoutException(); } HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.OptionDefaultStreamEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; doc.Load(resp.GetResponseStream()); resp.Dispose(); List <DownloadData> list = new List <DownloadData>(); HtmlNode content = doc.GetElementbyId("content"); HtmlNode nextLink = content.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='navigation']//a[@href][@class='next']"); if (nextLink != null) { nextpageurl = nextLink.GetAttributeValue("href", null); } var posts = content.SelectNodes("div[@class='post']"); if (posts == null) { return(list); } foreach (var post in posts) { //--------------Season Title----------------------------------- var title = post.SelectSingleNode("h2/a[@href]"); if (title == null) { Console.WriteLine("SjInfo Parser: No Title"); continue; } var seasonData = new SeasonData(); seasonData.Show = showData; seasonData.Url = title.GetAttributeValue("href", null); seasonData.Title = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(title.InnerText); var postContent = post.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='post-content']"); if (postContent == null) { Console.WriteLine("SjInfo Parser: No Post content"); continue; } //----------------Season Cover------------------------------------------------ var cover = postContent.SelectSingleNode(".//p/img[@src]"); if (cover != null) { seasonData.CoverUrl = cover.GetAttributeValue("src", null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstcover)) { firstcover = seasonData.CoverUrl; } } //----------------Season description----------------------------------------- var desc = postContent.SelectSingleNode(".//p[count(node())=1][not(@class='post-info-co')]/text()"); if (desc != null) { seasonData.Description = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(desc.InnerText); } UploadData uploadData = null; var ps = postContent.SelectNodes(".//node()[self::p|self::div][count(strong)>=2]"); if (ps == null) { Console.WriteLine("SjInfo Parser: no uploads/headers"); continue; } foreach (var p in ps) { //--------------- Upload Header ------------------------------ if (p.SelectSingleNode("self::node()[not(./a[@target])]") != null) { uploadData = new UploadData(); uploadData.Season = seasonData; String c = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(p.InnerHtml); MatchCollection mc = new Regex("<strong>\\s*(.+?)\\s*</strong>\\s*(.+?)\\s*(?:\\||$)").Matches(c); foreach (Match match in mc) { String key = match.Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); String value = match.Groups[2].Value; if (key.Contains("dauer") || key.Contains("runtime") || key.Contains("duration")) { uploadData.Runtime = value; } else if (key.Contains("grösse") || key.Contains("größe") || key.Contains("size")) { uploadData.Size = value; } else if (key.Contains("uploader")) { uploadData.Uploader = value; } else if (key.Contains("format")) { uploadData.Format = value; } else if (key.Contains("sprache") || key.Contains("language")) { value = value.ToLower(); if (value.Contains("deutsch") || value.Contains("german")) { uploadData.Language |= UploadLanguage.German; } if (value.Contains("englisch") || value.Contains("english")) { uploadData.Language |= UploadLanguage.English; } if (value.Contains("subbed")) { uploadData.Subbed = true; } } } } else if (uploadData != null) { // ------------------ Links ------------------------- var ulTitle = p.SelectSingleNode("strong[position()=1][count(node())=1]/text()"); if (ulTitle == null) { Console.WriteLine("SjInfo Parser: No title for link? " + p.InnerHtml); continue; } string titleStr = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(ulTitle.InnerText).Trim(); var links = p.SelectNodes("a[@href][following-sibling::text()]"); if (links == null) { continue; } var downloads = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var link in links) { string ur = link.GetAttributeValue("href", null); string keyOrg = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(link.NextSibling.InnerText.Trim()); if (keyOrg.StartsWith("|")) { keyOrg = keyOrg.Substring(1).Trim(); } String key = keyOrg; int i = 1; while (downloads.ContainsKey(key)) { key = keyOrg + "(" + i++ + ")"; } downloads.Add(key, ur); } if (titleStr.Contains("720p")) { uploadData.Format = "720p"; } else if (titleStr.Contains("1080p")) { uploadData.Format = "1080p"; } else if (titleStr.Contains("720i")) { uploadData.Format = "720i"; } else if (titleStr.Contains("1080i")) { uploadData.Format = "1080i"; } DownloadData dd = new DownloadData(); dd.Upload = uploadCache == null ? uploadData : uploadCache.GetUniqueUploadData(uploadData); dd.Title = titleStr; if (titleStr.ToLower().Contains("subbed")) { dd.Upload.Subbed = true; } foreach (var download in downloads) { dd.Links.Add(download.Key, download.Value); } list.Add(dd); } else { Console.WriteLine("SjInfo Parser: UploadData was null"); } } } return(list); }