protected void DrawRebar(DovDrawings graphic, ChartStyle cs) { float x; float y; float radius; float limitXNeg = -secRec.Width * 0.5f; float limitXPos = secRec.Width * 0.5f; float limitYNeg = -secRec.Height * 0.5f; float limitYPos = secRec.Height * 0.5f; PointF loc; rebarLocLibrary = rebarLocLibrary.OrderBy(reb => reb.LocY).ToList(); float locY = 0; bool start = true; RebarLocSorted.Clear(); foreach (DovRebarLocation bars in rebarLocLibrary) { if (start) { locY = bars.LocY; start = false; } if (locY == bars.LocY) { if (!RebarLocSorted.ContainsKey(locY)) { Stack <DovRebarLocation> bar = new Stack <DovRebarLocation>(); bar.Push(bars); RebarLocSorted[locY] = bar; } else { RebarLocSorted[locY].Push(bars); } } else { locY = bars.LocY; Stack <DovRebarLocation> bar = new Stack <DovRebarLocation>(); bar.Push(bars); RebarLocSorted[locY] = bar; } x = bars.LocX; y = bars.LocY; if ((x < limitXNeg || x > limitXPos) || (y < limitYNeg || y > limitYPos)) { RebarLocationMessage = "Error: location is not within the boundary of the section"; RebarLocMsgColor = "red"; continueDesign = false; break; } else { graphic.DrwColor = "white"; graphic.LineThickness = 2; graphic.FillColorOpt = "red"; RebarLocMsgColor = ""; RebarLocationMessage = "Enter Location of rebars"; radius = bars.Diameter * 0.5f; radius = cs.ScaleX(radius); loc = cs.Point2D(new PointF(x, y)); graphic.DrawArc(loc.X, loc.Y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); continueDesign = true; } foreach (KeyValuePair <float, Stack <DovRebarLocation> > rebar in RebarLocSorted) { re = rebar.Value.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < re.Length - 1; i++) { float xl = re[i].LocX; for (int j = i + 1; j < re.Length; j++) { if (xl == re[j].LocX) { RebarLocationMessage = "Warning: There are dublicate of bars, one of them will be used."; RebarLocMsgColor = "red"; } } } } } }
protected void IsoFootDetailOnElev() { DimensionLine dim = new DimensionLine(); DetailingGraphics = new DovDrawings(detailingContext); detailingChart = new ChartStyle(); dim.Graphic = DetailingGraphics; float footW = DetailingCanvWidth; float footH = 0.4f * DetailingCanvHeight; detailingChart.ChartArea = new RectangleF(0, 0, footW, footH); float startX = 0; float startY = 0.6f * DetailingCanvHeight; DetailingGraphics.Clear(startX, startY, footW, footH); float limit = footingData.Width; float xMax = 0.5f * limit; float xMin = -0.5f * limit; float yMax = 0.5f * footingData.Thickness; float yMin = -2 * footingData.Thickness; SetGraphicLayout(footW, footH, startX, startY, detailingChart, new float[] { xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax }); float thick = footingData.Thickness; float w = footingData.Width; float l = footingData.Length; float c = footingData.Cover * 0.1f; float dia = footingData.Dia; float locX = footingData.ColLocX; float locY = footingData.ColLocY; float cw = footingData.ColumnWidth; float cl = footingData.ColumnLength; PointF fPt1 = new PointF(-0.5f * footingData.Width, 0f); PointF fPt2 = new PointF(0.5f * footingData.Width, -footingData.Thickness); fPt1 = detailingChart.Point2D(fPt1); fPt2 = detailingChart.Point2D(fPt2); DetailingGraphics.FillColorOpt = "lightslategrey"; DetailingGraphics.FillColor(fPt1, fPt2); DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "dimgrey"; //await DetailingGraphics.DrawRecAsync(fPt1, fPt2); PointF pt1 = new PointF(-0.5f * w, 0f); PointF pt2 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w - 0.5f * cw, 0); PointF pt3 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w - 0.5f * cw, 0.5f * thick); PointF pt4 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w + 0.5f * cw, 0.5f * thick); PointF pt5 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w + 0.5f * cw, 0); PointF pt6 = new PointF(0.5f * w, 0); PointF pt7 = new PointF(0.5f * w, -thick); PointF pt8 = new PointF(-0.5f * w, -thick); PointF[] pts = new PointF[] { pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8 }; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { pts[i] = detailingChart.Point2D(pts[i]); } DetailingGraphics.FillPolygone(pts); dim.DrawDimLineAligned(pts[0], pts[7], thick.ToString()); dim.DrawDimLineAligned(pts[6], pts[7], w.ToString()); dim.DimDir = DimensionLine.DimensionDirection.right; DetailingGraphics.TextBase = TextBaseline.Bottom; dim.DrawDimLineAligned(pts[0], pts[1], (footingData.ColLocX - 0.5f * cw).ToString()); DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "red"; pt1 = new PointF(-0.5f * w + c, -thick + c); pt2 = new PointF(0.5f * w - c, -thick + c); pt3 = new PointF(pt1.X, pt1.Y + thick - 2 * c); pt4 = new PointF(pt2.X, pt2.Y + thick - 2 * c); pt1 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt1); pt2 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt2); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt1, pt2); pt3 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt3); pt4 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt4); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt1, pt3); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt2, pt4); //Drawing column bars pt5 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w - 0.5f * cw + c, -thick + c + 3 * dia * 0.1f); pt6 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w - 0.5f * cw + c, 0.5f * thick); pt7 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w + 0.5f * cw - c, -thick + c + 3 * dia * 0.1f); pt8 = new PointF(locX - 0.5f * w + 0.5f * cw - c, 0.5f * thick); //47 factor for development length PointF pt9 = new PointF(pt5.X - 47 * dia * 0.1f, pt5.Y); PointF pt10 = new PointF(pt7.X + 47 * dia * 0.1f, pt7.Y); pt9 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt9); pt10 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt10); pt5 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt5); pt6 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt6); pt7 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt7); pt8 = detailingChart.Point2D(pt8); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt5, pt6); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt7, pt8); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt5, pt9); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt7, pt10); pt1 = detailingChart.Point2D(new PointF(-0.5f * w + c, -2 * thick)); pt2 = detailingChart.Point2D(new PointF(0.5f * w - c, -2 * thick)); pt3 = detailingChart.Point2D(new PointF(-0.5f * w + c, -thick - 2 * c)); pt4 = detailingChart.Point2D(new PointF(0.5f * w - c, -thick - 2 * c)); DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt1, pt2); DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "dimgrey"; dim.DimDir = DimensionLine.DimensionDirection.left; DetailingGraphics.TextBase = TextBaseline.Hanging; dim.DrawDimLineAligned(pt1, pt2, (w - 2 * c).ToString()); DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "red"; DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt1, pt3); dim.DimDir = DimensionLine.DimensionDirection.right; DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "dimgrey"; DetailingGraphics.TextBase = TextBaseline.Bottom; dim.DrawDimLineAligned(pt1, pt3, (thick - 2 * c).ToString()); DetailingGraphics.DrwColor = "red"; DetailingGraphics.DrawLine(pt2, pt4); float barArea = (float)Math.PI * dia * dia / 4; int nbar = (int)Math.Ceiling(fDesign.Asy / barArea); int barSpacing = 1000 / nbar; barSpacing = barSpacing.RoundDown() / 10; for (int i = (int)(2 * c); i < (w - 2 * c); i += barSpacing) { float start = -0.5f * (w - 2 * c); float y = -(thick - c - 1.5f * dia * 0.1f); float x = start + i; PointF pt = new PointF(x, y); pt = detailingChart.Point2D(pt); DetailingGraphics.DrawArc(pt.X, pt.Y, 1.5f * dia * 0.1f, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } }