protected void cmdPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SkinSrc)) { string strType = SkinRoot.Substring(0, SkinRoot.Length - 1); string strURL = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + Globals.ApplicationURL(_objPortal.HomeTabId).Replace("~", ""); //detect if there is already a '?' in the URL (in case of a child portal) if (strURL.IndexOf("?") > 0) { strURL += "&"; } else { strURL += "?"; } strURL += "portalid=" + _objPortal.PortalID + "&" + strType + "Src=" + Globals.QueryStringEncode(SkinSrc.Replace(".ascx", "")); if (SkinRoot == SkinInfo.RootContainer) { if (Request.QueryString["ModuleId"] != null) { strURL += "&ModuleId=" + Request.QueryString["ModuleId"]; } } Response.Write("<script>'" + strURL + "','_blank')</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // set page title string strTitle = PortalSettings.PortalName + " > Insert Link"; // show copyright credits? if (Globals.GetHashValue(Globals.HostSettings["Copyright"], "Y") == "Y") { strTitle += " ( DNN " + PortalSettings.Version + " )"; } Title = strTitle; HtmlInputHidden htmlhidden = new HtmlInputHidden(); PortalSettings _portalSettings = PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); htmlhidden.ID = "TargetFreeTextBox"; htmlhidden.Value = Request.Params["ftb"]; phHidden.Controls.Add(htmlhidden); htmlhidden = new HtmlInputHidden(); htmlhidden.ID = "DNNDomainNameTabid"; htmlhidden.Value = "http://" + Globals.GetDomainName(Request) + "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?tabid="; phHidden.Controls.Add(htmlhidden); htmlhidden = new HtmlInputHidden(); htmlhidden.ID = "DNNDomainNameFilePath"; htmlhidden.Value = "http://" + Globals.GetDomainName(Request) + _portalSettings.HomeDirectory.Replace(Request.ApplicationPath, ""); phHidden.Controls.Add(htmlhidden); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the portal settings. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The Portal Settings /// </returns> private PortalSettings GetPortalSettings() { int iTabId = 0, iPortalId = 0; PortalSettings portalSettings; try { if (this.request.QueryString["tabid"] != null) { iTabId = int.Parse(this.request.QueryString["tabid"]); } if (this.request.QueryString["PortalID"] != null) { iPortalId = int.Parse(this.request.QueryString["PortalID"]); } string sDomainName = Globals.GetDomainName(this.Request, true); string sPortalAlias = PortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasByPortal(iPortalId, sDomainName); PortalAliasInfo objPortalAliasInfo = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(sPortalAlias); portalSettings = new PortalSettings(iTabId, objPortalAliasInfo); } catch (Exception) { portalSettings = (PortalSettings)HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"]; } return(portalSettings); }
/// <summary> /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"/> interface. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.</param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { var portalId = PortalSettings.PortalId; // Generate Pages Array var pagesArray = new StringBuilder(); pagesArray.Append("var dnnpagesSelectBox = new Array("); var domainName = string.Format("http://{0}", Globals.GetDomainName(context.Request, true)); foreach (TabInfo tab in TabController.GetPortalTabs( portalId, -1, false, null, true, false, true, true, true)) { var tabUrl = PortalController.GetPortalSettingAsBoolean("ContentLocalizationEnabled", portalId, false) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tab.CultureCode) ? Globals.FriendlyUrl( tab, string.Format("{0}&language={1}", Globals.ApplicationURL(tab.TabID), tab.CultureCode)) : Globals.FriendlyUrl(tab, Globals.ApplicationURL(tab.TabID)); tabUrl = Globals.ResolveUrl(Regex.Replace(tabUrl, domainName, "~", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); var tabName = GlobalObject.escape(tab.TabName); if (tab.Level.Equals(0)) { pagesArray.AppendFormat("new Array('| {0}','{1}'),", tabName, tabUrl); } else { var separator = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < tab.Level; index++) { separator.Append("--"); } pagesArray.AppendFormat("new Array('|{0} {1}','{2}'),", separator, tabName, tabUrl); } } if (pagesArray.ToString().EndsWith(",")) { pagesArray.Remove(pagesArray.Length - 1, 1); } pagesArray.Append(");"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/javascript"; context.Response.Write(pagesArray.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// optType_SelectedIndexChanged runs when the Portal Type is changed /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 5/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> protected void optType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (optType.SelectedValue == "C") { txtPortalName.Text = Globals.GetDomainName(Request) + "/"; } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
private void BindMarketing(PortalInfo portal) { //Load DocTypes var searchEngines = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Google", "" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))) }, { "Yahoo", "" }, { "Microsoft", "" } }; cboSearchEngine.DataSource = searchEngines; cboSearchEngine.DataBind(); var portalAliasController = new PortalAliasController(); var aliases = portalAliasController.GetPortalAliasArrayByPortalID(portal.PortalID); if (PortalController.IsChildPortal(portal, Globals.GetAbsoluteServerPath(Request))) { txtSiteMap.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + @"/SiteMap.aspx?portalid=" + portal.PortalID; } else { if (aliases.Count > 0) { //Get the first Alias var objPortalAliasInfo = (PortalAliasInfo)aliases[0]; txtSiteMap.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(objPortalAliasInfo.HTTPAlias) + @"/SiteMap.aspx"; } else { txtSiteMap.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + @"/SiteMap.aspx"; } } optBanners.SelectedIndex = portal.BannerAdvertising; if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser) { lblBanners.Visible = false; } else { optBanners.Enabled = portal.BannerAdvertising != 2; lblBanners.Visible = portal.BannerAdvertising == 2; } }
protected void cmdPurchase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var objEvent = default(EventInfo); try { if (this.Page.IsValid) { objEvent = this._objCtlEvent.EventsGet(this._itemID, this.ModuleId); // User wants to purchase event, create Event Signup Record this._objEventSignups = new EventSignupsInfo(); //Just in case the user has clicked back and has now clicked Purchase again!! var objEventSignupsChk = default(EventSignupsInfo); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._anonEmail)) { objEventSignupsChk = this._objCtlEventSignups.EventsSignupsGetUser( objEvent.EventID, this.UserId, objEvent.ModuleID); } else { objEventSignupsChk = this._objCtlEventSignups.EventsSignupsGetAnonUser( objEvent.EventID, this._anonEmail, objEvent.ModuleID); } if (!ReferenceEquals(objEventSignupsChk, null)) { this._objEventSignups.SignupID = objEventSignupsChk.SignupID; } this._objEventSignups.EventID = objEvent.EventID; this._objEventSignups.ModuleID = objEvent.ModuleID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._anonEmail)) { this._objEventSignups.UserID = this.UserId; this._objEventSignups.AnonEmail = null; this._objEventSignups.AnonName = null; this._objEventSignups.AnonTelephone = null; this._objEventSignups.AnonCulture = null; this._objEventSignups.AnonTimeZoneId = null; } else { var objSecurity = new PortalSecurity(); this._objEventSignups.UserID = -1; this._objEventSignups.AnonEmail = objSecurity.InputFilter(this._anonEmail, PortalSecurity.FilterFlag.NoScripting); this._objEventSignups.AnonName = objSecurity.InputFilter(this._anonName, PortalSecurity.FilterFlag.NoScripting); this._objEventSignups.AnonTelephone = objSecurity.InputFilter(this._anonTelephone, PortalSecurity.FilterFlag.NoScripting); this._objEventSignups.AnonCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; this._objEventSignups.AnonTimeZoneId = this.GetDisplayTimeZoneId(); } this._objEventSignups.PayPalStatus = "none"; this._objEventSignups.PayPalReason = "PayPal call initiated..."; this._objEventSignups.PayPalPaymentDate = DateTime.UtcNow; this._objEventSignups.Approved = false; this._objEventSignups.NoEnrolees = int.Parse(this.lblNoEnrolees.Text); this._objEventSignups = this.CreateEnrollment(this._objEventSignups, objEvent); if (!ReferenceEquals(objEventSignupsChk, null)) { this._objEventSignups = this._objCtlEventSignups.EventsSignupsGet(objEventSignupsChk.SignupID, objEventSignupsChk.ModuleID, false); } // Mail users if (this.Settings.SendEnrollMessagePaying) { var objEventEmailInfo = new EventEmailInfo(); var objEventEmail = new EventEmails(this.PortalId, this.ModuleId, this.LocalResourceFile, ((PageBase)this.Page).PageCulture.Name); objEventEmailInfo.TxtEmailSubject = this.Settings.Templates.txtEnrollMessageSubject; objEventEmailInfo.TxtEmailBody = this.Settings.Templates.txtEnrollMessagePaying; objEventEmailInfo.TxtEmailFrom = this.Settings.StandardEmail; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._anonEmail)) { objEventEmailInfo.UserEmails.Add(this.PortalSettings.UserInfo.Email); objEventEmailInfo.UserLocales.Add(this.PortalSettings.UserInfo.Profile.PreferredLocale); objEventEmailInfo.UserTimeZoneIds.Add(this.PortalSettings.UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone .Id); } else { objEventEmailInfo.UserEmails.Add(this._objEventSignups.AnonEmail); objEventEmailInfo.UserLocales.Add(this._objEventSignups.AnonCulture); objEventEmailInfo.UserTimeZoneIds.Add(this._objEventSignups.AnonTimeZoneId); } objEventEmailInfo.UserIDs.Add(objEvent.OwnerID); objEventEmail.SendEmails(objEventEmailInfo, objEvent, this._objEventSignups); } // build PayPal URL var ppurl = this.Settings.Paypalurl + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business="; var socialGroupId = this.GetUrlGroupId(); var objEventInfoHelper = new EventInfoHelper(this.ModuleId, this.TabId, this.PortalId, this.Settings); var returnURL = ""; if (socialGroupId > 0) { returnURL = objEventInfoHelper.AddSkinContainerControls( Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabId, "PPEnroll", "Mid=" + Convert.ToString(this.ModuleId), "signupid=" + Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.SignupID), "status=enrolled", "groupid=" + socialGroupId), "?"); } else { returnURL = objEventInfoHelper.AddSkinContainerControls( Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabId, "PPEnroll", "Mid=" + Convert.ToString(this.ModuleId), "signupid=" + Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.SignupID), "status=enrolled"), "?"); } if (returnURL.IndexOf("://") + 1 == 0) { returnURL = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(this.Request)) + returnURL; } var cancelURL = ""; if (socialGroupId > 0) { cancelURL = objEventInfoHelper.AddSkinContainerControls( Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabId, "PPEnroll", "Mid=" + Convert.ToString(this.ModuleId), "signupid=" + Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.SignupID), "status=cancelled", "groupid=" + socialGroupId), "?"); } else { cancelURL = objEventInfoHelper.AddSkinContainerControls( Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabId, "PPEnroll", "Mid=" + Convert.ToString(this.ModuleId), "signupid=" + Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.SignupID), "status=cancelled"), "?"); } if (cancelURL.IndexOf("://") + 1 == 0) { cancelURL = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(this.Request)) + cancelURL; } var strPayPalURL = ""; strPayPalURL = ppurl + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objEvent.PayPalAccount); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objEvent.ModuleTitle + " - " + this.lblEventName.Text + " ( " + this.lblFee.Text + " " + this.lblFeeCurrency.Text + " )"); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.SignupID)); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&quantity=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(this._objEventSignups.NoEnrolees)); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&custom=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode( Convert.ToDateTime(this.lblStartDate.Text).ToShortDateString()); // Make sure currency is in correct format var dblFee = double.Parse(this.lblFee.Text); var uiculture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&amount=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Strings.Format(dblFee, "#,##0.00")); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = uiculture; strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(this.lblTotalCurrency.Text); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&return=" + returnURL; strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&cancel_return=" + cancelURL; strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(this.Request)) + "/DesktopModules/Events/EventIPN.aspx"); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&undefined_quantity=&no_note=1&no_shipping=1"; //strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL & "&undefined_quantity=&no_note=1&no_shipping=1&rm=2" // redirect to PayPal this.Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
/// <summary> /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded. /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 5/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // ensure portal signup is allowed if ((PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId || UserInfo.IsSuperUser == false) && Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["DemoSignup"]) != "Y") { Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL("Access Denied"), true); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string strFolder = Globals.HostMapPath; if (Directory.Exists(strFolder)) { // admin.template and a portal template are required at minimum string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(strFolder, "*.template"); lblMessage.Text = Localization.GetString("AdminMissing", this.LocalResourceFile); cmdUpdate.Enabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < fileEntries.Length; i++) { string strFileName = fileEntries[i]; if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileName) == "admin") { lblMessage.Text = ""; cmdUpdate.Enabled = true; } else { cboTemplate.Items.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileName)); } } if (cboTemplate.Items.Count == 0) { lblMessage.Text = Localization.GetString("PortalMissing", this.LocalResourceFile); cmdUpdate.Enabled = false; } cboTemplate.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(Localization.GetString("None_Specified"), "-1")); cboTemplate.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId == PortalSettings.SuperTabId) { rowType.Visible = true; optType.SelectedValue = "P"; } else { rowType.Visible = false; string strMessage = string.Format(Localization.GetString("DemoMessage", this.LocalResourceFile), Convert.ToString((Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["DemoPeriod"]) != "") ? (" for " + Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["DemoPeriod"]) + " days") : ""), Globals.GetDomainName(Request)); lblInstructions.Text = strMessage; btnCustomizeHomeDir.Visible = false; } txtHomeDirectory.Text = "Portals/[PortalID]"; txtHomeDirectory.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
/// <summary> /// cmdUpdate_Click runs when the Update button is clicked /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 5/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> protected void cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { try { bool blnChild; string strMessage = String.Empty; string strPortalAlias; int intCounter; string strServerPath; string strChildPath = String.Empty; PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity(); // check template validity ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); string schemaFilename = Server.MapPath("admin/Portal/portal.template.xsd"); string xmlFilename = Globals.HostMapPath + cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; PortalTemplateValidator xval = new PortalTemplateValidator(); if (!xval.Validate(xmlFilename, schemaFilename)) { strMessage = Localization.GetString("InvalidTemplate", this.LocalResourceFile); lblMessage.Text = string.Format(strMessage, cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"); messages.AddRange(xval.Errors); lstResults.Visible = true; lstResults.DataSource = messages; lstResults.DataBind(); return; } //Set Portal Name txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.ToLower(); txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.Replace("http://", ""); //Validate Portal Name if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId) { blnChild = true; // child portal for (intCounter = 1; intCounter <= txtPortalName.Text.Length; intCounter++) { if ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-".IndexOf(txtPortalName.Text.Substring(intCounter, 1)) == 0) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString("InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile); } } strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } else { blnChild = optType.SelectedValue == "C"; if (blnChild) { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text.Substring(txtPortalName.Text.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } string strValidChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-"; if (!blnChild) { strValidChars += "./:"; } for (intCounter = 1; intCounter <= strPortalAlias.Length; intCounter++) { if (strValidChars.IndexOf(strPortalAlias.Substring(intCounter - 1, 1)) == 0) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString("InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile); } } } //Validate Password if (txtPassword.Text != txtConfirm.Text) { strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString("InvalidPassword", this.LocalResourceFile); } strServerPath = Globals.GetAbsoluteServerPath(Request); //Set Portal Alias for Child Portals if (strMessage == "") { if (blnChild) { strChildPath = strServerPath + strPortalAlias; if (Directory.Exists(strChildPath)) { strMessage = Localization.GetString("ChildExists", this.LocalResourceFile); } else { if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId) { strPortalAlias = Globals.GetDomainName(Request) + "/" + strPortalAlias; } else { strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text; } } } } //Get Home Directory string HomeDir; if (txtHomeDirectory.Text != "Portals/[PortalID]") { HomeDir = txtHomeDirectory.Text; } else { HomeDir = ""; } //Create Portal if (strMessage == "") { string strTemplateFile = cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template"; //Attempt to create the portal int intPortalId; try { intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(txtTitle.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtUsername.Text, objSecurity.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["EncryptionKey"]), txtPassword.Text), txtEmail.Text, txtDescription.Text, txtKeyWords.Text, Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplateFile, HomeDir, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strChildPath, blnChild); } catch (Exception ex) { intPortalId = Null.NullInteger; strMessage = ex.Message; } if (intPortalId != -1) { // notification UserInfo objUser = UserController.GetUserByName(intPortalId, txtUsername.Text, false); //Create a Portal Settings object for the new Portal PortalSettings newSettings = new PortalSettings(); newSettings.PortalAlias = new PortalAliasInfo(); newSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias = strPortalAlias; newSettings.PortalId = intPortalId; string webUrl = Globals.AddHTTP(strPortalAlias); try { if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId) { Mail.SendMail(PortalSettings.Email, txtEmail.Text, PortalSettings.Email + ";" + Convert.ToString(PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"]), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser), "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { Mail.SendMail(Convert.ToString(PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"]), txtEmail.Text, Convert.ToString(PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"]), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser), Localization.GetSystemMessage(newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser), "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } catch (Exception) { strMessage = string.Format(Localization.GetString("SendMail.Error", this.LocalResourceFile), webUrl, null); } EventLogController objEventLog = new EventLogController(); objEventLog.AddLog(objPortalController.GetPortal(intPortalId), PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.PORTAL_CREATED); // Redirect to this new site if (strMessage == Null.NullString) { Response.Redirect(webUrl, true); } } } lblMessage.Text = "<br>" + strMessage + "<br><br>"; } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } } }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 9/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration(); cboBillingFrequency.SelectedIndexChanged += OnBillingFrequencyIndexChanged; cboTrialFrequency.SelectedIndexChanged += OnTrialFrequencyIndexChanged; cmdDelete.Click += OnDeleteClick; cmdManage.Click += OnManageClick; cmdUpdate.Click += OnUpdateClick; txtRSVPCode.TextChanged += OnRsvpCodeChanged; try { if ((Request.QueryString["RoleID"] != null)) { _roleID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["RoleID"]); } var objPortalController = new PortalController(); var objPortalInfo = objPortalController.GetPortal(PortalSettings.PortalId); if ((objPortalInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortalInfo.ProcessorUserId))) { //Warn users about fee based roles if we have a Processor Id lblProcessorWarning.Visible = true; } else { divServiceFee.Visible = true; divBillingPeriod.Visible = true; divTrialFee.Visible = true; divTrialPeriod.Visible = true; } if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { cmdCancel.NavigateUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(); var objUser = new RoleController(); var ctlList = new ListController(); var colFrequencies = ctlList.GetListEntryInfoItems("Frequency", ""); cboBillingFrequency.DataSource = colFrequencies; cboBillingFrequency.DataBind(); cboBillingFrequency.Items.FindByValue("N").Selected = true; cboTrialFrequency.DataSource = colFrequencies; cboTrialFrequency.DataBind(); cboTrialFrequency.Items.FindByValue("N").Selected = true; BindGroups(); ctlIcon.FileFilter = Globals.glbImageFileTypes; if (_roleID != -1) { lblRoleName.Visible = true; txtRoleName.Visible = false; valRoleName.Enabled = false; var objRoleInfo = objUser.GetRole(_roleID, PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objRoleInfo != null) { lblRoleName.Text = objRoleInfo.RoleName; txtDescription.Text = objRoleInfo.Description; if (cboRoleGroups.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.RoleGroupID.ToString()) != null) { cboRoleGroups.ClearSelection(); cboRoleGroups.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.RoleGroupID.ToString()).Selected = true; } if (objRoleInfo.BillingFrequency != "N") { txtServiceFee.Text = objRoleInfo.ServiceFee.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); txtBillingPeriod.Text = objRoleInfo.BillingPeriod.ToString(); if (cboBillingFrequency.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.BillingFrequency) != null) { cboBillingFrequency.ClearSelection(); cboBillingFrequency.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.BillingFrequency).Selected = true; } } if (objRoleInfo.TrialFrequency != "N") { txtTrialFee.Text = objRoleInfo.TrialFee.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); txtTrialPeriod.Text = objRoleInfo.TrialPeriod.ToString(); if (cboTrialFrequency.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.TrialFrequency) != null) { cboTrialFrequency.ClearSelection(); cboTrialFrequency.Items.FindByValue(objRoleInfo.TrialFrequency).Selected = true; } } chkIsPublic.Checked = objRoleInfo.IsPublic; chkAutoAssignment.Checked = objRoleInfo.AutoAssignment; txtRSVPCode.Text = objRoleInfo.RSVPCode; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRSVPCode.Text)) { lblRSVPLink.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?rsvp=" + txtRSVPCode.Text + "&portalid=" + PortalId; } ctlIcon.Url = objRoleInfo.IconFile; UpdateFeeTextBoxes(); } else //security violation attempt to access item not related to this Module { Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL("Security Roles")); } if (_roleID == PortalSettings.AdministratorRoleId || _roleID == PortalSettings.RegisteredRoleId) { cmdDelete.Visible = false; ActivateControls(false); } if (_roleID == PortalSettings.RegisteredRoleId) { cmdManage.Visible = false; } } else { cmdDelete.Visible = false; cmdManage.Visible = false; lblRoleName.Visible = false; txtRoleName.Visible = true; //select default role group id if (Request.QueryString["RoleGroupID"] != null) { var roleGroupID = Request.QueryString["RoleGroupID"]; if (cboRoleGroups.Items.FindByValue(roleGroupID) != null) { cboRoleGroups.ClearSelection(); cboRoleGroups.Items.FindByValue(roleGroupID).Selected = true; } } } } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
protected void PurchaseBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strPaymentProcessor = ""; string strProcessorUserId = ""; string strProcessorPassword = ""; if (Page.IsValid) { PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalInfo objPortalInfo = objPortalController.GetPortal(PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objPortalInfo != null) { strPaymentProcessor = objPortalInfo.PaymentProcessor; strProcessorUserId = objPortalInfo.ProcessorUserId; strProcessorPassword = objPortalInfo.ProcessorPassword; } if (strPaymentProcessor == "PayPal") { // build secure PayPal URL string strPayPalURL = ""; strPayPalURL = "" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.PortalName + " - " + lblDescription.Text + " ( " + txtUnits.Text + " units @ " + lblFee.Text + " " + lblFeeCurrency.Text + " per " + lblFrequency.Text + " )"); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(RoleID)); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&quantity=1"; strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&custom=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(UserInfo.UserID.ToString()); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&amount=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(lblTotal.Text); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(lblTotalCurrency.Text); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode("http://" + Globals.GetDomainName(Request)); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&cancel_return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode("http://" + Globals.GetDomainName(Request)); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode("http://" + Globals.GetDomainName(Request) + "/admin/Sales/PayPalIPN.aspx"); strPayPalURL = strPayPalURL + "&undefined_quantity=&no_note=1&no_shipping=1"; // redirect to PayPal Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
/// <summary> /// cmdGoogle_Click runs when the Submit to Google Linkbutton is clicked. /// It submits the site's Description, DomainName and Keywords to the Google Site. /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 9/9/2004 Modified /// </history> protected void cmdGoogle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strURL = ""; string strComments = ""; PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalInfo objPortal = objPortalController.GetPortal(intPortalId); if (objPortal != null) { strComments += objPortal.PortalName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortal.Description)) { strComments += " " + objPortal.Description; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortal.KeyWords)) { strComments += " " + objPortal.KeyWords; } } strURL += "" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))); strURL += "&dq=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strComments); strURL += "&submit=Add+URL"; UrlUtils.OpenNewWindow(strURL); } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
public void OnBeginRequest(object s, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)s; HttpServerUtility Server = app.Server; HttpRequest Request = app.Request; HttpResponse Response = app.Response; string requestedPath = app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; // URL validation // check for ".." escape characters commonly used by hackers to traverse the folder tree on the server // the application should always use the exact relative location of the resource it is requesting string strURL = Request.Url.AbsolutePath; string strDoubleDecodeURL = Server.UrlDecode(Server.UrlDecode(Request.RawUrl)); if (strURL.IndexOf("..") != -1 || strDoubleDecodeURL.IndexOf("..") != -1) { throw (new HttpException(404, "Not Found")); } //fix for ASP.NET canonicalization issues if (Request.Path.IndexOf('\u005C') >= 0 || Path.GetFullPath(Request.PhysicalPath) != Request.PhysicalPath) { throw (new HttpException(404, "Not Found")); } //check if we are upgrading/installing if (Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower().EndsWith("install.aspx")) { return; } // save original url in context app.Context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:OriginalUrl", app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); // Friendly URLs are exposed externally using the following format // // and processed internally using the following format // // The system for accomplishing this is based on an extensible Regex rules definition stored in /SiteUrls.config string sendTo = ""; // save and remove the querystring as it gets added back on later // path parameter specifications will take precedence over querystring parameters string strQueryString = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Request.Url.Query)) { strQueryString = Request.QueryString.ToString(); requestedPath = requestedPath.Replace(app.Request.Url.Query, ""); } // get url rewriting rules RewriterRuleCollection rules = RewriterConfiguration.GetConfig().Rules; // iterate through list of rules int intMatch = -1; for (int intRule = 0; intRule <= rules.Count - 1; intRule++) { // check for the existence of the LookFor value string strLookFor = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, rules[intRule].LookFor) + "$"; Regex objLookFor = new Regex(strLookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // if there is a match if (objLookFor.IsMatch(requestedPath)) { // create a new URL using the SendTo regex value sendTo = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, objLookFor.Replace(requestedPath, rules[intRule].SendTo)); // obtain the RegEx match group which contains the parameters Match objMatch = objLookFor.Match(requestedPath); string strParameters = objMatch.Groups[2].Value; // process the parameters if (strParameters.Trim(null).Length > 0) { // split the value into an array based on "/" ( ie. /tabid/##/ ) strParameters = strParameters.Replace("\\", "/"); string[] arrParameters = strParameters.Split('/'); string strParameterDelimiter; string strParameterName; string strParameterValue; // icreate a well formed querystring based on the array of parameters for (int intParameter = 1; intParameter <= arrParameters.Length - 1; intParameter++) { // ignore the page name if (arrParameters[intParameter].ToLower().IndexOf(".aspx") == -1) { // get parameter name strParameterName = arrParameters[intParameter].Trim(null); if (strParameterName.Length > 0) { // add parameter to SendTo if it does not exist already if (sendTo.ToLower().IndexOf("?" + strParameterName.ToLower()) == -1 && sendTo.ToLower().IndexOf("&" + strParameterName.ToLower()) == -1) { // get parameter delimiter if (sendTo.IndexOf("?") != -1) { strParameterDelimiter = "&"; } else { strParameterDelimiter = "?"; } sendTo = sendTo + strParameterDelimiter + strParameterName; // get parameter value strParameterValue = ""; if (intParameter < (arrParameters.Length - 1)) { intParameter++; if (arrParameters[intParameter].Trim() != "") { strParameterValue = arrParameters[intParameter].Trim(null); } } // add the parameter value if (strParameterValue.Length > 0) { sendTo = sendTo + "=" + strParameterValue; } } } } } } intMatch = intRule; break; // exit as soon as it processes the first match } } // add querystring parameters back to SendTo if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString)) { string[] arrParameters = strQueryString.Split('&'); // iterate through the array of parameters for (int intParameter = 0; intParameter <= arrParameters.Length - 1; intParameter++) { // get parameter name string strParameterName = arrParameters[intParameter]; if (strParameterName.IndexOf("=") != -1) { strParameterName = strParameterName.Substring(0, strParameterName.IndexOf("=")); } // check if parameter already exists if (sendTo.ToLower().IndexOf("?" + strParameterName.ToLower()) == -1 && sendTo.ToLower().IndexOf("&" + strParameterName.ToLower()) == -1) { // add parameter to SendTo value if (sendTo.IndexOf("?") != -1) { sendTo = sendTo + "&" + arrParameters[intParameter]; } else { sendTo = sendTo + "?" + arrParameters[intParameter]; } } } } // if a match was found to the urlrewrite rules if (intMatch != -1) { if (rules[intMatch].SendTo.StartsWith("~")) { // rewrite the URL for internal processing RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendTo); } else { // it is not possible to rewrite the domain portion of the URL so redirect to the new URL Response.Redirect(sendTo, true); } } // *Note: from this point on we are dealing with a "standard" querystring ( ie. ) int TabId = -1; int PortalId = -1; string DomainName = null; string PortalAlias = null; PortalAliasInfo objPortalAliasInfo; // get TabId from querystring ( this is mandatory for maintaining portal context for child portals ) try { if (!(Request.QueryString["tabid"] == null)) { TabId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["tabid"]); } // get PortalId from querystring ( this is used for host menu options as well as child portal navigation ) if (!(Request.QueryString["portalid"] == null)) { PortalId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["portalid"]); } } catch (Exception) { //The tabId or PortalId are incorrectly formatted (potential DOS) throw (new HttpException(404, "Not Found")); } // alias parameter can be used to switch portals if (!(Request.QueryString["alias"] == null)) { // check if the alias is valid if (PortalSettings.GetPortalAliasInfo(Request.QueryString["alias"]) != null) { // check if the domain name contains the alias if (Strings.InStr(1, Request.QueryString["alias"], DomainName, CompareMethod.Text) == 0) { // redirect to the url defined in the alias Response.Redirect(Globals.GetPortalDomainName(Request.QueryString["alias"], Request, true)); } else // the alias is the same as the current domain { PortalAlias = Request.QueryString["alias"]; } } } // parse the Request URL into a Domain Name token DomainName = Globals.GetDomainName(Request); // PortalId identifies a portal when set if (PortalAlias == null) { if (PortalId != -1) { PortalAlias = PortalSettings.GetPortalByID(PortalId, DomainName); } } // TabId uniquely identifies a Portal if (PortalAlias == null) { if (TabId != -1) { // get the alias from the tabid, but only if it is for a tab in that domain PortalAlias = PortalSettings.GetPortalByTab(TabId, DomainName); if (PortalAlias == null || PortalAlias == "") { //if the TabId is not for the correct domain //see if the correct domain can be found and redirect it objPortalAliasInfo = PortalSettings.GetPortalAliasInfo(DomainName); if (objPortalAliasInfo != null) { if (app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().StartsWith("https://")) { strURL = "https://" + objPortalAliasInfo.HTTPAlias.Replace("*.", ""); } else { strURL = "http://" + objPortalAliasInfo.HTTPAlias.Replace("*.", ""); } if (strURL.ToLower().IndexOf(DomainName.ToLower()) == -1) { strURL += app.Request.Url.PathAndQuery; } Response.Redirect(strURL, true); } } } } // else use the domain name if (PortalAlias == null || PortalAlias == "") { PortalAlias = DomainName; } //using the DomainName above will find that alias that is the domainname portion of the Url //ie. will be found even if was entered on the Url objPortalAliasInfo = PortalSettings.GetPortalAliasInfo(PortalAlias); if (objPortalAliasInfo != null) { PortalId = objPortalAliasInfo.PortalID; } // if the portalid is not known if (PortalId == -1) { if (!Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower().EndsWith(Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLower())) { // allows requests for aspx pages in custom folder locations to be processed return; } else { //the domain name was not found so try using the host portal's first alias if (Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["HostPortalId"]) != "") { PortalId = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.HostSettings["HostPortalId"]); // use the host portal PortalAliasController objPortalAliasController = new PortalAliasController(); ArrayList arrPortalAliases; arrPortalAliases = objPortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasArrayByPortalID(int.Parse(Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["HostPortalId"]))); if (arrPortalAliases.Count > 0) { //Get the first Alias objPortalAliasInfo = (PortalAliasInfo)arrPortalAliases[0]; if (app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().StartsWith("https://")) { strURL = "https://" + objPortalAliasInfo.HTTPAlias.Replace("*.", ""); } else { strURL = "http://" + objPortalAliasInfo.HTTPAlias.Replace("*.", ""); } if (TabId != -1) { strURL += app.Request.Url.Query; } Response.Redirect(strURL, true); } } } } if (PortalId != -1) { // load the PortalSettings into current context PortalSettings _portalSettings = new PortalSettings(TabId, objPortalAliasInfo); app.Context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", _portalSettings); } else { // alias does not exist in database // and all attempts to find another have failed //this should only happen if the HostPortal does not have any aliases StreamReader objStreamReader; objStreamReader = File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("~/404.htm")); string strHTML = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); objStreamReader.Close(); strHTML = strHTML.Replace("[DOMAINNAME]", DomainName); Response.Write(strHTML); Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// cmdGoogle_Click runs when the Submit Page to Google Button is clicked /// </summary> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 9/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> protected void cmdGoogle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strURL = ""; string strComments = ""; strComments += txtTitle.Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDescription.Text)) { strComments += " " + txtDescription.Text; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtKeyWords.Text)) { strComments += " " + txtKeyWords.Text; } strURL += "" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?tabid=" + TabId); strURL += "&dq=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strComments); strURL += "&submit=Add+URL"; Response.Redirect(strURL, true); } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [cnurse] 9/10/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support /// and localisation /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration(); cboBillingFrequency.SelectedIndexChanged += OnBillingFrequencyIndexChanged; cboTrialFrequency.SelectedIndexChanged += OnTrialFrequencyIndexChanged; cmdDelete.Click += OnDeleteClick; cmdManage.Click += OnManageClick; cmdUpdate.Click += OnUpdateClick; txtRSVPCode.TextChanged += OnRsvpCodeChanged; try { if ((Request.QueryString["RoleID"] != null)) { _roleID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["RoleID"]); } var objPortalController = new PortalController(); var objPortalInfo = objPortalController.GetPortal(PortalSettings.PortalId); if ((objPortalInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPortalInfo.ProcessorUserId))) { //Warn users about fee based roles if we have a Processor Id lblProcessorWarning.Visible = true; } else { divServiceFee.Visible = true; divBillingPeriod.Visible = true; divTrialFee.Visible = true; divTrialPeriod.Visible = true; } if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { cmdCancel.NavigateUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(); var ctlList = new ListController(); var colFrequencies = ctlList.GetListEntryInfoItems("Frequency", ""); cboBillingFrequency.DataSource = colFrequencies; cboBillingFrequency.DataBind(); cboBillingFrequency.FindItemByValue("N").Selected = true; cboTrialFrequency.DataSource = colFrequencies; cboTrialFrequency.DataBind(); cboTrialFrequency.FindItemByValue("N").Selected = true; securityModeList.Items.Clear(); foreach (var enumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SecurityMode))) { var enumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(SecurityMode), enumValue); var enumItem = new ListItem(enumName, ((int)enumValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); securityModeList.AddItem(enumItem.Text, enumItem.Value); } statusList.Items.Clear(); foreach (var enumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RoleStatus))) { var enumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(RoleStatus), enumValue); var enumItem = new ListItem(enumName, ((int)enumValue).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); statusList.AddItem(enumItem.Text, enumItem.Value); } BindGroups(); ctlIcon.FileFilter = Globals.glbImageFileTypes; if (_roleID != -1) { var role = TestableRoleController.Instance.GetRole(PortalSettings.PortalId, r => r.RoleID == _roleID); if (role != null) { lblRoleName.Visible = role.IsSystemRole; txtRoleName.Visible = !role.IsSystemRole; valRoleName.Enabled = !role.IsSystemRole; lblRoleName.Text = role.RoleName; txtRoleName.Text = role.RoleName; txtDescription.Text = role.Description; if (cboRoleGroups.FindItemByValue(role.RoleGroupID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) != null) { cboRoleGroups.ClearSelection(); cboRoleGroups.FindItemByValue(role.RoleGroupID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Selected = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(role.BillingFrequency)) { if (role.ServiceFee > 0) { txtServiceFee.Text = role.ServiceFee.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); txtBillingPeriod.Text = role.BillingPeriod.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (cboBillingFrequency.FindItemByValue(role.BillingFrequency) != null) { cboBillingFrequency.ClearSelection(); cboBillingFrequency.FindItemByValue(role.BillingFrequency).Selected = true; } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(role.TrialFrequency)) { if (role.TrialFee > 0) { txtTrialFee.Text = role.TrialFee.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); txtTrialPeriod.Text = role.TrialPeriod.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (cboTrialFrequency.FindItemByValue(role.TrialFrequency) != null) { cboTrialFrequency.ClearSelection(); cboTrialFrequency.FindItemByValue(role.TrialFrequency).Selected = true; } } } if (securityModeList.FindItemByValue(Convert.ToString((int)role.SecurityMode)) != null) { securityModeList.ClearSelection(); securityModeList.FindItemByValue(Convert.ToString((int)role.SecurityMode)).Selected = true; } if (statusList.FindItemByValue(Convert.ToString((int)role.Status)) != null) { statusList.ClearSelection(); statusList.FindItemByValue(Convert.ToString((int)role.Status)).Selected = true; } chkIsPublic.Checked = role.IsPublic; chkAutoAssignment.Checked = role.AutoAssignment; txtRSVPCode.Text = role.RSVPCode; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRSVPCode.Text)) { lblRSVPLink.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + "?rsvp=" + txtRSVPCode.Text + "&portalid=" + PortalId; } ctlIcon.Url = role.IconFile; UpdateFeeTextBoxes(); cmdManage.Visible = role.Status == RoleStatus.Approved; } else //security violation attempt to access item not related to this Module { Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL("Security Roles")); } if (role.IsSystemRole) //disable controls if it's a system role { UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(this, Localization.GetString("SystemRoleWarning.Text", LocalResourceFile), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.BlueInfo); ActivateControls(false); } if (_roleID == PortalSettings.RegisteredRoleId) { cmdManage.Visible = false; } } else { cmdDelete.Visible = false; cmdManage.Visible = false; lblRoleName.Visible = false; txtRoleName.Visible = true; statusList.SelectedIndex = 1; //select default role group id if (Request.QueryString["RoleGroupID"] != null) { var roleGroupID = Request.QueryString["RoleGroupID"]; if (cboRoleGroups.FindItemByValue(roleGroupID) != null) { cboRoleGroups.ClearSelection(); cboRoleGroups.FindItemByValue(roleGroupID).Selected = true; } } } } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
protected void OnRsvpCodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblRSVPLink.Text = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + @"/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + @"?rsvp=" + txtRSVPCode.Text + @"&portalid=" + PortalId; }
protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserInfo objUserInfo = null; int intUserID = -1; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { objUserInfo = UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo(); if (objUserInfo != null) { intUserID = objUserInfo.UserID; } } int intRoleId = -1; if (Request.QueryString["roleid"] != null) { intRoleId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["roleid"]); } string strProcessorUserId = ""; PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalInfo objPortalInfo = objPortalController.GetPortal(PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objPortalInfo != null) { strProcessorUserId = objPortalInfo.ProcessorUserId; } Hashtable settings = PortalSettings.GetSiteSettings(PortalSettings.PortalId); string strPayPalURL; if (intUserID != -1 && intRoleId != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(strProcessorUserId)) { strPayPalURL = ""; if (Request.QueryString["cancel"] != null) { // build the cancellation PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "cmd=_subscr-find&alias=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); } else { strPayPalURL += "cmd=_ext-enter"; RoleController objRoles = new RoleController(); RoleInfo objRole = objRoles.GetRole(intRoleId, PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objRole.RoleID != -1) { int intTrialPeriod = 1; if (objRole.TrialPeriod != 0) { intTrialPeriod = objRole.TrialPeriod; } int intBillingPeriod = 1; if (objRole.BillingPeriod != 0) { intBillingPeriod = objRole.BillingPeriod; } // explicitely format numbers using en-US so numbers are correctly built CultureInfo enFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US"); string strService = string.Format(enFormat.NumberFormat, "{0:#####0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee); string strTrial = string.Format(enFormat.NumberFormat, "{0:#####0.00}", objRole.TrialFee); if (objRole.BillingFrequency == "O" || objRole.TrialFrequency == "O") //one-time payment { // build the payment PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "&redirect_cmd=_xclick&business=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); strPayPalURL += "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.PortalName + " - " + objRole.RoleName + " ( " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee) + " " + PortalSettings.Currency + " )"); strPayPalURL += "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intRoleId.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1"; strPayPalURL += "&quantity=1"; strPayPalURL += "&amount=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strService); strPayPalURL += "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.Currency); } else //recurring payments { // build the subscription PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "&redirect_cmd=_xclick-subscriptions&business=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); strPayPalURL += "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.PortalName + " - " + objRole.RoleName + " ( " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee) + " " + PortalSettings.Currency + " every " + intBillingPeriod.ToString() + " " + GetBillingFrequencyCode(objRole.BillingFrequency) + " )"); strPayPalURL += "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intRoleId.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1"; if (objRole.TrialFrequency != "N") { strPayPalURL += "&a1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strTrial); strPayPalURL += "&p1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intTrialPeriod.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&t1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objRole.TrialFrequency); } strPayPalURL += "&a3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strService); strPayPalURL += "&p3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intBillingPeriod.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&t3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objRole.BillingFrequency); strPayPalURL += "&src=1"; strPayPalURL += "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.Currency); } } ListController ctlList = new ListController(); strPayPalURL += "&custom=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intUserID.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&first_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.FirstName); strPayPalURL += "&last_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.LastName); try { if (objUserInfo.Profile.Country == "United States") { ListEntryInfo colList = ctlList.GetListEntryInfo("Region", objUserInfo.Profile.Region, "Country:US"); strPayPalURL += "&address1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUserInfo.Profile.Unit) ? objUserInfo.Profile.Unit + " " : "") + objUserInfo.Profile.Street); strPayPalURL += "&city=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.City); strPayPalURL += "&state=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(colList.Value); strPayPalURL += "&zip=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.PostalCode); } } catch { // issue getting user address } // Return URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "&return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionreturn"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "&return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))); } // Cancellation URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "&cancel_return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "&cancel_return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))); } // Instant Payment Notification URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionnotifyurl"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionnotifyurl"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/admin/Sales/PayPalIPN.aspx"); } strPayPalURL += "&sra=1"; // reattempt on failure } // redirect to PayPal Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } else { // Cancellation URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL = Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]); } else { strPayPalURL = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)); } // redirect to PayPal Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } } catch (Exception exc) //Page failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessPageLoadException(exc); } }