/// <summary>
        /// Delete directory
        /// </summary>
        private void LocalDirectoryDeleteMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                guiAssetTreeTag tag = (guiAssetTreeTag)GameDataTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag;
                if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Delete Directory", "Are you sure you wan to delete this directory with all its contents?\n\nDirectory:\n\n" + tag.FullFilename, MOGPromptButtons.YesNo) == MOGPromptResult.Yes)
                    if (tag.Object != null)
                        // Get our gameData handle from the item's tag
                        MOG_ControllerSyncData gameDataHandle = (MOG_ControllerSyncData)tag.Object;
                        if (gameDataHandle != null)
                            MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Delete Directory", "Cannot delete a directory that is a MOG Local Workspace! Remove this Workspace first then try again.", Environment.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR);
//							// Remove the synced location
//							if (!MOG_DBSyncedDataAPI.RemoveSyncedLocation(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), gameDataHandle.GetProjectName(), gameDataHandle.GetPlatformName(), gameDataHandle.GetGameDataPath()))
//							{
//								throw new Exception("Database could not remove this synced location!");
//							}
//							// Remove all the updated records
//							string filter = gameDataHandle.GetGameDataPath() + "\\*";
//							if (!MOG_DBInboxAPI.InboxRemoveAllAssets("Local", null, null, filter))
//							{
//								throw new Exception("Database inbox could not remove this synced location!");
//							}

                    // Now, actually delete the directory
                    ArrayList FilesToDelete = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(tag.FullFilename, "*.*");

                    ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog("Delete Directory", "Deleting...", LocalDirectoryDelete_Worker, FilesToDelete, true);
                    if (progress.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Now delete all the files left behind
                        Directory.Delete(tag.FullFilename, true);

                        // Remove the node
            catch (Exception ex)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Delete Directory", "Could not delete this directory!\n\nMessage:" + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
        private static void ImportPrevious_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker        = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <object>    args          = e.Argument as List <object>;
            bool             looseMatching = (bool)args[0];

            string[] sourceFullNames = (args[1]) as string[];

            //string[] sourceFullNames = e.Argument as string[];


            // Check if asset has been previously imported into the system
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFullNames.Length && !worker.CancellationPending; i++)
                string    sourceFullName      = sourceFullNames[i];
                ArrayList previousSourceFiles = new ArrayList();

                string message = "Importing:\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFullName) + "\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetFileName(sourceFullName);
                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / sourceFullNames.Length, message);

                // Check if this is a directory?
                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(sourceFullName))
                    // Obtain the list of contained files
                    ArrayList containedFiles = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(sourceFullName, "*.*");
                    if (containedFiles != null)
                        // Map these filenames to all the possible assetnames
                        previousSourceFiles = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenamesToAssetNames(containedFiles, MOG_ControllerProject.GetPlatformName(), null);
                    // Map this filename to all possible assetnames
                    previousSourceFiles = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenameToAssetName(sourceFullName, MOG_ControllerProject.GetPlatformName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetWorkspaceDirectory());

                // Are we loose matching?
                if (looseMatching)
                    // Did we get back only 2 files
                    if (previousSourceFiles.Count == 2)
                        // Is the second one a blank?
                        MOG_Filename file = previousSourceFiles[1] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (file.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)
                            // Then remove it!

                if (previousSourceFiles.Count == 1)
                    MOG_Filename previousFile = previousSourceFiles[0] as MOG_Filename;

                    if (MogMainForm.MainApp.AssetManagerAutoImportCheckBox.Checked)
                        // Create the correct controller
                        MOG_ControllerAsset.CreateAsset(sourceFullName, previousFile.GetEncodedFilename(), false);
                        // Create a new invalid name
                        ImportFile invalidName = new ImportFile(sourceFullName);

                        // Add all possible matches to this name
                        foreach (MOG_Filename potentialMatch in previousSourceFiles)
                            // Make sure we have a valid match?
                            if (potentialMatch != null &&
                                potentialMatch.GetOriginalFilename().Length > 0)

                        // Add to our invalidNames array
                    // Create a new invalid name
                    ImportFile invalidName = new ImportFile(sourceFullName);

                    // Add all possible matches to this name
                    foreach (MOG_Filename potentialMatch in previousSourceFiles)
                        // Make sure we have a valid match?
                        if (potentialMatch != null &&
                            potentialMatch.GetOriginalFilename().Length > 0)

                    // Add to our invalidNames array
        private static void ImportAsOne_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker            = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <object>    args              = e.Argument as List <object>;
            bool             looseFileMatching = (bool)args[0];

            string[]         sourceFilenames = (string[])args[1];
            HybridDictionary exactAssetNames = new HybridDictionary();
            HybridDictionary looseAssetNames = new HybridDictionary();

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFilenames.Length && !worker.CancellationPending; i++)
                string    filename   = sourceFilenames[i];
                ArrayList assetNames = new ArrayList();

                string message = "Mapping:\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) + "\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetFileName(filename);
                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / sourceFilenames.Length, message);

                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(filename))
                    // Obtain the list of contained files
                    ArrayList containedFiles = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(filename, "*.*");
                    if (containedFiles != null)
                        // Map these filenames to all the possible assetnames
                        assetNames = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenamesToAssetNames(containedFiles, "", worker);
                    // Map this filename to all possible assetnames
                    assetNames = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenameToAssetName(filename, "", "");

                // Check if we found some assetNames?
                if (assetNames != null)
                    // Check if we are allowing loose matches? and
                    // Check if this is a possible loose match?
                    if (looseFileMatching &&
                        assetNames.Count == 2)
                        // Check if this is a blank?
                        MOG_Filename assetName = assetNames[1] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (assetName.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)
                            // Turn this into an exact match

                    // Check if we found an exact match?
                    if (assetNames.Count == 1)
                        // Add this to our list of exactAssetNames if we haven't already found it
                        MOG_Filename assetName = assetNames[0] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (!exactAssetNames.Contains(assetName.GetAssetFullName()))
                            exactAssetNames[assetName.GetAssetFullName()] = assetName;
                        // Add all of the assetNames
                        foreach (MOG_Filename assetName in assetNames)
                            // Check if this is a blank?
                            if (assetName.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)

                            // Add this to our list of looseAssetNames if we haven't already found it
                            if (!looseAssetNames.Contains(assetName.GetAssetFullName()))
                                looseAssetNames[assetName.GetAssetFullName()] = assetName;

            // Check if we have any exact matches?
            if (exactAssetNames.Count > 0)
                e.Result = new ArrayList(exactAssetNames.Values);
                // Check if are allowing loose matching?
                if (looseFileMatching)
                    e.Result = new ArrayList(looseAssetNames.Values);
                    // Add back on the empty entry if it is needed
                    if (looseAssetNames.Count == 1)
                        looseAssetNames[""] = new MOG_Filename("");

                    // Return our list of foundAssets
                    e.Result = new ArrayList(looseAssetNames.Values);
        private void InitializeAssetNames(ArrayList sourceFiles)


            string listOfBlessedAssets = "";

            // Check for presence of wildcards
            foreach (string fullFilename in sourceFiles)
                MOG_Filename asset = new MOG_Filename(fullFilename);
                // If this Asset has been previously blessed...
                if (CheckIfAssetHasBeenBlessed(asset))
                    listOfBlessedAssets += asset.GetAssetFullName() + "\r\n";

                // Get the imported filenames
                ArrayList importFiles = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(MOG_ControllerAsset.GetAssetImportedDirectory(MOG_Properties.OpenFileProperties(fullFilename + "\\Properties.info")), "*.*");
                if (importFiles.Count > 1)
                    // If there are more that one, then we cannot rename the files of this asset
                    RenameFiles.Checked = false;
                    RenameFiles.Enabled = false;
                    importFilename      = "*Complex asset*";
                    String importFile = importFiles[0] as string;

                    // Does this asset label match the imported filename?
                    if (string.Compare(DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(importFile), DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.GetAssetLabel()), true) == 0)
                        // All is good then
                        importFilename = DosUtils.PathGetFileName(importFile);
                        // We cannot rename the files of this asset because the label and the imported filename do not match
                        RenameFiles.Checked = false;
                        RenameFiles.Enabled = false;
                        importFilename      = string.Format("Asset label({0}) and imported filename({1}) do not match!", DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.GetAssetLabel()), DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(importFile));

                mFullFilename = fullFilename;
                ListViewItem item = RenameListView.Items.Add(asset.GetAssetFullName());
                item.Selected = true;

                CheckStringForMatch(ref mCommonClass, asset.GetAssetClassification());
                CheckStringForMatch(ref mCommonPlatform, asset.GetAssetPlatform());
                CheckStringForMatch(ref mCommonLabel, asset.GetAssetLabel());

            // If we have any Blessed Assets and we don't have privilege to rename them, warn the user
            if (listOfBlessedAssets.Length > 0 && !CheckPrivilegeToRename())
                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Insufficient privileges to rename already blessed assets",
                                         "You do not have permission to rename these previously blessed assets:\r\n" + listOfBlessedAssets);
            // Else, If we have any Blessed Assets, warn user about the rename
            else if (listOfBlessedAssets.Length > 0)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Inbox renames don't rename previously blessed assets",
                                         "The following blessed assets will still exist when renamed assets are blessed:\r\n" + listOfBlessedAssets);


            InitializeTextBoxes(mCommonClass, mCommonPlatform, mCommonLabel);

            // Make it so that our user will hopefully type over the "*" when assigning a classification...
            if (mCommonClass == "*")

            bInitialized = true;
        }         // end ()