public ActionResult Edit(AirbnbAccount model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _dbContext.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(model)); }
public int UpdatePayoutMethodByOwner(string owner, string payoutMethodName) { int updateCount = 0; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner)) // case of removing payout method from property account { var payoutMethodModel = _context.PayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PayoutMethodName == payoutMethodName).FirstOrDefault(); if (payoutMethodModel != null) { var entities = _context.PropertyAccountPayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PayoutMethodId == payoutMethodModel.PayoutMethodId); if (entities != null && entities.Count() > 0) { _context.PropertyAccountPayoutMethods.RemoveRange(entities); _context.SaveChanges(); } } } else { var entity = _context.PropertyAccounts.Where(x => x.OwnerName == owner).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) { var entityId = entity.PropertyAccountId; var payoutMethodEntity = (from pm in _context.PropertyAccountPayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PropertyAccountId == entityId) join m in _context.PayoutMethods on pm.PayoutMethodId equals m.PayoutMethodId select m) .FirstOrDefault(); if (payoutMethodEntity == null) // add only when it does not exist { var model = _context.PayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PayoutMethodName == payoutMethodName).FirstOrDefault(); if (model != null) { _context.PropertyAccountPayoutMethods.Add(new PropertyAccountPayoutMethod { PropertyAccountId = payoutMethodEntity.PayoutMethodId, PayoutMethodId = entityId }); _context.SaveChanges(); updateCount = 1; } } } } return(updateCount); } catch { throw; } }
public ActionResult Edit(CPL cpl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _dbContext.Entry(cpl).State = EntityState.Modified; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Accounts = (new AirbnbAccountProvider(_dbContext)).AggregatedAccounts(); return(View(cpl)); }
public bool AddOrUpdate(Senstay.Dojo.Fantastic.PropertyMap map, bool commit = false) { bool changed = true; var entity = _context.PropertyFantasticMaps.Where(x => x.PropertyCode == map.nickname).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) // update { if (entity.ListingId != // only update if listing id has changed { entity.ListingId =; this.Update(entity.PropertyFantasticMapId, entity); } else { changed = false; } } else // create { entity = new PropertyFantasticMap { PropertyCode = map.nickname, ListingId = }; this.Create(entity); } if (changed && commit) { _context.SaveChanges(); } return(changed); }
public int UpdatePropertyCodeByName(string name, string propertyCode) { int updateCount = 0; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) // case of removing roperty code from payout method { var entities = _context.PropertyPayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PropertyCode == propertyCode); if (entities != null && entities.Count() > 0) { _context.PropertyPayoutMethods.RemoveRange(entities); _context.SaveChanges(); } } else { var entity = _context.PayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PayoutMethodName == name).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity != null) { var entityId = entity.PayoutMethodId; var count = (from pm in _context.PropertyPayoutMethods.Where(x => x.PropertyCode == propertyCode) join m in _context.PayoutMethods on pm.PayoutMethodId equals m.PayoutMethodId select m.PayoutMethodId) .Count(); if (count == 0) // add only when it does not exist { _context.PropertyPayoutMethods.Add(new PropertyPayoutMethod { PropertyCode = propertyCode, PayoutMethodId = entityId }); _context.SaveChanges(); updateCount = 1; } } } return(updateCount); } catch { throw; } }
public ActionResult OwnerApprovalInfo(InquiriesValidation inquiriesValidation) { try { InquiriesValidation strng = _dbContext.InquiriesValidations.Single(nc => nc.Id == inquiriesValidation.Id); var selectedProperty = _dbContext.CPLs.Find(strng.PropertyCode); strng.CPL = selectedProperty; strng.Doesitrequire2pricingteamapprovals = inquiriesValidation.Doesitrequire2pricingteamapprovals; strng.PricingApprover1 = inquiriesValidation.PricingApprover1; strng.PricingApprover2 = inquiriesValidation.PricingApprover2; strng.PricingDecision1 = inquiriesValidation.PricingDecision1; strng.PricingReason1 = inquiriesValidation.PricingReason1; strng.ApprovedbyOwner = inquiriesValidation.ApprovedbyOwner; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("", ex); return(View()); } }
/// <summary> /// Audit the log directly. /// </summary> /// <param name="auditLog"></param> /// <param name="eventType"></param> /// <param name="tableName"></param> /// <param name="keyValue"></param> /// <param name="columnName"></param> /// <param name="origValue"></param> /// <param name="newValue"></param> /// <param name="auditMessage"></param> /// <param name="modifiedBy"></param> public static void WriteAuditLog(string eventType, string tableName, string keyValue, string columnName, string origValue, string newValue, string auditMessage, string modifiedBy) { var db = new DojoDbContext(); AuditLog log = new AuditLog() { EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, EventType = eventType, TableName = tableName, RecordId = keyValue, ColumnName = columnName, OriginalValue = origValue, NewValue = newValue, AuditMessage = auditMessage, ModifiedBy = modifiedBy }; db.AuditLog.Add(log); db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Import(byte[] content) { MemoryStream excelStream = new MemoryStream(content); using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelStream)) { ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { int startRow = 2; int startCol = 1; int errorCount = 0; ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { try { if (currentWorksheet.Cells[row, startCol].Value == null) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorCount++; // ignore and continue; } } if (errorCount == 0) { _context.SaveChanges(); } } } } }
private void CommitChanges() { _dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
public int ImportExcel(Stream excelData, bool newVersion) { int startRow = 2; // starting row for reservation data int errorCount = 0; string currentProperty = string.Empty; string currentPayee = string.Empty; string inputSource = "Job Cost Excel"; int totalCols = newVersion ? 25 : 23; int billingStatusOffset = newVersion ? 0 : -2; _costSkip10Col += billingStatusOffset; _costAmountCol += billingStatusOffset; _costSkip11Col += billingStatusOffset; _costBalanceCol += billingStatusOffset; List <JobCost> jobCosts = new List <JobCost>(); var propertyProvider = new PropertyProvider(_context); using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelData)) { // storage for parsed data List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>(); ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols) { var message = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Parse", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } try { JobCostRow costRow = ParseJobCostExcelRow(currentWorksheet.Cells, row, inputSource); // the last row has 'Total' on the first column if (IsLastRow(costRow)) { break; } if (IsPropertyRow(costRow)) { currentProperty = costRow.PropertyCode != string.Empty ? costRow.PropertyCode : costRow.JobCostProperty2; } else if (IsOwnerRow(costRow)) { currentPayee = costRow.JobCostPayee; } else if (IsCostRow(costRow)) { costRow.OriginalPropertyCode = currentProperty; if (propertyProvider.PropertyExist(currentProperty)) { costRow.PropertyCode = currentProperty; } else { costRow.PropertyCode = AppConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CODE; } costRow.JobCostPayoutTo = currentPayee; jobCosts.Add(MapJobCost(costRow)); } else if (IsOwnerTotalRow(costRow) || IsSubTotalRow(costRow)) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Exception", message, "Job Cost Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } try { // save job cost if there is no error if (errorCount == 0 && jobCosts.Count > 0) { _context.JobCosts.AddRange(jobCosts); _context.SaveChanges(); // save job costs } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Job Cost saving error: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Exception", message, "Database saving"); _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors errorCount = 100000; // a large number } } else { var message = "Input file error: Cannot detect workbook in the import file."; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Input File", message, "Job Cost Excel file"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } else { var message = "Input file error: Cannot detect worksheet in the import file."; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Input File", message, "Job Cost Excel file"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } return(errorCount == 0 ? jobCosts.Count * 10000 : -errorCount); }
public int ImportExcel(Stream excelData) { int errorCount = 0; int notFoundCount = 0; int entityCount = 0; int totalCols = 3; int startRow = 2; // starting row to read data string inputSource = "Property Fees and Taxes"; DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelData)) { ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; // storage for parsed data List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>(); List <PropertyFee> propertyFees = new List <PropertyFee>(); for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols) { var message = string.Format("The total number of Property Fees & Taxes columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Parse", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } try { var p = ParseExcelRow(currentWorksheet.Cells, row, today, inputSource); // if property is not fund, we use a placehoder property so it can be fixed later if (!EnsurePropertyCode(p.PropertyCode)) { var message = string.Format("Property '{0}' does not exist.", p.PropertyCode); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, inputSource, message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); notFoundCount++; } else { propertyFees.Add(p); entityCount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Exception", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } try { // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error if (errorCount == 0) { if (propertyFees != null && propertyFees.Count > 0) { _context.PropertyFees.AddRange(propertyFees); } if (errorRows.Count() > 0) { _context.InputErrors.AddRange(errorRows); } _context.SaveChanges(); // Save Reservations } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Exception", message, "Database saving"); _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors errorCount = 100000; // a large number } } } } return(errorCount == 0 ? entityCount * 10000 + notFoundCount : -errorCount); }
public int ImportExcel(Stream excelData) { int errorCount = 0; int notFoundCount = 0; int ownerPayoutCount = 0; int totalCols = 29; int startRow = 2; // starting row for off-airbnb reservation data string inputSource = "Off Airbnb Excel"; DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelData)) { ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; OffAirbnbRow currentRow = null; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; // storage for parsed data var errorRows = new List <InputError>(); var ownerPayouts = new List <OwnerPayout>(); for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols) { var message = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Parse", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } try { OffAirbnbRow r = ParseOffAirbnbExcelRow(currentWorksheet.Cells, row); if (r == null) { continue; // skip the row that does not have checkin date or night } currentRow = r; // if property is not fund, we write to input error table to deal with it. if (!EnsurePropertyCode(r.PropertyCode)) { var message = string.Format("Property {0} does not exist.", r.PropertyCode); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Off-Airbnb", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); notFoundCount++; } else { // create an owner payout for each reservation var ownerPayout = MapToOwnerPayout(r); ownerPayout.Reservations.Add(MapToReservation(r)); ownerPayouts.Add(ownerPayout); ownerPayoutCount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Exception", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } try { // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error if (errorCount == 0) { if (ownerPayouts != null && ownerPayouts.Count > 0) { _context.OwnerPayouts.AddRange(ownerPayouts); } if (errorRows.Count() > 0) { _context.InputErrors.AddRange(errorRows); } _context.SaveChanges(); // Save owner payouts and reservations } else { _context.InputErrors.AddRange(errorRows); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Exception", message, "Database saving"); _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors errorCount = 100000; // a large number } } } } return(errorCount == 0 ? ownerPayoutCount * 10000 + notFoundCount : -errorCount); }
public int ImportExcel(Stream excelData, DateTime targetDate) { int errorCount = 0; int notFoundCount = 0; int propertyCount = 0; int totalCols = 2; int startRow = 2; // starting row to read data string inputSource = "Begin Balance Sweep"; int month = targetDate.Month; // if target date given is not after 07/01/2017, set the month to the prior month of today if (targetDate < new DateTime(2017, 7, 1)) { month = DateTime.Today.Date.AddMonths(-1).Month; } using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelData)) { ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; // storage for parsed data var errorRows = new List <InputError>(); var propertyBalance = new List <PropertyBalance>(); for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols) { var message = string.Format("The total number of Begin Balance columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Parse", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } try { var p = ParseExcelRow(currentWorksheet.Cells, row, month); // if property is not fund, we use a placehoder property so it can be fixed later if (!EnsurePropertyCode(p.PropertyCode)) { var message = string.Format("Property '{0}' does not exist.", p.PropertyCode); var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, inputSource, message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); notFoundCount++; } else { propertyBalance.Add(p); propertyCount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, row, "Exception", message, "Excel row"); errorRows.Add(inputError); errorCount++; } } try { // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error if (errorCount == 0) { if (propertyBalance != null && propertyBalance.Count > 0) { _context.PropertyBalances.AddRange(propertyBalance); } if (errorRows.Count() > 0) { _context.InputErrors.AddRange(errorRows); } _context.SaveChanges(); // Save Reservations } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message; var inputError = CreateInputError(inputSource, 0, "Exception", message, "Database saving"); _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors errorCount = 100000; // a large number } } } } return(errorCount == 0 ? propertyCount * 10000 + notFoundCount : -errorCount); }
public int ImportFromExcel(string excelFile, DateTime reportDate, bool isCompleted) { int errorCount = 0; int payoutCount = 0; int reservationCount = 0; int resolutionCount = 0; string channel = "Airbnb"; string account = GetAccountFromFilename(excelFile); string inputSource = string.Format("{0} {1}", reportDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), GetInputSourceFromFilePath(excelFile)); string excelPath = Path.Combine(UrlHelper.DataRootUrl(), excelFile); if (!File.Exists(excelPath)) { var inputError = new InputError { InputSource = inputSource, Row = 0, Section = "Input File Check", Message = string.Format("Input file '{0}' does not exist.", excelPath), OriginalText = excelPath, CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }; _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors return(-1000000); // large number of error } FileInfo excelFileInfo = new FileInfo(excelPath); using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelFileInfo)) { ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook; if (workBook != null) { if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { int totalCols = 14; int startRow = 2; // starting row for reservation data int payoutDateCol = 1; int typeCol = 2; int confirmationCodeCol = 3; int checkinDateCol = 4; int nightCol = 5; int guestCol = 6; int listingCol = 7; int detailCol = 8; int referenceCol = 9; int currencyCol = 10; int amountCol = 11; int payoutCol = 12; //int hostFeeCol = 13; //int cleanFeeCol = 14; ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1]; bool isOwnerRow = false; bool isRowError = false; List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>(); OwnerPayout payout = null; List <Reservation> reservations = null; List <Resolution> resolutions = null; DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow; PropertyProvider propertyProvider = new PropertyProvider(_context); for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++) { if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols) { errorRows.Add(new InputError { InputSource = inputSource, Row = row, Section = "Parse", Message = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols), OriginalText = "Excel row", CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }); } try { if (isCompleted && currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value == null) { if (payout != null && isOwnerRow && !isRowError) { QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions); payoutCount++; } break; // exit loop at the end of row } string type = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, typeCol].Value); var payoutType = type.StartsWith("Payout") ? PayoutType.Payout : (type.StartsWith("Reservation") ? PayoutType.Reservation : (type.StartsWith("Resolution") ? PayoutType.Resolution : PayoutType.Other)); if (payoutType == PayoutType.Payout) { if (isCompleted && payout != null && !isOwnerRow && !isRowError) { QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions); payoutCount++; } isOwnerRow = true; isRowError = false; payout = new OwnerPayout(); reservations = new List <Reservation>(); resolutions = new List <Resolution>(); payout.PayoutDate = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value); payout.PayoutDate = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(payout.PayoutDate); payout.AccountNumber = GetAccountNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, detailCol].Value); payout.Source = account; payout.PayoutAmount = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutCol].Value); payout.CreatedDate = today; payout.ModifiedDate = today; payout.InputSource = inputSource; } else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Resolution) { // business rule: one resolution per reservastion resolutionCount++; isOwnerRow = false; Resolution resolution = new Resolution(); resolution.ResolutionDate = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value); resolution.ResolutionDate = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(resolution.ResolutionDate); resolution.ResolutionType = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, typeCol].Value); resolution.ResolutionDescription = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, detailCol].Value); resolution.ResolutionAmount = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, amountCol].Value); resolution.ConfirmationCode = string.Empty; resolution.Impact = string.Empty; // fill in later resolution.CreatedDate = today; resolution.ModifiedDate = today; resolution.InputSource = inputSource; if (!isCompleted) { resolution.OwnerPayoutId = 0; // link to Owner Payout placeholder record for future payout } if (resolutions != null) { resolutions.Add(resolution); } } else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Reservation) { if (!isCompleted && reservations == null) { reservations = new List <Reservation>(); } reservationCount++; isOwnerRow = false; Reservation r = new Reservation(); r.ListingTitle = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, listingCol].Value); string propertyCode = propertyProvider.GetPropertyCodeByListing(account, Unquote(r.ListingTitle)); r.TransactionDate = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value); r.TransactionDate = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(r.TransactionDate); r.PropertyCode = propertyCode; r.ConfirmationCode = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, confirmationCodeCol].Value); r.CheckinDate = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, checkinDateCol].Value); r.CheckinDate = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(r.CheckinDate); r.Nights = (int)GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, nightCol].Value); r.CheckoutDate = r.CheckinDate.Value.AddDays(r.Nights); r.TotalRevenue = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, amountCol].Value); //r.HostFee = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, hostFeeCol].Value); // not needed per Jason //r.CleanFee = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, cleanFeeCol].Value); // not needed per Jason r.GuestName = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, guestCol].Value); r.Reference = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, referenceCol].Value); CurrencyType currency; if (Enum.TryParse(GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, currencyCol].Value), true, out currency) == true) { r.Currency = currency; } else { r.Currency = CurrencyType.USD; } // non-input fields r.Source = account; r.Channel = channel; r.LocalTax = 0; r.DamageWaiver = 0; r.AdminFee = 0; r.PlatformFee = 0; r.TaxRate = 0; r.IsFutureBooking = isCompleted ? false : true; r.IncludeOnStatement = false; r.ApprovalStatus = RevenueApprovalStatus.NotStarted; // house keeping fields r.CreatedDate = today; r.ModifiedDate = today; r.InputSource = inputSource; if (!isCompleted) { r.OwnerPayoutId = 0; // link to Owner Payout placeholder record for future payout } // if property is not fund, we use a placehoder property so it can be fixed later if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyCode)) { errorRows.Add(new InputError { InputSource = inputSource, Row = row, Section = "Reservation", Message = string.Format("Property from listing title '{0}' and account '{1}' does not exist", Unquote(r.ListingTitle), account), OriginalText = "Excel row", CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }); r.PropertyCode = AppConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CODE; //isRowError = true; //errorCount++; } if (reservations != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.PropertyCode)) { reservations.Add(r); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorRows.Add(new InputError { InputSource = inputSource, Row = row, Section = "Exception", Message = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message, OriginalText = "Excel row", CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }); isRowError = true; errorCount++; } } try { // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error if (errorCount == 0 && !isCompleted) { if (resolutions != null && resolutions.Count() > 0) { _context.Resolutions.AddRange(resolutions); } if (reservations != null && reservations.Count() > 0) { _context.Reservations.AddRange(reservations); } _context.SaveChanges(); // Save Reservations } else if (errorCount == 0 && isCompleted) { _context.SaveChanges(); // save OwnerPayouts, Reservations, and Resolutions } if (errorRows.Count > 0) { _context.InputErrors.AddRange(errorRows); _context.SaveChanges(); // Save errors } } catch (Exception ex) { var inputError = new InputError { InputSource = inputSource, Row = 0, Section = "Exception", Message = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message, OriginalText = "Database saving", CreatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }; _context.InputErrors.Add(inputError); _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors errorCount = 100000; // a large number } } } } try { excelFileInfo.Delete(); } catch { // ignore if cannot delete } if (errorCount > 0) { return(-errorCount); } else if (isCompleted) { return(payoutCount); } else { return(reservationCount); } }