public override List <DocumentoMovimentado> GetDocumentos(long IDReq, string filter, DataSet currentDataSet, IDbConnection conn)
            List <DocumentoMovimentado> ret = new List <DocumentoMovimentado>();

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("", (SqlConnection)conn))
                command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #NiveisTemp (IDNivel BIGINT); " +
                                      "CREATE TABLE #SPParametersNiveis (IDNivel BIGINT); " +
                                      "CREATE TABLE #SPResultsCodigos (IDNivel BIGINT, CodigoCompleto NVARCHAR(300));";

                command.CommandText =
                    "INSERT INTO #NiveisTemp " +
                    "SELECT dr.IDNivel " +
                    "FROM DocumentosMovimentados dr " +
                    "WHERE dr.IDMovimento = @IDReq AND dr.isDeleted=@isDeleted";
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDReq", IDReq);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", 0);

                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                    da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["Nivel"],
                                                                                     "INNER JOIN #NiveisTemp ON #NiveisTemp.IDNivel = Nivel.ID");
                    da.Fill(currentDataSet, "Nivel");

                    da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["DocumentosMovimentados"],
                                                                                     "WHERE IDMovimento = @IDReq");
                    da.Fill(currentDataSet, "DocumentosMovimentados");

                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #SPParametersNiveis " +
                                      "SELECT IDNivel " +
                                      "FROM #NiveisTemp " +
                                      "EXEC sp_getCodigosCompletosNiveis ";

                command.CommandText =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT nt.IDNivel, nd.Designacao, tnr.Designacao, dp.InicioAno, dp.InicioMes, dp.InicioDia, dp.FimAno, dp.FimMes, dp.FimDia, codigo.CodigoCompleto " +
                    "FROM #NiveisTemp nt " +
                    "INNER JOIN NivelDesignado nd ON nt.IDNivel = nd.ID AND nd.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                    "INNER JOIN RelacaoHierarquica rh ON nt.IDNivel = rh.ID AND rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                    "INNER JOIN TipoNivelRelacionado tnr ON rh.IDTipoNivelRelacionado = tnr.ID AND tnr.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                    "INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = nt.IDNivel AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                    "INNER JOIN ( " +
                    "SELECT #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel, MIN(#SPResultsCodigos.CodigoCompleto) CodigoCompleto " +
                    "FROM #SPResultsCodigos " +
                    "INNER JOIN #NiveisTemp p ON p.IDNivel = #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel " +
                    "GROUP BY #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel " +
                    ") codigo ON codigo.IDNivel = nt.IDNivel " +
                    "LEFT JOIN SFRDDatasProducao dp ON dp.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND dp.isDeleted = @isDeleted ";

                if (filter != string.Empty)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ndDesignacao", filter);
                    command.CommandText += "WHERE nd.Designacao=@ndDesignacao";

                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    DocumentoMovimentado dm = new DocumentoMovimentado();
                    dm.IDNivel        = System.Convert.ToInt64(reader.GetValue(0));
                    dm.Designacao     = reader.GetValue(1).ToString();
                    dm.NivelDescricao = reader.GetValue(2).ToString();

                    dm.AnoInicio = reader.GetValue(3).ToString();
                    dm.MesInicio = reader.GetValue(4).ToString();
                    dm.DiaInicio = reader.GetValue(5).ToString();

                    dm.AnoFim = reader.GetValue(6).ToString();
                    dm.MesFim = reader.GetValue(7).ToString();
                    dm.DiaFim = reader.GetValue(8).ToString();

                    dm.CodigoCompleto = reader.GetValue(9).ToString();



                command.CommandText =
                    "DROP TABLE #NiveisTemp " +
                    "DROP TABLE #SPParametersNiveis " +
                    "DROP TABLE #SPResultsCodigos ";


        public override List<DocumentoMovimentado> GetDocumentos(long IDReq, string filter, DataSet currentDataSet, IDbConnection conn)
            List<DocumentoMovimentado> ret = new List<DocumentoMovimentado>();
            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("", (SqlConnection)conn))
                command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #NiveisTemp (IDNivel BIGINT); "+
                    "CREATE TABLE #SPParametersNiveis (IDNivel BIGINT); " +
                    "CREATE TABLE #SPResultsCodigos (IDNivel BIGINT, CodigoCompleto NVARCHAR(300));";

                command.CommandText = 
                    "INSERT INTO #NiveisTemp " +
                    "SELECT dr.IDNivel " +
                    "FROM DocumentosMovimentados dr " +
                    "WHERE dr.IDMovimento = @IDReq AND dr.isDeleted=@isDeleted";
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDReq", IDReq);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", 0);

                using(SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                    da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["Nivel"],
                        "INNER JOIN #NiveisTemp ON #NiveisTemp.IDNivel = Nivel.ID");
                    da.Fill(currentDataSet, "Nivel");

                    da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["DocumentosMovimentados"],
                        "WHERE IDMovimento = @IDReq");
                    da.Fill(currentDataSet, "DocumentosMovimentados");

                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #SPParametersNiveis " +
                    "SELECT IDNivel " +
                    "FROM #NiveisTemp " +
                    "EXEC sp_getCodigosCompletosNiveis ";

                command.CommandText =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT nt.IDNivel, nd.Designacao, tnr.Designacao, dp.InicioAno, dp.InicioMes, dp.InicioDia, dp.FimAno, dp.FimMes, dp.FimDia, codigo.CodigoCompleto " +
                    "FROM #NiveisTemp nt " +
                        "INNER JOIN NivelDesignado nd ON nt.IDNivel = nd.ID AND nd.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                        "INNER JOIN RelacaoHierarquica rh ON nt.IDNivel = rh.ID AND rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                        "INNER JOIN TipoNivelRelacionado tnr ON rh.IDTipoNivelRelacionado = tnr.ID AND tnr.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                        "INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = nt.IDNivel AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted " +
                        "INNER JOIN ( " +
                            "SELECT #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel, MIN(#SPResultsCodigos.CodigoCompleto) CodigoCompleto " +
                            "FROM #SPResultsCodigos " +
                                "INNER JOIN #NiveisTemp p ON p.IDNivel = #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel " +
                            "GROUP BY #SPResultsCodigos.IDNivel " +
                        ") codigo ON codigo.IDNivel = nt.IDNivel " +
                        "LEFT JOIN SFRDDatasProducao dp ON dp.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND dp.isDeleted = @isDeleted ";

                if (filter != string.Empty)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ndDesignacao", filter);
                    command.CommandText += "WHERE nd.Designacao=@ndDesignacao";

                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    DocumentoMovimentado dm = new DocumentoMovimentado();
                    dm.IDNivel = System.Convert.ToInt64(reader.GetValue(0));
                    dm.Designacao = reader.GetValue(1).ToString();
                    dm.NivelDescricao = reader.GetValue(2).ToString();

                    dm.AnoInicio = reader.GetValue(3).ToString();
                    dm.MesInicio = reader.GetValue(4).ToString();
                    dm.DiaInicio = reader.GetValue(5).ToString();

                    dm.AnoFim = reader.GetValue(6).ToString();
                    dm.MesFim = reader.GetValue(7).ToString();
                    dm.DiaFim = reader.GetValue(8).ToString();

                    dm.CodigoCompleto = reader.GetValue(9).ToString();



                command.CommandText =
                    "DROP TABLE #NiveisTemp " +
                    "DROP TABLE #SPParametersNiveis " +
                    "DROP TABLE #SPResultsCodigos ";


            return ret;