private async void btnOk_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnPlan.Checked) { frmContractPlan frm = new frmContractPlan(userID); this.Close(); frm.ShowDialog(); } if (btnFatura.Checked) { try { if (invoiceID == "") { MessageBox.Show("Você deve selecionar ao menos uma fatura!"); } else { documentReference = db.Collection("users").Document(userID).Collection("invoices").Document(invoiceID); documentSnapshot = await documentReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); invoices = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Invoices>(); Query Query = db.Collection("plans"); QuerySnapshot snapshots = await Query.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot in snapshots) { plans = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Plans>(); if (invoices.planName.Contains( && invoices.planName.Contains(plans.type)) { planID = documentSnapshot.Id; } } frmFinalizeClient frm = new frmFinalizeClient(userID, planID); this.Close(); frm.ShowDialog(); } } catch { } } if (btnClient.Checked) { frmEditClient frm = new frmEditClient(userID); this.Close(); frm.ShowDialog(); } }
public IEnumerator Co_LoadData <T>(string collectionPath, string documentPath, Action <T, bool> onComplete) { // 네트워크 연결 불량 시 무시 if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable) { yield break; } bool isContinue = true; DocumentReference docRef = FirebaseFirestore.DefaultInstance.Collection(collectionPath).Document(documentPath); docRef.GetSnapshotAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => { DocumentSnapshot snapshot = task.Result; if (onComplete != null) { onComplete(snapshot.ConvertTo <T>(), snapshot.Exists); } isContinue = false; }); while (isContinue) { yield return(null); } }
/* await using (ServiceBusClient client = new ServiceBusClient(_configuration["Settings:AzureServiceBusConnectionString"])) * { * // create a processor that we can use to process the messages * ServiceBusProcessor processor = client.CreateProcessor("messagetest1", new ServiceBusProcessorOptions()); */ public async Task <object> setSuggestion() { PeopleCountModel _peopleCount = GetPeopleCountFromDB(); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await fireStoreDb.Collection("SuggestionHistory").Document("productdataset").GetSnapshotAsync(); if (snapshot.Exists && _peopleCount != null) { Dictionary <string, List <ProductModel> > _objects = snapshot.ConvertTo <Dictionary <string, List <ProductModel> > >(); ProductModel _product = _objects["products"].Where(x => x.ProductName == _peopleCount.ProductName).FirstOrDefault(); if (_product != null) { Int64 nonBuyingPeople = _peopleCount.PeopleCount - _product.SalesCount; decimal notBuyingPercentage = (nonBuyingPeople / _product.TotalCount) * 100; if (notBuyingPercentage < 50) { decimal maxCashbackPrice = _product.Price - _product.OriginalPrice; decimal suggestedCashback = maxCashbackPrice - 100; string suggestion = $"{_peopleCount.ProductName} was watched by total of {_peopleCount.PeopleCount} people. But total sale for this product was {100 - notBuyingPercentage}% . If we provide CASHBACK of ${suggestedCashback} for this product then sales can improve"; AddToAzureMessageQueue(suggestion); } } } return(string.Empty); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Producten(string documentId) { db = FirestoreDatabase.LoadDatabase(); CollectionReference klantenColl = db.Collection("Klanten"); DocumentReference document = klantenColl.Document(documentId); DocumentSnapshot klantMetNaam = await document.GetSnapshotAsync(); DocumentKlant documentKlant = new DocumentKlant { DocumentId = document.Id, Klant = klantMetNaam.ConvertTo <Klant>() }; Query query = klantenColl.WhereEqualTo("Naam", documentKlant.Klant.Naam); FirestoreChangeListener listener = query.Listen(snapshot => { foreach (DocumentChange change in snapshot.Changes) { DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = change.Document; if (documentSnapshot.Exists) { documentKlant.DocumentId = document.Id; documentKlant.Klant = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Klant>(); } } }); await listener.StopAsync(); return(View(documentKlant)); }
async private void frmEditPlan_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { _width = this.Width; string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"pro-vantagens-firebase-adminsdk-5cf5q-82ec44750b.json"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", path); FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create("pro-vantagens"); documentReference = db.Collection("plans").Document(planID); documentSnapshot = await documentReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); plans = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Plans>(); imgPlans.LoadAsync(plans.image); imgPlans.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; if ( != "") { //Dados pessoais txtName.Text =; txtDescription.Text = plans.description; cboType.Text = plans.type; txtValue.Text = plans.value; txtPDF.Text = plans.contract; } else { MessageBox.Show("ERRO"); } }
/// <summary> /// Approves a section. Returns true if the section has been approved by everyone. /// </summary> /// <param name="username">Username approving</param> /// <param name="sectionId">Section to approve</param> /// <returns>Whether section has been approved by all or not</returns> public async Task <Boolean> ApproveSection(string username, string sectionId) { DocumentReference docRef = db.Collection("sections").Document(sectionId); CollectionReference userRef = db.Collection("users"); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (snapshot.Exists) { Section section = snapshot.ConvertTo <Section>(); if (!section.ApprovedBy.Contains(username)) { section.ApprovedBy.Add(username); await docRef.UpdateAsync("ApprovedBy", FieldValue.ArrayUnion(username)); } QuerySnapshot userSnapshots = await userRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (userSnapshots.Count <= section.ApprovedBy.Count()) { await docRef.UpdateAsync("ApprovedAt", Timestamp.GetCurrentTimestamp()); return(true); } } return(false); }
//public static async Task<List<Solicitud>> GetGrupoFromFireStore(string grupoID){ public static async Task <GrupoDetalle> GetGrupoFromFireStore(string grupoID) { GrupoDetalle grupoDetalle = new GrupoDetalle(); List <Solicitud> solicitudes = new List <Solicitud>(); try{ FirestoreDb db = conexionDB(); CollectionReference collection = db.Collection("Grupos"); DocumentReference docRef = collection.Document(grupoID); DocumentSnapshot documentGpo = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (documentGpo.Exists) { grupoDetalle.grupo = documentGpo.ConvertTo <Grupo>(); } Query capitalQuery = db.Collection("Solicitudes").WhereEqualTo("grupoID", grupoID); QuerySnapshot capitalQuerySnapshot = await capitalQuery.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot document in capitalQuerySnapshot.Documents) { Solicitud solicitud = document.ConvertTo <Solicitud>(); solicitud.solicitudID = document.Id; solicitudes.Add(solicitud); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Information("*****Error Exception GetGrupoFromFireStore: {0}", ex.Message); } grupoDetalle.solicitudes = solicitudes; return(grupoDetalle); }
public void MakeMove(string username, string gameId, int fieldIndex, Action <StatusCode> completion) { DocumentReference gameRef = db.Collection("games").Document(gameId); StatusCode transactionStatus = StatusCode.OK; db.RunTransactionAsync(async transaction => { DocumentSnapshot game = await transaction.GetSnapshotAsync(gameRef); if (!game.Exists) { transactionStatus = StatusCode.UNKNWON; return(false); } GameState gameState = game.ConvertTo <GameState>(); transactionStatus = gameState.MakeMove(username, fieldIndex); if (transactionStatus == StatusCode.GAME_FIELD_ALREADY_FULL || transactionStatus == StatusCode.GAME_NOT_YOUR_TURN) { return(false); } transaction.Set(gameRef, gameState); return(true); }).ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => { completion(transactionStatus); }); }
public async Task <bool> verifyAnswer(string email, string userAnswer) { Boolean connectionResult = connectToFirebase(); try { DocumentReference docRef1 = db.Collection("User").Document(email); DocumentSnapshot docSnap1 = await docRef1.GetSnapshotAsync(); User userObj = docSnap1.ConvertTo <User>(); if (userAnswer.Equals(userObj.questionAnswered)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomException customException = new CustomException(); customException.errorTitleName = "Cannot Verify Your Answer,Please Try Again later!!"; customException.errorMessageToUser = ex.Message; throw new FaultException <CustomException>(customException); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the given document and adds it /// to the given list of items. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="DocumentModel"></typeparam> /// <param name="items">The list of items to append to.</param> /// /// <param name="snapshot">The document to convert and append.</param> private void AddConvertedDocument <DocumentModel>(IList <DocumentModel> items, DocumentSnapshot snapshot) where DocumentModel : class, IFirestoreDocumentModel { DocumentModel item = snapshot.ConvertTo <DocumentModel>(); item.Id = snapshot.Id; items.Add(item); }
//This method retruns the user selected question at the time of the registration public async Task <string> getUserQuestion(string email) { string security_question = ""; try { Boolean connectionResult = connectToFirebase(); if (connectionResult) { DocumentReference docRef1 = db.Collection("User").Document(email); DocumentSnapshot docSnap1 = await docRef1.GetSnapshotAsync(); User userObj = docSnap1.ConvertTo <User>(); DocumentReference docRef2 = db.Collection("Questions").Document(userObj.questionSelected.ToString()); DocumentSnapshot docSnap2 = await docRef2.GetSnapshotAsync(); DBQuestions question = docSnap2.ConvertTo <DBQuestions>(); security_question = question.question; } return(security_question); } catch (Exception ex) { //catch the exception and throw the error on the client CustomException customException = new CustomException(); customException.errorTitleName = ex.Message; customException.errorMessageToUser = "******"; throw new FaultException <CustomException>(customException); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get() { // Create a document with a random ID in the "cities" collection. //CollectionReference collection = fireStoreDb.Collection("prevent-fraud"); //var response = new Response() { Ok = true }; //await collection.Document("456").CreateAsync(response); // Update //DocumentReference empRef = fireStoreDb.Collection("prevent-fraud").Document("12345"); //await empRef.SetAsync(response, SetOptions.Overwrite); //DocumentReference document = await collection.AddAsync(city); //CollectionReference colRef = fireStoreDb.Collection("prevent-fraud"); //DocumentReference londonFromDb = fireStoreDb.Document("cities/london"); //await collection.Document("los-angeles").CreateAsync(city); //await colRef.AddAsync(city); // Read DocumentReference docRef = fireStoreDb.Collection("prevent-fraud").Document("12345"); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); var resp = snapshot.ConvertTo <Response>(); return(Ok(resp)); }
public async Task <Customer> GetCustomer(String CustomerID) { Customer customerx = new Customer(); try { DocumentSnapshot documentCustomerSnapshot = await Root.Collection("customers").Document(CustomerID).GetSnapshotAsync(); if (documentCustomerSnapshot != null) { customerx = documentCustomerSnapshot.ConvertTo <Customer>(); if (customerx != null) { customerx.CustomerID = documentCustomerSnapshot.Id; return(customerx); } else { return(null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the last known Scan Data object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ScanData> GetScanData() { await FirestoreSetup(); ScanData sd = null; try { ScanDataReference = DBHandle.Document(SCANDATA); if (ScanDataReference == null) { // ScanData vanished - create a new one. return(await CreateScanData()); } DocumentSnapshot scanDataSnapshot = await ScanDataReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (scanDataSnapshot.Exists) { sd = scanDataSnapshot.ConvertTo <ScanData>(); } else { Logger.Log("No Scan Data was found, creating a new one and will pick up next invocation"); return(await CreateScanData()); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("An unknown error ocurred while fetching Scan Data. Aborting."); // Some error occurred. } return(sd); }
public IActionResult Details(string id) { if (HttpContext.Session.GetString("bt_userToken") != null) { if (id == null) { return(BadRequest()); } DocumentReference docRef = firestoreDb.Collection("fthTest-users").Document(id); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = docRef.GetSnapshotAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (snapshot.Exists) { UserModel usr = snapshot.ConvertTo <UserModel>(); usr.Id = snapshot.Id; = snapshot.CreateTime.Value.ToDateTime(); return(View(usr)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } return(View()); }
public static async Task <Renovacion> GetRenovacionFromFireStore(string _ID) { Renovacion solicitud = new Renovacion(); try { FirestoreDb db = conexionDB(); CollectionReference collection = db.Collection("Renovaciones"); DocumentReference docRef = collection.Document(_ID); DocumentSnapshot document = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (document.Exists) { solicitud = document.ConvertTo <Renovacion>(); solicitud.solicitudID = _ID; } else { solicitud.grupoNombre = "La solicitud con el id " + _ID + " no existe en la FSDB.\r\nVuelva a cargar la página desde la bandeja, si no se muestra información de la solicitud vuelva a cargar los datos de la bandeja"; } } catch (Exception ex) { solicitud.grupoNombre = ex.Message;//Auxiliar para mostrar un mensaje de error Log.Information("*****Error Exception GetRenovacionFromFireStore: {0}", ex.Message); } return(solicitud); }
public async Task <Team> Login(string user, string password) // provides login to webpage, if retuns null - bad login { if (password != null || user != null) // check existence of properties { // gets document - your password is your database document ID - try to not hate me, i thought it would be good idea DocumentReference docRef = db.Collection("Team").Document(password); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (snapshot.Exists) // check existence of document { Team data = snapshot.ConvertTo <Team>(); if (data.Members.Count == 1) // members array must have some data in it on writing it in db { data.Members = null; } if (data.Login_username == user) // check valid username { return(data); // returns team object } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
public async Task <Team> GetTeamById(string Id) // gets team object by his ID, never used in release { DocumentReference docRef = db.Collection("Team").Document(Id); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); return(snapshot.ConvertTo <Team>()); }
public static async Task <bool> TryConsumeAuthCode(ulong guildID, string code) { CollectionReference authDocument = Db.Document("_authorizeKeys").Collection(code); QuerySnapshot authDocumentSnapshot = await authDocument.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (authDocumentSnapshot.Documents.Count > 0) { DocumentSnapshot authDoc = authDocumentSnapshot.Documents[0]; DocumentReference authRef = authDoc.Reference; AuthorizationStatus authStatus = authDoc.ConvertTo <AuthorizationStatus>(); if (authStatus.used) { return(false); } else { authStatus.used = true; authStatus.sid = guildID; await authRef.SetAsync(authStatus); await SetAuthFor(guildID, true); return(true); } } return(false); }
public async Task <String> GetCourierName(String CourierID) { DocumentSnapshot nameDoc = await Root.Collection("couriers").Document(CourierID).GetSnapshotAsync(); String name = nameDoc.ConvertTo <Courier>().Name; return(name); }
private T _ToEntity <T>(DocumentSnapshot snapshot) where T : IEntity { var result = snapshot.ConvertTo <T>(); result.Id = snapshot.Id; return(result); }
public static Level LevelDocumentToLevelObject(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) { FirestoreLevel firestoreLevel = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <FirestoreLevel>(); Level levelBeforeJson = Level.FromFirestoreLevel(firestoreLevel); string levelJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(levelBeforeJson); return(JsonUtility.FromJson <Level>(levelJson)); }
/// <summary> /// Async method that fetches a member from the database. /// </summary> /// <return> /// A Member object ///</returns> /// <param name="personalId">Social security number of the person to be fetched.</param> public async Task <Member> FetchMemberBySsn(string personalId) { DocumentReference docRef = _db.Collection("members").Document(personalId); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); Member member = snapshot.ConvertTo <Member>(); return(member); }
private static async Task <GameInstance> GetGameFromCloud(string gameId) { FirestoreDb db = InitializeDataBase(); DocumentReference reference = db.Collection("games").Document(gameId); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await reference.GetSnapshotAsync(); GameInstance game = snapshot.ConvertTo <GameInstance>(); return(game); }
public async Task <PersistedGrant> GetAsync(string key) { DocumentSnapshot persistedGrant = await GetPersistedGrant(nameof(PersistedGrant.Key), key).ConfigureAwait(false); _logger.LogDebug("{persistedGrandKey} found in database: {persistedGrantKeyFound}", key, persistedGrant.Exists); return(persistedGrant.ConvertTo <PersistedGrant>()); }
public async Task <List <Food> > ListFoods(String RestaurantID) { DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = await Root.Collection("restaurants").Document(RestaurantID).GetSnapshotAsync(); List <Food> foods; Restaurant restaurant = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <Restaurant>(); foods = restaurant.Foods; return(foods); }
static private async Task <Player> GetCloudPlayer(string playerId) { FirestoreDb db = InitializeDataBase(); DocumentReference reference = db.Collection("players").Document(playerId); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await reference.GetSnapshotAsync(); Player player = snapshot.ConvertTo <Player>(); return(player); }
public async Task <bool> validateLogin(AuthUser authUser) { bool auth_result = false; try { Firebase_Configuration config = new Firebase_Configuration(); database_configuration = config.connectFireStoreCloudAsync(); string pepper = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SecureDeskPasswordPepper"]; //if the database connection is successfull if (database_configuration != null) { //getting the reference to the collection and then to the specific user DocumentReference documentReference = database_configuration.Collection("User").Document(authUser.User_Auth_Email); //get the snapshot of the user DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = await documentReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); //convert the obtained snapshot into the User type object . User validUser = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo <User>(); //if the user is found then check the credentials if (validUser != null) { //generate the hash password using the SHA512 algorithm string authUserHashedpassword = Password.generateSHA512Hash(authUser.User_Auth_Password, validUser.salt, pepper); //pass the current computer password and the valid user passsword auth_result = BC.Verify(authUserHashedpassword, validUser.password); //return the result of the authentication to the client return(auth_result); } else { //that means the user is not found in the database so return the false return(auth_result); } } else { //error in the database connection return(auth_result); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomException customrException = new CustomException(); customrException.errorMessageToUser = "******"; customrException.errorTitleName = "Login Error"; } return(auth_result); }
private async void frmFinalizeClient_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { monthNow = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + '-' + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); if (DateTime.Now.Month < 10) { monthNow = "0" + monthNow; } string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"pro-vantagens-firebase-adminsdk-5cf5q-82ec44750b.json"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", path); FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create("pro-vantagens"); userReference = db.Collection("users").Document(clientID); planReference = db.Collection("plans").Document(planID); planSnap = await planReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); userSnap = await userReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); invoiceReference = db.Collection("users").Document(clientID).Collection("invoices").Document(monthNow); invoiceSnap = await invoiceReference.GetSnapshotAsync(); plans = planSnap.ConvertTo <Plans>(); clients = userSnap.ConvertTo <Clients>(); if (invoiceSnap.Exists) { invoices = invoiceSnap.ConvertTo <Invoices>(); txtHolder.Text =; txtPlanName.Text = invoices.planName; txtPlanValue.Text = invoices.value; txtAditional.Text = invoices.aditional.ToString(); cboPaymentMethod.Text = invoices.paymentMethod; txtDueDate.Text = invoices.dueDate.ToString(); if (clients.dependents.Count > 0) { dependentsList = clients.dependents; for (int x = 0; x < dependentsList.Count; x++) { addDependent(); } } } else { txtHolder.Text =; txtPlanName.Text = + " (" + plans.type + ")"; txtPlanValue.Text = plans.value; txtAditional.Text = "0"; } cboPaymentMethod.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; }
static void Main(string[] args) { BoardPosition boardPosition = new BoardPosition { Row = 0, Column = 2 }; Sudoku.Sudoku.TestFunction(boardPosition, "1111").Wait(); GameStatus statusSent = new GameStatus { GamePaused = true }; Sudoku.Sudoku.UpdateCloudGameStatus(statusSent, "1111").Wait(); FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create("sudoku-87c4a"); DocumentReference reference = db.Collection("statuses").Document("1111"); DocumentSnapshot snapshot = reference.GetSnapshotAsync().Result; GameStatus statusReturned = snapshot.ConvertTo <GameStatus>(); Console.WriteLine(statusReturned); BoardMove move = new BoardMove { Row = 6, Column = 9, Value = 2 }; GameStatus gameStatus = new GameStatus { LastMove = move, }; GameConfig config = new GameConfig { Difficulty = 1, Player1Id = "1111", }; Sudoku.Sudoku.UpdateCloudGameStatus(gameStatus, "1111").Wait(); //Sudoku.Sudoku.GetSudokuService().CreateNewGame(config); GameInstance game = Sudoku.Sudoku.GetSudokuService().GetGame("62b1e8b7-4f48-45cf-a663-bada78a02155"); //Sudoku.Sudoku.GetSudokuService().RegisterPlayer("Kellyanne"); //Player player = Sudoku.Sudoku.GetSudokuService().GetPlayer("45718b06-a9e3-4dd0-ab52-23aeaa2e0136"); //Console.WriteLine(player.PlayerName); //Console.WriteLine(player.Score); GameInstance gameInstance = new GameInstance { Config = config, Status = gameStatus, GameId = "2222" }; }