public ActionResult Add() { _logger.Info("DocumentController 添加文档"); try { var fileCollection = _requestProvider.FileCollection; var userId = _contextService.UserId; var userName = _contextService.NickName; var depId = _contextService.DepId; var timeStamp = _requestProvider["TimeStamp"]; var spaceId = _requestProvider["SpaceId"]; var space = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spaceId) ? _spaceService.GetDefaultSpace() : _spaceService.GetSpace(spaceId); _logger.Info(string.Format("Add Document, spaceId:[{0}];spaceSeqNo:[{1}], spaceName:[{2}], userId:[{3}];userName:[{4}]。", space.Id, space.SpaceSeqNo, space.SpaceName, userId, userName)); var documents = new List <DocumentObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < fileCollection.Count; ++i) { var document = DocumentBuilder.Build(fileCollection[i], space.Id.ToString(), space.SpaceSeqNo, space.SpaceName, userId, userName, depId, Visible.Public); documents.Add(document); var mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(document.FileName); _storePolicy.AddStream(fileCollection[i].FileStream, mimeType, document.StorePath); } var contracts = _documentService.Add(documents); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timeStamp)) { MemoryContainer.Push(timeStamp, documents); } return(Json(new UploadViewModel(ErrorMessages.Success, ErrorMessages.GetErrorMessages(ErrorMessages.Success), contracts))); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); _logger.Error(ex.Message); } _logger.Error(ErrorMessages.GetErrorMessages(ErrorMessages.UploadFailed)); return(Json(new UploadViewModel(ErrorMessages.UploadFailed, ErrorMessages.GetErrorMessages(ErrorMessages.UploadFailed)))); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fuUploader.BinaryFileId.HasValue) { return; } using (var rockContext = new RockContext()) { var documentService = new DocumentService(rockContext); var document = new Document(); if (hfDocumentId.Value.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { document = documentService.Get(hfDocumentId.ValueAsInt()); } else { documentService.Add(document); } document.DocumentTypeId = ddlAddEditDocumentType.SelectedValueAsInt().Value; document.EntityId = this.ContextEntity().Id; document.Name = tbDocumentName.Text; document.Description = tbDescription.Text; document.SetBinaryFile(fuUploader.BinaryFileId.Value, rockContext); rockContext.SaveChanges(); } pnlAddEdit.Visible = false; BindGrid(); pnlList.Visible = true; ClearForm(); }
public ActionResult Create(DocumentViewModel Dvm) { Document d = new Document(); d.DocumentID = Dvm.DocumentID; d.Titre = Dvm.Titre; d.Categorie = Dvm.Categorie; d.Etat = (Domain.Entities.Etat)Dvm.Etat; d.Biblio = new Bibliotheque { BibliothequeCode = Dvm.BibliothequeFK }; DS.Add(d); DS.Commit(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); // } // try // { // // TODO: Add insert logic here // return RedirectToAction("Index"); // } // catch // { // return View(); //} }
private void btnAddDocs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_Dossier == null) { MessageBox.Show("لطفا اطلاعات پرونده را وارد کنید."); } else { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string file in openFileDialog1.FileNames) { imageListView1.Items.Add(file); try { string path = SaveFile(file); _DocumentService.Add(new Document { PN = _Dossier.PN, ParentDocumentID = null, FileName = path, AttachedToDossier = false }); } catch { imageListView1.Items.Clear(); } } showImage(); } } }
private void VsTwain_ImageAcquired(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblStatus.Text = "درحال ذخیره تصویر..."; string fileName = PersianCalendar.GetDate(DateTime.Now, "-") + " " + PersianCalendar.GetTime(DateTime.Now, "-", true, true); string documentPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, fileName + ".tiff").ToString(); int i = 0; while (System.IO.File.Exists(documentPath)) { documentPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, fileName + "(" + (++i).ToString() + ")" + ".tiff").ToString(); } try { VsTwain.FileFormat = Vintasoft.Twain.FileFormat.TiffMulti; VsTwain.SaveImage(0, documentPath); VsTwain.DeleteImage(0); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, "خطا در ذخیره فایل اسکن شده" + "\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message); return; } imageListView1.Items.Add(documentPath); string path = SaveFile(documentPath); _DocumentService.Add(new Document { PN = this.p, ParentDocumentID = null, FileName = path, AttachedToDossier = false }); }
public void GivenIhaveaPDFtoupload() { //Given I have a PDF to upload var attachment = new AttachmentRequest() { Data = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x21, 0x60, 0x1F, 0xA1, 0xA1 }, FileName = "Chambers.pdf", Type = "application/pdf" }; //PS: in real world we don't need the user or shouldn't trust the user to provide the mime type // When I send the PDF to the API _docService.Add(attachment); // Then it is uploaded successfully //no errors. Response from Add will be void. Assert.AreEqual(1, 1); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Validate("AddEdit"); if (this.IsValid) { int documentTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDocumentType.SelectedValue); try { if (DocumentService.CanChangeStatus(txtCustomerCode.Text)) { switch (RowID) { case 0: DocumentService.Add( Convert.ToInt32(ddlFindBranch.SelectedValue), DateTime.Today, calStartDate.SelectedDate.GetValueOrDefault(), chkEndDate.Checked ? calEndDate.SelectedDate : (DateTime?)null, txtCustomerCode.Text, documentTypeID, txtNotes.Text); break; default: DocumentService.Update( RowID, DateTime.Today, calStartDate.SelectedDate.GetValueOrDefault(), chkEndDate.Checked ? calEndDate.SelectedDate : (DateTime?)null, txtCustomerCode.Text, documentTypeID, txtNotes.Text); break; } mvwForm.ActiveViewIndex = 0; gvwMaster.DataBind(); } else { WebFormHelper.SetLabelTextWithCssClass( lblStatus, "Cannot change customer status for any unpaid contract", LabelStyleNames.ErrorMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { WebFormHelper.SetLabelTextWithCssClass( lblStatus, ex.Message, LabelStyleNames.ErrorMessage); LogService.ErrorException(GetType().FullName, ex); } } }
public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) { var type = Request.Form["fileType"]; var training = Request.Form["trainings"]; var description = Request.Form["description"]; string newName = Request.Form["newFileName"]; try { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); if (newName != null && newName.Trim() != "") { String[] nameAndType = fileName.Split('.'); fileName = newName + "." + nameAndType.Last(); } var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/File"), fileName); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { file.SaveAs(path); } else { TempData["message"] = "There is a file named: '" + fileName + "' has existed. Please change the file name and try to upload again!"; return(RedirectToAction("AddDocument")); } newName = fileName; document.Size = file.ContentLength; document.DocumentName = newName; document.Type = type; if (training == null || training.Trim() == "") { document.TrainingId = 0; } else { document.TrainingId = Convert.ToInt32(training); } document.Description = description; documentService.Add(document); } ViewBag.Message = "Upload successful"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { ViewBag.Message = "Upload failed"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public Document Add(AddDocumentViewModel addData) { var document = new Document { Alias = addData.Alias, Title = addData.Title, Content = "# " + addData.Title }; return(_documentService.Add(document, addData.ParentId)); }
public Result Add(Document Document) { var result = new Result(); try { DocumentService DocumentService = new DocumentService(); DocumentService.Add(Document); result.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception exception) { result.IsSuccess = false; result.ExceptionInfo = exception; } return(result); }
public ActionResult Create(CommitteeResolutionViewModel model) { try { var file = model.attachment; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/App_Data/Uploads/" + guid.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); file.SaveAs(path); using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new BankModuleFactory())) { var DocumentService = new DocumentService(unitOfWork); var document = new Document() { DocumentType = BusinessEntities.DocumentTypes.Other, Link = "Uploads/" + guid.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName), }; model.ProtocolDocument = DocumentService.Add(document); unitOfWork.Commit(); model.ProtocolDocumentId = model.ProtocolDocument.Id; } } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(model); } var result = _controleHelper.CreateEntity<CommitteeResolution, CommitteeResolutionViewModel>(model); if (result.Error.Any()) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, result.Error.First().ErrorMessage); return View(model); } return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = result.Entity.LoanApplicationId }); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.Message); return View(model); } }
public ActionResult Create(DocumentModels dm) { try { document d = new document(); = dm.Name; d.numberDownloading = dm.numberDownloading; d.path = dm.path; service.Add(d); service.Commit(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(DocumentViewModel DVM) { Document d = new Document() { Etat = (BibDomain.Entities.Etat)DVM.Etat }; d.DocumentCode = DVM.DocumentCode; d.Titre = DVM.Titre; d.Categorie = DVM.Categorie; //d.BibliothequeFK = DVM.BibliothequeFK; d.Bibliotheque = new Bibliotheque { BibliothequeCode = DVM.BibliothequeFK }; DS.Add(d); DS.Commit(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void should_pass_add_document_without_downloadPath() { int count = _documentService.GetAllDocuments().Count; var document = MakeSimpleDocument(); Assert.IsNotNull(_documentService.Add(document)); var result = _documentService.GetDocument(document.Id.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(result.FileName, "Test.doc"); _documentService.Delete(document.Id.ToString()); result = _documentService.GetDocument(document.Id.ToString()); Assert.IsNull(result); int count2 = _documentService.GetAllDocuments().Count; Assert.AreEqual(count, count2); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Ajout Biblotheque Bibliotheque b = new Bibliotheque() { NbrDoc = 100 }; IBibliothequeService bibliothequeser = new BibliothequeService(); bibliothequeser.Add(b); bibliothequeser.Commit(); //Ajout 3 Livres Document D = new Livre() { Categorie = "informatique", Titre = "C# pour les debutants", nbrdepage = 157, Etat = Etat.Disponible, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; Document D1 = new Livre() { Categorie = "informatique", Titre = "Developper en .NET", nbrdepage = 209, Etat = Etat.Emprunte, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; Document D2 = new Livre() { Categorie = "informatique", Titre = "UML 2.0", nbrdepage = 358, Etat = Etat.Disponible, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; IDocumetService LS = new DocumentService(); LS.Add(D); LS.Add(D1); LS.Add(D2); //Ajout 3 CD Document cd1 = new CD() { Categorie = "scientifique", Titre = "science de la vie et de la terre", NbreDePlage = 5, Duree = new TimeSpan(10, 10, 10), Etat = Etat.Disponible, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; Document cd2 = new CD() { Categorie = "education", Titre = "parler en francais", NbreDePlage = 12, Duree = new TimeSpan(08, 10, 50), Etat = Etat.Emprunte, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; Document cd3 = new CD() { Categorie = "litterature", Titre = "le Rouge et le noir", NbreDePlage = 8, Duree = new TimeSpan(12, 10, 10), Etat = Etat.Disponible, BibliothequeFK = 1 }; LS.Add(cd1); LS.Add(cd2); LS.Add(cd3); LS.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------Affichages des livres--------------------------------------"); foreach (var item in LS.GetAll().OfType <Livre>()) { Console.WriteLine("les Livres:" + item.Titre + " " + item.Categorie + " " + item.nbrdepage + " " + item.Etat); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------Affichage des CDs-----------------------------------------"); foreach (var item in LS.GetAll().OfType <CD>()) { Console.WriteLine("LES CD :" + item.Categorie + " " + item.Titre + " " + item.NbreDePlage + " " + item.Etat); } //Ajout des professeurs Professeur professeur = new Professeur() { nomComplet = new NomComplet() { Nom = "Ahmed", Prenom = "ben salem" }, Departement = "TIC", Salaire = 1200, Image = "ff", Email = "*****@*****.**", nbAvertissement = 3, MotDePasse = "123456", ConfirmMotDePasse = "123456", DateDePriseDeFonction = new DateTime(2018, 01, 22) }; Professeur professeur1 = new Professeur() { nomComplet = new NomComplet() { Nom = "cyrine", Prenom = "slimen" }, Departement = "TIC", Salaire = 1400f, Image = "ff", Email = "*****@*****.**", nbAvertissement = 3, MotDePasse = "123456", ConfirmMotDePasse = "123456", DateDePriseDeFonction = new DateTime(2018, 08, 22) }; Professeur professeur2 = new Professeur() { nomComplet = new NomComplet() { Nom = "Amine", Prenom = "ben said" }, Departement = "TIC", Salaire = 1000f, Image = "ff", Email = "*****@*****.**", nbAvertissement = 3, MotDePasse = "123456", ConfirmMotDePasse = "123456", DateDePriseDeFonction = new DateTime(2017, 08, 22) }; IProfesseurService ps = new ProfesseurService(); ps.Add(professeur); ps.Add(professeur1); ps.Add(professeur2); ps.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------Affichage des profs-------------------------"); foreach (var item in ps.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine("les Profs : " + item.nomComplet.Nom + " " + item.Salaire + " " + item.nbAvertissement); } //Ajout des etudiants Etudiant Etud = new Etudiant() { nomComplet = new NomComplet() { Nom = "sami", Prenom = "ben salem" }, Filiere = "BI", Image = "ff", Email = "*****@*****.**", nbAvertissement = 3, MotDePasse = "123456", ConfirmMotDePasse = "123456" }; Etudiant Etud1 = new Etudiant() { nomComplet = new NomComplet() { Nom = "Ramzi", Prenom = "Louati" }, Filiere = "GL", Image = "ff", Email = "*****@*****.**", nbAvertissement = 3, MotDePasse = "123456", ConfirmMotDePasse = "123456" }; IEtudiantService ES = new EtudiantService(); ES.Add(Etud); ES.Add(Etud1); ES.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Affichage des Etudiants-------------------------------------"); foreach (var item in ES.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine("les etudiants:" + item.nomComplet.Nom + " " + item.nomComplet.Prenom + " " + item.Filiere); } Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Affichage de la liste trié de prof selon leur Code---------"); ps.ListProfTrie(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Affichage des deux premiers Profs---------------------------"); ps.deuxPremiersProf(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Nombre Total des etudiants--------------------------------- "); Console.WriteLine(ES.nbrtotdesetudiants()); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Liste des livres disponibles---------------------------------"); LS.LISTElivreDispo(); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------Autorisation Emprunt-----------------------------------------"); Emprunt E = new Emprunt() { DocumentCode = 1, AdherantCode = 1, Date = new DateTime(2018, 12, 12) }; Emprunt E1 = new Emprunt() { AdherantCode = 1, DocumentCode = 3, Date = new DateTime(2018, 01, 01) }; Emprunt E2 = new Emprunt() { AdherantCode = 1, DocumentCode = 4, Date = new DateTime(2018, 02, 12) }; Emprunt E3 = new Emprunt() { AdherantCode = 1, DocumentCode = 6, Date = new DateTime(2018, 04, 14) }; EmpruntService Em = new EmpruntService(); //Em.AutorisationEmprunt(E); //Em.AutorisationEmprunt(E1); // Em.AutorisationEmprunt(E2); Em.AutorisationEmprunt(E3); Console.WriteLine("----------------------nouveaux Enseignants---------------------------------------------"); ps.NouvEnseignants(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public DocumentContract Add() { _logger.Info("DocumentController 添加文档."); var userId = _requestProvider["UserId"]; var spaceId = _requestProvider["SpaceId"]; var userName = _requestProvider["UserName"]; var depId = _requestProvider["DepId"]; var visible = _requestProvider["Visible"]; var path = _requestProvider["Path"]; var timeStamp = _requestProvider["TimeStamp"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId)) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, 缺少 UserId 参数."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数userId:{0}", userId); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, 缺少 userName 参数."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数userName:{0}", userName); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(depId)) { _logger.Error("文档参数缺少 depId 参数,默认设置为空"); depId = string.Empty; } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数depId:{0}", depId); var visiblity = Visible.Public; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visible)) { visiblity = (Visible)Enum.Parse(typeof(Visible), visible); _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数为:{0}", visiblity); } else { _logger.Info("文档参数缺少 visible 参数,默认设置为Public"); } SpaceObject space; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { _logger.Info("文档参数缺少 path 参数,采用spaceId参数"); space = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spaceId) ? _spaceService.GetDefaultSpace() : _spaceService.GetSpace(spaceId); } else { _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数path:{0}", path); space = _spaceService.MakeSpace(string.Empty, path, userId, userName, depId, visiblity); } var fileData = _requestProvider.FileCollection[0]; if (fileData == null) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, fileData ContentLength为0."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.Info(string.Format("Add Document, spaceId:[{0}];userId:[{1}];userName:[{2}]。", spaceId, userId, userName)); try { var document = DocumentBuilder.Build(fileData, space.Id.ToString(), space.SpaceSeqNo, space.SpaceName, userId, userName, depId, visiblity); var mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(document.FileName); _storePolicy.AddStream(fileData.FileStream, mimeType, document.StorePath); var documentObj = _documentService.Add(document); if (documentObj.DocumentCategory != DocumentCategory.Image) { documentObj.DisplayPath = documentObj.PreviewUrl; } var contract = documentObj.ToObject <DocumentContract>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timeStamp)) { MemoryContainer.Push(timeStamp, contract); } return(contract); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message); _logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the specified workflow. /// </summary> /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param> /// <param name="action">The action.</param> /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param> /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param> /// <returns></returns> public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages) { errorMessages = new List <string>(); // Get the entity type EntityTypeCache entityType = null; var entityTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.EntityType).AsGuidOrNull(); if (entityTypeGuid.HasValue) { entityType = EntityTypeCache.Get(entityTypeGuid.Value); } if (entityType == null) { var message = $"Entity Type could not be found for selected value ('{entityTypeGuid.ToString()}')!"; errorMessages.Add(message); action.AddLogEntry(message, true); return(false); } var mergeFields = GetMergeFields(action); var _rockContext = new RockContext(); // Get the entity var entityTypeService = new EntityTypeService(_rockContext); IEntity entityObject = null; var entityIdGuidString = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.EntityIdOrGuid, true).ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields).Trim(); var entityId = entityIdGuidString.AsIntegerOrNull(); if (entityId.HasValue) { entityObject = entityTypeService.GetEntity(entityType.Id, entityId.Value); } else { var entityGuid = entityIdGuidString.AsGuidOrNull(); if (entityGuid.HasValue) { entityObject = entityTypeService.GetEntity(entityType.Id, entityGuid.Value); } } if (entityObject == null) { var value = GetActionAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.EntityIdOrGuid); entityObject = action.GetEntityFromAttributeValue(value, rockContext); } if (entityObject == null) { var message = $"Entity could not be found for selected value ('{entityIdGuidString}')!"; errorMessages.Add(message); action.AddLogEntry(message, true); return(false); } var attributeFilteredDocumentType = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DocumentType).Split(',').Select(int.Parse).FirstOrDefault(); var documentType = DocumentTypeCache.Get(attributeFilteredDocumentType); if (documentType == null) { var message = $"Document Type could not be found for selected value ('{attributeFilteredDocumentType}')!"; errorMessages.Add(message); action.AddLogEntry(message, true); return(false); } var documentypesForContextEntityType = DocumentTypeCache.GetByEntity(entityType.Id, true); if (!documentypesForContextEntityType.Any(d => attributeFilteredDocumentType == d.Id)) { var message = "The Document Type does not match the selected entity type."; errorMessages.Add(message); action.AddLogEntry(message, true); return(false); } var isDocumentTypeValid = IsDocumentTypeValidForEntity(entityObject, documentType); if (!isDocumentTypeValid) { var message = "The Document Type selected is not valid for the entity."; errorMessages.Add(message); action.AddLogEntry(message, true); return(false); } var binaryFile = new BinaryFileService(rockContext).Get(GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DocumentAttribute, true).AsGuid()); if (binaryFile == null) { action.AddLogEntry("The document to add to the entity was not found.", true); // returning true here to allow the action to run 'successfully' without a document. // This allows the action to be easily used when the document is optional without a bunch of action filter tests. return(true); } var documentName = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DocumentName).ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields); if (documentName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { documentName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(binaryFile.FileName); } var document = new Document(); document.Name = documentName; document.Description = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DocumentDescription).ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields); document.EntityId = entityObject.Id; document.DocumentTypeId = documentType.Id; document.SetBinaryFile(binaryFile.Id, rockContext); if (!document.IsValidDocument(rockContext, out string errorMessage)) { errorMessages.Add(errorMessage); action.AddLogEntry(errorMessage, true); return(false); } var documentService = new DocumentService(rockContext); documentService.Add(document); rockContext.SaveChanges(); action.AddLogEntry("Added document to the Entity."); return(true); }
public FinancialStatementGeneratorUploadGivingStatementResult UploadGivingStatementDocument([FromBody] FinancialStatementGeneratorUploadGivingStatementData uploadGivingStatementData) { var rockContext = new RockContext(); var saveOptions = uploadGivingStatementData?.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions; if (saveOptions == null) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions must be specified"); } if (!saveOptions.SaveStatementsForIndividuals) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions.SaveStatementsForIndividuals is not enabled."); } var documentTypeId = saveOptions.DocumentTypeId; if (!documentTypeId.HasValue) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("Document Type must be specified"); } var documentType = new DocumentTypeService(rockContext) .Queryable() .AsNoTracking() .Where(dt => dt.Id == documentTypeId.Value) .Select(a => new { BinaryFileTypeId = ( int? )a.BinaryFileTypeId }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (documentType == null) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("DocumentType must be specified"); } if (documentType.BinaryFileTypeId == null) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("DocumentType.BinaryFileType must be specified"); } var pdfData = uploadGivingStatementData.PDFData; string fileName = saveOptions.DocumentName + ".pdf"; var financialStatementGeneratorRecipient = uploadGivingStatementData.FinancialStatementGeneratorRecipient; if (financialStatementGeneratorRecipient == null) { throw new FinancialGivingStatementArgumentException("FinancialStatementGeneratorRecipient must be specified"); } var documentName = saveOptions.DocumentName; List <int> documentPersonIds; if (financialStatementGeneratorRecipient.PersonId.HasValue) { // If we are saving for a person that gives an individual, just give document to that person (ignore the FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptionsSaveFor option) // only upload the document to the individual person documentPersonIds = new List <int>(); documentPersonIds.Add(financialStatementGeneratorRecipient.PersonId.Value); } else { var groupId = financialStatementGeneratorRecipient.GroupId; var givingFamilyMembersQuery = new GroupMemberService(rockContext).GetByGroupId(groupId, false); // limit to family members within the same giving group givingFamilyMembersQuery = givingFamilyMembersQuery.Where(a => a.Person.GivingGroupId.HasValue && a.Person.GivingGroupId == groupId); if (saveOptions.DocumentSaveFor == FinancialStatementGeneratorOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptionsSaveFor.AllActiveAdultsInGivingGroup) { documentPersonIds = givingFamilyMembersQuery .Where(a => a.Person.AgeClassification == AgeClassification.Adult).Select(a => a.PersonId).ToList(); } else if (saveOptions.DocumentSaveFor == FinancialStatementGeneratorOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptionsSaveFor.AllActiveFamilyMembersInGivingGroup) { documentPersonIds = givingFamilyMembersQuery .Select(a => a.PersonId).ToList(); } else if (saveOptions.DocumentSaveFor == FinancialStatementGeneratorOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptions.FinancialStatementIndividualSaveOptionsSaveFor.PrimaryGiver) { // Set document for PrimaryGiver (aka Head of Household). // Note that HeadOfHouseHold would calculated based on family members within the same giving group var headOfHouseHoldPersonId = givingFamilyMembersQuery.GetHeadOfHousehold(s => ( int? )s.PersonId); documentPersonIds = new List <int>(); if (headOfHouseHoldPersonId.HasValue) { documentPersonIds.Add(headOfHouseHoldPersonId.Value); } } else { // shouldn't happen documentPersonIds = new List <int>(); } } var today = RockDateTime.Today; var tomorrow = today.AddDays(1); foreach (var documentPersonId in documentPersonIds) { // Create the document, linking the entity and binary file. if (saveOptions.OverwriteDocumentsOfThisTypeCreatedOnSameDate == true) { using (var deleteDocContext = new RockContext()) { var deleteDocumentService = new DocumentService(deleteDocContext); // See if there is an existing one. // Note include BinaryFile in the Get since we'll have to mark it temporary if it exists. var existingDocument = deleteDocumentService.Queryable().Where( a => a.DocumentTypeId == documentTypeId.Value && a.EntityId == documentPersonId && a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime >= today && a.CreatedDateTime < tomorrow) .Include(a => a.BinaryFile).FirstOrDefault(); // NOTE: Delete vs update since we normally don't change the contents of documents/binary files once they've been created if (existingDocument != null) { deleteDocumentService.Delete(existingDocument); deleteDocContext.SaveChanges(); } } } // Create the binary file. var binaryFile = new BinaryFile { BinaryFileTypeId = documentType.BinaryFileTypeId, MimeType = "application/pdf", FileName = fileName, FileSize = pdfData.Length, IsTemporary = false, ContentStream = new MemoryStream(pdfData) }; new BinaryFileService(rockContext).Add(binaryFile); rockContext.SaveChanges(); Document document = new Document { DocumentTypeId = documentTypeId.Value, EntityId = documentPersonId, PurposeKey = saveOptions.DocumentPurposeKey, Name = saveOptions.DocumentName, Description = saveOptions.DocumentDescription }; document.SetBinaryFile(binaryFile.Id, rockContext); var documentService = new DocumentService(rockContext); documentService.Add(document); } rockContext.SaveChanges(); return(new FinancialStatementGeneratorUploadGivingStatementResult { NumberOfIndividuals = documentPersonIds.Count }); }
// // GET: /Upload/ /// <summary> /// path数据结构 /// 001_西山区|4567_虹桥立交|8889_日常巡检 解析为三个文件夹 /// 西山区(001) /// | /// |---虹桥立交(4567) /// | /// |----日常巡检(8889) /// </summary> public JsonResult Add(UploadSession uploadSession, string userId, string spaceId, string userName, string depId, string visible, string path) { //var userId = _requestProvider["UserId"]; //var spaceId = _requestProvider["SpaceId"]; //var userName = _requestProvider["UserName"]; //var depId = _requestProvider["DepId"]; //var visible = _requestProvider["Visible"]; //var path = _requestProvider["Path"]; _logger.Info("DocumentController 添加文档."); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId)) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, 缺少 UserId 参数."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数userId:{0}", userId); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, 缺少 userName 参数."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数userName:{0}", userName); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(depId)) { _logger.Error("文档参数缺少 depId 参数,默认设置为空"); depId = string.Empty; } _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数depId:{0}", depId); var visiblity = Visible.Public; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visible)) { visiblity = (Visible)Enum.Parse(typeof(Visible), visible); _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数为:{0}", visiblity); } else { _logger.Info("文档参数缺少 visible 参数,默认设置为Public"); } SpaceObject space; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { _logger.Info("文档参数缺少 path 参数,采用spaceId参数"); space = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spaceId) ? _spaceService.GetDefaultSpace() : _spaceService.GetSpace(spaceId); } else { _logger.InfoFormat("文档参数path:{0}", path); space = _spaceService.MakeSpace(string.Empty, path, userId, userName, depId, visiblity); } if (uploadSession.UploadedFiles.Count == 0) { _logger.Error("文档参数错误, 上传文件失败."); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } _logger.Info(string.Format("Add Document, spaceId:[{0}];userId:[{1}];userName:[{2}]。", spaceId, userId, userName)); try { var file = uploadSession.UploadedFiles.First(); var document = DocumentBuilder.Build(file, space.Id.ToString(), space.SpaceSeqNo, space.SpaceName, userId, userName, depId, visiblity); var documentObj = _documentService.Add(document); if (documentObj.DocumentCategory != DocumentCategory.Image) { documentObj.DisplayPath = documentObj.PreviewUrl; } return(Json(documentObj.ToObject <DocumentContract>())); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex.Message); _logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } }