public void WriteValidationMethodBody(CSharpFile file, DocumentScript script)
            foreach (var expr in file.IndexOfWebMthdDecl)
                // if parameters are present, go to next iteration without doing anything.
                if (expr.Parameters.Count != 0)

                if (expr.Name != "Valid" + (expr.NextSibling.GetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier).GetText()))

                // logic to insert parameters to validation Method.
                var    copy = (MethodDeclaration)expr.Clone();
                string str  = string.Join(", ", from parameter
                                          in expr.NextSibling.Descendants.OfType <ParameterDeclaration>()
                                          select parameter.GetText());
                var chldOfTypPar = expr.GetChildByRole(Roles.RPar);
                int offset       = script.GetCurrentOffset(chldOfTypPar.StartLocation);
                script.InsertText(offset, str);

                // Insert Static keyword to validation method.
                script.InsertText(script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.ReturnType.StartLocation), "static ");

                // logic to insert if else statements inside validation Method body
                int offset1 = script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.LastChild.FirstChild.EndLocation);

                var locationToInsert = expr.LastChild.LastChild.PrevSibling;
                script.InsertBefore(locationToInsert, allPatterns.ValidationFieldDecl());
                foreach (var inv in expr.NextSibling.Children.OfType <ParameterDeclaration>())
                    string dataType = inv.FirstChild.GetText();
                    string varName  = inv.LastChild.GetText();
                    if (dataType.Contains("int"))
                        script.InsertBefore(locationToInsert, allPatterns.IfElStmtInt(varName));
                    else if (dataType.Contains("string") || dataType.Contains("String"))
                        script.InsertBefore(locationToInsert, allPatterns.IfElStmtStr(varName));
                    else if (dataType.Contains("float") || dataType.Contains("decimal") || dataType.Contains("Decimal"))
                        script.InsertBefore(locationToInsert, allPatterns.IfElseFloatDecimal(varName));
                        script.InsertText(script.GetCurrentOffset(locationToInsert.StartLocation), "DummyText_DatatypeIsDifferent ");
        void UpdateField(IField oldField, CodeMemberField newField)
            DomRegion      region = oldField.Region;
            DocumentScript script = GetScript(region.FileName);

            int    offset    = script.GetCurrentOffset(region.Begin);
            int    endOffset = script.GetCurrentOffset(region.End);
            string code      = GenerateField(newField);

            script.Replace(offset, endOffset - offset, code);
        void SaveInitializeComponents(CodeMemberMethod codeMethod)
            var            bodyRegion = initializeComponents.BodyRegion;
            DocumentScript script     = GetScript(bodyRegion.FileName);

            string newline     = DocumentUtilities.GetLineTerminator(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);
            string indentation = DocumentUtilities.GetIndentation(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);
            string code        = "{" + newline + GenerateInitializeComponents(codeMethod, indentation, newline) + indentation + "}";

            int startOffset = script.GetCurrentOffset(bodyRegion.Begin);
            int endOffset   = script.GetCurrentOffset(bodyRegion.End);

            script.Replace(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, code);
 private void DummyTextForTryCallValidation(CSharpFile file, DocumentScript script)
     foreach (var expr in file.IndexOfIfElStmtValidation)
         script.InsertText(script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.StartLocation), "DummyText ");
        void RemoveField(IField field)
            DomRegion      region    = field.Region;
            DocumentScript script    = GetScript(region.FileName);
            int            offset    = script.GetCurrentOffset(region.Begin);
            int            endOffset = script.GetCurrentOffset(region.End);
            IDocumentLine  line      = script.CurrentDocument.GetLineByOffset(endOffset);

            if (endOffset == line.EndOffset)
                endOffset += line.DelimiterLength;                 // delete the whole line
                // delete indentation in front of the line
                while (offset > 0 && IsTabOrSpace(script.CurrentDocument.GetCharAt(offset - 1)))
            script.RemoveText(offset, endOffset - offset);
 // Checking Whether Try Catch is Present in WebMethod
 public void CheckTryCatchInWebMethodBody(CSharpFile file, DocumentScript script)
     foreach (MethodDeclaration expr in file.IndexOfWebMthdDecl)
         var copy = (MethodDeclaration)expr.NextSibling.Clone();
         if (expr.NextSibling.FirstChild.GetText().Contains("WebMethod") &&
             !expr.NextSibling.Descendants.OfType <TryCatchStatement>().Any())
             script.InsertText(script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.NextSibling.StartLocation), "DummyText_TryCatchNotPresent");
        public void InsertParametersIfElseInWebmethodTry(CSharpFile file, DocumentScript script)
            foreach (var expr in file.IndexOfIfElStmt)
                //check if parameters are passed before, go to next iteration
                if (!(expr.Descendants.OfType <InvocationExpression>().First().GetText().Split("()".ToCharArray())[1] == ""))

                // logic to add parameters in if block (in try catch of webmethod) to Validation Method.
                var    copy       = (IfElseStatement)expr.Clone();
                var    ParentExpr = expr.GetParent <MethodDeclaration>();
                string str        = string.Join(", ", from parameter
                                                in ParentExpr.Descendants.OfType <ParameterDeclaration>()
                                                select parameter.Name);

                int parameterOffset = script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.GetChildByRole(Roles.RPar).StartLocation) - 1;
                script.InsertText(parameterOffset, str);

                // putting Return Vriable Name in If Else Block.
                if (expr.GetParent <MethodDeclaration>().ReturnType.GetText() != "void")
                    var returnVar      = expr.GetParent <MethodDeclaration>().Body.LastChild.PrevSibling.FirstChild;
                    int retValueOffset = script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.LastChild.LastChild.StartLocation);
                    if (returnVar.GetText() == "return")
                        string retString = returnVar.NextSibling.GetText();
                        script.InsertText(retValueOffset, " " + retString);
                        script.InsertText(retValueOffset, " DummyText");
        void CreateField(CodeMemberField newField)
            // insert new field below InitializeComponents()

            var            bodyRegion  = initializeComponents.BodyRegion;
            DocumentScript script      = GetScript(bodyRegion.FileName);
            string         newline     = DocumentUtilities.GetLineTerminator(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);
            string         indentation = DocumentUtilities.GetIndentation(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);

            var    insertionLocation = new TextLocation(bodyRegion.EndLine + 1, 1);
            int    insertionOffset   = script.GetCurrentOffset(insertionLocation);
            string code = indentation + GenerateField(newField) + newline;

            script.InsertText(insertionOffset, code);
        private static string RemoveMethods(string code, IEnumerable <MethodVisitorResult> methods)
            var document = new StringBuilderDocument(code);

            using (var script = new DocumentScript(
                       new TextEditorOptions()))
                foreach (var method in methods)
                    var offset = script.GetCurrentOffset(method.MethodDefinition.GetRegion().Begin);
                    script.Replace(method.MethodDefinition, new MethodDeclaration());
                    script.Replace(offset, new MethodDeclaration().GetText().Trim().Length, "");
        private static string RemoveClasses(string code, IEnumerable <TypeDeclaration> classes)
            var document = new StringBuilderDocument(code);

            using (
                var script = new DocumentScript(
                    new TextEditorOptions()))
                foreach (var @class in classes)
                    var offset = script.GetCurrentOffset(@class.GetRegion().Begin);
                    script.Replace(@class, new TypeDeclaration());
                    script.Replace(offset, new TypeDeclaration().GetText().Trim().Length, "");
        void CreateField(CodeMemberField newField)
            // insert new field below the last field or InitializeComponents()
            IField field = null;

            if (formClass != null)
                field = formClass.Fields.LastOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Region.FileName,
            var            bodyRegion  = field != null ? field.BodyRegion : initializeComponents.BodyRegion;
            DocumentScript script      = GetScript(bodyRegion.FileName);
            string         newline     = DocumentUtilities.GetLineTerminator(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);
            string         indentation = DocumentUtilities.GetIndentation(script.OriginalDocument, bodyRegion.BeginLine);

            var    insertionLocation = new TextLocation(bodyRegion.EndLine + 1, 1);
            int    insertionOffset   = script.GetCurrentOffset(insertionLocation);
            string code = indentation + GenerateField(newField) + newline;

            script.InsertText(insertionOffset, code);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
             *          if (args.Length == 0) {
             *                  Console.WriteLine("Please specify the path to a .sln file on the command line");
             *                  Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");
             *                  Console.ReadKey(true);
             *                  return;
             *          }

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            Solution solution = new Solution("C:\\Martin\\GitHub\\HotFixForUnity\\AddMethodTool\\AddMethod.sln");

            //Solution solution = new Solution(args[0]);

//          foreach (var file in solution.AllFiles) {
//              var astResolver = new CSharpAstResolver(file.Project.Compilation, file.SyntaxTree, file.UnresolvedTypeSystemForFile);
//              foreach (var invocation in file.SyntaxTree.Descendants.OfType<InvocationExpression>()) {
//                  // Retrieve semantics for the invocation
//                  var rr = astResolver.Resolve(invocation) as InvocationResolveResult;
//                  if (rr == null) {
//                      // Not an invocation resolve result - e.g. could be a UnknownMemberResolveResult instead
//                      continue;
//                  }
//                  if (rr.Member.FullName != "System.String.IndexOf") {
//                      // Invocation isn't a string.IndexOf call
//                      continue;
//                  }
//                  if (rr.Member.Parameters.First().Type.FullName != "System.String") {
//                      // Ignore the overload that accepts a char, as that doesn't take a StringComparison.
//                      // (looking for a char always performs the expected ordinal comparison)
//                      continue;
//                  }
//                  if (rr.Member.Parameters.Last().Type.FullName == "System.StringComparison") {
//                      // Already using the overload that specifies a StringComparison
//                      continue;
//                  }
//                  Console.WriteLine(invocation.GetRegion() + ": " + invocation.GetText());
//                  file.IndexOfInvocations.Add(invocation);
//              }
//          }
//          Console.WriteLine("Found {0} places to refactor in {1} files.",
//                            solution.AllFiles.Sum(f => f.IndexOfInvocations.Count),
//                            solution.AllFiles.Count(f => f.IndexOfInvocations.Count > 0));

            Console.Write("Apply refactorings? ");
            //string answer = Console.ReadLine();
            //if ("yes".Equals(answer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "y".Equals(answer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                foreach (var file in solution.AllFiles)
//                  if (file.IndexOfInvocations.Count == 0)
//                      continue;
                    // DocumentScript expects the the AST to stay unmodified (so that it fits
                    // to the document state at the time of the DocumentScript constructor call),
                    // so we call Freeze() to prevent accidental modifications (e.g. forgetting a Clone() call).
                    // AST resolver used to find context for System.StringComparison generation
                    var compilation = file.Project.Compilation;
                    var astResolver = new CSharpAstResolver(compilation, file.SyntaxTree, file.UnresolvedTypeSystemForFile);

                    // Create a document containing the file content:
                    var document          = new StringBuilderDocument(file.OriginalText);
                    var formattingOptions = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateAllman();
                    var options           = new TextEditorOptions();
//                  using (var script = new DocumentScript(document, formattingOptions, options)) {
//                      foreach (InvocationExpression expr in file.IndexOfInvocations) {
//                          // Generate a reference to System.StringComparison in this context:
//                          var astBuilder = new TypeSystemAstBuilder(astResolver.GetResolverStateBefore(expr));
//                          IType stringComparison = compilation.FindType(typeof(StringComparison));
//                          AstType stringComparisonAst = astBuilder.ConvertType(stringComparison);
//                          // Alternative 1: clone a portion of the AST and modify it
//                          var copy = (InvocationExpression)expr.Clone();
//                          copy.Arguments.Add(stringComparisonAst.Member("Ordinal"));
//                          script.Replace(expr, copy);
// //							// Alternative 2: perform direct text insertion
// //							int offset = script.GetCurrentOffset(expr.RParToken.StartLocation);
// //							script.InsertText(offset, ", " + stringComparisonAst.GetText() +  ".Ordinal");
//                      }
//                  }
                    using (var script = new DocumentScript(document, formattingOptions, options))
                        CSharpParser parser = new CSharpParser();
                        //SyntaxTree syntaxTree = parser.Parse(code, srcFilePath);
                        SyntaxTree syntaxTree = file.SyntaxTree;
                        foreach (var classDec in syntaxTree.Descendants.OfType <TypeDeclaration>())
                            if (classDec.ClassType == ClassType.Class || classDec.ClassType == ClassType.Struct)
                                var className = classDec.Name;
                                foreach (var method in classDec.Children.OfType <MethodDeclaration>())
                                    var returnType = method.ReturnType.ToString();
                                    if (returnType.Contains("IEnumerator") || returnType.Contains("IEnumerable"))  // 暂不支持yield!

                                    Console.WriteLine("className:" + className + "   method:" + method.Name);
                                    AstNodeCollection <ParameterDeclaration> paramlist = method.Parameters;

                                    string strParaType = string.Format("{0},{1}", className, method.Name);
                                    string numberType  = ",{0}";
                                    string numberPara  = ", typeof(object)";//兼容性思路,无论是静态还是非静态都传入object
                                    string strPara     = ", null";
                                    if ((method.Modifiers & Modifiers.Static) != Modifiers.Static)
                                        strPara = ", this";
                                    int number = 1;
                                    foreach (ParameterDeclaration param in paramlist)
                                        Console.WriteLine("param    " + param.Name);
                                        strPara    += string.Format(", {0}", param.Name);
                                        numberType += string.Format(",{0}{1}{2}", "{", number, "}");
                                        numberPara += string.Format(", typeof({0})", param.Type);

                                    int offset = script.GetCurrentOffset(method.Body.LBraceToken.StartLocation);
                                    script.InsertText(offset + 1, "\n" +
                                                      "\n" +
                                                      string.Format("if (FixUtil.Instance.NeedFix(\"{0}.{1}\"))\n", className, method.Name) +
                                                      "{\n" +
                                                      string.Format("    string strParameter = string.Format(\"{0}{1}\"{2});\n", strParaType, numberType, numberPara) +
                                                      string.Format("    FixUtil.Instance.Fix(strParameter{0});\n", strPara) +
                                                      "    return;\n" +

//                script.InsertText(offset + 1, "\n" +
//                                              "\n" +
//                                string.Format("if (FixUtil.Instance.NeedFix("+className+"."+method.Name+"))\n" +
//                                              "{\n" +
//                                string.Format("    FixUtil.Instance.Fix(\"{0}.{1}\"{2});\n", className, method.Name, str) +
//                                              "    return;\n" +
//                                              "}\n");
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.ChangeExtension(file.FileName, ".output.cs"), document.Text);

                string text = Console.ReadLine();