        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a open attribute bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckAttributeTokenOpenBracket(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Open brackets should never be followed by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null &&
                (nextNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || nextNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a closing attribute bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckAttributeTokenCloseBracket(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Closing attribute brackets should be never be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                if (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        public void When_shared_serializer_should_add_include()
            var root = new DocumentRoot <Article>
                Data = new Article
                    Id     = "1234",
                    Title  = "My Article",
                    Author = new Person
                        Id        = "333",
                        FirstName = "John",
                        LastName  = "Smith",
                        Twitter   = "jsmi"

            //Single serializer, just like MVC JsonOutputFormatters use
            var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings);

            var stringWriter1 = new StringWriter();

            serializer.Serialize(stringWriter1, root);

            var stringWriter2 = new StringWriter();

            serializer.Serialize(stringWriter2, root);

            var expectedjson = @"{
                ""data"": {
                    ""id"": ""1234"",
                    ""type"": ""articles"",
                    ""attributes"": {
                        ""title"": ""My Article""
                    ""relationships"": {
                        ""author"": {
                            ""data"": { 
                ""included"" : [
                        ""id"": ""333"",
                        ""type"": ""people"",
                            ""first-name"": ""John"",
                            ""last-name"": ""Smith"",
                            ""twitter"": ""jsmi""


            Assert.Equal(stringWriter1.ToString(), expectedjson, JsonStringEqualityComparer.Instance);
            Assert.Equal(stringWriter2.ToString(), expectedjson, JsonStringEqualityComparer.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a open bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckOpenSquareBracket(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Open brackets should be never be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                if (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // Open brackets should never be followed by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null &&
                (nextNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || nextNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a nullable type symbol for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckNullableTypeSymbol(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Nullable type symbols should never be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null &&
                (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.NullableTypeSumbolsMustNotBePrecededBySpace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a negative sign for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckNegativeSign(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // A negative sign should be preceded by whitespace. It
            // can also be preceded by an open paren or an open bracket.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.NegativeSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode == null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.NegativeSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a label colon for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckLabelColon(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // A colon should always be followed by whitespace, but never preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode == null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ColonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ColonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        static void Main()
                // Set Up
                var dirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory("test_module");

                writer = new XmlTextWriter(@"test_module\document.xml", Encoding.UTF8);

                // Raw resources
                List <string> imgLocs = new List <string> {
                    "Aero.jpg", "Gyro.jpg", "Hexapod.jpg", "QBall.jpg", "QBot.jpg", "Qdex.png", "Qdex2.png", "QDrone.png", "QUBE.jpg"
                List <string> imgSize = new List <string> {
                    "xlarge", "large", "medium", "small", "tiny"

                List <string> paragraphs = new List <string>
                    "THE mobile environment for STEM education",
                    "Create your own educational mobile apps",
                    "qdex makes it easy to build custom mobile applications for iOS and Android. With our simple-to-use creation tool, you can go from a blank slate to a fully-functioning native mobile application in minutes. No development experience required.",
                    "qdex isn't just mobile friendly, it's mobile powered. We've designed qdex exclusively for mobile devices to let you harness the full extent of their computational power, allowing you to deliver content in a more engaging way than ever before.",
                    "Go beyond flash animations and pseudo simulations. With advanced mathematical solvers, communication streams, and hardware-accelerated graphics, qdex is a step above traditional eLearning platforms.",
                    "Remotely control any hardware with the tap of a button. Send commands, receive data, display the response. Our real-time communications tools make feedback control applications accessible. ",
                    "qdex makes it easy to create the apps that you need. With our authoring tool and dynamic approach to content creation, even the most inexperienced creators can develop feature-rich modules in a matter of minutes.",
                    "qdex utilizes a robust scripting language called Lua to introduce customizability into applications. Lua supports most of the popular programming paradigms, allowing you to create large-scale cross-platform applications without hours of development time.",
                    "Dynamically alter lessons to suit your student's pace or skill level, jump between concepts with ease, and show/hide content based on user feedback. qdex gives you the flexibility to create content that moves the way you want it to.",
                    "Once you have segmented your course into the core concepts that require interactive app components, your next step is to storyboard the interactions to layout the experience for your students. Your storyboards can scale in complexity from simple hand drawings, through to detailed renderings and user experience stories. The general idea is that you want to decide what you would like your student to experience, and how their interactions will lead to a better understanding of the concept." +
                    "\nIt is important that you do not limit the complexity of the experience you would like your students to have at this stage.You should let your creativity run wild and imagine the best experience for your students, and then leave the logistics to the development stage."

                List <string> sectionTitles = new List <string>
                    "Development Guide",
                    "Creating effective qdex modules",
                    "Design Guidelines",
                    "Communicating Concepts",
                    "Developing Modules",
                    "Bulleted Lists",
                    "Attributes, Methods, and Events",
                    "Defining Your Model",
                    "Math, Logic, Compare",
                    "Recommended Authoring Approach",
                    "Distributing Modules",
                    "Hardware Communications",

                HashSet <string> names = new HashSet <string>();
                // Primary Resources
                ImageNode[] images = new ImageNode[random.Next(2, 15)];
                for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                    string name = PopRandom(imgLocs);
                    if (!names.Contains(name))
                        File.Copy(@"Resources\" + name, @"test_module\resources\" + name, true);
                    images[i] = new ImageNode(writer)
                        Src   = @"resources\" + name,
                        Style = PopRandom(imgSize)

                PNode[] ps = new PNode[random.Next(10, 25)];
                for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
                    ps[i] = new PNode(writer).AppendContent(PopRandom(paragraphs));

                string[] secs = new string[random.Next(5, 8)];
                for (int i = 0; i < secs.Length; i++)
                    secs[i] = PopRandom(sectionTitles);

                StackNode[] stacks      = new StackNode[secs.Length];
                int         curImgIndex = 0;
                int         curPIndex   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < stacks.Length - 1; i++)
                    stacks[i] = new StackNode(writer);

                    // distribute images
                    int maxImgIndexIncre = images.Length - curImgIndex - stacks.Length + i;
                    if (maxImgIndexIncre > 0)
                        int randImgIncre = random.Next(1, maxImgIndexIncre > 4?4:maxImgIndexIncre);
                        for (int j = curImgIndex; j < curImgIndex + randImgIncre; j++)
                        curImgIndex += randImgIncre;

                    // distribute paragraphs
                    int maxPIndexIncre = ps.Length - curPIndex - stacks.Length + i;
                    int randPIncre     = random.Next(1, maxPIndexIncre > 6?6:maxPIndexIncre);
                    for (int j = curPIndex; j < curPIndex + randPIncre; j++)
                    curPIndex += randPIncre;


                stacks[stacks.Length - 1] = new StackNode(writer);
                if (curImgIndex <= images.Length - 1)
                    for (int k = curImgIndex; k < images.Length; k++)
                        stacks[stacks.Length - 1].AppendNode(images[k]);
                for (int k = curPIndex; k < ps.Length; k++)
                    stacks[stacks.Length - 1].AppendNode(ps[k]);
                stacks[stacks.Length - 1].RandSwap(random);

                // Creating the Document
                DocumentRoot doc = new DocumentRoot(writer);
                foreach (string title in secs)
                    if (title == null)

                for (int i = 0; i < stacks.Length; i++)

                // Default
                File.Copy(@"test_module\document.xml", @"test_module\source.xml", true);
                if (File.Exists("test_module.zip"))
                ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("test_module", "test_module.zip", CompressionLevel.Fastest, false);
                MessageBox.Show("XML File created!");
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show($"Message: {e.Message}\nSource: {e.Source}\n\nStackTrace\n{e.StackTrace}");
                // Tear Down
                if (writer != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the spacing of a root.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root element from the document.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Indicates whether the tokens are part of a type declaration.</param>
        private void CheckSpacing(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, bool type)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");

            // Make sure it contains at least one token.
            if (tokens.Count > 0)
                for (Node<CsToken> tokenNode = tokens.First; tokenNode != null; tokenNode = tokenNode.Next)
                    if (this.Cancel)

                    if (!tokenNode.Value.Generated)
                        switch (tokenNode.Value.CsTokenType)
                            case CsTokenType.Catch:
                            case CsTokenType.Fixed:
                            case CsTokenType.For:
                            case CsTokenType.Foreach:
                            case CsTokenType.If:
                            case CsTokenType.Lock:
                            case CsTokenType.Return:
                            case CsTokenType.Yield:
                            case CsTokenType.Stackalloc:
                            case CsTokenType.Switch:
                            case CsTokenType.Throw:
                            case CsTokenType.Using:
                            case CsTokenType.While:
                            case CsTokenType.WhileDo:
                                // These keywords must be followed by a space before the open parenthesis.
                                this.CheckKeywordWithSpace(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.New:
                                this.CheckNewKeywordSpacing(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.Checked:
                            case CsTokenType.Unchecked:
                            case CsTokenType.Sizeof:
                            case CsTokenType.Typeof:
                            case CsTokenType.DefaultValue:
                                // These keywords must not contain any space before the open parenthesis.
                                this.CheckKeywordWithoutSpace(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.Comma:
                            case CsTokenType.Semicolon:
                                this.CheckSemicolonAndComma(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis:
                                this.CheckOpenParen(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis:
                                this.CheckCloseParen(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket:
                                this.CheckOpenSquareBracket(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket:
                                this.CheckCloseSquareBracket(root, tokens, tokenNode, false);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenCurlyBracket:
                                this.CheckOpenCurlyBracket(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseCurlyBracket:
                                this.CheckCloseCurlyBracket(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenAttributeBracket:
                                this.CheckAttributeTokenOpenBracket(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseAttributeBracket:
                                this.CheckAttributeTokenCloseBracket(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.BaseColon:
                            case CsTokenType.WhereColon:
                                this.CheckSymbol(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.AttributeColon:
                            case CsTokenType.LabelColon:
                                this.CheckLabelColon(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.WhiteSpace:
                                this.CheckWhitespace(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.XmlHeader:
                                ////this.CheckXmlHeaderComment(root, token as XmlHeader);

                            case CsTokenType.Attribute:
                                Microsoft.SourceAnalysis.CSharp.Attribute attribute = tokenNode.Value as Microsoft.SourceAnalysis.CSharp.Attribute;
                                this.CheckSpacing(root, attribute.ChildTokens, false);

                            case CsTokenType.PreprocessorDirective:
                                this.CheckPreprocessorSpacing(root, tokenNode.Value as Preprocessor);

                            case CsTokenType.SingleLineComment:
                                // Look for tabs in the comment string.
                                this.CheckTabsInComment(root, tokenNode.Value);

                                // Check spacing in the comment.
                                this.CheckSingleLineComment(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.MultiLineComment:
                                // Look for tabs in the comment string.
                                this.CheckTabsInComment(root, tokenNode.Value);

                            case CsTokenType.NullableTypeSymbol:
                                this.CheckNullableTypeSymbol(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.Operator:
                                this.CheckOperatorKeyword(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol:
                                OperatorSymbol operatorSymbol = tokenNode.Value as OperatorSymbol;
                                switch (operatorSymbol.Category)
                                    case OperatorCategory.Reference:
                                        switch (operatorSymbol.SymbolType)
                                            case OperatorType.QualifiedAlias:
                                            case OperatorType.Pointer:
                                            case OperatorType.MemberAccess:
                                                this.CheckMemberAccessSymbol(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                                            case OperatorType.AddressOf:
                                            case OperatorType.Dereference:
                                                this.CheckUnsafeAccessSymbols(root, tokenNode, type);



                                    case OperatorCategory.Arithmetic:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Assignment:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Conditional:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Logical:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Relational:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Shift:
                                    case OperatorCategory.Lambda:
                                        // Symbols should have whitespace on both sides
                                        this.CheckSymbol(root, tokens, tokenNode);

                                    case OperatorCategory.IncrementDecrement:
                                        this.CheckIncrementDecrement(root, tokenNode);

                                    case OperatorCategory.Unary:
                                        if (operatorSymbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.Negative)
                                            this.CheckNegativeSign(root, tokenNode);
                                        else if (operatorSymbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.Positive)
                                            this.CheckPositiveSign(root, tokenNode);
                                            this.CheckUnarySymbol(root, tokenNode);



                        switch (tokenNode.Value.CsTokenClass)
                            case CsTokenClass.ConstructorConstraint:
                                this.CheckSpacing(root, ((ConstructorConstraint)tokenNode.Value).ChildTokens, false);

                            case CsTokenClass.GenericType:
                                this.CheckGenericSpacing(root, tokenNode.Value as GenericType);
                                goto case CsTokenClass.Type;

                            case CsTokenClass.Type:
                                this.CheckSpacing(root, ((TypeToken)tokenNode.Value).ChildTokens, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to make sure that the slashes in in the Xml header are followed by a space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="header">The Xml header token.</param>
        private void CheckXmlHeaderComment(DocumentRoot root, XmlHeader header)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(header, "header");

            foreach (CsToken token in header.ChildTokens)
                if (tokenNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.XmlHeaderLine)
                    if (tokenNode.Value.Text.Length > 3)
                        if (tokenNode.Value.Text[3] != ' ' &&
                            tokenNode.Value.Text[3] != '\t' &&
                            tokenNode.Value.Text[3] != '/' &&
                            tokenNode.Value.Text[2] != '\n' &&
                            tokenNode.Value.Text[2] != '\r')
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, ViolationID.DocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace);
                        else if (tokenNode.Value.Text.Length > 4 && (tokenNode.Value.Text[4] == ' ' || tokenNode.Value.Text[4] == '\t'))
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, ViolationID.DocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to make sure that the slashes in in the comment are followed by a space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The comment token.</param>
        private void CheckSingleLineComment(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // If the token length is less then two, this is not a valid comment so just ignore it.
            if (tokenNode.Value.Text.Length > 2)
                // The first character in the comment must be a space, except for the following four cases:
                // 1. The comment may start with three or more slashes: ///whatever
                // 2. The command may start with a backwards slash: //\whatever
                // 3. The comment may start with a dash if there are at last two dashes: //--
                // 4. The character after the second slash may be a newline character.
                string text = tokenNode.Value.Text;
                if (text[2] != ' ' &&
                    text[2] != '\t' &&
                    text[2] != '/' &&
                    text[2] != '\\' &&
                    text[1] != '\n' &&
                    text[1] != '\r' &&
                    (text.Length < 4 || text[2] != '-' || text[3] != '-'))
                    // The comment does not start with a single space.
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace);
                else if (text.Length > 3 && (text[3] == ' ' || text[3] == '\t') && text[2] != '\\')
                    // The comment starts with more than one space. This is only a violation if this is the first
                    // single-line comment in a row. If there is another single-line comment directly above this one
                    // with no blank line between them, this is not a violation.
                    bool first = true;
                    int newLineCount = 0;

                    foreach (CsToken previousToken in tokens.ReverseIterator(tokenNode.Previous))
                        if (previousToken.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                            if (++newLineCount == 2)
                        else if (previousToken.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment)
                            first = false;
                        else if (previousToken.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)

                    if (first)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a semicolon or comma for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token node to check.</param>
        private void CheckSemicolonAndComma(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // There is a special case here where we allow <,,> [,,] or (;;), or variations thereof.
            // In these cases, there should be no spaces around the comma or semicolon.
            string[] open = new string[] { "[", "<" };
            string[] close = new string[] { "]", ">" };

            if (tokenNode.Value.Text == ";")
                open = new string[] { "(" };
                close = new string[] { ")" };

            bool specialCaseBackwards = true;
            bool specialCaseForwards = true;

            // Work backwards and look for the previous character on this line.
            bool found = false;
            Node<CsToken> itemNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (itemNode != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < open.Length; ++i)
                    if (itemNode.Value.Text == open[i])
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    if (itemNode.Value.Text == tokenNode.Value.Text)
                        found = true;
                        specialCaseBackwards = false;

            if (!found)
                specialCaseBackwards = false;

            // Work forwards and look for the next character on this line.
            found = false;
            itemNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (itemNode != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < close.Length; ++i)
                    if (itemNode.Value.Text == close[i])
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    if (itemNode.Value.Text == tokenNode.Value.Text)
                        found = true;
                        specialCaseForwards = false;

            if (!found)
                specialCaseForwards = false;

            if (!specialCaseBackwards)
                Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;

                // Make sure this is not preceded by whitespace.
                if (previousNode != null &&
                    (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.CommasAndSemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            if (!specialCaseForwards)
                Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;

                // Make sure this is followed by whitespace or a close paren.
                if (nextNode != null &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.CommasAndSemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to make sure that preprocessor type keyword is not preceded by a space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="preprocessor">The preprocessor token.</param>
        private void CheckPreprocessorSpacing(DocumentRoot root, CsToken preprocessor)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(preprocessor, "preprocessor");

            if (preprocessor.Text.Length > 1)
                if (preprocessor.Text[0] == '#')
                    if (preprocessor.Text[1] == ' ' || preprocessor.Text[1] == '\t')
                        this.AddViolation(root, preprocessor.LineNumber, Rules.PreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a close bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckCloseCurlyBracket(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Close curly brackets should always be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null &&
                previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // Close curly brackets should be followed either by whitespace, a close paren,
            // a semicolon, or a comma.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null)
                CsTokenType nextType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (nextType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Semicolon &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Comma)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                if (nextType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                    // If this is followed by whitespace, make sure that the character just
                    // after the whitespace is not a close paren, semicolon, or comma.
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ForwardIterator(tokenNode.Next.Next))
                        CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                        if (itemType == CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Semicolon ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Comma)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
                        else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the operator keyword for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckOperatorKeyword(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Operator keywords should be followed by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> next = tokenNode.Next;
            if (next != null && next.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OperatorKeywordMustBeFollowedBySpace);
        public static DocumentRootVanillaJson <List <ArticleVanillaJson> > MapToVanilla(DocumentRoot <List <Article> > root)
            var includes    = new HashSet <object>();
            var rootVanilla = new DocumentRootVanillaJson <List <ArticleVanillaJson> >
                Data  = root.Data.Select(a => MapToVanilla(a, includes)).ToList(),
                Links = root.Links,
                Meta  = root.Meta,

            rootVanilla.Included = includes.ToList();

 private void Content_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
 public bool LoadFiles(string fileName_1, string fileName_2)
     return(DocumentRoot.LoadDocument(fileName_1, fileName_2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a symbol for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckSymbol(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Symbols should have whitespace on both sides.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null &&
                previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);

            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null &&
                nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                // Make sure the previous token is not operator.
                if (previousNode != null)
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ReverseIterator(previousNode))
                        if (item.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.Operator)
                        else if (item.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                            item.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                            item.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.SingleLineComment &&
                            item.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.MultiLineComment &&
                            item.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.PreprocessorDirective)

                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a close paren for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckCloseParen(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Close parens should never be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null &&
                (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // This not a violation if the token following the close paren is an unknown token,
            // which means that this is probably the closing paren of a cast operation. The same
            // goes if the next token is "base" or "this".
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null)
                CsTokenType nextType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;

                // The closing parenthesis could be the end of a cast expression if it comes
                // before one of the following types of tokens.
                // TODO: Once it is possible to determine the parent expression of a token,
                // we can explicitly check whether the closing parenthesis is part of a cast
                // expression, and all of the following cases.
                if (nextType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseAttributeBracket &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Semicolon &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Comma &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Other &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Base &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.This &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Null &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.New &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Number &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.String &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Delegate &&
                    (nextType != CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol || ((OperatorSymbol)nextNode.Value).SymbolType != OperatorType.AddressOf) &&
                    !nextNode.Value.Text.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // This is allowed also if the next token is a positive or negative sign.
                    bool cancel = false;
                    if (nextType == CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol)
                        OperatorSymbol operatorSymbol = nextNode.Value as OperatorSymbol;
                        if (operatorSymbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.Negative ||
                            operatorSymbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.Positive)
                            cancel = true;

                    if (!cancel)
                        // If the next token is a colon, this is allowed if we are in a switch\case statement.
                        bool followsCase = false;
                        if (nextType == CsTokenType.LabelColon)
                            foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ReverseIterator(tokenNode.Previous))
                                CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                                if (itemType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                                else if (itemType == CsTokenType.Case)
                                    followsCase = true;

                        if (!followsCase)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                if (nextType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                    // If this is followed by whitespace, make sure that the character just
                    // after the whitespace is not a paren, bracket, a comma, or a semicolon.
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ForwardIterator(tokenNode.Next.Next))
                        CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                        if (itemType == CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Semicolon ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Comma)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
                        else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a unary symbol for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckUnarySymbol(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // These symbols should be preceded by whitespace but not followed by whitespace. They can
            // also be preceded by an open paren or an open square bracket.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                    tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);

            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode == null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a member access symbol for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckMemberAccessSymbol(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Member access symbols should not have any whitespace on either side.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode == null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.MemberAccessSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode == null)
                CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    // Make sure the previous token is not the operator keyword.
                    if (previousNode != null)
                        foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ReverseIterator(previousNode))
                            CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                            if (itemType == CsTokenType.Operator)
                            else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                                itemType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                                itemType != CsTokenType.SingleLineComment &&
                                itemType != CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)

                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.MemberAccessSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an unsafe pointer access symbol sign for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root containing the symbol.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Indicates whether the token is part of a type declaration.</param>
        private void CheckUnsafeAccessSymbols(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode, bool type)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // In a type declaration, the symbol must have whitespace on the right but
            // not on the left. If this is not a type declaration, the opposite is true.
            if (type)
                // The symbol should be followed by whitespace. It
                // can also be followed by a closing paren or a closing bracket,
                // or another token of the same type.
                Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
                if (nextNode != null)
                    CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                    if (tokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis &&
                        tokenType != tokenNode.Value.CsTokenType)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.DereferenceAndAccessOfSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                // The symbol must not be preceded by whitespace.
                Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
                if (previousNode != null)
                    CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                    if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.DereferenceAndAccessOfSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
                // The symbol should be preceded by whitespace. It
                // can also be preceded by an open paren or an open bracket, or
                // another token of the same type.
                Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
                if (previousNode != null)
                    CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                    if (tokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket &&
                        tokenType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis &&
                        tokenType != tokenNode.Value.CsTokenType)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.DereferenceAndAccessOfSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                // The symbol must not be followed by whitespace.
                Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
                if (nextNode == null)
                    CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                    if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.DereferenceAndAccessOfSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the spacing around a 'new' keyword.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The token list.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token node to check.</param>
        private void CheckNewKeywordSpacing(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // The keywords must be followed by a space, unless the next token is an opening square bracket, in which case
            // there should be no space.
            Node<CsToken> temp = tokenNode.Next;
            if (temp != null)
                if (temp.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || temp.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                    // The keyword is followed by whitespace. Make sure the next non-whitespace character is not an opening bracket.
                    foreach (CsToken nextNonWhitespaceToken in tokens.ForwardIterator(temp.Next))
                        if (nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.CodeMustNotContainSpaceAfterNewKeywordInImplicitlyTypedArrayAllocation);
                        else if (nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace && nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                else if (temp.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket)
                    // The keyword is not followed by whitespace.
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.KeywordsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to make sure that there is not too many whitespace symbols in a row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The whitespace to check.</param>
        private void CheckWhitespace(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            Whitespace whitespace = (Whitespace)tokenNode.Value;

            if (whitespace.TabCount > 0)
                // Tabs are not allowed.
                this.AddViolation(root, whitespace.LineNumber, Rules.TabsMustNotBeUsed);
            else if (whitespace.TabCount == 0 && whitespace.SpaceCount > 1)
                // Multiple spaces in a row are only allowed at the beginning of a line, following
                // a comma or semicolon, preceding a symbol, or at the end of a line.
                Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
                Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
                if (previousNode != null &&
                    previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.Comma &&
                    previousNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.Semicolon &&
                    nextNode != null &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.SingleLineComment &&
                    nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    this.AddViolation(root, whitespace.LineNumber, Rules.CodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a open bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckOpenCurlyBracket(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Open curly brackets should be preceded either by whitespace, or an open paren.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                CsTokenType lastType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (lastType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    lastType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    lastType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis)
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                if (lastType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                    // If this is preceded by whitespace, make sure that the character just
                    // before the whitespace is not an open paren.
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ReverseIterator(previousNode))
                        CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                        if (itemType == CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
                        else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)

            // Open curly brackets should always be followed by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null &&
                nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                nextNode.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a close bracket for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        /// <param name="generic">Indicates whether the bracket is embedded within a generic statement.</param>
        private void CheckCloseSquareBracket(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode, bool generic)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Close brackets should never be preceded by whitespace.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null &&
                (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // Close brackets should be followed either by whitespace, a bracket,
            // a paren, a semicolon, a comma, a period, or an increment or decrement symbol.
            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode != null)
                CsTokenType nextType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (nextType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis &&
                    ////nextType != CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Semicolon &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.Comma &&
                    nextType != CsTokenType.CloseGenericBracket &&
                    nextNode.Value.Text != "++" &&
                    nextNode.Value.Text != "--" &&
                    !nextNode.Value.Text.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

                if (nextType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                    // If this is followed by whitespace, make sure that the character just
                    // after the whitespace is not a paren, bracket, comma, or semicolon.
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ForwardIterator(tokenNode.Next.Next))
                        CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                        if (itemType == CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Semicolon ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Comma)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.ClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
                        else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an open parenthesis for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckOpenParen(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            bool firstOnLine = false;
            bool lastOnLine = false;

            // Open parenthesis should never be preceded by whitespace unless it is the
            // first thing on the line or it follows a keyword or it follows a symbol or a number.
            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode != null)
                if (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                    foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ReverseIterator(previousNode))
                        CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                        if (itemType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace)
                        else if (itemType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                            firstOnLine = true;
                        else if (
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Number ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.OpenCurlyBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Case ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Catch ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Comma ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Semicolon ||
                            ////itemType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Fixed ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.For ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Foreach ||
                            ////itemType == CsTokenType.Goto ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.If ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.In ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Lock ||
                            ////itemType == CsTokenType.New ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Return ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Yield ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Switch ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Throw ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.Using ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.While ||
                            itemType == CsTokenType.WhileDo)
                            this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // Open parens should never be followed by whitespace unless
            // it is the last thing on the line.
            Node<CsToken> next = tokenNode.Next;
            if (next != null &&
                (next.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || next.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                // Look to see if there is any non whitespace character
                // on this line other than a comment.
                foreach (CsToken item in tokens.ForwardIterator(next))
                    CsTokenType itemType = item.CsTokenType;
                    if (itemType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
                        lastOnLine = true;
                    else if (itemType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                        itemType != CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                        itemType != CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);

            // Open parens cannot be the only thing on the line.
            if (firstOnLine && lastOnLine)
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the spacing of the tokens within the given generic type token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="generic">The generic type token to check.</param>
        private void CheckGenericSpacing(DocumentRoot root, GenericType generic)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(generic, "generic");

            // Make sure it contains at least one token.
            if (generic.ChildTokens.Count > 0)
                for (Node<CsToken> tokenNode = generic.ChildTokens.First; tokenNode != null; tokenNode = tokenNode.Next)
                    if (this.Cancel)

                    // Check whether this token is a generic and if so parse the tokens within
                    // the generic statement.
                    if (tokenNode.Value.CsTokenClass == CsTokenClass.GenericType)
                        this.CheckGenericSpacing(root, tokenNode.Value as GenericType);

                    if (!tokenNode.Value.Generated)
                        switch (tokenNode.Value.CsTokenType)
                            case CsTokenType.Comma:
                                this.CheckSemicolonAndComma(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis:
                                this.CheckOpenParen(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis:
                                this.CheckCloseParen(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket:
                                this.CheckOpenSquareBracket(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket:
                                this.CheckCloseSquareBracket(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode, true);

                            case CsTokenType.WhiteSpace:
                                this.CheckWhitespace(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.OpenGenericBracket:
                                this.CheckGenericTokenOpenBracket(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.CloseGenericBracket:
                                this.CheckGenericTokenCloseBracket(root, tokenNode);

                            case CsTokenType.PreprocessorDirective:
                                this.CheckPreprocessorSpacing(root, tokenNode.Value);

                            case CsTokenType.OperatorSymbol:
                                OperatorSymbol symbol = tokenNode.Value as OperatorSymbol;
                                if (symbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.MemberAccess ||
                                    symbol.SymbolType == OperatorType.QualifiedAlias)
                                    this.CheckMemberAccessSymbol(root, generic.ChildTokens, tokenNode);
                                    goto default;


                            case CsTokenType.Other:
                            case CsTokenType.EndOfLine:
                                // Ignore these.

                                // There shouldn't be anything else within a generic type token.
        public void When_relationship_not_identifable_from_property_type_should_serialize_as_relationship()
            var article = new
                id     = "1234",
                Title  = "My Article",
                type   = "articles",
                author = (object)new //declared object but actaul type is relationship
                    Id        = "333",
                    type      = "people",
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName  = "Smith",
                    Twitter   = "jsmi"
                timestamps = (object)new //declared object but actaul type is attribute
                    published = new DateTime(2018, 10, 28),
                    edited    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 31),
            var root = DocumentRoot.Create((object)article);

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root, settings);

            var expectedjson = @"{
                ""data"": {
                    ""id"": ""1234"",
                    ""type"": ""articles"",
                    ""attributes"": {
                        ""title"": ""My Article"",
                        ""timestamps"": {
                            ""published"": ""2018-10-28T00:00:00"",
                            ""edited"": ""2018-10-31T00:00:00""
                    ""relationships"": {
                        ""author"": {
                            ""data"": { 
                ""included"" : [
                        ""id"": ""333"",
                        ""type"": ""people"",
                            ""firstName"": ""John"",
                            ""lastName"": ""Smith"",
                            ""twitter"": ""jsmi""


            Assert.Equal(expectedjson, json, JsonStringEqualityComparer.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an increment or decrement sign for spacing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckIncrementDecrement(DocumentRoot root, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Increment and decrement symbols should have whitespace on only one side. The non-whitespace
            // side is also allowed to butt up against a bracket or a parenthesis, however.
            bool before = false;
            bool after = false;

            Node<CsToken> previousNode = tokenNode.Previous;
            if (previousNode == null)
                before = true;
                CsTokenType tokenType = previousNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    before = true;

            Node<CsToken> nextNode = tokenNode.Next;
            if (nextNode == null)
                after = true;
                CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                if (tokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.SingleLineComment ||
                    tokenType == CsTokenType.MultiLineComment)
                    after = true;

            // If there is no whitespace on either side, then make sure that at least one of the sides
            // is touching a square bracket or a parenthesis. The right side of the symbol is also
            // allowed to be up against a comma or a semicolon.
            if (!before && !after)
                if (previousNode != null &&
                    (previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.OpenSquareBracket || previousNode.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis))

                if (nextNode != null)
                    CsTokenType tokenType = nextNode.Value.CsTokenType;
                    if (tokenType == CsTokenType.CloseSquareBracket ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.CloseParenthesis ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.Comma ||
                        tokenType == CsTokenType.Semicolon)

                // This is a violation.
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.IncrementDecrementSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
            else if (before && after)
                // There is whitespace on both sides.
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.IncrementDecrementSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly);
 private void Content_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     _downPoint = e.GetPosition(DocumentRoot);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a keyword that should not be followed by a space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The list of tokens being parsed.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token to check.</param>
        private void CheckKeywordWithoutSpace(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Keywords must not contain any space before the open parenthesis.
            Node<CsToken> temp = tokenNode.Next;
            if (temp != null &&
                (temp.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.WhiteSpace || temp.Value.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.EndOfLine))
                // Make sure the next non-whitespace character is not an open parenthesis.
                foreach (CsToken nextNonWhitespaceToken in tokens.ForwardIterator(temp.Next))
                    if (nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType == CsTokenType.OpenParenthesis)
                        this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.KeywordsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);

                    else if (nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace && nextNonWhitespaceToken.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine)
 public DocumentViewModel AddDocument(string documentName)
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a keyword that should be followed by a space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The document root.</param>
        /// <param name="tokens">The token list.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenNode">The token node to check.</param>
        private void CheckKeywordWithSpace(DocumentRoot root, MasterList<CsToken> tokens, Node<CsToken> tokenNode)
            Param.AssertNotNull(root, "root");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokens, "tokens");
            Param.AssertNotNull(tokenNode, "tokenNode");

            // Keywords must be followed by a space before the open parenthesis.
            // Sometimes keywords appear within attributes and are allowed to be
            // followed immediately by an attribute colon.
            Node<CsToken> temp = tokenNode.Next;
            if (temp == null ||
                (temp.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.WhiteSpace &&
                temp.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.EndOfLine &&
                temp.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.Semicolon &&
                temp.Value.CsTokenType != CsTokenType.AttributeColon))
                this.AddViolation(root, tokenNode.Value.LineNumber, Rules.KeywordsMustBeSpacedCorrectly, tokenNode.Value.Text);
        public void When_resource_identifier_should_serialize()
            var root = new DocumentRoot <ArticleWithResourceIdentifier>
                Data = new ArticleWithResourceIdentifier
                    Id     = "1234",
                    Title  = "My Article",
                    Author = new ResourceIdentifier <Person>()
                        Meta = new Meta {
                            { "primary-author", true }
                        Value = new Person
                            Id        = "333",
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName  = "Smith",
                            Twitter   = "jsmi",
                            Meta      = new Meta()
                                { "best-sellers", 4 }
                    Comments = new List <ResourceIdentifier <Comment> >
                        ResourceIdentifier.Create(new Comment()
                            Id   = "57",
                            Body = "I give it a 5 out of 7"

            var json         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root, settings);
            var expectedjson = @"{
                ""data"": {
                    ""id"": ""1234"",
                    ""type"": ""articles"",
                    ""attributes"": {
                        ""title"": ""My Article""
                    ""relationships"": {
                        ""author"": {
                            ""data"": { 
                                ""meta"":{ ""primary-author"": true}
                        ""comments"": {
                            ""data"": [{ 
                ""included"" : [
                        ""id"": ""333"",
                        ""type"": ""people"",
                            ""first-name"": ""John"",
                            ""last-name"": ""Smith"",
                            ""twitter"": ""jsmi""
                        ""meta"":{ ""best-sellers"": 4}

                        ""id"": ""57"",
                        ""type"": ""comments"",
                            ""body"": ""I give it a 5 out of 7""

            Assert.Equal(expectedjson, json, JsonStringEqualityComparer.Instance);
        public void Should_be_possible_to_define_sample_document()
            var author = new Person
                Id        = "9",
                FirstName = "Dan",
                LastName  = "Gebhardt",
                Twitter   = "dgeb",
                Links     = new Links()
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = "http://example.com/people/9"
                      } }

            var root = new DocumentRoot <ArticleWithRelationship[]>
                Links = new Links
                    { "self", new Link {
                          Href = "http://example.com/articles"
                      } },
                    { "next", new Link {
                          Href = "http://example.com/articles?page[offset]=2"
                      } },
                    { "last", new Link {
                          Href = "http://example.com/articles?page[offset]=10"
                      } }
                Data = new[] {
                    new ArticleWithRelationship
                        Id    = "1",
                        Type  = "articles",
                        Title = "JSON API paints my bikeshed!",
                        Links = new Links
                            { "self", new Link {
                                  Href = "http://example.com/articles/1"
                              } }
                        Author = new Relationship <Person>
                            Data  = author,
                            Links = new Links
                                { "self", new Link {
                                      Href = "http://example.com/articles/1/relationships/author"
                                  } },
                                { "related", new Link {
                                      Href = "http://example.com/articles/1/author"
                                  } }
                        Comments = new Relationship <List <Comment> >
                            Data = new List <Comment>
                                new Comment
                                    Type   = "comments",
                                    Id     = "5",
                                    Body   = "First!",
                                    Author = new Person
                                        Type = "people",
                                        Id   = "2"
                                    Links = new Links
                                        { "self", new Link {
                                              Href = "http://example.com/comments/5"
                                          } }
                                new Comment
                                    Type   = "comments",
                                    Id     = "12",
                                    Body   = "I like XML better",
                                    Author = author,
                                    Links  = new Links
                                        { "self", new Link {
                                              Href = "http://example.com/comments/12"
                                          } }
                            Links = new Links
                                { "self", new Link {
                                      Href = "http://example.com/articles/1/relationships/comments"
                                  } },
                                { "related", new Link {
                                      Href = "http://example.com/articles/1/comments"
                                  } }

            var json         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root, settings);
            var expectedjson = EmbeddedResource.Read("Data.Articles.sample.json");

            Assert.Equal(expectedjson, json, JsonStringEqualityComparer.Instance);