/// <summary>
        /// Allows for Related Pages lookup using Ordering on non-MultpleDocumentQuery queries.  The given Node must be on the "left" hand side in this case for ordering.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseQuery">The Base Document Query</param>
        /// <param name="nodeGuid">The NodeGuid</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipName">Name of the relationship. If not provided documents from all relationships will be retrieved.</param>
        public static DocumentQuery <TDocument> InRelationWithOrder <TDocument>(this DocumentQuery <TDocument> baseQuery, Guid nodeGuid, string relationshipName = null) where TDocument : TreeNode, new()
            // Get the RelationshipID and NodeID
            int?RelationshipNameID = GetRelationshipNameID(relationshipName);
            int?NodeID             = GetNodeID(nodeGuid);

            if (!NodeID.HasValue)

            // Add the Inner Join with proper alias formatting
            if (RelationshipNameID.HasValue)
                baseQuery.Source((QuerySource s) => s.InnerJoin(new QuerySourceTable("CMS_Relationship"), new WhereCondition("NodeID = RightNodeID").WhereEquals("RelationshipNameID", RelationshipNameID.Value).WhereEquals("LeftNodeID", NodeID.Value)));
                baseQuery.Source((QuerySource s) => s.InnerJoin(new QuerySourceTable("CMS_Relationship"), new WhereCondition("NodeID = RightNodeID").WhereEquals("LeftNodeID", NodeID.Value)));

            // add the by the Relationship Order

        /// <summary>
        /// Allows for Related Pages lookup using Ordering on non-MultpleDocumentQuery queries.  The given Node must be on the "left" hand side in this case for ordering.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseQuery">The Base Document Query</param>
        /// <param name="nodeID">The NodeID</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipName">Name of the relationship. If not provided documents from all relationships will be retrieved.</param>
        public static DocumentQuery InRelationWithOrder(this DocumentQuery baseQuery, int nodeID, string relationshipName = null)
            // Get the RelationshipID and NodeID
            int?RelationshipNameID = GetRelationshipNameID(relationshipName);

            // Add the Inner Join with proper alias formatting
            if (RelationshipNameID.HasValue)
                baseQuery.Source((QuerySource s) => s.InnerJoin(new QuerySourceTable("CMS_Relationship"), new WhereCondition("NodeID = RightNodeID").WhereEquals("RelationshipNameID", RelationshipNameID.Value).WhereEquals("LeftNodeID", nodeID)));
                baseQuery.Source((QuerySource s) => s.InnerJoin(new QuerySourceTable("CMS_Relationship"), new WhereCondition("NodeID = RightNodeID").WhereEquals("LeftNodeID", nodeID)));

            // add the by the Relationship Order

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the <see cref="DocumentQuery"/> ordered by <see cref="TreeNode.NodeOrder"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TNode"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="query">The current DocumentQuery</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DocumentQuery <TNode> OrderByNodeOrder <TNode>(this DocumentQuery <TNode> query) where TNode : TreeNode, new() =>
        public void TestOrderByTranslation()
            DocumentClient             client   = TestCommon.CreateClient(true);
            IOrderedQueryable <Family> families = new DocumentQuery <Family>(client, ResourceType.Document, typeof(Document), "//dbs/", null);

            // Ascending
            IQueryable query = from f in families
                               where f.Int == 5 && f.NullableInt != null
                               orderby f.IsRegistered
                               select f.FamilyId;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root WHERE ((root[\"Int\"] = 5) AND (root[\"NullableInt\"] != null)) ORDER BY root[\"IsRegistered\"] ASC ");

            query = families.Where(f => f.Int == 5 && f.NullableInt != null).OrderBy(f => f.IsRegistered).Select(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root WHERE ((root[\"Int\"] = 5) AND (root[\"NullableInt\"] != null)) ORDER BY root[\"IsRegistered\"] ASC ");

            query = from f in families
                    orderby f.FamilyId
                    select f;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT * FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] ASC ");

            query = families.OrderBy(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT * FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] ASC ");

            query = from f in families
                    orderby f.FamilyId
                    select f.FamilyId;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] ASC ");

            query = families.OrderBy(f => f.FamilyId).Select(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] ASC ");

            // Descending
            query = from f in families
                    where f.Int == 5 && f.NullableInt != null
                    orderby f.IsRegistered descending
                    select f.FamilyId;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root WHERE ((root[\"Int\"] = 5) AND (root[\"NullableInt\"] != null)) ORDER BY root[\"IsRegistered\"] DESC ");

            query = families.Where(f => f.Int == 5 && f.NullableInt != null).OrderByDescending(f => f.IsRegistered).Select(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root WHERE ((root[\"Int\"] = 5) AND (root[\"NullableInt\"] != null)) ORDER BY root[\"IsRegistered\"] DESC ");

            query = from f in families
                    orderby f.FamilyId descending
                    select f;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT * FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] DESC ");

            query = families.OrderByDescending(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT * FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] DESC ");

            query = from f in families
                    orderby f.FamilyId descending
                    select f.FamilyId;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] DESC ");

            query = families.OrderByDescending(f => f.FamilyId).Select(f => f.FamilyId);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE root[\"id\"] FROM root ORDER BY root[\"id\"] DESC ");

            // orderby multiple expression is not supported yet
            query = from f in families
                    orderby f.FamilyId, f.Int
            select f.FamilyId;

            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.Contains("Method 'ThenBy' is not supported."));