public async Task <string> DocToHTML(int contentId) { var content = await db.ContentFiles .Include(x => x.FileDocument) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == contentId); if (content == null) { return("<bold>Error</strong>"); } var fileFullPath = Path.Combine(storageDir, content.FileDocument.FileNameOnStorage); try { var converter = new DocumentConverter(); var result = converter.ConvertToHtml(fileFullPath); var html = result.Value; // The generated HTML var warnings = result.Warnings; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { return("Error reading the document."); } return(html); } catch (Exception e) { return("Error reading the document."); } }
public DocumentBuilder( WebClient webClient, DocumentConverter documentConverter, IUpload upload) { this.webClient = webClient; this.documentConverter = documentConverter; iUpload = upload; }
public static void ConvertHandler(HttpContext context) { DocumentConverterResult result; try { var inputDocument = new BackSlashPath(ExamplesConfiguration.UnprotectString(context.Request["inputDocument"])); var outputFormat = (DocumentFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(DocumentFormat), context.Request["outputFormat"]); var fileName = inputDocument.FileNameWithoutExtension + "." + DocumentFormatInfo.Get(outputFormat).DefaultExtension; var outputPath = ConvertedPath.Append(context.Session.SessionID).Append(fileName); var outputDocument = outputPath.Append(fileName); if (Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.Delete(outputPath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); result = DocumentConverter.Convert(inputDocument, outputDocument, outputFormat); } catch (Exception exception) { context.Response.Write("<span style=\"color: red; font-weight: bold\">Conversion failed</span><br/>"); context.Response.Write(exception.Message); return; } context.Response.Write("<span style=\"color: green; font-weight: bold\">Conversion successful</span>"); context.Response.Write("<br/>Conversion time: " + result.ElapsedTime); context.Response.Write("<br/>Output files:"); if (result.OutputFiles.Length > 1) { context.Response.Write(" - " + GetZipDownloadLink(new FileInfo(result.OutputFiles[0]).Directory)); } context.Response.Write("<br/><ol>"); foreach (var outputFile in result.OutputFiles) { if (outputFile.EndsWith("\\")) { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(outputFile); context.Response.Write(string.Format( "<br/><li><b>{0}\\</b> - {1}</li>", directoryInfo.Name, GetZipDownloadLink(directoryInfo)) ); } else { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(outputFile); context.Response.Write(string.Format( "<br/><li><b>{0}</b> ({1} bytes) - {2}</li>", fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.Length, GetDownloadLink(fileInfo)) ); } } context.Response.Write("<br/></ol>"); }
/// <summary> /// Uploads the Document and file in byte[] to the package. /// </summary> /// <param name="packageId">The package id.</param> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the document.</param> /// <param name="fileBytes">The file to upload in bytes.</param> /// <param name="document">The document object that has field settings.</param> internal Document UploadDocument(DocumentPackage package, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes, Document document) { string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH) .Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id) .Build(); Silanis.ESL.API.Package internalPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage(); Silanis.ESL.API.Document internalDoc = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(internalPackage); try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(internalDoc, settings); byte[] payloadBytes = Converter.ToBytes(json); string boundary = GenerateBoundary(); byte[] content = CreateMultipartContent(fileName, fileBytes, payloadBytes, boundary); string response = restClient.PostMultipartFile(path, content, boundary, json); Silanis.ESL.API.Document uploadedDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Silanis.ESL.API.Document>(response); return(new DocumentConverter(uploadedDoc, internalPackage).ToSDKDocument()); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } }
public Project(string name, Uri location) : base(name, location) { AssemblyLocation = GenerateAssemblyLocation(); FReferenceConverter = new ReferenceConverter(location); FDocumentConverter = new DocumentConverter(location); FReferences = new EditableIDList <IReference>("References"); FReferences.Mapper.RegisterMapping <IConverter>(FReferenceConverter); Add(FReferences); FDocuments = new EditableIDList <IDocument>("Documents"); FDocuments.Mapper.RegisterMapping <IConverter>(FDocumentConverter); Add(FDocuments); FReferences.Added += Reference_Added; FDocuments.Added += Document_Added; References = FReferences; Documents = FDocuments; FBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); FBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = false; FBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false; FBackgroundWorker.DoWork += DoWorkCB; FBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompletedCB; }
public Project(string path) : base(path) { LocalPath = path; FReferenceConverter = new ReferenceConverter(path); FDocumentConverter = new DocumentConverter(path); FReferences = new EditableIDList <IReference>("References"); FReferences.RootingChanged += FReferences_RootingChanged; Add(FReferences); FDocuments = new EditableIDList <IDocument>("Documents"); FDocuments.RootingChanged += FDocuments_RootingChanged; Add(FDocuments); FReferences.Added += Reference_Added; FDocuments.Added += Document_Added; References = FReferences; Documents = FDocuments; FBackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); FBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = false; FBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false; FBackgroundWorker.DoWork += DoWorkCB; FBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompletedCB; }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var converter = new DocumentConverter(); converter.SetOcrEngineInstance(_ocrEngine, false); var jobData = new DocumentConverterJobData() { Document = _documentViewer.Document, DocumentFormat = Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat.Docx, JobName = "SaveToDocx", OutputDocumentFileName = "sample.docx" }; var job = converter.Jobs.CreateJob(jobData); converter.Jobs.RunJob(job); if (job.Status == DocumentConverterJobStatus.Success) { MessageBox.Show("Word Document Created"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Word Document Creation Failed"); } }
public void UnrecognisedStylesAreStatedInMessages() { var documentConverter = new DocumentConverter(); var result = documentConverter.ConvertToHtml("TestDocuments/unrecognised-paragraph-styles.docx"); Assert.AreEqual("Unrecognised paragraph style: 'Funky' (Style ID: style20)", result.Messages[0].Value); }
public void TestHtmlLinkRoundTrip() { var html = "<A HREF=\"\">Orf</A>"; var rtf = new DocumentConverter().ConvertHtmlToRtf(html); var htmlRoundTrip = new DocumentConverter().ConvertRtfToHtml(rtf); Assert.That(htmlRoundTrip.Contains("<A HREF")); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the document's data, but not the actually document binary.. /// </summary> /// <param name="package">The DocumentPackage to update.</param> /// <param name="document">The Document to update.</param> public void UpdateDocumentMetadata(DocumentPackage package, Document document) { string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_ID_PATH) .Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id) .Replace("{documentId}", document.Id) .Build(); Silanis.ESL.API.Package apiPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage(); Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDocument = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(apiPackage); foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDoc in apiPackage.Documents) { if (apiDoc.Id.Equals(document.Id)) { apiDocument = apiDoc; break; } } if (apiDocument == null) { throw new EslException("Document is not part of the package.", null); } try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings); restClient.Post(path, json); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } IContractResolver prevContractResolver = settings.ContractResolver; settings.ContractResolver = DocumentMetadataContractResolver.Instance; try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings); restClient.Post(path, json); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } finally { settings.ContractResolver = prevContractResolver; } }
public void ConvertSDKToSDK() { sdkDocument1 = CreateTypicalSDKDocument(); converter = new DocumentConverter(sdkDocument1); sdkDocument2 = converter.ToSDKDocument(); Assert.IsNotNull(sdkDocument2); Assert.AreEqual(sdkDocument2, sdkDocument1); }
public void ConvertAPIToAPI() { apiDocument1 = CreateTypicalAPIDocument(); converter = new DocumentConverter(apiDocument1, apiPackage); apiDocument2 = converter.ToAPIDocument(); Assert.IsNotNull(apiDocument2); Assert.AreEqual(apiDocument2, apiDocument1); }
public void WarnIfDocumentHasImagesStoredOutsideOfDocumentWhenPathOfDocumentIsUnknown() { using (var file = File.OpenRead(TestFilePath("external-picture.docx"))) { var result = new DocumentConverter().ConvertToHtml(file); Assert.Equal("", result.Value); Assert.Equal(new[] { "could not open external image 'tiny-picture.png': path of document is unknown, but is required for relative URI" }, result.Warnings); } }
public IFacadeUpdateResult <DocumentData> SaveDocument(DocumentDto document) { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CMSDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); return(facade.SaveDocument(DocumentConverter.ConvertToData(document))); } }
public void SingleWordParagraphIsConvertedToSingleHtmlParagraph() { var documentConverter = new DocumentConverter(); var result = documentConverter.ConvertToHtml("TestDocuments/single-paragraph.docx"); Assert.AreEqual("<p>Walking on imported air</p>", result.Value); Assert.IsEmpty(result.Messages); }
//Convert any doc to text file public static string DocToText(string filePath) { var converter = new DocumentConverter(); var result = converter.ConvertToHtml(filePath); var html = result.Value; return(html); }
private void Run() { // Initialize Trace var traceListener = new OutputWindowTraceListener(_outputWindow); Trace.Listeners.Add(traceListener); // Create it here and hook to the operation event so we can cancel var converter = new DocumentConverter(); EventHandler <DocumentConverterJobEventArgs> jobOperationHandler = (sender, e) => { if (this._cancelPending) { e.Status = DocumentConverterJobStatus.Aborted; } }; converter.Jobs.JobOperation += jobOperationHandler; try { this.Preferences.Run(this.Cache, this.InputDocument, converter, null); } catch (OcrException ex) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { UI.Helper.ShowError(this, string.Format("OCR error code: {0}\n{1}", ex.Code, ex.Message)); }); } catch (RasterException ex) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { UI.Helper.ShowError(this, string.Format("LEADTOOLS error code: {0}\n{1}", ex.Code, ex.Message)); }); } catch (Exception ex) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { UI.Helper.ShowError(this, ex); }); } finally { Trace.Listeners.Remove(traceListener); converter.Jobs.JobOperation -= jobOperationHandler; _isWorking = false; this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.ControlBox = true; _cancelButton.Text = "C&lose"; }); } }
/// <summary> /// 文章转换为PDF格式 /// </summary> /// <param name="OpenOffice_HOME">OpenOffice安装目录</param> /// <param name="docPath">文件目录</param> /// <param name="pdfPath">pdfPath输入目录</param> public static void DocToPdf(string OpenOffice_HOME, string docPath, string pdfPath) { OpenOfficeConnection connection = null; DocumentConverter converter = null; Process p = null; try { System.Diagnostics.Process[] processList = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process process in processList) { if (process.ProcessName.Contains("soffice")) { p = process; break; } } if (p == null) { ProcessStartInfo FilestartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(OpenOffice_HOME); FilestartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; FilestartInfo.Arguments = " -headless -accept=\"socket,host=,port=8101;urp;\""; //转换 p = Process.Start(FilestartInfo); } File inputFile = new File(docPath); File outputFile = new File(pdfPath); connection = new SocketOpenOfficeConnection("", 8101); connection.connect(); converter = new OpenOfficeDocumentConverter(connection); converter.convert(inputFile, outputFile); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { } } try { p.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "MS Word 2016 (*.docx)|*.docx"; dialog.Title = "Выберите документ для загрузки данных"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { textBox1.Text = dialog.FileName; var converter = new DocumentConverter(); var result = converter.ConvertToHtml(dialog.FileName); html = result.Value; // The generated HTML string br1 = "<br /><br /><br />"; string br2 = "<br />\n< br /> "; string br3 = "<br /></h2>"; string br4 = "<br /><br />"; string br5 = "<br />"; html = html.Replace("</li>", "</li>\n").Replace("<ul>", "<ul>\n").Replace("<ol>", "<ol>\n").Replace("</p>", "\n\n").Replace("<p>", "").Replace("</ul>", "</ul>\n\n").Replace("</ol>", "</ol>\n\n").Replace("< br />", "").Replace("< br />", "").Replace("тысячей", "тысяч").Replace("привёдшее", "приведшее").Replace("</strong>: <strong>", ": ").Replace("<strong> </strong>", " "); if (chIfMfc.Checked == true) { html = html.Replace("<strong>", "<h2>").Replace("</strong>", "</h2>\n\n").Replace("</h3>", "</h3>\n\n").Replace("</h1>", "\n\n").Replace("<h1>", "").Replace("</h2>", "</h2>\n\n").Replace("< br />", ""); } else { html = html.Replace("<strong>", "<h2>").Replace("</strong>", "</h2>\n\n").Replace(br1, " ").Replace(br4, "\n\n").Replace(br2, "\n\n").Replace(br3, "</h2>").Replace(br5, ""); } html = html.Replace("<strong> </strong>", " "); //Блок Ютьюб string[] words = html.Split(' '); string s0 = words[1]; string sCont = "href"; bool b = s0.Contains(sCont); if (b) { s0 = s0.Replace("<strong>", "").Replace("</strong>", ""); } else { s0 = html.Remove(html.IndexOf("\n"), html.Length - html.IndexOf("\n")); } //Search.q = html.Remove(html.IndexOf("\n"), html.Length - html.IndexOf("\n")); Search.q = s0; Search.YTBsearch(); rtbYTBlist.Text = Search.listUrl; YtbZagolovok = $"<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">{nazvYtb}</h3>\n"; html += YtbZagolovok; html += sborkaYoutube; } }
public void ConvertToAPIWithNullDescription() { sdkDocument1 = DocumentBuilder.NewDocumentNamed("sdkDocumentNullDes") .WithId("sdkDocumentId") .FromFile(file.FullName) .WithSignature(SignatureBuilder.SignatureFor("*****@*****.**") .OnPage(0)) .Build(); converter = new DocumentConverter(sdkDocument1); Assert.IsNull(converter.ToAPIDocument().Description); }
public void ConvertRtfToHtml() { var html = new DocumentConverter().ConvertRtfToHtml(@"{\rtf1 Guten Tag! \line {\i Dies} ist \b{\i ein \i0 formatierter \b0Text}. \par \i0 Das \b0Ende. }"); var rtf = new DocumentConverter().ConvertHtmlToRtf(html); }
private Document GetCurrentDocument() { var dao = new DocumentDao(); var converter = new DocumentConverter(); var document = converter.Convert(dao.GetByDraftee(DrafteeId)); if (document == null) { document = new Document(); document.DrafteeId = DrafteeId; } return(document); }
public ActionResult ConvertToPdf(HttpPostedFileBase file) { Gnostice.Documents.Framework.ActivateLicense("495D-ED31-5353-EDE4-9969-EEFE-3860-1561-3A5F-0140-5CC2-B121"); DocumentConverter dc = new DocumentConverter(); if (file.FileName.EndsWith(".docx")) { var wordFile = @"N:\New folder\JAHAL Satish.docx"; string pdfFile = file.FileName.Replace(".docx", ".pdf"); dc.ConvertToFile(wordFile, @"C:\Users\rakesh\Documents\Gnostice\new\" + pdfFile); } return(View()); }
public void ComposedConversion() { string message = "It's à tèst with a basic document."; //Convert a string document to a base64 document DocumentConverter <string> documentConverter = DocumentConverter .STRING .Compose(DocumentConverter.BASE64); Document document = documentConverter.Get(message); string stringDocument = documentConverter.Get(document); Assert.AreEqual(message, stringDocument); }
private DocumentConverterJob CreateConverterJob(DocumentConverter converter, LEADDocument document) { // Set the maximum page var firstPage = this.InputFirstPage; if (firstPage == 0) { firstPage = 1; } var lastPage = this.InputLastPage; if (lastPage == 0) { lastPage = -1; } if (document != null && this.InputMaximumPages > 0) { if (lastPage == -1) { lastPage = document.Pages.Count; } lastPage = Math.Min(lastPage, firstPage + this.InputMaximumPages - 1); } // Create a job var jobData = new DocumentConverterJobData { InputDocumentFileName = document == null ? this.InputDocumentFileName : null, Document = document, InputDocumentFirstPageNumber = firstPage, InputDocumentLastPageNumber = lastPage, DocumentFormat = this.DocumentFormat, RasterImageFormat = this.RasterImageFormat, RasterImageBitsPerPixel = this.RasterImageBitsPerPixel, OutputDocumentFileName = this.OutputDocumentFileName, AnnotationsMode = this.OutputAnnotationsMode, OutputAnnotationsFileName = this.OutputAnnotationsFileName, JobName = this.JobName, UserData = null, }; jobData.InputAnnotationsFileName = this.InputAnnotationsFileName; var job = converter.Jobs.CreateJob(jobData); return(job); }
public void UsesDocumentWriterFactory() { // Background: Proves that the converter uses the factory // Arrange var factory = Substitute.For <IDocumentWriterFactory>(); var converter = new DocumentConverter(factory); var input = new MemoryStream(); var output = new MemoryStream(); // Act converter.Convert(input, output); // Assert factory.Received(1).Create(output); }
public void WarnIfImagesStoredOutsideOfDocumentAreNotFound() { var tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "mammoth-" + Guid.NewGuid()); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDirectory); try { var documentPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "external-picture.docx"); File.Copy(TestFilePath("external-picture.docx"), documentPath); var result = new DocumentConverter().ConvertToHtml(documentPath); Assert.Equal("", result.Value); Assert.StartsWith("could not open external image 'tiny-picture.png':", result.Warnings.Single()); } finally { Directory.Delete(tempDirectory, recursive: true); } }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { FillData(GetCurrentDraftee()); var dao = new DocumentDao(); var converter = new DocumentConverter(); var document = converter.Convert(dao.GetByDraftee(DrafteeId)); if (document != null) { Document = document; } else { Document = new Document(); Document.DrafteeId = DrafteeId; } }
} // getMainSchemaName() public override DataSet materializeMainSchemaTable(Table table, Column[] columns, int maxRows) { DocumentConverter documentConverter = _schemaBuilder.getDocumentConverter(table); SelectItem[] selectItems = MetaModelHelper.createSelectItems(columns); DataSetHeader header = new CachingDataSetHeader(selectItems); DocumentSource documentSource = getDocumentSourceForTable(table.getName()); DataSet dataSet = new DocumentSourceDataSet(header, documentSource, documentConverter); if (maxRows > 0) { dataSet = new MaxRowsDataSet(dataSet, maxRows); } return(dataSet); } // materializeMainSchemaTable()
private void Act(string input, Action <IDocumentWriter> assert) { var factory = Substitute.For <IDocumentWriterFactory>(); var writer = Substitute.For <IDocumentWriter>(); var converter = new DocumentConverter(factory); var inputStream = new MemoryStream(); var outputStream = new MemoryStream(); factory.Create(outputStream).Returns(writer); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(inputStream, leaveOpen: true)) { streamWriter.Write(input); } inputStream.Position = 0; converter.Convert(inputStream, outputStream); assert(writer); }
/// <summary> /// Uploads the Document and file in byte[] to the package. /// </summary> /// <param name="packageId">The package id.</param> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the document.</param> /// <param name="fileBytes">The file to upload in bytes.</param> /// <param name="document">The document object that has field settings.</param> internal Document UploadDocument (DocumentPackage package, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes, Document document) { string path = template.UrlFor (UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH) .Replace ("{packageId}", package.Id.Id) .Build (); Silanis.ESL.API.Package internalPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage(); Silanis.ESL.API.Document internalDoc = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(internalPackage); try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (internalDoc, settings); byte[] payloadBytes = Converter.ToBytes (json); string boundary = GenerateBoundary (); byte[] content = CreateMultipartContent (fileName, fileBytes, payloadBytes, boundary); string response = restClient.PostMultipartFile(path, content, boundary, json); Silanis.ESL.API.Document uploadedDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Silanis.ESL.API.Document>(response); return new DocumentConverter(uploadedDoc, internalPackage).ToSDKDocument(); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the document's data, but not the actually document binary.. /// </summary> /// <param name="package">The DocumentPackage to update.</param> /// <param name="document">The Document to update.</param> public void UpdateDocumentMetadata(DocumentPackage package, Document document) { string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_ID_PATH) .Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id) .Replace("{documentId}", document.Id) .Build(); Silanis.ESL.API.Package apiPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage(); Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDocument = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(apiPackage); foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDoc in apiPackage.Documents) { if (apiDoc.Id.Equals(document.Id)) { apiDocument = apiDoc; break; } } if (apiDocument == null) { throw new EslException("Document is not part of the package.", null); } try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (apiDocument, settings); restClient.Post(path, json); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException ("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException ("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } IContractResolver prevContractResolver = settings.ContractResolver; settings.ContractResolver = DocumentMetadataContractResolver.Instance; try { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings); restClient.Post(path, json); } catch (EslServerException e) { throw new EslServerException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e); } finally { settings.ContractResolver = prevContractResolver; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Activate Gnostice product Framework.ActivateLicense("4AF4-263D-70A5-F5C8-57E6-045C-ED92-5369"); // Instantiate DocumentConverter DocumentConverter docConverter = new DocumentConverter(); // Subscribe to Error event docConverter.Error += docConverter_Error; // Input Directory string inputPath = @"../../../../../03. Sample Files/"; // Output Directory string outputPath = @"../../../../../04. Output/"; // Output Format string outputFormat = "jpg"; // List of files as input for the document Converter List<string> inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath).ToList(); // Single input file string inputFile = inputPath + "input.docx"; // Single output file string outputFile = outputPath + "output." + outputFormat; #region Simple Conversion // Converting sample input file to JPEG format docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFile); #endregion // public List<string> ConvertToFile( // object input, => accepts string (file name) or Stream (file stream) or List<string> or List<Stream> // string outputFileFormat, => expected output file format // string outputDir, => directory in which the output files are to be stored // string baseFileName = "", => name of the output converted file // ConversionMode conversionmode, => ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles to create a separated file for each converted input file // ConverterSettings converterSettings = null, => specifiy the range of pages to be converted // EncoderSettings encoderSettings = null, => set the information for encoding the document // string inputDocPassword = "" => password for the input document // ); #region One to One Conversion // Converts all // ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles=>Many to many conversion // Convert list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToJPEG_OneToOne_Multiple", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles); #endregion #region Convert to single file //ConversionMode.ConverToSingleFile => Convert all the input files and merge it to a single file //Converts list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToJPEG_ManyToOne", ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile); #endregion #region Converting file using ConverterSettings // Instantiate ConverterSettings ConverterSettings cp = new ConverterSettings(); //Converter Parameter : PageRange // 4 different types of page ranges // PageRange.All => Converts all pages in input file // PageRange.Even => Converts Pages with even page number // PageRange.Odd => Converts Pages with odd page number // PageRange.Custom => Converts set of pages from input file. ** page range should be specified in CustomPageRange // Convert all odd pages in input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Odd; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToJPEG_WithConverterSettings_Even", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); // Convert specific pages from input file, say one need to convert 1,3,5,6,7,10 pages from input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Custom; cp.CustomPageRange = "1,3,5-7,10"; // **PageRange should be set to PageRange.Custom docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToJPEG_WithConverterSettings_Custom", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); #endregion #region JPEG encoder formats JPEGEncoderSettings jpegEncoderFormats = new JPEGEncoderSettings(); // Page Scaling // 2 modes // PageScaling.None // PageScalling.UseRenderingResolution jpegEncoderFormats.PageScalling = PageScalling.None; //Quality level in percentage of the quality of the original file jpegEncoderFormats.QualityLevel = 10; // Rendering Setting level // The compositing mode CompositingMode determines whether pixels from a source image overwrite or are combined with background pixels. // 2 compositing modes // CompositingMode.SourceOver => Specifies that when a color is rendered, it is blended with the background color. The blend is determined by the alpha component of the color being rendered. // Compositing.SourceCopy => Specifies that when a color is rendered, it overwrites the background color. jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Image.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // The composition quality CompositingQuality sets the rendering quality of composited images drawn // 6 compositing quality types // CompositingQuality.AssumeLinear => Assume linear values // CompositingQuality.Default => Default quality // CompositingQuality.GammaCorrected => Use Gamma correction // CompositingQuality.HighQuality => High quality low speed compositing // CompositingQuality.HighSpeed => High speed low quality compositing // CompositingQuality.Invalid => Invalid quality jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Image.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.Default; // The Interpolation mode sets the interpolation mode associated with this jpeg file // 9 Interpolation modes // InterpolationMode.Bicubic => Specifies bicubic interpolation. No prefiltering is done. This mode is not suitable for shrinking an image below 25 percent of its original size. // InterpolationMode.Bilinear => Specifies bilinear interpolation. No prefiltering is done. This mode is not suitable for shrinking an image below 50 percent of its original size. // InterpolationMode.Default => Specifies default mode. // InterpolationMode.High => Specifies high quality interpolation. // InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic => Specifies high-quality, bicubic interpolation. Prefiltering is performed to ensure high-quality shrinking. This mode produces the highest quality transformed images. // InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear => Specifies high-quality, bilinear interpolation. Prefiltering is performed to ensure high-quality shrinking. // InterpolationMode.Invalid => Equivalent to the Invalid element of the QualityMode enumeration. // InterpolationMode.Low => Specifies low quality interpolation. // InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor => Specifies nearest-neighbor interpolation jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Image.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Default; // The pixel offset mode sets a value specifying how pixels are offset during rendering of this jpeg file // 6 pixel offset modes // PixelOffsetMode.Half => Specifies that pixels are offset by -.5 units, both horizontally and vertically, for high speed antialiasing. // PixelOffsetMode.Default => Specifies the default mode // PixelOffsetMode.None => Specifies no pixel offset // PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality => High quality low speed rendering // PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed => High speed low quality rendenring // PixelOffsetMode.Invalid => Specifies an invalid mode jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Image.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.Default; // The smoothing mode specifies whether lines, curves, and the edges of filled areas use smoothing (also called antialiasing) // 6 Line Smoothening modes for line art // SmoothingMode.AntiAlias => Specifies antialiased rendering. // SmoothingMode.Default => Specifies no antialiasing. // SmoothingMode.HighQuality => Specifies antialiased rendering. // SmoothingMode.HighSpeed => Specifies no antialiasing. // SmoothingMode.Invalid => Specifies an invalid mode. // SmoothingMode.None => Specifies no antialiasing. jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.LineArt.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.Default; //Text Contarst jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Text.TextContrast = 5; // Text Rendering Hint // 6 types of text rendering hints // TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault => Each character is drawn using its glyph bitmap, with the system default rendering hint. The text will be drawn using whatever font-smoothing settings the user has selected for the system. // TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias => Each character is drawn using its antialiased glyph bitmap without hinting. Better quality due to antialiasing. Stem width differences may be noticeable because hinting is turned off. // TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit => Each character is drawn using its antialiased glyph bitmap with hinting. Much better quality due to antialiasing, but at a higher performance cost. // TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit => Each character is drawn using its glyph ClearType bitmap with hinting. The highest quality setting. Used to take advantage of ClearType font features. // TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelPerGridFit => Each character is drawn using its glyph bitmap. Hinting is used to improve character appearance on stems and curvature. // TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel => Each character is drawn using its glyph bitmap. Hinting is not used. jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Text.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault; // Rendering Settings resolution jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.DPI = 96f; jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.DpiX = 96f; jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.DpiY = 69f; // Resolution Mode // 3 types of resolution modes // ResolutionMode.UseSource => use source resolution // ResolutionMode.UseDevice => use device resolution // ResolutionMode.UseSpecifiedDPI => use DPI specified in pngEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.DPI jpegEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.ResolutionMode = ResolutionMode.UseSource; // Resolution Settings jpegEncoderFormats.ResolutionSettings.DPI = 96f; jpegEncoderFormats.ResolutionSettings.DpiX = 96f; jpegEncoderFormats.ResolutionSettings.DpiY = 96f; // 3 types of resolution modes // ResolutionMode.UseSource => use source resolution // ResolutionMode.UseDevice => use device resolution // ResolutionMode.UseSpecifiedDPI => use DPI specified in pngEncoderFormats.RenderingSettings.Resolution.DPI jpegEncoderFormats.ResolutionSettings.ResolutionMode = ResolutionMode.UseSource; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToJPEG_WithEncoderSettings", ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile, jpegEncoderFormats); #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Activate Gnostice product Framework.ActivateLicense("4AF4-263D-70A5-F5C8-57E6-045C-ED92-5369"); // Instantiate DocumentConverter DocumentConverter docConverter = new DocumentConverter(); // Subscribe to Error event docConverter.Error += docConverter_Error; // Input Directory string inputPath = @"../../../../../03. Sample Files/"; // Output Directory string outputPath = @"../../../../../04. Output/"; // Output Format string outputFormat = "docx"; // List of files as input for the document Converter List<string> inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath).ToList(); // Single input file string inputFile = inputPath + "input.pdf"; // Single output file string outputFile = outputPath + "output." + outputFormat; #region Simple Conversion // Converting sample input file to DOCX format docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFile); #endregion // public List<string> ConvertToFile( // object input, => accepts string (file name) or Stream (file stream) or List<string> or List<Stream> // string outputFileFormat, => expected output file format // string outputDir, => directory in which the output files are to be stored // string baseFileName = "", => name of the output converted file // ConversionMode conversionmode, => ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles to create a separated file for each converted input file // ConverterSettings converterSettings = null, => specifiy the range of pages to be converted // EncoderSettings encoderSettings = null, => set the information for encoding the document // string inputDocPassword = "" => password for the input document // ); #region One to One Conversion // Converts all //ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles=>Many to many conversion //Convert list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToDOCX_OneToOne_Multiple", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles); #endregion #region Convert to single file //ConversionMode.ConverToSingleFile => Convert all the input files and merge it to a single file //Converts list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToDOCX_ManyToOne", ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile); #endregion #region Converting file using ConverterSettings // Instantiate ConverterSettings ConverterSettings cp = new ConverterSettings(); //Converter Parameter : PageRange //4 different types of page ranges //PageRange.All => Converts all pages in input file //PageRange.Even => Converts Pages with even page number //PageRange.Odd => Converts Pages with odd page number //PageRange.Custom => Converts set of pages from input file. ** page range should be specified in CustomPageRange // Convert all even pages in input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Even; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToDOCX_WithConverterSettings_Even", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); // Convert specific pages from input file, say one need to convert 1,3,5,6,7,10 pages from input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Custom; cp.CustomPageRange = "1,3,5-7,10"; // **PageRange should be set to PageRange.Custom docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToDOCX_WithConverterSettings_Custom", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Activate Gnostice product Framework.ActivateLicense("4AF4-263D-70A5-F5C8-57E6-045C-ED92-5369"); // Instantiate DocumentConverter DocumentConverter docConverter = new DocumentConverter(); // Subscribe to Error event docConverter.Error += docConverter_Error; // Input Directory string inputPath = @"../../../../../03. Sample Files/"; // Output Directory string outputPath = @"../../../../../04. Output/"; // Output Format string outputFormat = "pdf"; // List of files as input for the document Converter List<string> inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath).ToList(); // public List<string> ConvertToFile( // object input, => accepts string (file name) or Stream (file stream) or List<string> or List<Stream> // string outputFileFormat, => expected output file format // string outputDir, => directory in which the output files are to be stored // string baseFileName = "", => name of the output converted file // ConversionMode conversionmode, => ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles to create a separated file for each converted input file // ConverterSettings converterSettings = null, => specifiy the range of pages to be converted // EncoderSettings encoderSettings = null, => set the information for encoding the document // string inputDocPassword = "" => password for the input document // ); #region PDF Encoder Settings // For encoding into PDF portfolios files PdfEncoderParams have to be specified PDFEncoderSettings pdfEncoderParams = new PDFEncoderSettings(); // 3 conditions of creating PDF portfolio // PortfolioCreationMode.Always => Always creates a portfolio // PortfolioCreationMode.Off => Does not create a portfolio // PortfolioCreationMode.OnlyWhenAttachmentsExist => Creates a portfolio only when there is more than one document // PortfolioCreationMode.WhenInputIsPortfolio => creates a portfolio when the input is a portfolio pdfEncoderParams.PDFPortfolioSettings.PortfolioCreationMode = PortfolioCreationMode.Always; // 3 views of the PDF portfolio // PortfolioLayoutMode.Details => Shows the details of the various files in the portfolio // PortfolioLayoutMode.Hide => Hides the details of the various files in the portfolio // PortfolioLayoutMode.Tile => Dispays the attached documents in the form of tiles pdfEncoderParams.PDFPortfolioSettings.PortfolioLayoutMode = PortfolioLayoutMode.Tile; #endregion #region Covert first file and attach remaining in their original forms // ConversionMode.ConvertFirstFileAndAttachRestAsOriginal => Converts first file and attaches remaining as originals docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToPDFPortfolio_ConvertFirstFileAndAttachRestAsOriginal", ConversionMode.CreateNewFileAndAttachAllAsOriginal, pdfEncoderParams); #endregion #region Attach all originals //ConversionMode.ConverToSingleFile =>creates a new file and attaches all files in their original form without converting any file docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToPDFPortfolio_CreateNewFileAndAttachAllAsOriginal", ConversionMode.CreateNewFileAndAttachAllAsOriginal, pdfEncoderParams); #endregion #region Converting file using ConverterSettings // Instantiate ConverterSettings ConverterSettings cp = new ConverterSettings(); // Converter Parameter : PageRange // 4 different types of page ranges // PageRange.All => Converts all pages in first input file // PageRange.Even => Converts Pages with even page number in the first input file // PageRange.Odd => Converts Pages with odd page number in the first input file // PageRange.Custom => Converts set of pages from first input file. ** page range should be specified in CustomPageRange // Convert all even pages in first input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Even; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToPDFPortfolio_WithConverterSettings_Even", ConversionMode.ConvertFirstFileAndAttachRestAsOriginal, pdfEncoderParams, cp); // Convert specific pages from input file, say one need to convert 1,3,5,6,7,10 pages from input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Custom; cp.CustomPageRange = "1,3,5-7,10"; // **PageRange should be set to PageRange.Custom docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToPDFPortfolio_WithConverterSettings_Custom", ConversionMode.ConvertFirstFileAndAttachRestAsOriginal, pdfEncoderParams, cp); #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Activate Gnostice product Framework.ActivateLicense("4AF4-263D-70A5-F5C8-57E6-045C-ED92-5369"); // Instantiate DocumentConverter DocumentConverter docConverter = new DocumentConverter(); // Subscribe to Error event docConverter.Error += docConverter_Error; // Input Directory string inputPath = @"../../../../../03. Sample Files/"; // Output Directory string outputPath = @"../../../../../04. Output/"; // Output Format string outputFormat = "txt"; // List of files as input for the document Converter List<string> inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath).ToList(); // Single input file string inputFile = inputPath + "input.docx"; // Single output file string outputFile = outputPath + "output." + outputFormat; #region Simple Conversion // Converting sample input file to TXT format docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFile); #endregion // public List<string> ConvertToFile( // object input, => accepts string (file name) or Stream (file stream) or List<string> or List<Stream> // string outputFileFormat, => expected output file format // string outputDir, => directory in which the output files are to be stored // string baseFileName = "", => name of the output converted file // ConversionMode conversionmode, => ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles to create a separated file for each converted input file // ConverterSettings converterSettings = null, => specifiy the range of pages to be converted // EncoderSettings encoderSettings = null, => set the information for encoding the document // string inputDocPassword = "" => password for the input document // ); #region One to One Conversion // Converts all //ConversionMode.ConvertToSeparateFiles=>Many to many conversion //Convert list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToTXT_OneToOne_Multiple", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles); #endregion #region Convert to single file //ConversionMode.ConverToSingleFile => Convert all the input files and merge it to a single file //Converts list of files in inputFiles into a single output file by specifying Conversion mode as ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFiles, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToTXT_ManyToOne", ConversionMode.ConvertToSingleFile); #endregion #region Converting file using ConverterSettings // Instantiate ConverterSettings ConverterSettings cp = new ConverterSettings(); // Converter Parameter : PageRange // 4 different types of page ranges // PageRange.All => Converts all pages in input file // PageRange.Even => Converts Pages with even page number // PageRange.Odd => Converts Pages with odd page number // PageRange.Custom => Converts set of pages from input file. ** page range should be specified in CustomPageRange // Convert all even pages in input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Even; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToTXT_WithConverterSettings_Even", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); // Convert specific pages from input file, say one needs to convert pages 1,4,8,9,10,11,12 from input file cp.PageRange = PageRange.Custom; cp.CustomPageRange = "1,4,8-12"; // **PageRange should be set to PageRange.Custom docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, outputFormat, outputPath, "ConvertToTXT_WithConverterSettings_Custom", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, null, cp); #endregion #region TXT Encoder Parameters // For encoding file into TXT textEncoderParams have to be specified TextEncoderSettings txtEncoderParams = new TextEncoderSettings(); txtEncoderParams.ByteOrderMarkBytes = new byte[0]; // Types of file Encoding Files 'FileEncoding' // FileEncoding.ISO_8859_1=> encoding files in ISO 8859-1 // FileEncoding.US_ASCII=>Encoding files in US ASCII // FileEncoding.UTF_16BE=> Encoding files in UTF 16BE // FileEncoding.UTF_16LE=> Encoding files in UTF 16LE // FileEncoding.UTF_8=> Encoding files in UTF 8 (default file encoding) txtEncoderParams.FileEncoding = FileEncoding.UTF_8; // 6 members of TextFormatter // TextFormatter.BreakLines=> break point at every line // TextFormatter.BreakPages=>break point at every page // TextFormatter.BreakParagraphs=>break point at every paragraph // TextFormatter.CustomPageBreak=>to enable cutom break point // TextFormatter.CustomPageBreakText=>set the custom break point // TextFormatter.FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR=>set the file separator character // TextFormatter.PageBreakText=>set the page break text // For setting break point to every line txtEncoderParams.TextFormatter.CustomPageBreak = true; txtEncoderParams.TextFormatter.CustomPageBreakText = "<<Page Break>>"; // txtEncoderParams.UseByteOrderMark=>to use byte order mark txtEncoderParams.UseByteOrderMark = true; docConverter.ConvertToFile(inputFile, "txt", outputPath, "ConvertToTXT_WithEncoderSettings", ConversionMode.ConvertToSeperateFiles, txtEncoderParams, cp); #endregion }