private void SobrescrevaConventions() { base.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => NomenclaturaDeColecaoCustomizada.ContainsKey(type) ? NomenclaturaDeColecaoCustomizada[type] : DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type); }
public void WithCustomizedTagNameAndIdentityProperty() { var id = string.Empty; using (var store = GetDocumentStore()) { var defaultFindIdentityProperty = store.Conventions.FindIdentityProperty; store.Conventions.FindIdentityProperty = property => typeof(IEntity).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(property.DeclaringType) ? property.Name == "Id2" : defaultFindIdentityProperty(property); store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => typeof(IDomainObject).IsAssignableFrom(type) ? "domainobjects" : DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type); using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var domainObject = new DomainObject(); session.Store(domainObject); var domainObject2 = new DomainObject(); session.Store(domainObject2); session.SaveChanges(); id = domainObject.Id2; } var matchingDomainObjects = store.OpenSession().Query <IDomainObject>().Where(_ => _.Id2 == id).ToList(); Assert.Equal(matchingDomainObjects.Count, 1); } }
private static string GetCollectionNameForType(Type type) { var collectionNameAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( type, typeof(CollectionNameAttribute) ) as CollectionNameAttribute; if (collectionNameAttribute is object) { return(collectionNameAttribute.Name); } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }
public static DocumentConventions AddFindCollectionName(this DocumentConventions conventions, Func <Type, string> func) { var current = conventions.FindCollectionName; conventions.FindCollectionName = type => { return(func?.Invoke(type) ?? current?.Invoke(type) ?? DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }; return(conventions); }
/// <summary> /// Gets full document ID for a given entity (e.g. for '1-A' returns 'users/1-A') /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"> The entity type (e.g. class `Users`) </typeparam> /// <param name="session"> Session to resolve conventions for converting the ID </param> /// <param name="shortId"> The short ID (e.g. '1-A') </param> /// <returns> A full ID (e.g. 'users/1-A') </returns> internal static string GetFullId <T>(this IAsyncDocumentSession session, string shortId) where T : IEntity { // In input we don't trust. Though I might be a bit paranoiac, but this value can come from outside of the app and be passed to Raven if (!new Regex(@"^\d{1,19}\-[a-z]{1}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(shortId)) { throw new ArgumentException("ID has incorrect format", nameof(shortId)); } // Pluralise the collection name (e.g. 'User' becomes 'Users', 'Person' becomes 'People') var pluralisedName = DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(typeof(T)); // Fix the later case - converts 'Users' to 'users', 'BacklogItems' to 'backlogItems' var prefix = session.Advanced.DocumentStore.Conventions.TransformTypeCollectionNameToDocumentIdPrefix(pluralisedName); return($"{prefix}/{shortId}"); }
public CustomizeCollectionAssignmentForEntities() { var store = new DocumentStore(); #region custom_collection_name store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => { if (typeof(Category).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return("ProductGroups"); } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }; #endregion }
private void AddRavenDBServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddSingleton <IDocumentStore>(s => { IDocumentStore store = new DocumentStore() { Urls = new[] { Configuration.GetValue <string>("RavenDBEndpoint") }, Database = Configuration.GetValue <string>("RavenDBDataBase") }; store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => { if (typeof(TossEntity).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return("TossEntity"); } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }; store.Initialize(); //taken from try { store.Maintenance.ForDatabase(store.Database).Send(new GetStatisticsOperation()); } catch (DatabaseDoesNotExistException) { try { store.Maintenance.Server.Send(new CreateDatabaseOperation(new DatabaseRecord(store.Database))); } catch (ConcurrencyException) { // The database was already created before calling CreateDatabaseOperation } } IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Startup).Assembly, store); return(store); }); services.AddScoped(s => s.GetRequiredService <IDocumentStore>().OpenAsyncSession()); services.AddSingleton <RavenDBIdUtil>(); services .AddRavenDbIdentity <ApplicationUser>(); }
public void OtherWays() { #region other_ways_1 DocumentStore store = new DocumentStore() { Conventions = { FindCollectionName = type => { if (typeof(Animal).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return("Animals"); } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); } } }; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IndexDefinitionBuilder{TDocument,TReduceResult}"/> class. /// </summary> protected AbstractIndexDefinitionBuilder(string indexName) { _indexName = indexName ?? DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(GetType()); if (_indexName.Length > 256) throw new ArgumentException("The index name is limited to 256 characters, but was: " + _indexName, nameof(indexName)); Stores = new Dictionary<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>, FieldStorage>(); StoresStrings = new Dictionary<string, FieldStorage>(); Indexes = new Dictionary<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>, FieldIndexing>(); IndexesStrings = new Dictionary<string, FieldIndexing>(); SuggestionsOptions = new HashSet<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>>(); Analyzers = new Dictionary<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>, string>(); AnalyzersStrings = new Dictionary<string, string>(); TermVectors = new Dictionary<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>, FieldTermVector>(); TermVectorsStrings = new Dictionary<string, FieldTermVector>(); SpatialIndexes = new Dictionary<Expression<Func<TReduceResult, object>>, SpatialOptions>(); SpatialIndexesStrings = new Dictionary<string, SpatialOptions>(); Configuration = new IndexConfiguration(); }
/// <summary> /// Configure RavenDB Document Store /// </summary> public static void PreInitializeDocumentStore(this IDocumentStore store) { store.Conventions.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true; // Added this so that when the property is missing in the DB, default values are assigned during serialization store.Conventions.Serialization = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializationConventions { CustomizeJsonSerializer = serializer => serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; // Set one collection for derived classes store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => { if (typeof(BacklogItem).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(typeof(BacklogItem))); // "BacklogItems"; } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }; }
public MapReduce() { Map = users => from user in users select new Result { Name = user.Name, Count = 1 }; Reduce = results => from result in results group result by result.Name into g select new { Name = g.Key, Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count) }; OutputReduceToCollection = DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(typeof(Result)); }
public DocumentStoreHolder(IOptions <RavenSettings> options) { var setting = options.Value; Store = new DocumentStore { Urls = new string[] { setting.Url }, Database = setting.DefaultDatabase, Conventions = { FindCollectionName = type => { //if (typeof(IEvent).IsAssignableFrom(type)) //{ // return "CQRSLiteEvent"; //} return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); } } }.Initialize(); }
public RavenDbConnection(DbConnectionModel dbConnection) { if (_connection != null) { return; } //var config = appSetting.Get<RavenDbConnectionConfig>("DbConnection"); var config = dbConnection as RavenDbConnectionConfig; _connection = new DocumentStore() { Urls = config.Servers, Database = config.DatabaseName, Conventions = { FindCollectionName = type => { _tableTypes ??= Globals.GetClassTypeWithAttribute <TableAttribute>(); if (_tableTypes.All(t => t != type)) { return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); } var name = (type.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(TableAttribute)) as TableAttribute)?.Name; return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) : name); } } }; _connection.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new <see cref="RavenDbStorage"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="urls">The RavenDB Urls.</param> /// <param name="database">The RavenDB database name.</param> /// <param name="identifier">The identifier for store.</param> /// <param name="certificate">The client certificate to use for authentication.</param> /// <param name="waitForIndexes">Whether to wait for indexes after save.</param> /// <param name="waitForReplication">whether to wait for replication after save.</param> public RavenDbStorage(string[] urls, string database, string identifier = "mini-profiler", X509Certificate2 certificate = null, bool waitForIndexes = false, bool waitForReplication = false) { _waitForReplication = waitForReplication; _waitForIndexes = waitForIndexes; _store = new DocumentStore { Urls = urls, Database = database, Identifier = identifier, Certificate = certificate }; _store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => { if (type == typeof(MiniProfilerDoc)) { return(nameof(MiniProfiler)); } return(DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type)); }; _store.Initialize(); WithIndexCreation(); }
public async Task FindCollectionName_WhenSubscribeToApiChanges(char c) { var mre = new AsyncManualResetEvent(); using var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options { ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => "Test" + c + DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) }); var subscription = store.Changes(); await subscription.EnsureConnectedNow(); var observableWithTask = subscription .ForDocumentsInCollection <User>(); observableWithTask.Subscribe(change => mre.Set()); await observableWithTask.EnsureSubscribedNow(); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { await session.StoreAsync(new User()); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } Assert.True(await mre.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15))); }
public async Task FindCollectionName_WhenQuery(char c) { using var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options { ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => "Test" + c + DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) }); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var car = new Car { Manufacturer = "BMW" }; await session.StoreAsync(car); await session.StoreAsync(new User { CarId = car.Id }); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var results = await session .Query <User>() .ToArrayAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, results.Length); } using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var results = await session.Advanced .AsyncDocumentQuery <User>() .ToArrayAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, results.Length); } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var results = session .Query <User>() .ToArray(); Assert.Equal(1, results.Length); } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var results = session.Advanced .DocumentQuery <User>() .ToArray(); Assert.Equal(1, results.Length); } }
public string FindCollectionBy(Type type) => this._collections.Where(w => w.Type == type).SingleOrDefault()?.CollectionName ?? DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type);
public async Task FindCollectionName_WhenLoadWithInclude(char c) { using var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options { ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => "Test" + c + DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) }); var user = new User(); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var car = new Car { Manufacturer = "BMW" }; await session.StoreAsync(car); user.CarId = car.Id; await session.StoreAsync(user); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var loadedUser = await session.Include <User, Car>(x => x.CarId) .LoadAsync(user.Id); Assert.NotNull(loadedUser); Assert.True(session.Advanced.IsLoaded(user.CarId), "Included data should be loaded"); } }
public async Task FindCollectionName_WhenSubscribeWithInclude(char c) { using var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options { ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => "Test" + c + DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) }); var user = new User(); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var car = new Car { Manufacturer = "BMW" }; await session.StoreAsync(car); user.CarId = car.Id; await session.StoreAsync(user); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } var name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions <User> { Includes = builder => builder .IncludeDocuments(x => x.CarId) }); await using (var sub = store.Subscriptions.GetSubscriptionWorker <User>(name)) { var mre = new AsyncManualResetEvent(); var r = sub.Run(batch => { Assert.NotEmpty(batch.Items); using (var s = batch.OpenSession()) { foreach (var item in batch.Items) { s.Load <Car>(item.Result.CarId); } Assert.Equal(0, s.Advanced.NumberOfRequests); } mre.Set(); }); var isSet = await mre.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); await sub.DisposeAsync(); await r;// no error Assert.True(isSet); } }
private async Task TestWhenCollectionAndIdContainSpecialChars <T>(char c) where T : AbstractGenericIndexCreationTask <IndexResult>, new() { //TODO RavenDB-15533 if (c == '\v' || c >= 14 && c <= 31) { return; } using var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options { ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type => "Test" + c + DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type) }); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var car = new Car { Manufacturer = "BMW" }; await session.StoreAsync(car); await session.StoreAsync(new User { CarId = car.Id }); await session.SaveChangesAsync(); } var index = new T(); await index.ExecuteAsync(store); Indexes.WaitForIndexing(store); using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { var results = await session .Query <IndexResult, T>() .Where(x => x.CarManufacturer == "BMW") .OfType <User>() .ToArrayAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, results.Length); } }