/// <summary>
        /// Reversa lista de NodeTrace (qty selected)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes"></param>
        /// OBSOLETE
        public void ReverseReceiptNodeTraceByQty(DocumentBalance docBalance, int quantity, SysUser user)
            List <NodeTrace> nodes = Factory.DaoNodeTrace().Select(
                new NodeTrace {
                Document = docBalance.Document,
                Node     = docBalance.Node,
                Label    = new Label {
                    Product = docBalance.Product,
                    Printed = false,
                    Unit    = docBalance.Unit

            if (quantity > nodes.Count)
                throw new Exception("There are not enough quantities to complete the transaction");

            Node labelNode = Factory.DaoNode().Select(new Node {
                NodeID = NodeType.Voided

            ReverseNodeTrace(nodes, user.UserName, labelNode, null, null); //0 = Manual retail product.
        public Boolean ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(DocumentLine validationLine,
                                                         Node node, Boolean autoThrow, bool isCrossDock)
        //bool isCrossDock, Adicionada en SEP/17/2009 para manejar el balance en cross dock sin tener en cuenta BO Quantities
            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = validationLine.Document,
                Product  = validationLine.Product,
                Unit     = validationLine.Unit,
                Node     = node

            docBal = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().GeneralBalance(docBal, isCrossDock).First();

            //Multiplica la cantidad por la unidad base para hacer la resta
            //La unidad del documento de Balance es la unidad Basica
            if (docBal == null || docBal.BaseQtyPending < validationLine.Quantity * validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount)
                if (autoThrow)
                    //throw new Exception("Current balance for document is " + (docBal.QtyPending / validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount).ToString() + " and you are trying to receive " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + ".");
                    throw new Exception("Current balance for product " + docBal.Product.ProductCode + " in document "
                                        + docBal.Document.DocNumber + " is " + docBal.QtyPending.ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ")"
                                        + " and you are trying to process " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ").");

        void View_LoadSetup(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Seting Values
            View.Model.TrackData = View.Model.Product.ProductTrack
                                   .Where(f => f.TrackOption.DataType.DataTypeID != SDataTypes.ProductQuality).ToList();
            View.PickQty.Text = "";

                //Debe sacar del balance del documento para ese producto the QTY Remain y la unidad.
                DocumentBalance prdBal = service.GetDocumentBalance(
                    new DocumentBalance
                    Product  = View.Model.Product,
                    Document = View.Model.Document,
                    Node     = View.Model.Node
                }, false).First();

                View.Model.CurQtyPending = (int)prdBal.QtyPending;
                View.Model.CurUnit       = prdBal.Unit;
            catch { }
            //View.Model.QtyToTrack = View.Model.CurQtyPending;

        //Recibe el Balance que debe ser removido del nodo

        public void ParamRecord(DocumentBalance actualRecord, Object parent, bool reload)
                //reload pregunta si debe irse a preguntar por el balance para ese producto nuevamente.
                if (reload)
                        View.Model.Record = service.GetDocumentPostingBalance(actualRecord)
                                            .Where(f => f.Product.ProductID == actualRecord.Product.ProductID)
                        throw new Exception(Util.GetResourceLanguage("NO_QUANTITIES_AVAILABLE_TO_REVERSE"));
                    View.Model.Record = actualRecord;

                View.Model.ParentWindow = parent;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(Util.GetResourceLanguage("PROBLEM_LOADING_BALANCE") + "\n" + ex.Message);
        private void LoadPrintLines(Document document)
            View.StkLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            View.Model.Document = document;
            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance {
                Document = document, Node = View.Model.Node

            View.Model.LinesToPrint = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, false);

            //#########Receiving Balance
            if (document.DocType.DocTypeID == SDocType.ReceivingTask)
                View.Model.LinesToPrint = service.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance);
                View.Model.LinesToPrint = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, false);

            if (View.Model.LinesToPrint != null && View.Model.LinesToPrint.Count > 0)
                View.StkPrintFinish.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        //Carga los movimientos a los que se hacen referencia
        private void LoadTransactions(DocumentBalance actualRecord)
            //Solo Muestra Labesl con cantidades fijas a remover
            View.BrdManual.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            NodeTrace pattern = new NodeTrace
                Node  = actualRecord.Node,
                Label = new WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label
                    Product = actualRecord.Product
                              //Printed = true,
                              //Unit = actualRecord.Unit

            //Cuando se desea cancelar la linea de un Shipment.
            //JM - Marzo 9 / 2010
            if (actualRecord.DocumentLine != null && actualRecord.DocumentLine.LineNumber > 0)
                pattern.PostingDocLineNumber = actualRecord.DocumentLine.LineNumber;
                pattern.PostingDocument      = actualRecord.Document;
                pattern.PostingDocument = new Document {
                    DocID = -1
                pattern.Document = actualRecord.Document;

            // lista de labels printed
            View.Model.LstPrinted = service.GetNodeTrace(pattern).ToList();


            // qtys manuales y printed
            View.Model.QtyPrintedOld = View.Model.LstPrinted.Sum(f => f.Quantity);//Sum(f=>f.Label.CurrQty);
            View.Model.QtyManualOld  = int.Parse(actualRecord.QtyPending.ToString()) - View.Model.LstPrinted.Count();

            // solo si hay disponibilidad se habilitan las tablas
            //if (View.Model.QtyManualOld == 0)
            //View.BrdManual.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            if (View.Model.QtyPrintedOld == 0)
                View.BrdPrinted.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            //Si el documento es de receiving oculta el Bin de restock
            if (View.Model.Record.Document.DocType.DocClass.DocClassID == SDocClass.Receiving)
                View.StkUcBin.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
        public bool IsOrderBalanceCompleted(DocumentBalance docBalance)
                sQuery = "select product.ProductID, Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder)*unit.BaseAmount - Isnull(n.Quantity,0) as QtyPending "
                         + " from Trace.DocumentLine as l "
                         + " INNER JOIN Trace.Document doc ON l.DocID = doc.DocID "
                         + " INNER JOIN Trace.Node node ON node.NodeID = :id2 "
                         + " INNER JOIN Master.Product product ON l.ProductID = product.ProductID "
                         + " INNER JOIN Master.Unit unit ON l.UnitID = unit.UnitID LEFT OUTER JOIN  "
                         + " ( select l.ProductID, Isnull(Sum(x.Quantity * ISNULL(u.BaseAmount,1)),0) as Quantity from Trace.NodeTrace x  "
                         + " INNER JOIN Trace.Label l ON x.LabelID = l.LabelID LEFT JOIN Master.Unit u ON u.UnitID = x.UnitID "
                         + " Where x.NodeID = :id2 and x.DocID = :id1 AND x.Quantity > 0 AND x.IsDebit = 0 "
                         + " Group BY l.ProductID ) as n  On l.ProductID = n.ProductID Where l.DocID = :id1 AND l.LineNumber > 0 ";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(sQuery);

            Parms = new List <Object[]>();
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", docBalance.Document.DocID });

            if (docBalance.Node != null && docBalance.Node.NodeID != 0)
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });

            if (docBalance != null)
                if (docBalance.Product != null && docBalance.Product.ProductID != 0)
                    sql.Append(" and l.ProductID = :id3 ");
                    Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", docBalance.Product.ProductID });

                sql.Append(" and ( l.LineStatusID = :id4  Or l.LineStatusID = :id5 ) ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id4", DocStatus.New });
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id5", DocStatus.InProcess });

                sql.Append(" and product.StatusID = :id6 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id6", EntityStatus.Active });

                sql.Append(" Group By  product.ProductID,n.Quantity, unit.BaseAmount ");
                sql.Append(" Having Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder) - Isnull(n.Quantity,0) > 0");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());


            IList <Object[]> retBalance = query.List <Object[]>();

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

            return(retBalance.Count > 0 ? false : true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Entrega lo que esta pendiente por recibir de un Documento contra un NodeTrace En unidad Basica
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <DocumentBalance> PostingBalance(DocumentBalance docBalance)
            string sQuery = "select n.docID, cast(0 as bigint) as Line, n.NodeID, n.ProductID, n.UnitID, "
                            + " Isnull(n.Quantity,0) as Quantity, Isnull(unpost.Quantity,0) as QtyPending, 0 as UnitPrice  "
                            + "  From ( select x.DocID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID, x.NodeID, Isnull(Sum(x.Quantity),0) as Quantity from Trace.NodeTrace x  "
                            + " INNER JOIN Trace.Label l ON l.LabelID = x.LabelID  "
                            + "  Where x.NodeID = :id2 and x.DocID = :id1 and  x.Quantity > 0  "
                            + "  Group BY l.ProductID, l.UnitID, x.DocID, x.NodeID ) as n INNER JOIN   "
                            + "  ( select l.ProductID, l.UnitID, Isnull(Sum(x.Quantity),0) as Quantity from Trace.NodeTrace x "
                            + "  INNER JOIN Trace.Label l ON l.LabelID = x.LabelID  "
                            + "  Where x.NodeID = :id2 and x.DocID = :id1 And x.PostingDocumentID IS NULL and  x.Quantity > 0  "
                            + "  Group BY l.ProductID, l.UnitID ) as unpost  On  n.ProductID = unpost.ProductID  "
                            + "  AND n.UnitID = unpost.UnitID Where n.DocID = :id1";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(sQuery);

            Parms = new List <Object[]>();
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", docBalance.Document.DocID });

            if (docBalance.Node != null && docBalance.Node.NodeID != 0)
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });
            else if (docBalance.Node != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docBalance.Node.Name))
                docBalance.Node = Factory.DaoNode().Select(docBalance.Node).First();
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });

            if (docBalance != null)
                if (docBalance.Product != null && docBalance.Product.ProductID != 0)
                    sql.Append(" and n.ProductID = :id3 ");
                    Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", docBalance.Product.ProductID });

                sql.Append(" Group By n.docID, n.NodeID, n.productid, n.unitid, n.Quantity, unpost.Quantity");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());


            IList <DocumentBalance> retBalance = GetBalanceObject(query.List <Object[]>(), docBalance.Location);

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

        public IList <DocumentBalance> DocumentBalanceForEmpty(DocumentBalance docBalance)
            string sQuery = "select n.DocID, cast(0 as bigint) as Line, n.NodeID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID, "
                            + " Isnull(Sum(n.Quantity),0) as Quantity, 0.0 as QtyPending, 0 as UnitPrice "
                            + " from Trace.NodeTrace n INNER JOIN Trace.Label l ON n.LabelID = l.LabelID "
                            + " Where n.NodeID = :id2 and n.DocID = :id1 And n.Quantity > 0 ";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(sQuery);

            Parms = new List <Object[]>();
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", docBalance.Document.DocID });

            if (docBalance.Node != null && docBalance.Node.NodeID != 0)
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });
            else if (docBalance.Node != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docBalance.Node.Name))
                docBalance.Node = Factory.DaoNode().Select(docBalance.Node).First();
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });

            if (docBalance != null)
                if (docBalance.Product != null && docBalance.Product.ProductID != 0)
                    sql.Append(" and n.ProductID = :id3 ");
                    Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", docBalance.Product.ProductID });

                sql.Append(" Group By n.docID, n.NodeID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());


            IList <DocumentBalance> retBalance = GetBalanceObject(query.List <Object[]>(), docBalance.Location);

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

        private IList <DocumentBalance> GetBalanceObject(IList <Object[]> retList, Location location)
            if (retList == null || retList.Count == 0)
                return(new List <DocumentBalance>());

            IList <DocumentBalance> retBalance = new List <DocumentBalance>();
            DocumentBalance         curBalance;

            Document document = Factory.DaoDocument().SelectById(new Document {
                DocID = (int)retList[0][0]
            Node node = Factory.DaoNode().SelectById(new Node {
                NodeID = (int)(int)retList[0][2]

            foreach (Object[] obj in retList)
                curBalance = new DocumentBalance();

                curBalance.Document     = document;
                curBalance.DocumentLine = ((Int64)obj[1] == 0) ? null : Factory.DaoDocumentLine().SelectById(new DocumentLine {
                    LineID = (Int64)obj[1]
                curBalance.Node    = node;
                curBalance.Product = Factory.DaoProduct().SelectById(new Product {
                    ProductID = (int)obj[3]
                curBalance.Unit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit {
                    UnitID = (int)obj[4]
                curBalance.Quantity   = Double.Parse(obj[5].ToString());
                curBalance.QtyPending = Double.Parse(obj[6].ToString());

                try { curBalance.UnitPrice = Double.Parse(obj[7].ToString()); }
                catch { }

                curBalance.Location = location;


        //Encargada de obtener el cruce entre el purchase document y los sales document
        //Involucrados en el proceso cross dock;
        private void OnCrossDockPreview(object sender, EventArgs e)
            View.BtnStep1.IsEnabled = false;

            //Obteniendo el Balance
            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = View.Model.Document,
                Node     = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("");


                //Obteniendo el cruce de documentos.
                View.Model.CrossDockBalance = service.GetCrossDockBalance(docBalance, View.Model.AssignedDocs.ToList())
                                              .Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Notes))
                                              .OrderBy(f => f.Notes).ToList();

                //Mostrando el Warning de not suppied if apply
                if (View.Model.CrossDockBalance != null && View.Model.CrossDockBalance.Where(f => f.Notes == "Qty not supplied").Count() > 0)
                    View.TxtWarning.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //Ocultando el expander superior
                View.ExpDocs.IsExpanded = false;

                //Visible the second panel
                View.ExpResult.IsExpanded = true;
                View.ExpResult.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Util.ShowError("Problem generating the Cross Dock preview.\n" + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recibe un documento de recibo por completo, (lo que tenga pendiente por recibr)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <param name="destLocation"></param>
        public void ReceiptAtOnce(Document document, Bin destLocation, Node recNode)
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            //Valida si el docuemnto no es nulo
            Rules.ValidateDocument(document, true);

            //Node recNode = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Stored });

            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node     = recNode

            IList <DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().BalanceByUnit(docBal);

            //Recorre las lineas del documento y las recibe usando ReceiveProduct
            if (balanceList == null || balanceList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Document " + document.DocNumber + " not contains product to receive.");

            DocumentLine curLine;

            foreach (DocumentBalance line in balanceList.Where(f => f.QtyPending > 0))
                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                curLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document   = document,
                    Product    = line.Product,
                    Unit       = line.Unit,
                    Quantity   = line.QtyPending,
                    QtyPending = line.QtyPending, //Logistic factor
                    CreatedBy  = document.ModifiedBy,
                    Note       = ""               //document.Notes

                ReceiveProduct(curLine, new Unit(), destLocation, recNode);
        private void RefreshBalance(Document document)
            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node     = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            //#########Receiving Balance
            if (View.Model.DocumentLines == null || View.Model.DocumentLines.Count == 0)
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance);
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, true);


            //Mostrar o no el mensaje del balance
            bool showMessage = false;

            foreach (DocumentBalance docBal in View.Model.DocumentBalance)
                if (docBal.QtyPending > 0)
                    showMessage = true;

            //Si hay saldo pendiente por recibir.
            View.StkPendingMsg.Visibility = showMessage ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

            //Si nada esta recibido, dejar el boton bloqueado.

            if (View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyProcessed > 0))
                View.Model.AnyReceived = true;
 private void AdjustShipmentDocumentByReverse(DocumentBalance actualRecord, List <WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> labelList)
     //Create Document Line with Unpick Product
         service.SaveDocumentLine(new DocumentLine
             Document     = actualRecord.Document,
             CreatedBy    = App.curUser.UserName,
             CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
             Date1        = DateTime.Now,
             IsDebit      = true,
             LineStatus   = new Status {
                 StatusID = EntityStatus.Active
             Note     = "Unpicked product after shipment creation.",
             Product  = actualRecord.Product,
             Quantity = labelList.Sum(f => f.BaseCurrQty),
             Unit     = actualRecord.Product.BaseUnit,
             Location = actualRecord.Location
     catch { }
        private void dgPostingBalance_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            DocumentBalance balance = ((DataGridControl)sender).SelectedItem as DocumentBalance;

            RemoveFromNode(sender, new DataEventArgs <DocumentBalance>(balance));
        public void PickAtOnce(Document document, Label sourceLocation, Node node, SysUser picker)
            Factory.IsTransactional = true;
            //Node node = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked });

            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node     = node

            IList <DocumentBalance> balanceList = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().BalanceByUnit(docBal);

            //Recorre las lineas del documento y las pickea usando PickProduct, pero solo si el balance
            //existe en la location indicada para todo lo pendiente.

            if (balanceList == null || balanceList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Document " + document.DocNumber + " not contains product pending to pick.");

            DocumentLine curLine;
            string       fullExistence = "";

            foreach (DocumentBalance line in balanceList.Where(f => f.QtyPending > 0))
                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                curLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document  = document,
                    Product   = line.Product,
                    Unit      = line.Unit,
                    Quantity  = line.QtyPending,
                    CreatedBy = picker.UserName

                fullExistence += CheckForStockInLocation(curLine, sourceLocation);

            //Si alguno no tiene existencia no puede ejecutar el PickAtOnce
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullExistence))
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PickAtOnce:", ListValues.EventType.Error, null, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(fullExistence);

            //Ejecutando el Picking despues de que se confirma la existencia
            foreach (DocumentBalance line in balanceList)
                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                curLine = new DocumentLine
                    Document = document,
                    Product  = line.Product,
                    Unit     = line.Unit,
                    Quantity = line.QtyPending

                Label packageLabel = new Label {
                    LabelID = -1
                PickProduct(curLine, sourceLocation, node, packageLabel, picker, null);
        public void RefreshBalance(Document document)
            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            //#########Receiving Balance

            if (View.Model.DocumentLines == null || View.Model.DocumentLines.Count == 0)
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance);
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, false);

                View.Model.DocumentBalance = (from balance in View.Model.DocumentBalance
                                              join lines in View.Model.DocumentLines.Where(f => f.Note == "1" || (f.Quantity > 0 && f.LineNumber != 0))
                                              on balance.Product.ProductID equals lines.Product.ProductID
                                              select balance).ToList();


            //El boton de Recibir todo se muestra si hay balance
            View.BtnReceiveAtOnce.IsEnabled = false;
            //View.Model.AllPicked = true;
            View.Model.AllPicked = false;
            /*if (View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyPending > 0))
                View.BtnReceiveAtOnce.IsEnabled = true;
                View.Model.AllPicked = false;
            if (View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.Product.ErpTrackOpt == 1 && f.QtyPending == 0))
                View.BtnReceiveAtOnce.IsEnabled = true;
                View.Model.AllPicked = true;

            //##########Posting Balance

            View.Model.PendingToPostList = service.GetDocumentPostingBalance(docBalance);

            //El boton de Posting todo se muestra si hay balance
            //View.BtnConfirmOrder.IsEnabled = false;
            //if (View.Model.AllPicked)
            //    View.BtnConfirmOrder.IsEnabled = true;

        //Encargada de obtener el cruce entre el purchase document y los sales document
        //Involucrados en el proceso cross dock;
        private void OnCrossDockPreview(object sender, EventArgs e)
            View.BtnStep1.IsEnabled = false;

            //Obteniendo el Balance
            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = View.Model.Document,
                Node = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("");


                //Obteniendo el cruce de documentos.
                View.Model.CrossDockBalance = service.GetCrossDockBalance(docBalance, View.Model.AssignedDocs.ToList())
                    .Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Notes))
                    .OrderBy(f => f.Notes).ToList();

                //Mostrando el Warning de not suppied if apply
                if (View.Model.CrossDockBalance != null && View.Model.CrossDockBalance.Where(f => f.Notes == "Qty not supplied").Count() > 0)
                    View.TxtWarning.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //Ocultando el expander superior
                View.ExpDocs.IsExpanded = false;

                //Visible the second panel
                View.ExpResult.IsExpanded = true;
                View.ExpResult.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


            catch (Exception ex)
                Util.ShowError("Problem generating the Cross Dock preview.\n"+ ex.Message);

        private void RefreshBalance(Document document)

            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            //#########Receiving Balance
            if (View.Model.DocumentLines == null || View.Model.DocumentLines.Count == 0)
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance);
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, true);


            //Mostrar o no el mensaje del balance
            bool showMessage = false;
            foreach (DocumentBalance docBal in View.Model.DocumentBalance)
                if (docBal.QtyPending > 0)
                    showMessage = true;

            //Si hay saldo pendiente por recibir.
            View.StkPendingMsg.Visibility = showMessage ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

            //Si nada esta recibido, dejar el boton bloqueado.

            if (View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyProcessed > 0))
                View.Model.AnyReceived = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get Print file string to print
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labels">List of labels to print</param>
        /// <param name="template">Template to use for the printing</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String ProcessPrintingLine(DocumentBalance printLine, LabelTemplate template,
                                          String printLot, Node node, Bin bin, UserByRol userByRol)
            string result = "";
            Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status {
                StatusID = EntityStatus.Active
            });                                                                             //Active

            //Obteniendo el listado de TAGS que se deben reemplazar en el template
            IList <LabelMapping> labelmappings = Factory.DaoLabelMapping().Select(
                new LabelMapping {
                LabelType = template.LabelType

            //Template base
            //int i;
            IList <Label> labelList = new List <Label>();

            //Tipo De impresion
            //1. Normal Imprime standar, sin logistica

            //2. Logistic (Notes tiene data) - imprime normal mas la Logistica
            Unit logisticUnit = null;

            if (printLine.Notes != null && printLine.Notes.Contains("Logistic"))
                string[] dataLogistic = printLine.Notes.Split(':');
                //El primer elemento contiene la unidad logistica.
                logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit {
                    UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1])

                //3. Only print Logistic (notes tiene "ONLYPACK") - no imprime la normal (si las crea), solo imprime las logisticas
                //if (printLine.Notes.Contains("ONLYPACK"))
                //printOnlyLogistic = true;

            //CReating Document Line to Send
            DocumentLine prnLine = new DocumentLine
                Product  = printLine.Product,
                Document = printLine.Document,
                Unit     = printLine.Unit,
                Quantity = printLine.Quantity

            //Crea las etiquetas de la cantidad de producto a recibir Logisticas y sus Hijas
            double logisticFactor = (logisticUnit != null) ? (double)(logisticUnit.BaseAmount / printLine.Unit.BaseAmount) : 1;

            labelList = CreateProductLabels(logisticUnit, prnLine, node, bin, logisticFactor, printLot, "", DateTime.Now)
                        .Where(f => f.FatherLabel == null).ToList();

            //Reemplazando el Header
            if (template.Header != null)
                result += ReplaceTemplate(labelmappings, template.Header, labelList[0]) + Environment.NewLine;

            //Reemplazando el Body
            if (template.Body != null)
                foreach (Label label in labelList)
                    result += ReplaceTemplate(labelmappings, template.Body, label) + Environment.NewLine;

 public void ReverseReceiptNodeTraceByQty(DocumentBalance docBalance, int quantity, SysUser user)
     try {
         SetService(); SerClient.ReverseReceiptNodeTraceByQty(docBalance, quantity, user);
         if (SerClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
 public IList<DocumentBalance> GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(DocumentBalance docBalance)
     try {
         return SerClient.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance); }
         if (SerClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
 public IList<DocumentBalance> GetCrossDockBalance(DocumentBalance purchaseBalance, IList<Document> salesDocs)
     try {
     SetService();  return SerClient.GetCrossDockBalance(purchaseBalance, salesDocs.ToList()); }
         if (SerClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
        //                public Document CreateNewDocumentTask(IList<Document> docList, Document taskDoc)
        //try {
        //SetService();  return SerClient.CreateNewDocumentTask(docList, taskDoc); }
        //if (SerClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)

        public IList<DocumentBalance> GetDocumentBalance(DocumentBalance docBalance, bool isCrossDock)
            try {
                SetService(); return SerClient.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, isCrossDock);
                if (SerClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
        public IList <DocumentBalance> DetailedBalance(DocumentBalance docBalance, bool isCrossDock)
            string sQuery = "";

            if (isCrossDock) //No se debe tener en cuenta el back order
                sQuery = "SELECT  l.DocID, l.LineID, node.NodeID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID, SUM(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel)  AS Quantity, " +
                         "SUM(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel)  - ISNULL(n.Quantity/u.BaseAmount,0) AS QtyPending, Max(l.UnitPrice) as UnitPrice ";

                sQuery = "SELECT  l.DocID, l.LineID, node.NodeID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID, SUM(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder) AS Quantity, " +
                         "SUM(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder) - ISNULL(n.Quantity/u.BaseAmount,0) AS QtyPending, Max(l.UnitPrice) as UnitPrice ";

            sQuery += "FROM  Trace.DocumentLine AS l " +
                      "INNER JOIN Master.Product AS p ON l.ProductID = p.ProductID " +
                      "INNER JOIN Master.Unit AS u ON l.UnitID = u.UnitID " +
                      "INNER JOIN Trace.Node node ON node.NodeID = :id2 " +
                      "LEFT OUTER JOIN ( " +
                      "        SELECT  lbl.ProductID, ISNULL(SUM(x.Quantity * ISNULL(un.BaseAmount,1)) ,0) AS Quantity, x.DocLineID " +
                      "        FROM          Trace.NodeTrace AS x " +
                      "        INNER JOIN Trace.Label AS lbl ON x.LabelID = lbl.LabelID " +
                      "        LEFT OUTER JOIN Master.Unit AS un ON lbl.UnitID = un.UnitID " +
                      "        WHERE   x.NodeID = :id2  AND x.DocID = :id1 And x.Quantity > 0 " +
                      "        GROUP BY lbl.ProductID, x.DocLineID  " +
                      ") AS n " +
                      "ON n.ProductID = l.ProductID AND  l.LineID = n.DocLineID " +
                      "WHERE     (l.DocID = :id1 ) ";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(sQuery);

            Parms = new List <Object[]>();
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", docBalance.Document.DocID });
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });

            if (docBalance != null)
                if (docBalance.Product != null && docBalance.Product.ProductID != 0)
                    sql.Append(" and p.ProductID = :id3 ");
                    Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", docBalance.Product.ProductID });

                sql.Append(" and ( l.LineStatusID = :id4  Or l.LineStatusID = :id5 ) ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id4", DocStatus.New });
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id5", DocStatus.InProcess });

                sql.Append(" and p.StatusID = :id6 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id6", EntityStatus.Active });

                sql.Append("GROUP BY l.DocID, l.LineID, node.NodeID, l.ProductID, l.UnitID, u.BaseAmount, n.Quantity ");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());


            IList <DocumentBalance> retBalance = GetBalanceObject(query.List <Object[]>(), docBalance.Location);

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

        /// <summary>
        /// Entrega lo que esta pendiente por recibir de un Documento contra un NodeTrace En unidad Basica
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <DocumentBalance> GeneralBalance(DocumentBalance docBalance, bool isCrossDock)
            string sQuery = "";

            if (isCrossDock) //No se debe tener en cuenta el back order
                sQuery = "select doc.docID, cast(0 as bigint) as Line, node.NodeID, product.ProductID, unit.UnitID, "
                         + " Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel) as Quantity, "
                         + " Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel) - Isnull(n.Quantity/unit.BaseAmount,0) as QtyPending, Max(l.UnitPrice) as UnitPrice, Min(l.Sequence) as Seq ";

                sQuery = "select doc.docID, cast(0 as bigint) as Line, node.NodeID, product.ProductID, unit.UnitID, "
                         + " Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder) as Quantity, "
                         + " Sum(l.Quantity - l.QtyCancel - l.QtyBackOrder) - Isnull(n.Quantity/unit.BaseAmount,0) as QtyPending, Max(l.UnitPrice) as UnitPrice, Min(l.Sequence) as Seq ";

            sQuery += " from Trace.DocumentLine as l "
                      + " INNER JOIN Trace.Document doc ON l.DocID = doc.DocID "
                      + " INNER JOIN Trace.Node node ON node.NodeID = :id2 "
                      + " INNER JOIN Master.Product product ON l.ProductID = product.ProductID "
                      + " INNER JOIN Master.Unit unit ON l.UnitID = unit.UnitID LEFT OUTER JOIN  "
                      + " ( select lb.ProductID, Isnull(Sum(x.Quantity * ISNULL(u.BaseAmount,1)),0) as Quantity from Trace.NodeTrace x  "
                      + " INNER JOIN Trace.Label lb ON x.LabelID = lb.LabelID LEFT JOIN Master.Unit u ON u.UnitID = x.UnitID " //lb.UnitID
                      + " Where x.NodeID = :id2 and x.DocID = :id1 AND x.Quantity > 0 AND x.IsDebit = 0 "
                      + " Group BY lb.ProductID ) as n  On l.ProductID = n.ProductID Where l.DocID = :id1 ";

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(sQuery);

            Parms = new List <Object[]>();
            Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id1", docBalance.Document.DocID });

            if (docBalance.Node != null && docBalance.Node.NodeID != 0)
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });
            else if (docBalance.Node != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docBalance.Node.Name))
                docBalance.Node = Factory.DaoNode().Select(docBalance.Node).First();
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id2", docBalance.Node.NodeID });

            if (docBalance != null)
                if (docBalance.Product != null && docBalance.Product.ProductID != 0)
                    sql.Append(" and l.ProductID = :id3 ");
                    Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id3", docBalance.Product.ProductID });

                sql.Append(" and ( l.LineStatusID = :id4  Or l.LineStatusID = :id5 ) ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id4", DocStatus.New });
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id5", DocStatus.InProcess });

                sql.Append(" and product.StatusID = :id6 ");
                Parms.Add(new Object[] { "id6", EntityStatus.Active });

                sql.Append(" Group By doc.docID, node.NodeID, product.ProductID, unit.UnitID, unit.BaseAmount, n.Quantity"); //unit.BaseAmount,
                sql.Append(" Order By Seq");

            IQuery query = Factory.Session.CreateSQLQuery(sql.ToString());


            IList <DocumentBalance> retBalance = GetBalanceObject(query.List <Object[]>(), docBalance.Location);

            if (!Factory.IsTransactional)

        private void OnAddingToPrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int qtyPerPack = 0;

                View.ProcessResult.Text = "";
                Unit baseUnit = null;

                //Validating Product
                if (View.TxtProduct.Product == null)
                    Util.ShowError("Product not selected."); return;

                //Validating Unit
                if (View.ComboUnit.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    Util.ShowError("UoM not Selected."); return;

                if (!View.Model.IsValid())
                    Util.ShowError("Error validating data. Please check data and try again."); return;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(View.TxtPrintQty.Text) || !(int.Parse(View.TxtPrintQty.Text) > 0))
                    Util.ShowError("Number of packs not valid."); return;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text) || !(int.Parse(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text) > 0))
                    Util.ShowError("Units per pack not valid."); return;

                //check if logistic unit can contain pack unit
                Unit logisticUnit = View.Model.PackUnit;

                if (logisticUnit != null)
                    baseUnit = View.ComboUnit.SelectedItem as Unit;

                    if (logisticUnit.BaseAmount <= baseUnit.BaseAmount)
                        Util.ShowError("Pack Unit can not contain the current UoM.");
                        View.LogisticUnit.SelectedIndex = -1;
                        View.Model.PackUnit             = null;

                    if ((logisticUnit.BaseAmount % baseUnit.BaseAmount) != 0)
                        Util.ShowError("UoM " + baseUnit.Name + " can not be contained in Pack Unit " + logisticUnit.Name + ".");
                        View.LogisticUnit.SelectedIndex = -1;
                        View.Model.PackUnit             = null;

                if (logisticUnit == null && View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text != "")
                    try { logisticUnit = service.GetUnit(new Unit {
                            Company = App.curCompany, Name = WmsSetupValues.CustomUnit
                        }).First(); }
                        Util.ShowError("Unit Custom not defined.");
                    logisticUnit.BaseAmount = double.Parse(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text))
                        qtyPerPack = int.Parse(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text);
                { Util.ShowError("Units per pack not valid."); return; }

                string notes = "";

                if (logisticUnit != null)
                    notes = "Pack:" + logisticUnit.UnitID.ToString() + ":" + logisticUnit.Name;

                //if (View.ChkOnlyLogistic.IsChecked == true)
                //    notes += ",ONLYPACK";

                View.StkLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //Define Document, Product, Unit and Qty to send to receiving transaction
                DocumentBalance printLine = new DocumentBalance
                    Product  = View.TxtProduct.Product,
                    Unit     = (Unit)View.ComboUnit.SelectedItem,
                    Quantity = int.Parse(View.TxtPrintQty.Text) * int.Parse(View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text),
                    //Cantidad a imprimir la division del Units sobre el Qty per pack
                    QtyPending   = (qtyPerPack > 0) ? qtyPerPack : 1,
                    QtyProcessed = int.Parse(View.TxtPrintQty.Text),
                    Notes        = notes //Indica que se deben imprimir solo logisticas, de lo contrario imprime todo
                                         //Logistica y Basica

                if (View.Model.LinesToPrint == null)
                    View.Model.LinesToPrint = new List <DocumentBalance>();


                //Update Process Result
                //View.ProcessResult.Text = "Line Added to Print List.";
                View.TxtPrintQty.Text = "0";

                //Acomoda el panel para nuevos datos limpia
                //View.Model.Products = null;
                View.Model.ProductUnits = null;
                View.Model.PackingUnits = null;
                View.Model.PackUnit     = null;
                //View.ChkOnlyLogistic.IsChecked = false;
                //View.ChkOnlyLogistic.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                View.TxtProduct.Text        = "";
                View.TxtProduct.Product     = null;
                View.TxtProduct.ProductDesc = "";
                View.TxtQtyPerPack.Text     = "";

                //Enable Print Module
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void RefreshBalance(Document document)
            AllReceived = true;

            DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance
                Document = document,
                Node = View.Model.Node,
                Location = App.curLocation

            //#########Receiving Balance

            if (View.Model.DocumentLines == null || IsDirectReceipt)
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalanceForEmpty(docBalance);
                View.Model.DocumentBalance = service.GetDocumentBalance(docBalance, false);


            //El boton de Recibir todo se muestra si hay balance
            View.BtnReceiveAtOnce.IsEnabled = false;
            if (View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyPending > 0))
                View.BtnReceiveAtOnce.IsEnabled = true;
                AllReceived = false;

            //Si algun producto recibido para habilitar el boton de impresion.
            View.Model.AnyReceived = View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyProcessed > 0);

            //##########Posting Balance

            View.Model.PendingToPostList = service.GetDocumentPostingBalance(docBalance);

            //El boton de Posting solo se muestra si hay balance
            View.BtnCreateReceipt.IsEnabled = false;
            View.StkPosting.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            if (View.Model.PendingToPostList.Any(f => f.QtyPending > 0))
                View.BtnCreateReceipt.IsEnabled = true;
                View.StkPosting.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                AllPosted = false;

            //Refresh Qty Pending If product is selected
            //Update Pending quantity 21 marzo 09
                if (View.Model.Product != null)
                    View.Model.CurQtyPending = int.Parse(View.Model.DocumentBalance
                    .Where(f => f.Product.ProductID == View.Model.Product.ProductID && f.Unit.UnitID == ((Unit)View.ComboUnit.SelectedItem).UnitID)

                    View.Model.AllowReceive = true;
                    if (View.Model.Document.IsFromErp == true)
                        View.Model.AllowReceive = (View.Model.CurQtyPending > 0) ? true : false;

            catch { }

            //Marzo 21, si todo esta recibido y es un ERP documet cambia el estatus a Completed.
            //Si tiene Any Received cambia el status a In Process

            if (AllReceived && View.Model.Document.IsFromErp == true 
                && View.Model.DocumentBalance.Any(f => f.QtyProcessed > 0)  //garantiza que al menos uno este procesado
                && View.Model.Document.DocStatus.StatusID != DocStatus.Completed)
                View.Model.Document.DocStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.Completed };
                View.Model.Document.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                View.Model.Document.ModifiedBy = App.curUser.UserName;

            //In Process
            if (!AllReceived && View.Model.AnyReceived && View.Model.Document.DocStatus.StatusID != DocStatus.InProcess)
                View.Model.Document.DocStatus = new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.InProcess };
                View.Model.Document.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                View.Model.Document.ModifiedBy = App.curUser.UserName;

            //Muestra el posting panel solo si permite parcial o si ha recibido completo.
            View.PanelPosting.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            if (!AllReceived && Util.GetConfigOption("PARTIALREC").Equals("F") && View.Model.Document.AllowPartial != true)
                View.PanelPosting.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            //Hidden Tracking y Others
            View.TabItemTrackOption.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            //Evaluar si la orden tiene producto para hacerle Tracking

                f=> f.ProductTrack != null && f.ProductTrack.Count > 0 &&
                    f.ProductTrack.Where(z => z.TrackOption.DataType.DataTypeID != SDataTypes.ProductQuality).Count() > 0 ))
                View.TabItemTrackOption.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            foreach (DocumentBalance db in View.Model.DocumentBalance)
                //Se adiciono que el track option no sea de calidad de producto
                if (db.Product.ProductTrack != null && db.Product.ProductTrack.Count > 0 &&
                    db.Product.ProductTrack.Where(f => f.TrackOption.DataType.DataTypeID != SDataTypes.ProductQuality).Count() > 0) //&& db.QtyProcessed > 0
                    View.TabItemTrackOption.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
             * */


        private void ProcessPrintingLine(DocumentBalance printLine, String printLot, Node node, Bin bin, UserByRol userByRol)
            //Tipo De impresion
            //1. Normal Imprime standar, sin logistica

            //2. Logistic (Notes tiene data) - imprime normal mas la Logistica
            Unit logisticUnit = null;

            //bool printOnlyLogistic = false;

            if (printLine.Notes != null && printLine.Notes.Contains("Pack"))
                string[] dataLogistic = printLine.Notes.Split(':');

                //El elemento [1] contiene la unidad logistica, si es cero es custom.
                if (dataLogistic[2].Equals(WmsSetupValues.CustomUnit))
                    {  //trata de encontrar una unidad con ese baseamount
                        logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().Select(
                            new Unit
                            BaseAmount   = printLine.QtyPending,
                            Company      = userByRol.Location.Company,
                            ErpCodeGroup = printLine.Unit.ErpCodeGroup
                        //Obtiene la custom
                        logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit {
                            UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1])
                else // Si no es Custom
                    logisticUnit = Factory.DaoUnit().SelectById(new Unit {
                        UnitID = int.Parse(dataLogistic[1])

            //Se ingresa para poder sacar el dato de la company
            if (printLine.Document == null)
                printLine.Document = new Document {
                    Company = userByRol.Location.Company

            //CReating Document Line to Send
            DocumentLine prnLine = new DocumentLine
                Product   = printLine.Product,
                Document  = printLine.Document,
                Unit      = printLine.Unit,
                Quantity  = printLine.Quantity,
                CreatedBy = userByRol.User.UserName

            if (logisticUnit != null)
                logisticUnit.BaseAmount = printLine.QtyPending;

            //Obteniendo el factor logistico antes de enviar a crear los labels
            double logisticFactor = (logisticUnit != null) ? printLine.QtyPending : 1;
            //Manda a Crear los Labels
            IList <Label> resultList = CreateProductLabels(logisticUnit, prnLine, node, bin, logisticFactor, printLot, "", DateTime.Now)
                                       .Where(f => f.FatherLabel == null).ToList();

            foreach (Label lbl in resultList)