public List <LineH> getLineHByTypeFor(DocType type, List <Document> documents, CurrentExchange exchange) { try { List <LineH> HLines = null; switch (type) { case DocType.Boleta: HLines = _iBillingRepository.getBoletasLineHFor(documents, exchange); break; case DocType.Factura: HLines = _iBillingRepository.getFacturasLineHFor(documents, exchange); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoBoleta: case DocType.NotaDeCreditoFactura: HLines = _iBillingRepository.getNotasDeCreditoLineHFor(documents, exchange); break; } _iLogService.Debug("Line H " + type.ToString()); _iLogService.Debug("Count: " + HLines.Count); return(HLines); } catch (Exception ex) { _iLogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public LastDoc getLastDocByType(DocType type) { try { LastDoc lastDoc = null; switch (type) { case DocType.Boleta: lastDoc = _iBdConsulta1Repository.getLastBoleta(); break; case DocType.Factura: lastDoc = _iBdConsulta1Repository.getLastFactura(); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoBoleta: lastDoc = _iBdConsulta1Repository.getLastNotaDeCreditoBoleta(); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoFactura: lastDoc = _iBdConsulta1Repository.getLastNotaDeCreditoFactura(); break; } _iLogService.Debug("Last " + type.ToString()); _iLogService.Debug(lastDoc); return(lastDoc); } catch (Exception ex) { _iLogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public List <Document> getNextDocumentsByTypeFrom(DocType type, LastDoc lastDoc) { try { List <Document> documents = null; switch (type) { case DocType.Boleta: documents = _iBillingRepository.getNextBoletasFrom(lastDoc); break; case DocType.Factura: documents = _iBillingRepository.getNextFacturasFrom(lastDoc); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoBoleta: documents = _iBillingRepository.getNextNotasDeCreditoBoletaFrom(lastDoc); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoFactura: documents = _iBillingRepository.getNextNotasDeCreditoFacturaFrom(lastDoc); break; } _iLogService.Debug("Next " + type.ToString()); _iLogService.Debug("Count: " + documents.Count); _iLogService.Debug <Document>(documents); return(documents); } catch (Exception ex) { _iLogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
private string DocTypeString(DocType docType) { switch (docType) { case DocType.Html: return("html"); case DocType.Json: return("json"); case DocType.Sql: return("sql"); case DocType.Text: return("text"); case DocType.Xml: return("xml"); case DocType.Unknown: return("unknown"); } throw new ArgumentException("Unknown DocType: " + docType.ToString()); }
public List <LineP> getLinePByTypeFor(DocType type, List <Document> documents) { try { List <LineP> PLines = null; switch (type) { case DocType.Boleta: PLines = _iBdMostRepository.getBoletasLinePFor(documents); break; case DocType.Factura: PLines = _iBdMostRepository.getFacturasLinePFor(documents); break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoBoleta: case DocType.NotaDeCreditoFactura: PLines = _iBdMostRepository.getNotasDeCreditoLinePFor(documents); break; } _iLogService.Debug("Line P " + type.ToString()); _iLogService.Debug("Count: " + PLines.Count); return(PLines); } catch (Exception ex) { _iLogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 轉回 DAL 用 Content /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void SetContentData(Dictionary <string, StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity> data) { XmlElement retValue = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("Content"); Dictionary <string, List <StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity> > ByGradeYear = new Dictionary <string, List <StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity> >(); foreach (StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity sburce in data.Values) { string strGRYear; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sburce.GetGradeYear())) { strGRYear = " "; } else { strGRYear = sburce.GetGradeYear(); } if (ByGradeYear.ContainsKey(strGRYear)) { ByGradeYear[strGRYear].Add(sburce); } else { List <StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity> list = new List <StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity>(); list.Add(sburce); ByGradeYear.Add(strGRYear, list); } // 清除原 XML UpdateBatchRec.Content.RemoveAll(); XmlElement elemRoot = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("異動名冊"); elemRoot.SetAttribute("學年度", SchoolYear + ""); elemRoot.SetAttribute("學期", Semester + ""); elemRoot.SetAttribute("學校名稱", SchoolName); elemRoot.SetAttribute("學校代號", SchoolCode); elemRoot.SetAttribute("類別", DocType.ToString()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity> > val in ByGradeYear) { XmlElement elemGrdYear = new XmlDataDocument().CreateElement("清單"); elemGrdYear.SetAttribute("年級", val.Key); elemGrdYear.SetAttribute("科別", ""); foreach (StudBatchUpdateRecContentEntity sburce1 in val.Value) { XmlElement xe = elemGrdYear.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(sburce1.GetXmlData(), true) as XmlElement; elemGrdYear.AppendChild(xe); } XmlElement XmlRootChild = elemRoot.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(elemGrdYear, true) as XmlElement; elemRoot.AppendChild(XmlRootChild); } XmlElement elemRot = UpdateBatchRec.Content.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(elemRoot, true) as XmlElement; UpdateBatchRec.Content.AppendChild(elemRot); } }
void TryShowPopupWindowDoc() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && NeedShowPopupWindowDocType != null) { DocType selected = NeedShowPopupWindowDocType.Value; string tip = string.Format("请输入 {0} 的名字:", selected.ToString()); NeedShowPopupWindowDocType = null; PopupWindow.Show(buttonRect, new TextFieldPopupDialog(tip, (string value) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == false) { JsonFileCreater cjf = null; switch (selected) { case DocType.Element: cjf = new ElementJsonFileCreater(this, value); break; case DocType.SimpleClass: cjf = new SimpleClassJsonFileCreater(this, value); break; case DocType.Enum: cjf = new EnumJsonFileCreater(this, value); break; case DocType.FSM: cjf = new FSMJsonFileCreater(this, value); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (cjf != null) { cjf.Create(); WSJsonFilesList = null; } } else { PRDebug.TagLog(lt, lcr, "请输入名字!"); } })); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { buttonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); } } }
//Main search algorithm public IEnumerable <Result> Search(string fieldName, string searchTerm) { DocType docType = DocType.SONG; Query mainQuery; switch (fieldName) { case F_ARTIST: docType = DocType.ARTIST; break; case F_ALBUM: docType = DocType.ALBUM; break; case F_GENRE: docType = DocType.GENRE; break; } IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(luceneIndexDirectory); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, fieldName, analyzer); try { mainQuery = qp.Parse(searchTerm); } catch (ParseException e) { console.Log(e.Message); return(null); } Query DocTypeQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(F_DOCTYPE, docType.ToString())); booleanQuery.Add(mainQuery, Occur.MUST); booleanQuery.Add(DocTypeQuery, Occur.MUST); console.Log("query: " + booleanQuery.ToString()); TopDocs hitsFound = searcher.Search(booleanQuery, Int32.MaxValue); List <Result> results = new List <Result>(); Result sampleResult = null; for (int i = 0; i < hitsFound.TotalHits; i++) { sampleResult = new Result(); Document doc = searcher.Doc(hitsFound.ScoreDocs[i].Doc); //key moment fillResult(sampleResult, fieldName, doc); float score = hitsFound.ScoreDocs[i].Score; sampleResult.Score = score; results.Add(sampleResult); } return(results.OrderByDescending(x => x.Score).ToList()); }
public bool GeneratePK() { if (!ID.Equals(Guid.Empty) && DocType > -1) { PK = PartitionKeyGenerator.Create(DocType.ToString(), ID.ToString()); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <SearchItem> > SearchAsync(string query, DocType type, int limit = 30, bool conjunction = true) { var uriQuery = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["query"] = query, ["limit"] = limit, ["type"] = type.ToString().ToCamelCase(), ["conjunction"] = conjunction.ToString().ToLower() }; var response = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync <SearchResult>("search" + uriQuery.AsQueryString()); return(response.Data); }
/// <summary> /// Recupera le mail dei destinatari /// </summary> /// <param name="TipoDoc">Destinatari legati a quel tipo di documento</param> /// <param name="bl_id">Recupera i destinatari legati a quell'edificio</param> /// <returns></returns> private ArrayList GetDestinatari(int bl_id, int servizio_id, DocType TipoDoc) { S_ControlsCollection _SColl = new S_ControlsCollection(); S_Controls.Collections.S_Object p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_bl_id"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = bl_id; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_servizio_id"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = servizio_id; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_tipo_doc"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = TipoDoc.ToString(); p.Size = 250; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "IO_CURSOR"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Cursor; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; p.Index = _SColl.Count; _SColl.Add(p); string s_StrSql = "PACK_DETINATARIINVIO.SP_GETDESTINATARI"; DataSet _Ds = _OraDl.GetRows(_SColl, s_StrSql); ArrayList li = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow riga in _Ds.Tables[0].Rows) { li.Add(riga["mail"].ToString()); } return(li); }
private void ChooseParentPlan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0, 0)); dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Data.ConnectionString); string sql = @"SELECT TOP 50 dh.DocumentID as DocumentID, dh.DocumentDate as DocumentDate, f.FactoryName as FactoryName, dt.DocTypeName as DocTypeName FROM " + Data.ActiveSchema + @".DocumentHead dh INNER JOIN dbo.DocumentType dt ON dh.DocTypeID = dt.DocTypeID INNER JOIN " + Data.ActiveSchema + @".Factory f ON dh.FactoryID = f.FactoryID WHERE dh.FactoryID = " + Factory.ToString() + " AND dh.DocTypeID = " + DocType.ToString(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection); DataTable data = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(data); gridData.DataSource = data; gridData.Columns["DocumentID"].HeaderText = "№ Документа"; gridData.Columns["DocumentDate"].HeaderText = "Дата документа"; gridData.Columns["FactoryName"].HeaderText = "Фабрика"; gridData.Columns["DocTypeName"].HeaderText = "Тип документа"; }
/// <summary> /// Convert this object into a string representation; provides summary information about the /// document. /// </summary> /// /// <returns> /// This object as a string. /// </returns> public override string ToString() { return("DOM Root (" + DocType.ToString() + ", " + DescendantCount().ToString() + " elements)"); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Data.ConnectionString); string sql = @"SELECT dh.DocumentID as DocumentID, dh.DocumentDate as DocumentDate, f.FactoryName as FactoryName, dt.DocTypeName as DocTypeName FROM " + Data.ActiveSchema + @".DocumentHead dh INNER JOIN DocumentType dt ON dh.DocTypeID = dt.DocTypeID INNER JOIN " + Data.ActiveSchema + ".Factory f ON dh.FactoryID = f.FactoryID WHERE DocumentDate >= '" + dtpStart.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND DocumentDate <= '" + dtpEnd.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' " + " AND dh.FactoryID = " + Factory.ToString() + " AND dh.DocTypeID = " + DocType.ToString(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection); DataTable data = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(data); gridData.DataSource = data; gridData.Columns["DocumentID"].HeaderText = "№ Документа"; gridData.Columns["DocumentDate"].HeaderText = "Дата документа"; gridData.Columns["FactoryName"].HeaderText = "Фабрика"; gridData.Columns["DocTypeName"].HeaderText = "Тип документа"; }
public string WrapWithAbbreviation(string abbreviation, string text, DocType docType) { return wrapWithAbbr(abbreviation, text, docType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); }
public string ExpandAbbreviation(string abbreviation, DocType docType) { return expandAbbr(abbreviation, docType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); }
private void SaveInvio(string FileName, DocType TipoDoc) { S_ControlsCollection _SColl = new S_ControlsCollection(); S_Object p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_id"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = 0; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_NOME_DOC"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 255; p.Value = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_DATA_INVIO"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Date; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 15; p.Value = DateTime.Now; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_USERS"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 255; p.Value = Context.User.Identity.Name; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_TIPO_DOC"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 32; p.Value = TipoDoc.ToString(); _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_CODICE"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 255; p.Value = this.HSga.ToString(); _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_ID_WR"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = this.txtWrHidden.Text; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_ID_BL"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.Integer; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Value = this.id_bl; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_CODICE_BL"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 255; p.Value = lblCodiceEdificio.Text; _SColl.Add(p); p = new S_Object(); p.ParameterName = "p_Operazione"; p.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.Index = _SColl.Count; p.Size = 255; p.Value = "Insert"; _SColl.Add(p); int result = _ClManCorrettiva.ExecuteTracciaDoc(_SColl); }
/* * Start the convertion job on a server * and return FileId of the processing file * In case of any error exception will be throw */ public async Task <string> StartConversionJob(DocType doctype, Stream file, ConversionOptions options) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Url); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); ConversionSettings settings = new ConversionSettings(Domain, Username, Password); settings.Options = options; // get file content using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.CopyTo(ms); byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray(); settings.Content = System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); } HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/convert/job/" + doctype.ToString(), settings); OASResponse resp = null; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { resp = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <OASResponse>(); if (resp.ErrorCode == OASErrorCodes.Success) { return(resp.FileId); } else { OASConversionException ex = new OASConversionException(resp.Message); ex.Source = resp.ErrorCode.ToString(); throw ex; } } else { OASWebServiceException ex = new OASWebServiceException(response.ReasonPhrase); ex.Source = response.StatusCode.ToString(); throw ex; } }
public string ExpandAbbreviation(string abbreviation, DocType docType) { return(myExpandAbbr(abbreviation, docType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())); }
/// <summary> /// DocumentType constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> public DocumentType(DocType type, string title) { this.type = type; = type.ToString(); this.title = title; }
/// <summary> /// The documentation for the ACH transaction. May be 'PPD', 'CCD', 'TEL', 'WEB', or 'ARC'. Defaults to 'WEB' if not set. /// </summary> public IBluePay20PostRequestBuilderFields DocType(DocType value) { this["DOC_TYPE"] = value.ToString(); return(this); }
public void ShouldReturnTheTypeWhenCallingToStringOnADocType() { var docType = new DocType("hello"); Assert.AreEqual("hello", docType.ToString()); }
public string WrapWithAbbreviation(string abbreviation, string text, DocType docType) { return(myWrapWithAbbr(abbreviation, text, docType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())); }