protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { getUSERID.Text = UserAction.UserID; if (!IsPostBack) { // 在页面第一次加载时 BindDDL(); //如果是从首页待办事宜跳转过来的就直接转到明细Tab页进行审核 By c 20160109 if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["pid"].ToString())) { TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; GetDateSearchSumSql(); } hfdCurrent.Text = UserAction.UserID; //获取客户化GRF文件地址 By c 2016年1月21日12:18:29 At 威海509 string grf = Doc.DbGetGrf("SHTXD_PLDY"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grf)) { SHTXD_PLDY = grf; } if (Request.QueryString["tp"] != null && Request.QueryString["tp"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { ddlDEPTOUT.SelectedValue = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT T.STR2 FROM DOC_GOODSTYPE T WHERE T.CODE=" + Request.QueryString["tp"].ToString()).ToString(); } else { ddlDEPTOUT.SelectedValue = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT T.STR2 FROM DOC_GOODSTYPE T WHERE T.CODE='2'").ToString(); } } }
private void DataInit() { PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_SYS_DEPOTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, lstDEPTOUT, docDEPTOUT); lstDEPTOUT.SelectedValue = UserAction.UserDept; docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue = UserAction.UserDept; PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_USER", lstLRY, docLRY, docSLR); //PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_SYS_DEPTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, lstDEPTID, docDEPTID); PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_SYS_DEPTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, lstDEPTID, docDEPTID); //PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_BILL_STATUSCKD", lstFLAG, docFLAG); lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; //获取客户化GRF文件地址 By c 2016年1月21日12:18:29 At 威海509 string grf = Doc.DbGetGrf("KSSHTXD"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grf)) { SHTXD = grf; } string grf_fds = Doc.DbGetGrf("FDS_SHTXD"); if (grf_fds.Length > 0) { FDS_SHTXD = grf_fds; } //是否启用定数标签 By c 2016年1月27日12:07:12 At 威海509 string DSAUTO = Doc.DbGetSysPara("DSAUTO"); if (DSAUTO == "Y") { btnPBQ.Hidden = false; } }
private void DataInit() { //PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_SYS_DEPOT", lstDEPTOUT, docDEPTOUT); DepartmentBind.BindDDL("DDL_SYS_DEPOTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, lstDEPTOUT, docDEPTOUT); DepartmentBind.BindDDL("DDL_SYS_DEPTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, lstDEPTID, docDEPTID); PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_USER", lstSLR, docLRY, docSLR); //PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_BILL_STATUSCKD", lstFLAG, docFLAG); lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; //获取客户化GRF文件地址 By c 2016年1月21日12:18:29 At 威海509 string grf = Doc.DbGetGrf("DS_SHTXD"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grf)) { DS_SHTXD = grf; } }
private void DataInit() { lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; //当前用户是护士长,申领人下拉只显示当前科室下的用户 if (UserAction.UserRole == "02") { string sqls = string.Format(@"select CODE,NAME from ( SELECT '--请选择--' NAME,'' CODE FROM dual union all select username name, userid code from sys_operuser where roleid = '{0}' and dept = '{1}' and islogin = '******')", UserAction.UserRole, UserAction.UserDept); PubFunc.DdlDataSql(ddlUser, sqls); PubFunc.DdlDataSql(docLRY, sqls); } else { PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_USER", ddlUser, docLRY); } DepartmentBind.BindDDL("DDL_SYS_DEPTRANGE", UserAction.UserID, docDEPTID, lstDEPTID); //获取客户化GRF文件地址 By c 2016年1月21日12:18:29 At 威海509 string grf = Doc.DbGetGrf("SPXSD"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grf)) { SPXSD = grf; } string report = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["REPORT"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(report)) { REPORT = report; } }