public static void Main() { try { Dlg d = new Dlg(new B().GetSecureField); Console.WriteLine(d()); Console.WriteLine("FAILED: Verification exception not thrown"); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (VerificationException) { Console.WriteLine("PASSED: Verification exception thrown"); Environment.Exit(0); } Console.WriteLine("FAILED: unexpected"); Environment.Exit(1); }
public void Show(BattleCommand iCommand, Action onFinished) { int num = _nIndex = ((iCommand != BattleCommand.None) ? _listCommandUnitLabel.Find((UICommandLabelButton x) => x.battleCommand == iCommand).index : 0); _listCommandUnitLabel.ForEach(delegate(UICommandLabelButton x) { x.isFocus = ((x.index == _nIndex) ? true : false); }); base.transform.LTCancel(); float time = 0.15f; LeanTweenType ease = LeanTweenType.linear; base.transform.localScale = * 0.8f; base.transform.LTScale(, time).setEase(ease); base.transform.LTValue(widget.alpha, 1f, time).setEase(ease).setOnUpdate(delegate(float x) { widget.alpha = x; }) .setOnComplete((Action) delegate { isColliderEnabled = true; Dlg.Call(ref onFinished); }); }
private void UpdateEXP(int nowEXPRate, Queue <int> exp, float intervalTime, Action callback) { int num = exp.Dequeue(); _uiEXPSlider.transform.LTValue(nowEXPRate, num, intervalTime).setEase(LeanTweenType.linear).setOnUpdate(delegate(float x) { _uiEXPSlider.value = x / 100f; if (_uiEXPSlider.value == 1f) { PlayLevelUp(); } }) .setOnComplete((Action) delegate { if (exp.Count != 0) { UpdateEXP(0, exp, intervalTime, callback); } else { Dlg.Call(ref callback); } }); }
public bool Run() { KeyControl keyControl = StartupTaskManager.GetKeyControl(); Main.Update(); if (keyControl.GetDown(KeyControl.KeyName.SELECT)) { OnNameSubmit(); return(true); } if (keyControl.GetDown(KeyControl.KeyName.MARU)) { if (_uiNameInput.value == string.Empty || _uiNameInput.value.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("\u3000", string.Empty) == string.Empty) { _strEditName = string.Empty; _uiNameInput.value = string.Empty; OnClickInputLabel(); } else if (Utils.ChkNGWard(_uiNameInput.value)) { _uiNameInput.value = string.Empty; _animFeather.Play(); OnClickInputLabel(); } else { _uiNameInput.isSelected = false; OnNameSubmit(); } } else if (keyControl.GetDown(KeyControl.KeyName.BATU)) { Dlg.Call(ref _actOnCancel); } return(true); }
public void PlayLostAnim(Action onFinished) { this.widget.get_transform().LTValue(0f, 1f, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.linear).setOnUpdate(delegate(float x) { this.widget.alpha = x; }); Bezier bezier = new Bezier(Bezier.BezierType.Quadratic, Vector3.get_zero(), new Vector3(-75f, -60f, 0f), new Vector3(-45f, 100f, 0f), Vector3.get_zero()); base.get_transform().LTValue(0f, 1f, 2f).setEase(LeanTweenType.linear).setOnUpdate(delegate(float x) { this.get_transform().set_localPosition(bezier.Interpolate(x)); }); Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.2000000476837158)).Subscribe(delegate(long _) { this.widget.get_transform().LTValue(1f, 0f, 0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.linear).setOnUpdate(delegate(float x) { this.widget.alpha = x; }).setOnComplete(delegate { Object.Destroy(this.get_gameObject()); }); Dlg.Call(ref onFinished); }); }
/// <summary> /// 显示聊天对话框 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_otherID">对方ID</param> /// <param name="p_otherName">null时自动查询</param> public static void ShowDlg(long p_otherID, string p_otherName = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_otherName)) { p_otherName = AtState.GetScalar <string>($"select name from ChatMember where id={p_otherID}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_otherName)) { p_otherName = p_otherID.ToString(); } } Dlg dlg; if (Kit.IsPhoneUI) { dlg = new Dlg { Title = p_otherName, }; } else { dlg = new Dlg() { IsPinned = true, Height = 500, Width = 400, Title = p_otherName, }; } ChatDetail chat = new ChatDetail(); chat.OtherID = p_otherID; dlg.Content = chat; dlg.Show(); }
private void DecideAdvancinsWithDrawalBtn(UIHexButton btn) { if (BattleTaskManager.IsSortieBattle()) { SingletonMonoBehaviour <AppInformation> .Instance.NextLoadScene = ((btn.index != 0) ? Generics.Scene.SortieAreaMap : Generics.Scene.Strategy); SingletonMonoBehaviour <FadeCamera> .Instance.isDrawNowLoading = (SingletonMonoBehaviour <AppInformation> .Instance.NextLoadScene == Generics.Scene.SortieAreaMap); SingletonMonoBehaviour <FadeCamera> .Instance.FadeOut(0.2f, delegate { if (btn.index == 1) { TrophyUtil.Unlock_At_GoNext(); RetentionData.SetData(BattleUtils.GetRetentionDataAdvancingWithdrawalDC(SortieBattleTaskManager.GetMapManager(), ShipRecoveryType.Personnel)); Dlg.Call <ShipRecoveryType>(ref this._actOnGotoSortieMap, ShipRecoveryType.Personnel); } else if (btn.index == 2) { TrophyUtil.Unlock_At_GoNext(); RetentionData.SetData(BattleUtils.GetRetentionDataAdvancingWithdrawalDC(SortieBattleTaskManager.GetMapManager(), ShipRecoveryType.Goddes)); Dlg.Call <ShipRecoveryType>(ref this._actOnGotoSortieMap, ShipRecoveryType.Goddes); } else if (btn.index == 3) { MapManager mapManager = SortieBattleTaskManager.GetMapManager(); mapManager.ChangeCurrentDeck(); RetentionData.SetData(BattleUtils.GetRetentionDataAdvancingWithdrawalDC(mapManager, ShipRecoveryType.None)); Dlg.Call <ShipRecoveryType>(ref this._actOnGotoSortieMap, ShipRecoveryType.None); } else { RetentionData.SetData(BattleUtils.GetRetentionDataAdvancingWithdrawalDC(SortieBattleTaskManager.GetMapManager(), ShipRecoveryType.None)); SingletonMonoBehaviour <AppInformation> .Instance.NextLoadScene = Generics.Scene.Strategy; Application.LoadLevel(Generics.Scene.LoadingScene.ToString()); } }); } }
public void Show(Action callback) { panel.widgetsAreStatic = false; _listSelectorObjects.ForEach(delegate(IRebellionOrganizeSelectObject x) { Action onComplete = null; if (x.index == _uiSortieStartBtn.index) { onComplete = delegate { Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.029999999329447746)).Subscribe(delegate { Dlg.Call(ref callback); }); }; } if (x.button.transform.LTIsTweening()) { x.button.transform.LTCancel(); } x.button.transform.LTMoveLocal(_listInfosPos[x.index], 0.2f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInSine).setDelay((float)x.index * 0.03f) .setOnComplete(onComplete); }); }
public static void StartBattle(BattleFormationKinds1 formationKind) { if (!(BattleCutManager._clsBattleManager is PracticeBattleManager)) { if (BattleCutManager._clsMapManger is SortieMapManager) { BattleCutManager._clsBattleManager = ((SortieMapManager)BattleCutManager._clsMapManger).BattleStart(formationKind); } else { BattleCutManager._clsBattleManager = ((RebellionMapManager)BattleCutManager._clsMapManger).BattleStart(formationKind); } } switch (BattleCutManager._clsBattleManager.WarType) { case enumMapWarType.None: Dlg.Call(ref BattleCutManager._actOnFinished); break; case enumMapWarType.Normal: BattleCutManager.ReqPhase(BattleCutPhase.Command); break; case enumMapWarType.Midnight: BattleCutManager.ReqPhase(BattleCutPhase.NightBattle); break; case enumMapWarType.Night_To_Day: BattleCutManager.ReqPhase(BattleCutPhase.NightBattle); break; case enumMapWarType.AirBattle: BattleCutManager.ReqPhase(BattleCutPhase.Command); break; } }
private void GotoSortieMap(ShipRecoveryType iType) { Dlg.Call(ref _actOnFinished, iType); }
private void taskm_Completed(object sender, TaskCompletedEventArgs <bool> e) { logger.Log(Resources.ResetCompleted, Category.Debug, Priority.None); Dlg.Result = true; Dlg.Close(); }
private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { try { if (blZhuxiao == false) { if (Dlg.ShowConfirmInfo("确定退出系统?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; return; } else { e.Cancel = false; //return; #region 取数据库备份参数 int backupMode; string backupPath; string lsql = string.Format("SELECT IntCode,VcParam1 from SysParam where IntType=1"); using (DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetData(lsql)) { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("第一次使用,请设置数据库备份参数!"); e.Cancel = true; return; } else { backupMode = Utils.StrToIntDef(dt.Rows[0]["IntCode"].ToString(), -1); backupPath = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["VcParam1"]).Trim(); } if ((backupMode < 0) || (backupMode > 2)) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfo("数据库“备份选项”不正确,请设置!"); e.Cancel = true; return; } if (backupMode != 2) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupPath) == true) { if (Dlg.ShowConfirmInfo("数据库备份路径为空,请设置!") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; return; } } if ((!Directory.Exists(backupPath)) && CommonClass.SttDb.iDBType == 0) { if (Dlg.ShowConfirmInfo("数据库备份路径在本机不存在,请设置!") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = true; return; } } } } #endregion #region 备份 if (CommonClass.SttDb.iDBType == 0) { string dbFullName = Application.StartupPath + @"\DbMeter.mdb"; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; CopyFileClass.Backup(backupMode, dbFullName, backupPath); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } else { if (backupMode == 0) { if (Dlg.ShowConfirmInfo("是否备份数据库") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string dbFullName = backupPath + "\\dbmeter" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".bak"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\(.*?\)"); string dbName = regex.Match(CommonClass.SttDb.sDbInfo).ToString().Trim('(', ')'); string mSql = string.Empty; mSql = string.Format(@"BACKUP DATABASE {0} TO DISK = N'{1}' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'{0}备份',NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT", dbName, dbFullName); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(mSql); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } else if (backupMode == 1) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string dbFullName = backupPath + "\\dbmeter" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".bak"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\(.*?\)"); string dbName = regex.Match(CommonClass.SttDb.sDbInfo).ToString().Trim('(', ')'); string mSql = string.Empty; mSql = string.Format(@"BACKUP DATABASE {0} TO DISK = N'{1}' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'{0}备份',NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT", dbName, dbFullName); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(mSql); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } #endregion //关闭启动窗体 myLogin.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfo(ex.Message); e.Cancel = true; return; } }
private void LoadModuleListFromXml() { XmlDocument mXml = new XmlDocument(); if (System.IO.File.Exists("System.xml") == false) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("没有发现配置文档"); return; } mXml.Load("System.xml"); XmlNode mConfigNode = mXml.SelectSingleNode("/Config/ConfigFile"); if (mConfigNode == null) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("配置文件有误"); return; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(mConfigNode.Attributes["FileName"].Value) == false) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("没有发现配置文档"); return; } mXml.Load(mConfigNode.Attributes["FileName"].Value); XmlNodeList mNodeList = mXml.SelectNodes("/Config/menus"); for (int i = 0; i < mNodeList.Count; i++) { XmlNode mNode = mNodeList[i]; Image imageTemp = null; string strText = "缺省值"; string strName; if (mNode.Attributes["imagePath"].Value != null) { imageTemp = Image.FromFile(mNode.Attributes["imagePath"].Value); } else { imageTemp = Image.FromFile(@"Images\1.png"); } if (mNode.Attributes["text"].Value != null) { strText = mNode.Attributes["text"].Value; } if (mNode.Attributes["name"].Value != null) { strName = mNode.Attributes["name"].Value; } else { strName = new Guid().ToString(); } ToolStripButton tsbMain = new ToolStripButton(strText, imageTemp, new EventHandler(mtoolStripButton1_Click), strName); //新建菜单主项按钮 tsbMain.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image; tsbMain.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText; ToolStrip tsTemp = new ToolStrip(); // 新建侧边栏 tsTemp.Name = "ts" + mNode.Attributes["text"].Value; tsTemp.Visible = false; tsTemp.ImageScalingSize = new Size(32, 32); tsTemp.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(192, 220, 255); tsTemp.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tsTemp.GripStyle = ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden; tsTemp.LayoutStyle = ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow; tsTemp.Parent = splitContainer1.Panel1; //新建菜单栏 ToolStripMenuItem tsmiTemp = new ToolStripMenuItem(mNode.Attributes["text"].Value); tsmiTemp.Name = "tsmi" + mNode.Attributes["text"].Value; MenuMain.Items.Insert(0, tsmiTemp); //menuStrip1.Items.Add(mItem); //toolStripM.Items.Add(tsbMain); //菜单主项按钮添加到主toolstrip XmlNodeList mChildNodes = mNode.ChildNodes; for (int j = 0; j < mChildNodes.Count; j++) { XmlNode mChildNode = mChildNodes[j]; Image imageChildTemp = null; string strChildText = "缺省值"; string strChildName; if (mChildNode.Attributes["imagePath"].Value != null) { imageChildTemp = Image.FromFile(mChildNode.Attributes["imagePath"].Value); } else { imageChildTemp = Image.FromFile(@"Images\1.png"); } if (mChildNode.Attributes["text"].Value != null) { strChildText = mChildNode.Attributes["text"].Value; } if (mChildNode.Attributes["name"].Value != null) { strChildName = mChildNode.Attributes["name"].Value; } else { strChildName = new Guid().ToString(); } ToolStripButton tsbTemp = new ToolStripButton(strChildText, imageChildTemp, new EventHandler(t2toolStripButton1_Click), strChildName);//新建业务按钮 ModuleList myModule = new ModuleList(); tsbTemp.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit; tsbTemp.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText; tsbTemp.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText; myModule.MKHSM = mChildNode.Attributes["class"].Value; //获取类名 myModule.MKWJM = mChildNode.Attributes["dllName"].Value; //获取程序集名称 tsbTemp.Tag = myModule; myModuleList.Add(myModule); tsTemp.Items.Add(tsbTemp); //业务按钮添加到控件上 //添加菜单子项 ToolStripMenuItem tsmiSubTemp = new ToolStripMenuItem(strChildText, imageChildTemp, new EventHandler(t2toolStripButton1_Click)); tsmiSubTemp.Tag = myModule; tsmiTemp.DropDownItems.Add(tsmiSubTemp); } } }
private void tsbRYAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TrimTextBox(); if (TBGH.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { toolTip1.Show("工号不能为空", TBGH, 0, TBGH.Height, 2000); return; } if (TBXM.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { toolTip1.Show("姓名不能为空", TBXM, 0, TBXM.Height, 2000); return; } if (Utils.StrToIntDef(TBGH.Text, -1) == -1) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("请输入四位数字工号,且不能与已有工号重复!"); TBGH.SelectAll(); TBGH.Focus(); return; } if (TBDH.Text != "") { if (Utils.StrToIntDef(TBDH.Text, -1) == -1) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("请输入正确的电话号码数字!"); TBDH.SelectAll(); TBDH.Focus(); return; } } ry ry = new ry(); ry.GH = Convert.ToInt32(TBGH.Text); ry.XM = TBXM.Text.Trim(); ry.XB = "男"; ry.DH = TBDH.Text.Trim(); ry.SH = Convert.ToInt32(CBoxSH.SelectedValue); ry.RYZ = Convert.ToInt32(CBoxRole.SelectedValue); if (rbFemale.Checked == true) { ry.XB = "女"; } int ret = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(1) from ptry where gh='{0}'", ry.GH))); if (ret > 0) { toolTip1.Show("该工号已存在,请重新输入", TBGH, 0, TBGH.Height, 2000); TBGH.Focus(); return; } string mSql = string.Format("insert into ptry(gh,xm,xb,dh,sh,jb,zt,mm) values ({0},'{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},{5},'0','{6}')", ry.GH, ry.XM, ry.XB, ry.DH, ry.SH, ry.RYZ, MD5.Md5Encrypt("1001")); ret = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(mSql); if (ret > 0) { InitRY(); SelectRow(ry.GH); Dlg.ShowOKInfo("添加成功,初始密码1001!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod);</param> /// <param name="rMode">If true, will make sure no other instances are running your method.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d, ReenteranceMode rMode) { return Do(null, d, false, null, true, rMode, null, true); }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModuleList ml = new ModuleList(); ml.MKBH = txtMKBH.Text.Trim(); ml.MKMC = txtMKMC.Text.Trim(); ml.MKTP = cmbTP.Text; ml.BBH = txtBBH.Text.Trim(); ml.CardType = Convert.ToInt32(cmbCardType.SelectedValue); if (ml.MKBH == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块编号不能为空!", txtMKBH, 0, txtMKBH.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.MKMC == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块名称不能为空!", txtMKMC, 0, txtMKMC.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.BBH == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块版本号不能为空!", txtBBH, 0, txtBBH.Height, 2000); return; } int ret; string mSql; ret = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(1) from ptcd where mkbh='{0}'", ml.MKBH))); if (ret > 0) { toolTip1.Show("该模块编号已存在!", txtMKBH, 0, txtMKBH.Height, 2000); return; } if (rbZCD.Checked == true) { ml.MKJB = 1; ml.MKFCD = "0000"; ml.MKWJM = ""; ml.MKHSM = ""; ml.FastStart = "0"; mSql = string.Format("insert into ptcd(mkbh,mkmc,mkjb,mkfcd,mktp,bbh,cardtype) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}',{6})", ml.MKBH, ml.MKMC, ml.MKJB, ml.MKFCD, ml.MKTP, ml.BBH, ml.CardType); } else { if (ml.MKWJM == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块文件名不能为空!", txtMKWJM, 0, txtMKWJM.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.MKHSM == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块函数名不能为空!", txtMKWJM, 0, txtMKWJM.Height, 2000); return; } if (cmbFCD.SelectedIndex == -1) { toolTip1.Show("请选择父菜单!", cmbFCD, 0, cmbFCD.Height, 2000); return; } ml.FastStart = Convert.ToInt32(cbFastStart.Checked).ToString(); ml.MKJB = 2; ml.MKFCD = cmbFCD.SelectedValue.ToString(); ml.MKWJM = txtMKWJM.Text.Trim(); ml.MKHSM = txtMKHSM.Text.Trim(); mSql = string.Format("insert into ptcd(mkbh,mkmc,mkjb,mkfcd,mktp,mkwjm,mkhsm,faststart,bbh,cardtype) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}',{9})", ml.MKBH, ml.MKMC, ml.MKJB, ml.MKFCD, ml.MKTP, ml.MKWJM, ml.MKHSM, ml.FastStart, ml.BBH, ml.CardType); } ret = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(mSql); if (ret > 0) { InitRight(); Dlg.ShowOKInfo("创建成功"); } }
public void OnCancel() { Dlg.Call(ref this._actOnCancel); base.get_transform().localScaleZero(); }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod);</param> /// <param name="state">A user object that can be tracked through the returned result</param> /// <param name="tryThreadPool">True to use the TP, otherwise just go to a ful lthread - good for long running tasks.</param> /// <param name="rMode">If true, will make sure no other instances are running your method.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d, object state, bool tryThreadPool, ReenteranceMode rMode) { return Do(null, d, false, state, tryThreadPool, rMode, null, true); }
private void OnFinished() { Dlg.Call(ref _actOnFinished); }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate, carefully using the correct UI thread /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod);</param> /// <param name="async">Whether to run async, or try on current thread if invoke is not required.</param> /// <param name="c">A control to Invoke upon GUI thread of, if needed. Null if unused.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes UI(Dlg d, Control c, bool async) { return Do(null, d, false, null, false, ReenteranceMode.Allow, c, async); }
private void tsbRYSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvRY.SelectedRows.Count < 1) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("请先选择要保存的用户"); return; } if (TBGH.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { toolTip1.Show("工号不能为空", TBGH, 0, TBGH.Height, 2000); return; } if (TBXM.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { toolTip1.Show("姓名不能为空", TBXM, 0, TBXM.Height, 2000); return; } ry ry = new ry(); ry.GH = Convert.ToInt32(TBGH.Text); ry.XM = TBXM.Text.Trim(); ry.XB = "男"; ry.DH = TBDH.Text.Trim(); ry.SH = Convert.ToInt32(CBoxSH.SelectedValue); ry.RYZ = Convert.ToInt32(CBoxRole.SelectedValue); if (rbFemale.Checked == true) { ry.XB = "女"; } int gh = Convert.ToInt32(dgvRY.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ColGH"].Value); int ret; if (gh != ry.GH) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("已经创建的员工不允许修改其工号!"); return; //if (gh == 1001) //{ // Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("员工1001不允许修改工号!"); // return; //} //ret = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(1) from ptry where gh={0}", ry.GH))); //if (ret > 0) //{ // toolTip1.Show("该工号已存在,请重新输入", TBGH, 0, TBGH.Height, 2000); // TBGH.Focus(); // return; //} } if ((gh == 1001) && (ry.RYZ != (int)dgvRY.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ColJB"].Value)) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("员工1001不允许修改权限!"); return; } string mSql = string.Format("update ptry set gh='{0}',xm='{1}',xb='{2}',dh='{3}',sh={4},jb={5} where gh='{6}'", ry.GH, ry.XM, ry.XB, ry.DH, ry.SH, ry.RYZ, gh); ret = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(mSql); if (ret > 0) { InitRY(); SelectRow(ry.GH); Dlg.ShowOKInfo("修改成功!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate.</param> /// <param name="dr">A delegate with a return value of some sort - can be cast to (DlgR) from an anonymous delgate with a return.</param> /// <param name="state">A user object that can be tracked through the returned result</param> /// <param name="getRetVal">If true, and the method/delgete returns something, it is included in the AsyncRes returned (after the method completes)</param> /// <param name="tryThreadPool">True to use the TP, otherwise just go to a ful lthread - good for long running tasks.</param> /// <param name="rMode">If true, will make sure no other instances are running your method.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> private static AsyncRes Do(DlgR dr, Dlg d, bool getRetVal, object state, bool tryThreadPool, ReenteranceMode rMode, Control control, bool async) { //get a generic MethodInfo for checks.. MethodInfo mi = ((dr != null) ? dr.Method : d.Method); //make a unique key for output usage string key = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", ((getRetVal) ? "<-" : ""), mi.DeclaringType, ((mi.IsStatic) ? ":" : "."), mi.Name); //our custom return value, holds our delegate, state, key, etc. AsyncRes res = new AsyncRes(state, ((dr != null) ? (Delegate)dr : (Delegate)d), key, rMode); //Create a delegate wrapper for what we will actually invoke.. Dlg dlg = (Dlg)delegate { if (!BeforeInvoke(res)) return; //checks for reentrance issues and sets us up try { if (res.IsCompleted) return; if (dr != null) { res.retVal = dr();//use this one if theres a return } else { d();//otherwise the simpler dlg } } catch (Exception ex) { //we never want a rogue exception on a random thread, it can't bubble up anywhere GSharp.Logging.Log.Exception("Error during async Invoke", ex); } finally { FinishInvoke(res);//this will fire our callback if they used it, and clean up } }; if (control != null) { try { res.control = control; res.result = AsyncAction.ControlInvoked; if (!async) { if (!control.InvokeRequired) { res.completedSynchronously = true; dlg(); } else { control.Invoke(dlg); } } else { control.BeginInvoke(dlg); } } catch (Exception ex) { GSharp.Logging.Log.Exception("Error during async Invoke", ex); } return res; } //don't catch these errors - if this fails, we shouldn't try a real thread or threadpool! if (tryThreadPool) { //we are going to use the .NET threadpool try { //get some stats - much better than trying and silently failing or throwing an expensive exception int minThreads, minIO, threads, ioThreads, totalThreads, totalIO; ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minThreads, out minIO); ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out threads, out ioThreads); ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out totalThreads, out totalIO); //check for at least our thread plus one more in ThreadPool if (threads > minThreads) { //this is what actually fires this task off.. bool result = ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((WaitCallback)delegate { dlg(); }); if (result) { res.result = AsyncAction.ThreadPool; //this means success in queueing and running the item return res; } else { //according to docs, this "won't ever happen" - exception instead, but just for kicks. GSharp.Logging.Log.Error("Failed to queue in threadpool. Method: " + key); } } else { GSharp.Logging.Log.Error(String.Format("Insufficient idle threadpool threads: {0} of {1} - min {2}, Method: {3}", threads, totalThreads, minThreads, key)); } } catch (Exception ex) { GSharp.Logging.Log.Exception("Failed to queue in threadpool: " + ex.Message + " Method: " + key, ex); } } //if we got this far, then something up there failed, or they wanted a dedicated thread Thread t = new Thread((ThreadStart)delegate { dlg(); }); t.IsBackground = true; //this or threadpriority are candidates for additional settings t.Name = "Async_" + key; res.result = AsyncAction.Thread; t.Start(); return res; }
private object addControl(string senderName, ModuleList mModule) { try { Control mCT = null; string sCtrlName = mModule.MKHSM; if (PnlClient.Controls.Find(sCtrlName, false).Length > 0) //该页面已存在 { mCT = PnlClient.Controls.Find(sCtrlName, false)[0]; } else { Assembly myAs; string sDllFile = mModule.MKWJM; if (File.Exists(sDllFile)) { myAs = Assembly.LoadFrom(sDllFile); } else { myAs = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); } if (myAs == null) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp(string.Format("未找到程序集({0})", mModule.MKWJM)); return(null); } Type mType = myAs.GetType(sCtrlName); if (mType == null) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp(string.Format("没有找到窗体({0})!", sCtrlName)); return(1); } mCT = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(mType); mCT.Name = sCtrlName; //if (mType.BaseType.Name != "Form" ) //{ // mCT.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; //} SetDoubleBuffered(mCT); //SetBackColorTransParent(mCT); mCT.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; if (mCT is Form) { mCT.Show(); } else { mCT.Tag = mModule; //PnlClient.Controls.Clear(); foreach (Control ctrl in PnlClient.Controls) { ctrl.Dispose(); } PnlClient.Controls.Add(mCT); } // mCT.Parent = panel1; } if (mCT != null) { //for (int i = 0; i < panel1.Controls.Count; i++) //{ // panel1.Controls[i].Dispose(); //} mCT.BringToFront(); mCT.Select(); } LblTip.Text = senderName; } catch (Exception ex) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfo(string.Format("异常:\n{0}", ex.Message)); return(1); } return(0); //0成功 }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// This overload always tries the ThreadPool and DOES NOT check for reentrance. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod)</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d) { return Do(d, ReenteranceMode.Allow); }
public virtual void OnCancel() { Dlg.Call(ref _actOnCancel); }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// This overload always tries the ThreadPool and DOES NOT check for reentrance. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod)</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d) { return(Do(d, ReenteranceMode.Allow)); }
private void taskm_Canceled(object sender, TaskCanceledEventArgs e) { logger.Log(string.Format(Resources.ReadStoped, GetMemoryType()), Category.Debug, Priority.None); Dlg.Result = false; Dlg.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod);</param> /// <param name="rMode">If true, will make sure no other instances are running your method.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d, ReenteranceMode rMode) { return(Do(null, d, false, null, true, rMode)); }
private void taskm_Canceled(object sender, TaskCanceledEventArgs e) { logger.Log(Resources.ResetStoped, Category.Debug, Priority.None); Dlg.Result = false; Dlg.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Fires off your delegate asyncronously, using the threadpool or a full managed thread if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">A void delegate - can be cast to (Dlg) from an anonymous delgate or method: Async.Do((Dlg)MyVoidMethod);</param> /// <param name="state">A user object that can be tracked through the returned result</param> /// <param name="tryThreadPool">True to use the TP, otherwise just go to a ful lthread - good for long running tasks.</param> /// <param name="rMode">If true, will make sure no other instances are running your method.</param> /// <returns>AsyncRes with all kind o' goodies for waiting, result values, etc.</returns> public static AsyncRes Do(Dlg d, object state, bool tryThreadPool, ReenteranceMode rMode) { return(Do(null, d, false, state, tryThreadPool, rMode)); }
private void PlayLookAtLine2Assult() { Dlg.Call(ref _actOnPlayLookAtLine2Assult); }
protected virtual void OnClose() { Dlg.Result = false; Dlg.Close(); }
private void tsbModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MKBH; if (tvRight.SelectedNode == null) { Dlg.ShowErrorInfoAndHelp("请选择要修改的模块!"); return; } MKBH = ((ModuleList)tvRight.SelectedNode.Tag).MKBH; ModuleList ml = new ModuleList(); ml.MKBH = txtMKBH.Text.Trim(); ml.MKMC = txtMKMC.Text.Trim(); ml.MKTP = cmbTP.Text; ml.BBH = txtBBH.Text.Trim(); ml.CardType = Convert.ToInt32(cmbCardType.SelectedValue); if (ml.MKBH == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块编号不能为空!", txtMKBH, 0, txtMKBH.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.MKMC == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块名称不能为空!", txtMKMC, 0, txtMKMC.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.BBH == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块版本号不能为空!", txtBBH, 0, txtBBH.Height, 2000); return; } int ret; string mSql; List <string> mSqls = new List <string>(); if (MKBH != ml.MKBH) { ret = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(1) from ptcd where mkbh='{0}'", ml.MKBH))); if (ret > 0) { toolTip1.Show("该模块编号已存在!", txtMKBH, 0, txtMKBH.Height, 2000); return; } } if (rbZCD.Checked == true) { ml.MKWJM = ""; ml.MKHSM = ""; ml.MKJB = 1; ml.MKFCD = "0000"; ml.FastStart = "0"; } else { if (ml.MKWJM == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块文件名不能为空!", txtMKWJM, 0, txtMKWJM.Height, 2000); return; } if (ml.MKHSM == "") { toolTip1.Show("模块函数名不能为空!", txtMKWJM, 0, txtMKWJM.Height, 2000); return; } ml.FastStart = Convert.ToInt32(cbFastStart.Checked).ToString(); ml.MKJB = 2; ml.MKFCD = cmbFCD.SelectedValue.ToString(); ml.MKWJM = txtMKWJM.Text.Trim(); ml.MKHSM = txtMKHSM.Text.Trim(); } mSql = string.Format("update ptcd set mkbh='{0}',mkmc='{1}',mkjb='{2}',mkfcd='{3}',mktp='{4}',mkwjm='{5}',mkhsm='{6}',faststart='{7}',bbh='{8}',cardtype={9} where mkbh='{10}'", ml.MKBH, ml.MKMC, ml.MKJB, ml.MKFCD, ml.MKTP, ml.MKWJM, ml.MKHSM, ml.FastStart, ml.BBH, ml.CardType, MKBH); mSqls.Add(mSql); mSql = string.Format("update ptcd set mkfcd ='{0}' where mkfcd='{1}'", ml.MKBH, MKBH); mSqls.Add(mSql); ret = SqlHelper.ExecuteSqls(mSqls.ToArray()); if (ret == 0) { InitRight(); //tvRight.BeginUpdate(); //try //{ // TreeNode[] mNodes = tvRight.Nodes.Find(ml.MKBH, true); // if (mNodes.Length > 0) // tvRight.SelectedNode = mNodes[0]; //} //finally //{ // tvRight.EndUpdate(); //} Dlg.ShowOKInfo("修改成功!"); } }
protected virtual void OnOk() { Dlg.Result = true; Dlg.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 刷新查询数据 /// </summary> private void refresh() { string mSql = @"select ms.Id,ms.datadate,un.username userid,cn.companyname customerid,ms.cardid,ca.cardname cardname,ca.cardbalance,edu.ed,ms.mealmoney,ms.recdate,ms.status,an.username auditid,ms.auditdate,p.DepartmentName,P.username IntUsedID from t_meals ms left join t_users un on ms.userid = left join t_customers cn on ms.customerid = left join t_cards ca on ms.cardid = left join t_users [an] on ms.operid = left join t_users P on ms.IntUsedID = left join (select isnull(ss.salesum,0) - isnull(gs.GiftSum,0)-isnull(ms.mealsum,0) ed, from t_users a left join (select sum(summoney)/200 salesum ,username from T_Saledetails where saledate between (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-01-01') and (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-12-31') group by username) ss on = ss.username left join (select sum(GiftSum) giftsum,IntUsedID from t_GiftStockOut where datadate between (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-01-01') and (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-12-31') and status not in('已删除','审核未通过','已提交等待领导审核') group by IntUsedID) gs on = gs.IntUsedID left join (select sum(mealmoney) mealsum,IntUsedID from t_meals where datadate between (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-01-01') and (convert(varchar(4),getdate(),120) + '-12-31') and status not in('已删除','已提交等待领导审核') group by IntUsedID) ms on = ms.IntUsedID ) edu on ms.IntUsedID = where ms.status <> '已删除' {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}";// string mC1 = "", mC2 = "", mC3 = "", mC4 = "", sDept = "", sUsedEmp = ""; if (cmbUserName.Text != string.Empty) { mC1 = "and un.username like '%" + cmbUserName.Text + "%'"; } if (CBoxUsed.Text != string.Empty) { sUsedEmp = "and P.username like '%" + CBoxUsed.Text + "%'"; } if (cmbCustomers.Text != string.Empty) { mC2 = "and cn.companyname like '%" + cmbCustomers.Text + "%'"; } if (cmbCards.Text != string.Empty) { mC3 = "and ca.cardname like '%" + cmbCards.Text + "%'"; } if (cmbHasAudit.Text != string.Empty) { //dgvExAllocation.Columns["ColumnChecked"].Visible = false; if (cmbHasAudit.Text == "未审核") { mC4 = "and ms.status='已提交等待领导审核'"; //dgvExAllocation.Columns["ColumnChecked"].Visible = true; } else if (cmbHasAudit.Text == "审核未通过") { mC4 = "and ms.status='" + cmbHasAudit.Text + "'"; } else //已通过 { mC4 = "and ms.status not in('审核未通过','已提交等待领导审核')"; } } if (CBoxDept.Text != string.Empty) { sDept = "and P.DepartmentName like '%" + CBoxDept.Text + "%'"; } mSql = string.Format(mSql, mC1, mC2, mC3, mC4, sDept, sUsedEmp); var mTable = SqlHelper.GetData(mSql); dgvExAllocation.DataSource = mTable; if (mTable.Rows.Count < 1) { Dlg.ShowOKInfo("没有记录"); return; } }
private void OnTouch() { Dlg.Call(ref this._actOnTouch); }