protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { using (MySqlConnection tsc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { tsc.Open(); MySqlCommand tcmd = new MySqlCommand(); tcmd.Connection = tsc; tcmd.CommandText = "update tsrelationship set Score=-1 where score=null"; } string sqlcommand = "SELECT name from sysobjects where xtype='U'"; if (this.list != null) { this.list.ClearSelection(); this.list.Items.Clear(); } using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader(sqlcommand)) { ListItem item = new ListItem("", ""); item.Selected = true; this.list.Items.Add(item); while (read.Read()) { item = new ListItem(read["Name"].ToString(), read["Name"].ToString()); this.list.Items.Add(item); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { if (Request.Cookies["UserConfig"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["UserConfig"]; Session["UserInfo"] = Server.HtmlEncode(new Diya().GetDESDecrypt(cookie.Value)); } } string[] Info = Session["UserInfo"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '#' }); Diya.GetUserInfo(Convert.ToInt32(Info[0]), Info[1], Info[2]); this.landinfo.Text = Info[2]; ViewState["UserID"] = Info[1]; ViewState["TestMouldInfo"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.TestMouldGV, "select * from TestMouldInfo where Userid='" + ViewState["UserID"] + "' order by MouldID desc"); if (this.TestMouldGV.Rows.Count == 0) { this.TestMouldGV.Visible = false; this.NullData.Visible = true; } else { this.TestMouldGV.Visible = true; this.NullData.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } ViewState["UserID"] = Session["UserInfo"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * from Section")) { while (read.Read()) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += read["Section"] + "*" + read["SectionID"] + "$"; } this.SelectionBuf.Value += "#"; } using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From Section")) { while (read.Read()) { using (MySqlDataReader Kread = new Diya().RowReader("select * From KnowledgePoint where SectionID=" + read["SectionID"])) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += read["SectionID"] + "$"; while (Kread.Read()) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += Kread["KnowledgePointName"] + "*" + Kread["KnowledgePointID"] + "+"; } this.SelectionBuf.Value += "%"; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select CourseName,CourseID from CourseInfo where CourseID!=0")) { while (read.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(read["CourseName"].ToString(), read["CourseID"].ToString()); this.CouresInfo.Items.Add(item); } this.CouresInfo.Items[0].Selected = true; } using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select ClassName ,Classid from classinfo where Courseid=" + this.CouresInfo.SelectedValue)) { ListItem item = new ListItem("全部班级", "0"); this.Classes.Items.Add(item); while (read.Read()) { item = new ListItem(read["ClassName"].ToString(), read["ClassID"].ToString()); this.Classes.Items.Add(item); } } } }
protected void My_Test_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); string DeleteCmd = "Delete From HTRelationship Where TSRelationshipID=" + e.CommandArgument; MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(DeleteCmd, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); string DeleCmd = "Delete From TSRelationship Where RelationshipID=" + e.CommandArgument; MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(DeleCmd, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } string Selectcmd = "Select * from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.Testid=TSRelationship.Testid where TSRelationship.Score is not null and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString(); ViewState["DataSource"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Myhistory_Gw, Selectcmd); } else if (e.CommandName != "Page") { Session["TestID"] = e.CommandArgument; Session["TSRelationshipID"] = e.CommandName; Session["Contactid_S"] = ViewState["Contactid"]; Response.Redirect("TestInfo_detailed.aspx"); } }
protected void TestGw_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText TestStartTime = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText) this.TestGw.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("TestStartTime"); System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText TestEndTime = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText) this.TestGw.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("TestEndTime"); Label id = (Label)this.TestGw.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("TestID"); using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); string updatestring = "Update TestInfo Set TestStartTime='" + TestStartTime.Value + "',TestEndTime='" + TestEndTime.Value + "' where TestID=" + id.Text; MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(updatestring, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select ContactID From TSRelationship where TestID=" + id.Text)) { while (read.Read()) { using (MySqlConnection Scin = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Scin.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into TSRelationship(TestID,ContactID,Score)Values(" + id.Text + "," + read["ContactID"] + "," + "null)", Scin); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string Selectcomd = "Select * from Topic"; ViewState["TopicInfoData"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Topic_Gw, Selectcomd); } }
//[AjaxPro.AjaxMethod] public string GetCode() { Random r = new Random(Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"))); Diya diya = new Diya(); Session["Time"] = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("mmss")); string Code = ""; int x = r.Next(1, 10); Session["Code"] = diya.GetMD5Text(x.ToString()); ///Random r = new Random(Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"))); int sign1 = r.Next(0, 3); int sign2 = r.Next(0, 2); int y = 0; int t; switch (sign1) { case 0: t = r.Next(1, 10); y = x * t; Code += t + "#*#x"; break; case 1: t = r.Next(1, 10); y = x + t; Code += "x#+#" + t; break; case 2: t = r.Next(1, 10); y = x - t; Code += "x#-#" + t; break; default: break; } switch (sign2) { case 0: t = r.Next(1, 10); y += t; Code += "#+" + t + "#" + y; break; case 1: t = r.Next(1, 10); y -= t; Code += "#-" + t + "#" + y; break; } return(Code); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (MySqlConnection sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { sc.Open(); string password = new Diya().GetMD5Text("tadeasdze"); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("update ConsultingInfo set Password = '******' where contactid = 14050002", sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
protected void Cnfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * From ConsultingInfo where Contactid=" + this.UserID.Text)) { if (read.Read()) { Session["LandInfo"] = this.UserID.Text; Response.Redirect("ObjectTest.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.KnowledgePointInfo.RepeatColumns = 10; this.SectionInfo.RepeatColumns = 10; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } ListItem Item; Item = new ListItem("全部章节", "0"); //Item.Selected = true; this.SectionInfo.Items.Add(Item); using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From Section")) { while (read.Read()) { Item = new ListItem(read["Section"].ToString(), read["SectionID"].ToString()); Item.Selected = true; this.SectionInfo.Items.Add(Item); } } Item = new ListItem("全部知识点", "0"); this.KnowledgePointInfo.Items.Add(Item); using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select KnowledgePointID,KnowledgePointName from KnowledgePoint")) { while (read.Read()) { Item = new ListItem(read["KnowledgePointName"].ToString(), read["KnowledgePointID"].ToString()); this.KnowledgePointInfo.Items.Add(Item); } } if (Request["Mode"] == "Up") { this.SectionInfo.Visible = false; this.KnowledgePointInfo.Visible = false; this.TestCount.Enabled = false; this.TextScore.Enabled = false; this.TestName.Enabled = false; ViewState["id"] = Session["TestID_Up"]; Session["TestID_Up"] = null; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From TestInfo where TestID=" + ViewState["id"])) { read.Read(); this.TestName.Text = read["TestName"].ToString(); this.TestStartDate.Value = read["TestStartTime"].ToString(); this.TestEndDate.Value = read["TestEndTime"].ToString(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)//ÐèÒªSession[ClassInfo_id];ÐèÒªMode:Edit;Add ViewStat[Classid] { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { if (Request.Cookies["UserConfig"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * from CourseInfo")) { while (read.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(read["CourseName"].ToString(), read["Courseid"].ToString()); this.CourseInfo_Drop.Items.Add(item); } } if (Request["Mode"] == "Edit") { ViewState["Classid"] = Session["ClassInfo_id"]; Session["ClassInfo_id"] = null; string SelectCmd = "select * from classinfo Where Classid=" + ViewState["Classid"]; using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader(SelectCmd)) { read.Read(); this.OpenAnAccount.Value = read["OpenAnAccount"].ToString(); this.ClassName.Value = read["ClassName"].ToString(); this.ClassTime.Value = read["ClassTime"].ToString(); this.WEEK.Value = read["Week"].ToString(); this.RemainingNumber.Value = read["RemainingNumber"].ToString(); foreach (ListItem item in this.CourseInfo_Drop.Items) { if (item.Value == read["Courseid"].ToString()) { item.Selected = true; break; } } if (read["MF"].ToString() == "0") { this.MF_Dorp.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.MF_Dorp.SelectedIndex = 1; } } } } }
protected void BindWorngPageInfo() { DataTable DataBase = new DataTable(); DataBase.Columns.Add("KnowledgePointName"); DataBase.Columns.Add("WorngCount"); DataBase.Columns.Add("KnowledgePointID"); string SelectCmd = "Select KnowledgePoint.KnowledgePointID,KnowledgePoint.KnowledgePointName from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID inner join HTRelationship on HTRelationship.TSRelationshipID=TSRelationship.RelationshipID inner join Options on Options.OptionID=HTRelationship.SelectedOptionID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=HTRelationship.TopicID inner join KnowledgePoint on KnowledgePoint.KnowledgePointID=TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID where TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString() + " and Options.IsTrue=0 and TestInfo.TestStartTime between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' order by KnowledgePoint.KnowledgePointID"; using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(SelectCmd, Sc); DataTable Dbuf = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = Scmd; da.Fill(Dbuf); for (int i = 0; i < Dbuf.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (Dbuf.Rows[i]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString() != Dbuf.Rows[i + 1]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString()) { DataRow dr = DataBase.NewRow(); dr["KnowledgePointName"] = Dbuf.Rows[i]["KnowledgePointName"].ToString(); dr["KnowledgePointID"] = Dbuf.Rows[i]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString(); DataBase.Rows.Add(dr); } else if (i + 1 == Dbuf.Rows.Count - 1) { if (Dbuf.Rows[i + 1]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString() != DataBase.Rows[DataBase.Rows.Count - 1]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString()) { DataRow dr = DataBase.NewRow(); dr["KnowledgePointName"] = Dbuf.Rows[i + 1]["KnowledgePointName"].ToString(); dr["KnowledgePointID"] = Dbuf.Rows[i + 1]["KnowledgePointID"].ToString(); DataBase.Rows.Add(dr); } } } foreach (DataRow Dr in DataBase.Rows) { SelectCmd = "Select Count(*) as a from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID inner join HTRelationship on HTRelationship.TSRelationshipID=TSRelationship.RelationshipID inner join Options on Options.OptionID=HTRelationship.SelectedOptionID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=HTRelationship.TopicID where TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID=" + Dr["KnowledgePointID"] + " and Options.IsTrue=0 and TestInfo.TestStartTime between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString(); Diya diya = new Diya(); using (MySqlDataReader read = diya.RowReader(SelectCmd)) { read.Read(); Dr["WorngCount"] = read["a"].ToString(); } } this.Worng_Q_T.DataSource = DataBase; ViewState["WrongKnowLedgeData"] = DataBase; this.Worng_Q_T.DataBind(); } }
private string BindQuizable(string testid) { //string htmltext = ChecekMode?"<table class=\"History_Quiz_tabel\">":"<table class=\"Quiz_table\">"; string htmltext = ""; DataSet Ds = new DataSet(); string SelectCmd_Q = "Select TTRelationship.RelationshipID,Topic.TopicID,Topic.TopicContent,Topic.HaveContent,Topic.MoreContent From TTRelationship inner join Topic on TTRelationship.TopicID=Topic.TopicID where TTRelationship.TestID=" + testid; using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter Da = new MySqlDataAdapter(SelectCmd_Q, Sc); Da.Fill(Ds); } int TestCount = 0; DataTable Dt = Ds.Tables[0]; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select TestCount from TestInfo where TestID=" + testid)) { if (read.Read()) { TestCount = read.GetInt32(0); } else { TestCount = 0; } read.Close(); } for (int i = 0; i < TestCount; i++) { htmltext = "<tr class=\"item_Quiz\"><td style=\text-align:left\"><label>" + (i + 1) + " ." + Dt.Rows[i]["TopicContent"] + "</label></td></tr>"; DataSet Dso = new DataSet(); using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter("Select Options.OptionID,Options.OptionContent From Options inner join OTRelationship on OTRelationship.OptionID=Options.OptionID Where OTRelationship.TTRelationshipID=" + Dt.Rows[i]["RelationshipID"].ToString(), Sc); da.Fill(Dso); } DataTable Options = Dso.Tables[0]; for (int j = 0; j < Options.Rows.Count; j++) { htmltext += "<tr style=\"height:2%\"><td> </td></tr>"; htmltext += "<tr><td><div class=\"item_Options\"> title=\"\" id=\"" + Options.Rows[j]["OptionID"] + "n\"><input type=\"checkbox\" runat=\"server\" id=\"" + Options.Rows[j]["OptionID"] + "\" onserverchange=\"test_ServerChange\" disabled=\"disabled\" style=\"border:1px solid Black\">" + Convert.ToChar(65 + j) + ". " + Options.Rows[j]["OptionContent"] + "</div></td></tr>"; if (j == Options.Rows.Count - 1) { htmltext += "<tr style=\"height:5%\"><td> </td></tr>"; } } Dst.Addstate(htmltext); } return(htmltext); }
protected void BindScene7() { this.TestSartTime.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); this.TestEndTime.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"); hidealluntil(); this.TestInfo.Visible = true; string selectComd = "select * from TestInfo where TestStartTime between '" + System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "' and '" + System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59") + "' Order By TestID DESC"; ViewState["TestInfoDataScoure"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.TestGw, selectComd); if (this.TestGw.PageCount == 0) { this.Title = "没有考试信息"; } }
protected void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //this.TestSartTime.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //this.TestEndTime.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"); hidealluntil(); this.TestInfo.Visible = true; string selectComd = "select * from TestInfo where TestStartTime between '" + this.TestSartTime.Value + "' and '" + TestEndTime.Value + "' Order By TestID DESC"; ViewState["TestInfoDataScoure"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.TestGw, selectComd); if (this.TestGw.PageCount == 0) { this.Title = "没有考试信息"; } }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Select") { this.GridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; if (ViewState["AddStudent"] != null) { ViewState["AddStudent"] = null; Session["ClassID_A"] = e.CommandArgument; Response.Redirect("AllocationStudent.aspx"); } else { Session["ClassInfo_id"] = e.CommandArgument; Response.Redirect("EditClassInfo.aspx?Mode=Edit"); } } else if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); string DelCmd = "Delete From CSrelationship where Classid=" + e.CommandArgument; MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(DelCmd, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); string DelCmd = "Delete From classinfo where Classid=" + e.CommandArgument; MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(DelCmd, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } hidealluntil(); this.ClassInfo_Div.Visible = true; ViewState["ClassInfoDataScouce"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.GridView1, "Select * From classinfo inner join CourseInfo on CourseInfo.Courseid=classinfo.Courseid where Classid!=" + 0); this.ClassInfo.ClearSelection(); this.ClassInfo.Items.Clear(); ListItem item = new ListItem("全部班级", "0"); item.Selected = true; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select ClassID,ClassName From classinfo order by ClassID asc")) { while (read.Read()) { item = new ListItem(read["ClassName"].ToString(), read["ClassID"].ToString()); this.ClassInfo.Items.Add(item); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { hidealluntile(); if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } if (Session["DataScoure_TIA"] == null) { ViewState["PageIndex_Q"] = 0; TIAT tiat = new TIAT(); tiat.Dst.Clear(); Quiz_Table_B = tiat.Quizeloader(Session["TestID"].ToString(), 2, 0 + 1, Session["TSRelationshipID"].ToString()); QuizabelDataBound(tiat); using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * from TestInfo where TestID=" + Session["TestID"])) { read.Read(); this.TestInfo_Titel.Text = read["TestName"].ToString(); this.Title = read["TestName"].ToString(); } Session["TestID"] = null; if (Session["Contactid_S"] != null) { ViewState["Contactid"] = Session["Contactid_S"]; Session["Contactid_S"] = null; } ViewState["TIAT"] = tiat; this.TitaPager.Visible = true; } else { if (Session["Contactid_S"] != null) { ViewState["Contactid"] = Session["Contactid_S"]; Session["Contactid_S"] = null; } ViewState["PageIndex_QW"] = 0; TIAT tiat = new TIAT(); tiat.Dst.Clear(); Quiz_Table_B = tiat.Quizeloader(20, 0 + 1, Session["DataScoure_TIA"].ToString()); Quiz_WDataBound(tiat); ViewState["TIAT"] = tiat; this.TitaPager_w.Visible = true; ViewState["DataCommand"] = Session["DataScoure_TIA"].ToString(); } } }
protected void CouresInfo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Classes.ClearSelection(); this.Classes.Items.Clear(); using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select ClassName ,ClassID from classinfo where CourseID=" + this.CouresInfo.SelectedValue)) { ListItem item = new ListItem("全部班级", "0"); this.Classes.Items.Add(item); while (read.Read()) { item = new ListItem(read["ClassName"].ToString(), read["ClassID"].ToString()); this.Classes.Items.Add(item); } } }
protected void Consultion_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName != "Page") { if (e.CommandName == "More") { LinkButton lb = this.Consultion.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].FindControl("Lb1") as LinkButton; lb.Text = lb.Text == "+" ? "-" : "+"; this.Consultion.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].FindControl("test1").Visible = lb.Text == "+" ? false : true; } else if (e.CommandName == "select") { } else if (e.CommandName == "HistoryTest") { Session["Contactid_S"] = e.CommandArgument; Response.Redirect("History_Test.aspx"); } else if (e.CommandName == "RemoveClass") { this.Consultion.Columns[1].Visible = false; string DeleteCommand = "Delete From CSrelationship where Contactid=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString() + " and Classid=" + ClassInfo.SelectedValue; using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlTransaction Stransaction = Sc.BeginTransaction(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand(); Scmd.Transaction = Stransaction; Scmd.Connection = Sc; try { Scmd.CommandText = DeleteCommand; Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Stransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { Stransaction.Rollback(); } string SelectCmd = "Select * From ConsultingInfo "; SelectCmd += " inner join CSrelationship on CSrelationship.Contactid=ConsultingInfo.Contactid where CSrelationship.Classid!=0 and CSrelationship.Classid=" + this.ClassInfo.SelectedValue; ViewState["Consultion_Info"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Consultion, SelectCmd); } } } }
protected void ClassInfo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SelectCmd = "Select * From ConsultingInfo "; if (this.ClassInfo.SelectedIndex == 0) { ViewState["Consultion_Info"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Consultion, SelectCmd); this.Consultion.Columns[1].Visible = false; } else { SelectCmd += " inner join CSrelationship on CSrelationship.Contactid=ConsultingInfo.Contactid where CSrelationship.Classid!=0 and CSrelationship.Classid=" + this.ClassInfo.SelectedValue; ViewState["Consultion_Info"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Consultion, SelectCmd); this.Consultion.Columns[1].Visible = true; } hidealluntil(); this.Consultion_Gw.Visible = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { if (Request.Cookies["UserConfig"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } else { HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["UserConfig"]; Session["UserInfo"] = Server.HtmlEncode(new Diya().GetDESDecrypt(cookie.Value)); } } string[] Info = Session["UserInfo"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '#' }); Diya.GetUserInfo(Convert.ToInt32(Info[0]), Info[1], Info[2]); this.UserInfoTitel.Text = Info[2]; ViewState["ClassID"] = Session["ClassID_A"]; Session["ClassID_A"] = null; ViewState["StudentInfo"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.GW1, "Select * from ConsultingInfo"); using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From classinfo where classinfo.Classid=" + ViewState["ClassID"])) { read.Read(); this.ClassName_Label.Text = read["ClassName"].ToString(); } DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < this.GW1.Rows.Count; i++) { DataColumn Dc = new DataColumn(Convert.ToString(i) + "#"); Dc.DefaultValue = "0"; Dt.Columns.Add(Dc); } for (int i = 0; i < this.GW1.PageCount; i++) { Dt.Rows.Add(Dt.NewRow()); } ViewState["Selection"] = Dt; } }
protected void linkbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewState["EditInfo"].ToString() == "edit") { LinkButton linb = sender as LinkButton; string url = "EditConsluting.aspx?Mode=Edit"; Session["ConEditInfo"] = linb.CommandArgument.ToString(); Response.Redirect(url); } else if (ViewState["EditInfo"].ToString() == "Delete") { LinkButton linb = sender as LinkButton; using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("delete From ConsultingInfo where Contactid=" + linb.CommandArgument, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ViewState["Consultion_Info"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Consultion, "Select ChildrenCall,ParentsCall,Contact,Contactid from ConsultingInfo "); this.Consultion.Columns[0].Visible = false; } } }
protected void doBuf(string MouldId) { using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * from Section")) { while (read.Read()) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += read["Section"] + "*" + read["SectionID"] + "$"; } this.SelectionBuf.Value += "#"; } using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From Section")) { while (read.Read()) { using (MySqlDataReader Kread = new Diya().RowReader("select * From KnowledgePoint where SectionID=" + read["SectionID"])) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += read["SectionID"] + "$"; while (Kread.Read()) { this.SelectionBuf.Value += Kread["KnowledgePointName"] + "*" + Kread["KnowledgePointID"] + "+"; } this.SelectionBuf.Value += "%"; } } } DataTable MouldTb = new DataTable(); using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter("Select * From TestMouldInfo inner join MKRelationship on MKRelationship.MouldID=TestMouldInfo.MouldID inner join KnowledgePoint on KnowledgePoint.KnowledgePointID=MKRelationship.KnowledgePointID inner join Section on Section.SectionID=KnowledgePoint.SectionID where TestMouldInfo.Userid='" + ViewState["UserID"] + "' and TestMouldInfo.MouldID=" + MouldId, Sc); da.Fill(MouldTb); } foreach (DataRow dr in MouldTb.Rows) { this.ReturnBuf.Value += dr["KnowledgePointID"].ToString() + "#"; this.SurfaceBuf.Value += dr["Section"].ToString() + "$" + dr["KnowledgePointName"].ToString() + "#"; } }
protected void TestMouldGV_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "More") { ViewState["MouldID"] = e.CommandArgument; this.SurfaceBuf.Value = ""; this.ReturnBuf.Value = ""; this.SelectionBuf.Value = ""; doBuf(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); this.Sigen.Value = "1"; this.MouldView.Visible = true; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * from TestMouldInfo where MouldID=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString())) { read.Read(); this.TestName.Value = read["MouldName"] + ""; } //Literal startScript = new Literal(); //startScript.Text = "<script>document.onreadystatechange = function () {if (document.readyState ==\"complete\") { CreateRow() }}</script>"; //this.Page.Controls.Add(startScript); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "StartScript", "<script>CreateRow();CreateNewRow();Finddivs();</script>"); } else if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("delete From MKRelationship where MouldID=" + e.CommandArgument, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Scmd.CommandText = "Delete Form TestMouldInfo where MouldID=" + e.CommandArgument; Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ViewState["TestMouldInfo"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.TestMouldGV, "select * from TestMouldInfo where Userid='" + ViewState["UserID"] + "'"); } } else if (e.CommandName == "ToTest") { } }
protected void Done_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userid = this.Userid.Value; if (this.Userid.Value != "" && this.OldPassword.Value != "") { string selectcmd = ""; if (new Diya().checktext("N", this.Userid.Value)) { selectcmd = "Select * from ConsultingInfo where Contactid=" + this.Userid.Value + " and Password='******'"; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader(selectcmd)) { if (read.Read()) { if (this.NewPasssword.Value != "") { if (this.NewPasssword.Value == this.CNewPssword.Value) { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("Update ConsultingInfo set Password='******' where Contactid=" + userid, Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } else { this.ConPassordError.Text = "Your new Password is not confirmation"; this.ConPassordError.Visible = true; } } else { this.ConPassordError.Text = "Please enter your new passworld"; this.ConPassordError.Visible = true; } } else { this.errorOldPasss.Text = "Worng Passworld or UserID"; this.errorOldPasss.Visible = true; } } } else { selectcmd = "select UserID ,UserName, UserType from UserInfo0 where Userid='" + this.Userid.Value + "'and Password='******'"; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader(selectcmd)) { if (read.Read()) { if (this.NewPasssword.Value != "") { if (this.NewPasssword.Value == this.CNewPssword.Value) { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("Update UserInfo0 set Password='******' where UserID='" + userid + "'", Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } else { this.ConPassordError.Text = "Your new Password is not confirmation"; this.ConPassordError.Visible = true; } } else { this.ConPassordError.Text = "Please enter your new passworld"; this.ConPassordError.Visible = true; } } else { this.errorOldPasss.Text = "Worng Passworld or UserID"; this.errorOldPasss.Visible = true; } } } } }
protected void Confirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); bool Error = false; if (this.Parent_Call.Value == "") { Error = true; } if (ClassLV.Value == "") { Error = true; } if (this.School.Value == "") { Error = true; } if (this.Contact.Value == "" || !new Diya().checktext("Phonenumber", this.Contact.Value)) { Error = true; } if (!Error) { if (Request["Mode"] == "Add") { MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("Select Max(Contactid) as id from ConsultingInfo", Sc); MySqlDataReader read = Scmd.ExecuteReader(); read.Read(); int previd = Convert.ToInt32(read["id"].ToString()); int now = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMM") + "0000"); string id; if (previd < now) { id = Convert.ToString(now + 1); } else { id = Convert.ToString(previd + 1); } using (MySqlConnection InSc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { InSc.Open(); if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { Session["TheScene"] = "4"; Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } Diya diya = new Diya(); MySqlCommand InScmd = new MySqlCommand("Insert Into ConsultingInfo(Contactid,Userid,ConsultingTime,ChildrenCall,ParentsCall,Contact,ChildrenAge,ChildrenSex,School,Remarks,SignUp,ClassLv,Canalid,Password) values(" + id + ",'" + Session["UserInfo"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '#' })[1] + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "','" + this.Children_Call.Value + "','" + this.Parent_Call.Value + "','" + Contact.Value + "'," + this.Age.Value + ",'" + this.Sex.SelectedValue + "','" + this.School.Value + "','" + this.remark.Text + "',0,'" + ClassLV.Value + "'," + this.Cannel.SelectedValue + ",'" + diya.GetMD5Text("11111111") + "')", InSc); InScmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (MySqlConnection InSc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { InSc.Open(); MySqlCommand InScmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into CSrelationship(Classid,Contactid,Payment,Registrarion,InReading) values(" + this.ClassInfo_Dorp.SelectedValue + "," + id + "," + "0" + ",0" + ",1" + ")", InSc); InScmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } Session["TheScene"] = "4"; Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } else { MySqlCommand Scmd = new MySqlCommand("Update ConsultingInfo set ChildrenCall='" + this.Children_Call.Value + "',ParentsCall='" + this.Parent_Call.Value + "',ChildrenAge=" + this.Age.Value + ",ClassLv='" + this.ClassLV.Value + "',ChildrenSex='" + this.Sex.SelectedValue + "',School='" + this.School.Value + "',Contact='" + this.Contact.Value + "',ReceptionTime='" + this.arrive.Value + "',Canalid=" + this.Cannel.SelectedValue + ",Remarks='" + this.remark.Text + "' where Contactid=" + ViewState["UpdateID"], Sc); Scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Session["TheScene"] = "4"; Response.Redirect("Consultion.aspx"); } } else { } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] != null) { using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From classinfo Where Classid!=0")) { while (read.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(read["ClassName"].ToString(), read["Classid"].ToString()); this.ClassInfo_Dorp.Items.Add(item); } } string[] Info = Session["UserInfo"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '#' }); Diya.GetUserInfo(Convert.ToInt32(Info[0]), Info[1], Info[2]); this.landinfo.Text = Info[2]; if (Request["Mode"] == "Add") { ListItem[] items = new ListItem[2]; items[0] = new ListItem("男", "1"); items[1] = new ListItem("女", "0"); this.Sex.Items.AddRange(items); using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select Canalid,CanalName From CanalInfo")) { while (read.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(read["CanalName"].ToString(), read["Canalid"].ToString()); this.Cannel.Items.Add(item); } } } else { this.ClassInfo_Dorp.Enabled = false;//目前还没有很好的方法去更新CSRelationship表,先禁用之 string _id = Request["Mode"]; string id = Session["ConEditInfo"].ToString(); ViewState["UpdateID"] = id; Session["ConEditInfo"] = null; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select * From ConsultingInfo where Contactid=" + id)) { read.Read(); this.Children_Call.Value = read["ChildrenCall"].ToString(); this.Parent_Call.Value = read["ParentsCall"].ToString(); this.Age.Value = read["ChildrenAge"].ToString(); this.ClassLV.Value = read["ClassLv"].ToString(); this.Sex.Items.Add(new ListItem("男", "男")); this.Sex.Items.Add(new ListItem("女", "女")); if (read["ChildrenSex"].ToString() == "男") { this.Sex.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.Sex.SelectedIndex = 1; } this.School.Value = read["School"].ToString(); this.Contact.Value = read["Contact"].ToString(); this.arrive.Value = read["ReceptionTime"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : read["ReceptionTime"].ToString(); string Canalid = read["Canalid"].ToString(); using (MySqlDataReader Cread = new Diya().RowReader("select * from CanalInfo")) { while (Cread.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(Cread["CanalName"].ToString(), Cread["Canalid"].ToString()); if (item.Value == Canalid) { item.Selected = true; } this.Cannel.Items.Add(item); } } this.remark.Text = read["Remarks"].ToString(); } } } } }
protected void ScreachBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string startTime = this.MinTime.Value; string endTime = this.MaxTime.Value; DataTable KnowledgePoints = new DataTable(); DataTable Knowledgelest = new DataTable(); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("KonwledgePointID"); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("Count"); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("Rights"); using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter("Select TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID from TSRelationship inner join TTRelationship on TTRelationship.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=TTRelationship.TopicID inner join TestInfo on TSRelationship.TestID=TestInfo.TestID where TestInfo.TestStartTime Between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString() + " order by TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID ", Sc); da.Fill(KnowledgePoints); } int Knowledgecount = 0; if (KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count != 0) { this.TestCount_div.Visible = true; this.Myhistory_Gw.Visible = true; string KnowledgeIDFlage = KnowledgePoints.Rows[0][0].ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count; i++) { if (KnowledgePoints.Rows[i][0].ToString() == KnowledgeIDFlage) { Knowledgecount++; } else { Knowledgelest.Rows.Add(Knowledgelest.NewRow()); Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["Count"] = Knowledgecount; Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["KonwledgePointID"] = KnowledgeIDFlage; Knowledgecount = 1; KnowledgeIDFlage = KnowledgePoints.Rows[i][0].ToString(); } } KnowledgeIDFlage = KnowledgePoints.Rows[KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); Knowledgecount = 0; for (int i = KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (KnowledgePoints.Rows[i][0].ToString() == KnowledgeIDFlage) { Knowledgecount++; } else { Knowledgelest.Rows.Add(Knowledgelest.NewRow()); Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["Count"] = Knowledgecount; Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["KonwledgePointID"] = KnowledgeIDFlage; break; } } foreach (DataRow Dr in Knowledgelest.Rows) { int Rights = 0; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select Count(*) as a from TSRelationship inner join HTRelationship on HTRelationship.TSRelationshipID=TSRelationship.RelationshipID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=HTRelationship.TopicID inner join Options on Options.OptionID=HTRelationship.SelectedOptionID inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID where TestInfo.TestStartTime between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' and TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID=" + Dr["KonwledgePointID"] + " and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString() + " and Options.IsTrue=1")) { read.Read(); Rights = read.GetInt32(0); } Dr["Rights"] = Rights; } DataSet Datasource = new DataSet(); int Colindex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Knowledgelest.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i % 6 == 0) { Datasource.Tables.Add(new DataTable()); Colindex = 0; //foreach (DataRow Dr in Knowledgelest.Rows) //{ for (int j = i; j < i + 6 && j < Knowledgelest.Rows.Count; j++) { string KnowledgeName = ""; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select KnowledgePointName from KnowledgePoint where KnowledgePointID=" + Knowledgelest.Rows[j]["KonwledgePointID"])) { read.Read(); KnowledgeName = read["KnowledgePointName"].ToString(); } Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Columns.Add(KnowledgeName); //} } Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Rows.Add(Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].NewRow()); } double score = Convert.ToDouble(Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Rights"]) / Convert.ToDouble(Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Count"]); Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Rows[0][Colindex++] = score.ToString("P") + "(" + Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Rights"] + "/" + Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Count"] + ")"; } ViewState["GvIndex"] = 0; ViewState["CountData"] = Datasource; this.Count.Columns.Clear(); this.Count.DataSource = Datasource.Tables[0]; this.Count.DataBind(); string Selectcmd = "Select * from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.Testid=TSRelationship.Testid where TSRelationship.Score is not null and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"] + " and TestInfo.TestStartTime Between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' order by TSRelationship.RelationshipID DESC"; ViewState["DataSource"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Myhistory_Gw, Selectcmd); BindWorngPageInfo(); } else { Literal Message = new Literal(); Message.Text = "<script>alert('目前没有任何记录')</script>"; this.Page.Controls.Add(Message); this.TestCount_div.Visible = false; this.Myhistory_Gw.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { if (Request.Cookies["UserConfig"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["UserConfig"]; Session["UserInfo"] = Server.HtmlEncode(new Diya().GetDESDecrypt(cookie.Value)); } } ViewState["Contactid"] = Session["Contactid_S"]; //string Selectcmd = "Select * from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.Testid=TSRelationship.Testid where TSRelationship.Score is not null and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + Session["Contactid_S"]; //ViewState["DataSource"] = Diya.Gridviewbind(this.Myhistory_Gw, Selectcmd); using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("select * from ConsultingInfo where Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString())) { read.Read(); this.landinfo.Text = read["ChildrenCall"].ToString() + "的考试信息"; } string Contactid = Session["Contactid_S"].ToString(); string startTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string endTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.MinTime.Value = startTime + " 00:00:00"; this.MaxTime.Value = endTime + " 23:59:59"; DataTable KnowledgePoints = new DataTable(); DataTable Knowledgelest = new DataTable(); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("KonwledgePointID"); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("Count"); Knowledgelest.Columns.Add("Rights"); using (MySqlConnection Sc = new MySqlConnection(Diya.ConectionString)) { Sc.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter("Select TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID from TSRelationship inner join TTRelationship on TTRelationship.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=TTRelationship.TopicID inner join TestInfo on TSRelationship.TestID=TestInfo.TestID where TestInfo.TestStartTime Between '" + this.MinTime.Value + "' and '" + this.MaxTime.Value + "' and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString() + " order by TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID ", Sc); da.Fill(KnowledgePoints); } int Knowledgecount = 0; if (KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count != 0) { this.TestCount_div.Visible = true; this.Myhistory_Gw.Visible = true; string KnowledgeIDFlage = KnowledgePoints.Rows[0][0].ToString(); foreach (DataRow Dr in KnowledgePoints.Rows) { if (Dr[0].ToString() == KnowledgeIDFlage) { Knowledgecount++; } else { Knowledgelest.Rows.Add(Knowledgelest.NewRow()); Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["Count"] = Knowledgecount; Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["KonwledgePointID"] = KnowledgeIDFlage; Knowledgecount = 1; KnowledgeIDFlage = Dr[0].ToString(); } } KnowledgeIDFlage = KnowledgePoints.Rows[KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); Knowledgecount = 0; for (int i = KnowledgePoints.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (KnowledgePoints.Rows[i][0].ToString() == KnowledgeIDFlage) { Knowledgecount++; } else { Knowledgelest.Rows.Add(Knowledgelest.NewRow()); Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["Count"] = Knowledgecount; Knowledgelest.Rows[Knowledgelest.Rows.Count - 1]["KonwledgePointID"] = KnowledgeIDFlage; break; } } foreach (DataRow Dr in Knowledgelest.Rows) { int Rights = 0; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select Count(*) as a from TSRelationship inner join HTRelationship on HTRelationship.TSRelationshipID=TSRelationship.RelationshipID inner join TKRelationship on TKRelationship.TopicID=HTRelationship.TopicID inner join Options on Options.OptionID=HTRelationship.SelectedOptionID inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.TestID=TSRelationship.TestID where TestInfo.TestStartTime between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "' and TKRelationship.KnowledgePointID=" + Dr["KonwledgePointID"] + " and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"].ToString() + " and Options.IsTrue=1")) { read.Read(); Rights = read.GetInt32(0); } Dr["Rights"] = Rights; } DataSet Datasource = new DataSet(); int Colindex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Knowledgelest.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i % 6 == 0) { Datasource.Tables.Add(new DataTable()); Colindex = 0; //foreach (DataRow Dr in Knowledgelest.Rows) //{ for (int j = i; j < i + 6 && j < Knowledgelest.Rows.Count; j++) { string KnowledgeName = ""; using (MySqlDataReader read = new Diya().RowReader("Select KnowledgePointName from KnowledgePoint where KnowledgePointID=" + Knowledgelest.Rows[j]["KonwledgePointID"])) { read.Read(); KnowledgeName = read["KnowledgePointName"].ToString(); } Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Columns.Add(KnowledgeName); //} } Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Rows.Add(Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].NewRow()); } double score = Convert.ToDouble(Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Rights"]) / Convert.ToDouble(Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Count"]); Datasource.Tables[Datasource.Tables.Count - 1].Rows[0][Colindex++] = score.ToString("P") + "(" + Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Rights"] + "/" + Knowledgelest.Rows[i]["Count"] + ")"; } ViewState["GvIndex"] = 0; ViewState["CountData"] = Datasource; this.Count.Columns.Clear(); this.Count.DataSource = Datasource.Tables[0]; this.Count.DataBind(); string Selectcmd = "Select * from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.Testid=TSRelationship.Testid where TSRelationship.Score is not null and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"] + " and TestInfo.TestStartTime Between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "' order by TSRelationship.RelationshipID DESC"; ViewState["DataSource"] = new Diya().Gridviewbind(this.Myhistory_Gw, Selectcmd); } else { Literal Message = new Literal(); Message.Text = "<script>alert('目前没有任何记录')</script>"; this.Page.Controls.Add(Message); this.TestCount_div.Visible = false; this.Myhistory_Gw.Visible = false; } BindWorngPageInfo(); // string Selectcmd = "Select * from TSRelationship inner join TestInfo on TestInfo.Testid=TSRelationship.Testid where TSRelationship.Score is not null and TSRelationship.Contactid=" + ViewState["Contactid"]+" order by TSRelationship.RelationshipID DESC"; //ViewState["DataSource"] = Diya.Gridviewbind(this.Myhistory_Gw, Selectcmd); } }