// Method that is used to prefix
 private static void Farmer_doDivorce_Prefix(Farmer __instance, out DivorceState __state)
     // Create a state variable to check the state in the prefix, used for logic in the postfix
     __state = DivorceState.UnAssigned;
         // Use the same logic as doDivorce() to decide which kind of divorce is happening and log for use in postfix
         if (!__instance.isMarried())
             __state = DivorceState.UnMarriedNoDivorce;
         else if (__instance.spouse != null)
             __state = DivorceState.NPCDivorce;
         else if (__instance.team.GetSpouse(__instance.UniqueMultiplayerID).HasValue)
             __state = DivorceState.MultiplayerDivorce;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Monitor.Log($"Failed to log divorce state in prefix with exception: {ex}", LogLevel.Error);
        // Method that is used to postfix
        private static void Farmer_doDivorce_Postfix(Farmer __instance, DivorceState __state)
            switch (__state)
            // If the prefix failed, don't do the postfix
            case DivorceState.UnAssigned:
                Monitor.Log($"Failed to log divorce state in prefix, skipping divorce conversation topic postfix", LogLevel.Error);

            // If the prefix logged that the player is not married, obviously they can't get divorced
            case DivorceState.UnMarriedNoDivorce:
                Monitor.Log($"Player tried to get divorced when they were not married", LogLevel.Warn);

            // If the prefix logged that the player is married to another player, add divorce conversation topics to both players
            case DivorceState.MultiplayerDivorce:

                // Add divorce conversation topic to current player's player spouse
                    // Get spouse
                    long?  spouseID = __instance.team.GetSpouse(__instance.UniqueMultiplayerID);
                    Farmer spouse   = Game1.getFarmerMaybeOffline(spouseID.Value);

                    // Check if spouse is offline or nonexistent, otherwise add divorce conversation topic to spouse
                    if (spouse is null)
                        Monitor.Log($"Player was married to multiplayer spouse in prefix but multiplayer spouse not found in postfix", LogLevel.Error);
                        MCTHelperFunctions.AddOrExtendCT(spouse, "divorce", Config.DivorceDuration);
                        if (!Game1.getOnlineFarmers().Contains(spouse))
                            Monitor.Log($"Added divorce conversation topic to offline multiplayer spouse, unknown behavior may result", LogLevel.Warn);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Monitor.Log($"Failed to add player's spouse divorce conversation topic with exception: {ex}", LogLevel.Error);

                // Add divorce conversation topic to current player
                goto case DivorceState.NPCDivorce;

            // If the prefix logged that the player is married to an NPC, only add divorce conversation topic to player
            case DivorceState.NPCDivorce:
                    MCTHelperFunctions.AddOrExtendCT(__instance, "divorce", Config.DivorceDuration);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Monitor.Log($"Failed to add player's divorce conversation topic with exception: {ex}", LogLevel.Error);