protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(Label23.Text); if (Page.Request.QueryString["username"] != null) { Label2.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["username"]; } if (!IsPostBack) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC ListAllCities", connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); cityList.DataSource = reader; cityList.DataTextField = "Name"; cityList.DataValueField = "ID"; cityList.DataBind(); } using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { DistrictList.Items.Clear(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC ListAllDistrictsWithCity " + cityList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.DataSource = reader; DistrictList.DataTextField = "Name"; DistrictList.DataValueField = "ID"; DistrictList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void cityList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { DistrictList.Items.Clear(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC ListAllDistrictsWithCity " + cityList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.DataSource = reader; DistrictList.DataTextField = "Name"; DistrictList.DataValueField = "ID"; DistrictList.DataBind(); } CompanyList.Items.Clear(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC ShowCompanyOnDistrict " + DistrictList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); CompanyList.DataSource = reader; CompanyList.DataTextField = "CompanyName"; CompanyList.DataValueField = "ID"; CompanyList.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// To fetch details from database /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DistrictList GetDistrict() { cnn = new OracleConnection(connStr); string proc = "USP_MST_GET_DISTRICT"; cmd = new OracleCommand(proc, cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("Sp_recordset", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Connection.Open(); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); DistrictBO objDisBO = null; DistrictList objDislist = new DistrictList(); while (dr.Read()) { objDisBO = new DistrictBO(); if (!dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID"))) { objDisBO.DistrictID = dr.GetInt32(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID")); } // objDisBO.DistrictID = (Convert.ToInt32(dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID")))); if (!dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTNAME"))) { objDisBO.DistrictName = dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTNAME")).ToString(); } objDislist.Add(objDisBO); } dr.Close(); return(objDislist); }
/// <summary> /// To get details /// </summary> /// <param name="districtname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DistrictList SearchDistrict(string districtname) { proc = "USP_MST_SEARCH_ALLDISTRICTS"; DistrictBO objDisBO = null; DistrictList objDislist = new DistrictList(); using (cnn = new OracleConnection(connStr)) { using (cmd = new OracleCommand(proc, cnn)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; if (districtname != "") { cmd.Parameters.Add("DistrictName_", districtname); } else { cmd.Parameters.Add("DistrictName_", DBNull.Value); } cmd.Parameters.Add("Sp_recordset", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; try { cmd.Connection.Open(); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); while (dr.Read()) { objDisBO = new DistrictBO(); if (!dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID"))) { objDisBO.DistrictID = dr.GetInt32(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID")); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTNAME"))) { objDisBO.DistrictName = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTNAME")); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("ISDELETED"))) { objDisBO.IsDeleted = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("ISDELETED")); } objDislist.Add(objDisBO); } dr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } return(objDislist); }
public void UpdateDistricts(Customer customer) { var toRemove = new List <DistrictToСlient>(); foreach (var district in customer.DistrictToClients) { if (!DistrictList.Contains(district.DistrictId)) { toRemove.Add(district); } } toRemove.ForEach(x => customer.DistrictToClients.Remove(x)); foreach (var districtId in DistrictList) { var district = customer.DistrictToClients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DistrictId == districtId); if (district == null) { customer.DistrictToClients.Add(new DistrictToСlient() { ClientId = customer.Id, DistrictId = districtId }); } } }
private async void GetDistrict() { var response = await service.GetDistrict(); switch (response.Item1) { case 1: List <District> dList = response.Item2; foreach (var dis in dList) { DistrictList.Add(dis); } break; case 2: await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("錯誤", "系統錯誤。", "確定"); break; case 3: await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("錯誤", "伺服器無回應,網路連線錯誤。", "確定"); break; default: break; } }
protected void ResetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllListPanel.Visible = true; SearchedPanel.Visible = false; DistrictList.ClearSelection(); BRDropDown.ClearSelection(); StatusList.ClearSelection(); }
public async Task GetDistrictAsync() { this.DistrictList.Clear(); if (EmployeeModel.ProvinceId.HasValue) { ApiResponse apiResponse = await ApiHelper.Get <List <District> >($"api/districts/{EmployeeModel.ProvinceId}", false, false); List <District> data = (List <District>)apiResponse.Content; foreach (var item in data) { DistrictList.Add(item); } } }
protected void DistrictList_bind()//绑定到行政区DropList { //行政区拼接查询语句 string sql = "SELECT text,left+'" + config.Rows[0]["districtName"] + "'+' '+value,value1 FROM [District$] WHERE " + config.Rows[0]["tableName"] + " = 1"; DataSet ds = QuaryExcel(sql); //清除all选项的多余字段 ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Expr1001"] = ""; //绑定到下拉菜单 DistrictList.DataSource = ds; DistrictList.DataTextField = "text"; DistrictList.DataValueField = "Expr1001"; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) //拼接value和value1 { ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString() + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][2].ToString(); } DistrictList.DataBind(); }
protected void AddDistrictButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DistrictTextBox.Text) && CityList.SelectedIndex != -1) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC InsertDistrict " + DistrictTextBox.Text + "," + CityList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.Items.Clear(); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("EXEC ListAllDistrictsWithCity " + CityList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); SqlDataReader reader = command2.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.DataSource = reader; DistrictList.DataTextField = "Name"; DistrictList.DataValueField = "ID"; DistrictList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void DeleteDistrictButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DistrictList.SelectedItem != null) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("EXEC DeleteDistrict " + DistrictList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.Items.Clear(); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("EXEC ListAllDistrictsWithCity " + CityList.SelectedItem.Value, connection); SqlDataReader reader = command2.ExecuteReader(); DistrictList.DataSource = reader; DistrictList.DataTextField = "Name"; DistrictList.DataValueField = "ID"; DistrictList.DataBind(); } } }
public DistrictList LoadDistrictData() { cnn = new OracleConnection(AppConfiguration.ConnectionString); string proc = "USP_MST_GET_DISTRICT"; cmd = new OracleCommand(proc, cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("Sp_recordset", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Connection.Open(); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); DistrictBO obMaster = null; DistrictList Master = new DistrictList(); while (dr.Read()) { obMaster = new DistrictBO(); obMaster.DistrictID = dr.GetInt32(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTID")); obMaster.DistrictName = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("DISTRICTNAME")); Master.Add(obMaster); } dr.Close(); return(Master); }
public AllHouseListViewModel(string search) { SearchContent = search; SortTypeList = new[] { "出售", "出租" }; DistrictList = new[] { "全部区域", "青白江区", "郫都区", "金牛区", "成华区", "高新西区", "武侯区", "锦江区", "高新区", "天府新区", "温江区", "新都区", "青羊区", "双流区", "龙泉驿区" }; RoomStyleList = new[] { "全部房型", "1房", "2房", "3房", "4房及以上" }; SalePriceList = new[] { "全部价格", "0-30万", "30-50万", "50-100万", "100-150万", "150-200万", "200-300万", "300-500万", "500万以上" }; SquareList = new[] { "全部面积", "0-20平", "20-50平", "50-100平", "100-150平", "150-200平", "200-250平", "250-500平", "500-800平", "800平以上" }; //UsageList = new List<string> { "全部用途", "住宅", "商住", "商铺", "网店", "写字楼", "厂房", "写厂", "铺厂", "仓库", "地皮", "车位", "其他" }; //PanTypeList = new List<string> { "全部类型", "公盘", "私盘", "特盘", "封盘" }; SortType = SortTypeList[0]; District = DistrictList[0]; RoomStyle = RoomStyleList[0]; SalePrice = SalePriceList[0]; Square = SquareList[0]; HouseItemList = new ObservableCollection <HouseItemInfo>(); saleHouseItemList = new List <HouseItemInfo>(); rentHouseItemList = new List <HouseItemInfo>(); saleHouseList = new List <HouseInfo>(); rentHouseList = new List <HouseInfo>(); SaleHousePara = new HousePara { DistrictName = "区域", CountF = "房型", Price = "价格", Square = "面积", PropertyUsage = "用途", EstateName = "", BuildNo = "", RoomNo = "", PanType = "有效", Floor = "", MinPrice = "", MaxPrice = "", EmpID = "" }; SortList = new ObservableCollection <string>(); //radios = new bool[5] { false, false, false, false, false }; radios = new BitArray(5); tempRadios = new BitArray(5); SortCommand = new Command <string>((t) => { Visible = !Visible; if (!Visible) { return; } SortList.Clear(); switch (t) { //分类 case "0": { tempRadios[0] = true; radios = radios.Or(tempRadios).And(tempRadios); //先或再与,保证只有一个true tempRadios[0] = false; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // radios[i] = false; //} //radios[0] = true; //SortList.Clear(); SortTypeList.ForEach(item => { SortList.Add(item); }); } break; //区域 case "1": { tempRadios[1] = true; radios = radios.Or(tempRadios).And(tempRadios); tempRadios[1] = false; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // radios[i] = false; //} //radios[1] = true; //SortList.Clear(); DistrictList.ForEach(item => { SortList.Add(item); }); } break; //房型 case "2": { tempRadios[2] = true; radios = radios.Or(tempRadios).And(tempRadios); tempRadios[2] = false; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // radios[i] = false; //} //radios[2] = true; //SortList.Clear(); RoomStyleList.ForEach(item => { SortList.Add(item); }); } break; //价格 case "3": { tempRadios[3] = true; radios = radios.Or(tempRadios).And(tempRadios); tempRadios[3] = false; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // radios[i] = false; //} //radios[3] = true; //SortList.Clear(); SalePriceList.ForEach(item => { SortList.Add(item); }); } break; //面积 case "4": { tempRadios[4] = true; radios = radios.Or(tempRadios).And(tempRadios); tempRadios[4] = false; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // radios[i] = false; //} //radios[4] = true; //SortList.Clear(); SquareList.ForEach(item => { SortList.Add(item); }); } break; default: break; } }, (t) => { return(true); }); OnSortChangedCommand = new Command <string>((t) => { int index = 0; foreach (var item in radios) { if ((bool)item) { break; } index++; } switch (index) { //分类 case 0: { SortType = t; if (SortType == "出售") { if (saleHouseItemList.Count == 0) { GetHouseList(); } else { HouseItemList.Clear(); saleHouseItemList.ForEach(item => { HouseItemList.Add(item); }); } } else if (SortType == "出租") { if (rentHouseItemList.Count == 0) { GetHouseList(); } else { HouseItemList.Clear(); rentHouseItemList.ForEach(item => { HouseItemList.Add(item); }); } } } break; //区域 case 1: { District = t; SaleHousePara.DistrictName = District == "全部区域" ? "区域" : District.TrimEnd('区'); GetHouseList(); } break; //房型 case 2: { RoomStyle = t; SaleHousePara.CountF = RoomStyle == "全部房型" ? "房型" : RoomStyle; GetHouseList(); } break; //价格 case 3: { SalePrice = t; SaleHousePara.Price = SalePrice == "全部价格" ? "价格" : SalePrice; GetHouseList(); } break; //面积 case 4: { Square = t; SaleHousePara.Square = Square == "全部面积" ? "面积" : Square; GetHouseList(); } break; default: break; } Visible = false; }, (t) => { return(true); }); /*SortCommand = new Command<string>(async (t) => * { * switch (t) * { * //分类 * case "0": * { * string result = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("分类", "取消", null, SortTypeList); * SortType = result == null || result == "取消" ? SortType: result; * * if (SortType == "出售") * { * if (saleHouseItemList.Count == 0) * { * GetHouseList(); * } * else * { * HouseItemList.Clear(); * saleHouseItemList.ForEach(item => { HouseItemList.Add(item); }); * } * } * else if (SortType == "出租") * { * if (rentHouseItemList.Count == 0) * { * GetHouseList(); * } * else * { * HouseItemList.Clear(); * rentHouseItemList.ForEach(item => { HouseItemList.Add(item); }); * } * } * } * break; * * //区域 * case "1": * { * string result = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("区域", "取消", null, DistrictList); * District = result == null || result == "取消" ? District : result; * SaleHousePara.DistrictName = District == "全部区域" ? "区域" : District.TrimEnd('区'); * GetHouseList(); * } * break; * * //房型 * case "2": * { * string result = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("区域", "取消", null, RoomStyleList); * RoomStyle = result == null || result == "取消" ? RoomStyle : result; * SaleHousePara.CountF = RoomStyle == "全部房型" ? "房型" : RoomStyle; * GetHouseList(); * } * break; * * //价格 * case "3": * { * string result = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("价格", "取消", null, SalePriceList); * SalePrice = result == null || result == "取消" ? SalePrice : result; * SaleHousePara.Price = SalePrice == "全部价格" ? "价格" : SalePrice; * GetHouseList(); * } * break; * * //面积 * case "4": * { * string result = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("面积", "取消", null, SquareList); * Square = result == null || result == "取消" ? Square : result; * SaleHousePara.Square = Square == "全部面积" ? "面积" : Square; * GetHouseList(); * } * break; * * default: * break; * } * }, (t) => { return true; });*/ VisibleCommand = new Command(() => { Visible = !Visible; }, () => { return(true); }); SearchCommand = new Command(() => { GetHouseList(); }, () => { return(true); }); TappedCommand = new Command <string>((h) => { if (SortType == "出售") { saleHouseList.ForEach((item) => { if (item.PropertyID == h) { HouseDetailPage houseDetailPage = new HouseDetailPage(item); Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(houseDetailPage); } }); } else { rentHouseList.ForEach((item) => { if (item.PropertyID == h) { HouseDetailPage houseDetailPage = new HouseDetailPage(item); Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(houseDetailPage); } }); } }, (h) => { return(true); }); GetHouseList(); }
protected void ResetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel1.Visible = true; Panel2.Visible = false; DistrictList.ClearSelection(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ModelEvent" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Key">TBA event key with the format yyyy[EVENT_CODE], where yyyy is the year, and EVENT_CODE is the event code of the event. (required).</param> /// <param name="Name">Official name of event on record either provided by FIRST or organizers of offseason event. (required).</param> /// <param name="EventCode">Event short code, as provided by FIRST. (required).</param> /// <param name="EventType">Event Type, as defined here: (required).</param> /// <param name="District">The district this event is in, may be null..</param> /// <param name="City">City, town, village, etc. the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="StateProv">State or Province the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="Country">Country the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="StartDate">Event start date in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. (required).</param> /// <param name="EndDate">Event end date in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. (required).</param> /// <param name="Year">Year the event data is for. (required).</param> /// <param name="ShortName">Same as `name` but doesn't include event specifiers, such as 'Regional' or 'District'. May be null..</param> /// <param name="EventTypeString">Event Type, eg Regional, District, or Offseason. (required).</param> /// <param name="Week">Week of the event relative to the first official season event, zero-indexed. Only valid for Regionals, Districts, and District Championships. Null otherwise. (Eg. A season with a week 0 'preseason' event does not count, and week 1 events will show 0 here. Seasons with a week 0.5 regional event will show week 0 for those event(s) and week 1 for week 1 events and so on.).</param> /// <param name="Address">Address of the event's venue, if available..</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">Postal code from the event address..</param> /// <param name="GmapsPlaceId">Google Maps Place ID for the event address..</param> /// <param name="GmapsUrl">Link to address location on Google Maps..</param> /// <param name="Lat">Latitude for the event address..</param> /// <param name="Lng">Longitude for the event address..</param> /// <param name="LocationName">Name of the location at the address for the event, eg. Blue Alliance High School..</param> /// <param name="Timezone">Timezone name..</param> /// <param name="Website">The event's website, if any..</param> /// <param name="FirstEventId">The FIRST internal Event ID, used to link to the event on the FRC webpage..</param> /// <param name="FirstEventCode">Public facing event code used by FIRST (on, for example).</param> /// <param name="Webcasts">Webcasts.</param> /// <param name="DivisionKeys">An array of event keys for the divisions at this event..</param> /// <param name="ParentEventKey">The TBA Event key that represents the event's parent. Used to link back to the event from a division event. It is also the inverse relation of `divison_keys`..</param> /// <param name="PlayoffType">Playoff Type, as defined here:, or null..</param> /// <param name="PlayoffTypeString">String representation of the `playoff_type`, or null..</param> public ModelEvent(string Key = default(string), string Name = default(string), string EventCode = default(string), int?EventType = default(int?), DistrictList District = default(DistrictList), string City = default(string), string StateProv = default(string), string Country = default(string), DateTime?StartDate = default(DateTime?), DateTime?EndDate = default(DateTime?), int?Year = default(int?), string ShortName = default(string), string EventTypeString = default(string), int?Week = default(int?), string Address = default(string), string PostalCode = default(string), string GmapsPlaceId = default(string), string GmapsUrl = default(string), double?Lat = default(double?), double?Lng = default(double?), string LocationName = default(string), string Timezone = default(string), string Website = default(string), string FirstEventId = default(string), string FirstEventCode = default(string), List <Webcast> Webcasts = default(List <Webcast>), List <string> DivisionKeys = default(List <string>), string ParentEventKey = default(string), int?PlayoffType = default(int?), string PlayoffTypeString = default(string)) { // to ensure "Key" is required (not null) if (Key == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Key is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.Key = Key; } // to ensure "Name" is required (not null) if (Name == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Name is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.Name = Name; } // to ensure "EventCode" is required (not null) if (EventCode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EventCode is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.EventCode = EventCode; } // to ensure "EventType" is required (not null) if (EventType == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EventType is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.EventType = EventType; } // to ensure "StartDate" is required (not null) if (StartDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("StartDate is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.StartDate = StartDate; } // to ensure "EndDate" is required (not null) if (EndDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EndDate is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.EndDate = EndDate; } // to ensure "Year" is required (not null) if (Year == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Year is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.Year = Year; } // to ensure "EventTypeString" is required (not null) if (EventTypeString == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EventTypeString is a required property for ModelEvent and cannot be null"); } else { this.EventTypeString = EventTypeString; } this.District = District; this.City = City; this.StateProv = StateProv; this.Country = Country; this.ShortName = ShortName; this.Week = Week; this.Address = Address; this.PostalCode = PostalCode; this.GmapsPlaceId = GmapsPlaceId; this.GmapsUrl = GmapsUrl; this.Lat = Lat; this.Lng = Lng; this.LocationName = LocationName; this.Timezone = Timezone; this.Website = Website; this.FirstEventId = FirstEventId; this.FirstEventCode = FirstEventCode; this.Webcasts = Webcasts; this.DivisionKeys = DivisionKeys; this.ParentEventKey = ParentEventKey; this.PlayoffType = PlayoffType; this.PlayoffTypeString = PlayoffTypeString; }
protected override void InitializeEntities() { DistrictList = _DistrictService.GetAll().ToList(); SelectedDistrict = DistrictList.Any() ? DistrictList.First() : null; UpdateCollection(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventSimple" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Key">TBA event key with the format yyyy[EVENT_CODE], where yyyy is the year, and EVENT_CODE is the event code of the event. (required).</param> /// <param name="Name">Official name of event on record either provided by FIRST or organizers of offseason event. (required).</param> /// <param name="EventCode">Event short code, as provided by FIRST. (required).</param> /// <param name="EventType">Event Type, as defined here: (required).</param> /// <param name="District">The district this event is in, may be null..</param> /// <param name="City">City, town, village, etc. the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="StateProv">State or Province the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="Country">Country the event is located in..</param> /// <param name="StartDate">Event start date in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. (required).</param> /// <param name="EndDate">Event end date in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. (required).</param> /// <param name="Year">Year the event data is for. (required).</param> public EventSimple(string Key = default(string), string Name = default(string), string EventCode = default(string), int?EventType = default(int?), DistrictList District = default(DistrictList), string City = default(string), string StateProv = default(string), string Country = default(string), DateTime?StartDate = default(DateTime?), DateTime?EndDate = default(DateTime?), int?Year = default(int?)) { // to ensure "Key" is required (not null) if (Key == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Key is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.Key = Key; } // to ensure "Name" is required (not null) if (Name == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Name is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.Name = Name; } // to ensure "EventCode" is required (not null) if (EventCode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EventCode is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.EventCode = EventCode; } // to ensure "EventType" is required (not null) if (EventType == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EventType is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.EventType = EventType; } // to ensure "StartDate" is required (not null) if (StartDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("StartDate is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.StartDate = StartDate; } // to ensure "EndDate" is required (not null) if (EndDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("EndDate is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.EndDate = EndDate; } // to ensure "Year" is required (not null) if (Year == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Year is a required property for EventSimple and cannot be null"); } else { this.Year = Year; } this.District = District; this.City = City; this.StateProv = StateProv; this.Country = Country; }