public DistributedResourceQueueItem(DistributedResource resource, DistributedResourceQueueItemType type, object value, byte index)
     this.resource = resource;
     this.index    = index;
     this.type     = type;
     this.value    = value;
 static void TestObjectProps(IResource local, DistributedResource remote)
     foreach (var pt in local.Instance.Template.Properties)
         var    lv = pt.PropertyInfo.GetValue(local);
         object v;
         var    rv = remote.TryGetPropertyValue(pt.Index, out v);
         if (!rv)
             Console.WriteLine($" ** {pt.Name } Failed");
             Console.WriteLine($"{pt.Name } {GetString(lv)} == {GetString(v)}");
        private static void TestClient()
            // Create a new client
            var client = new DistributedConnection(new TCPSocket("localhost", 5000), "localhost", "demo", "1234");

            // Put the client in our memory store
            var remote = Warehouse.GetStore("remote");

            Warehouse.Put(client, "Endpoint", remote);

            client.OnReady += async(c) =>
                // Get remote object from the server.
                remoteObject = await client.Get("db/my").Task as DistributedResource;

                dynamic x = remoteObject;

                Console.WriteLine("My Name is: " + x.Name);
                x.Name     = "Hamoo";
                x.LevelUp += new DistributedResourceEvent((sender, parameters) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("LevelUp " + parameters[0] + " " + parameters[1]);

                x.LevelDown += new DistributedResourceEvent((sender, parameters) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("LevelUp " + parameters[0] + " " + parameters[1]);

                (x.Stream(10) as AsyncReply).Then(r =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Stream ended: " + r);
                }).Chunk(r =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Chunk..." + r);
                }).Progress((t, v, m) => Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}/{1}", v, m));

                var rt = await x.Subtract(10).Task;

                //var rt2 = await x.Add(10).Task;


                 * (x.Subtract(10) as AsyncReply).Then((r) =>
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Subtracted: " + r + " " + x.Level);
                 * }).Error((ex) =>
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Exception " + ex.Code + " " + ex.Message);
                 * });
                 * // Getting object record
                 * client.GetRecord(remoteObject, DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(1), DateTime.Now).Then(record =>
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Records received: " + record.Count);
                 * });
                 * var t = new Timer(T_Elapsed, null, 5000, 5000);