public void LockRepositoryTimeout()
            var lockManager = new DistributedLockManager(GetLockProvider(DefaultLockDatabase));

            using (var testLock = OtherThreadLockHelper.TryLock(this, lockManager, MultiprocessLockName, 0))
                Assert.IsNotNull(testLock, "Unable to lock the repository");

                //now when we try to get it we should not, and should wait at least our timeout
                var             lockStart = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                DistributedLock timeoutLock;
                Assert.IsFalse(lockManager.TryLock(this, MultiprocessLockName, 5, out timeoutLock));
                using (timeoutLock)
                    //we shouldn't have the lock
                    Assert.IsNull(timeoutLock, "Duplicate lock allowed");

                    //and we should be within a reasonable delta of our timeout.
                    var delay = DateTimeOffset.Now - lockStart;
                    Trace.Write(string.Format("Repository Timeout Requested: {0} Actual: {1}", 5, delay.TotalSeconds));
                    Assert.Greater(delay.TotalSeconds, 4.5, "Timeout happened too fast - {0} seconds", delay.TotalSeconds);
                    Assert.Less(delay.TotalSeconds, 5.5, "Timeout happened too slow - {0} seconds", delay.TotalSeconds);
        private void HelperThreadStart()

            lock (m_Lock)
                m_LockManager.TryLock(this, m_Name, m_Timeout, out m_RepositoryLock);

                if (m_RepositoryLock != null)

                    while (m_Exiting == false)
                        Monitor.Wait(m_Lock); // Thread waits until we're told to exit.

                    m_RepositoryLock.Dispose(); // We're exiting, so it's time to release the lock!
                    m_RepositoryLock = null;
                // Otherwise, we couldn't get the lock.

                m_Exited = true; // Lock is released and thread is exiting.
        public void LockRepositoryTimeout()
            const string MultiprocessLockName = "LockRepositoryTimeout";

            var lockScopePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

                var lockManager = new DistributedLockManager(new FileLockProvider(lockScopePath));

                using (var testLock = OtherThreadLockHelper.TryLock(this, lockManager, MultiprocessLockName, 0))
                    Assert.IsNotNull(testLock, "Unable to lock the repository");

                    //now when we try to get it we should not, and should wait at least our timeout
                    var             lockStart = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                    DistributedLock timeoutLock;
                    Assert.IsFalse(lockManager.TryLock(this, MultiprocessLockName, 5, out timeoutLock));
                    using (timeoutLock)
                        //we shouldn't have the lock
                        Assert.IsNull(timeoutLock, "Duplicate lock allowed");

                        //and we should be within a reasonable delta of our timeout.
                        var delay = DateTimeOffset.Now - lockStart;
                        Trace.Write(string.Format("Repository Timeout Requested: {0} Actual: {1}", 5, delay.TotalSeconds));
                        Assert.Greater(delay.TotalSeconds, 4.5, "Timeout happened too fast - {0} seconds", delay.TotalSeconds);
                        Assert.Less(delay.TotalSeconds, 5.5, "Timeout happened too slow - {0} seconds", delay.TotalSeconds);
                if (Directory.Exists(lockScopePath))
                    Directory.Delete(lockScopePath, true);