/// <summary>
    /// Status for a DistributedTask are Succesfull (S),
    /// No assigned (N) and Processing (P)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="miDistributeTask"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool SaveResults(DistributeTask miDistributeTask)
        var miConexion = new SqlConnection(StrCon);


        var miSql = "UPDATE DistributeTask " +
                    "SET Dt_Status = 'S', " +
                    "    Dt_Result_Best = '" + miDistributeTask.Result_Best + "', " +
                    "    Dt_Date = GetDate() " +
                    "WHERE  Dt_Id = '" + miDistributeTask.Id + "' ";
        var miComando      = new SqlCommand(miSql, miConexion);
        var filasAfectadas = miComando.ExecuteNonQuery();

        return(filasAfectadas != 0);
    /// <summary>
    /// Return only one Distributed task to be executed for one client (status N),
    /// The assigned task change its status to P for Processing, thus preventing
    /// another client from trying to execute that task.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public DistributeTask GetTask()
        var myConexion = new SqlConnection(StrCon);
        var mySql      = "SELECT TOP (1) Dt_Id, Dt_Problem, Dt_Algorithm, " +
                         " Dt_Seed, Dt_Result_Best " +
                         "FROM     DistributeTask " +
                         "WHERE    Dt_Status = 'N' " +
                         "ORDER BY Dt_Id ASC";
        var myDs      = new DataSet();
        var myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(mySql, myConexion);

        myAdapter.Fill(myDs, "DistributeTask");

        if (myDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return(null); //There is no Distributed Tasks to be executed
        var thisRow = myDs.Tables[0].Rows[0];

        var myDistributedTask = new DistributeTask
            Id        = thisRow["Dt_Id"].ToString(),
            Problem   = thisRow["Dt_Problem"].ToString(),
            Algorithm = thisRow["Dt_Algorithm"].ToString(),
            Seed      = int.Parse(thisRow["Dt_Seed"].ToString())

        mySql = "UPDATE DistributeTask " +
                "SET    Dt_Status ='P' " +
                "WHERE  Dt_Id = '" + myDistributedTask.Id + "' ";
        var miComando = new SqlCommand(mySql, myConexion);

