        // dists is an array of reference objects (properties x, y, z, distance)
        // returns an object containing the best candidate found (properties x, y, z, totalSqErr, i1, i2, i3)
        // i1, i2, i3 are the indexes into dists[] that were reference points for the candidate
        // totalSqErr is the total of the squares of the difference between the supplied distance and the calculated distance to each system in dists[]
        private Candidate getBestCandidate(Entry[] dists)
            int       i1 = 0, i2 = 1, i3 = 2, i4;
            Candidate bestCandidate = null;

            // run the trilateration for each combination of 3 reference systems in the set of systems we have distance data for
            // we look for the best candidate over all trilaterations based on the lowest total (squared) error in the calculated
            // distances to all the reference systems
            for (i1 = 0; i1 < dists.Length; i1++)
                for (i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < dists.Length; i2++)
                    for (i3 = i2 + 1; i3 < dists.Length; i3++)
                        var candidates = getCandidates(dists, i1, i2, i3);
                        if (candidates.Length == 2)
                            candidates[0].totalSqErr = 0;
                            candidates[1].totalSqErr = 0;

                            for (i4 = 0; i4 < dists.Length; i4++)
                                DistanceTest err = checkDist((Coordinate)candidates[0], dists[i4].Coordinate, dists[i4].Distance);
                                candidates[0].totalSqErr += err.error * err.error;
                                err = checkDist((Coordinate)candidates[1], dists[i4].Coordinate, dists[i4].Distance);
                                candidates[1].totalSqErr += err.error * err.error;
                            if (bestCandidate == null || bestCandidate.totalSqErr > candidates[0].totalSqErr)
                                bestCandidate    = candidates[0];
                                bestCandidate.i1 = i1;
                                bestCandidate.i2 = i2;
                                bestCandidate.i3 = i3;
                                //console.log("best candidate so far: (1st) "+JSON.stringify(bestCandidate,2));
                            if (bestCandidate.totalSqErr > candidates[1].totalSqErr)
                                bestCandidate    = candidates[1];
                                bestCandidate.i1 = i1;
                                bestCandidate.i2 = i2;
                                bestCandidate.i3 = i3;
                                //console.log("best candidate so far: (2nd) "+JSON.stringify(bestCandidate,2));
        // calculates the distance between p1 and p2 and then calculates the error between the calculated distance and the supplied distance.
        // if dist has 3dp of precision then the calculated distance is also calculated with 3dp, otherwise 2dp are assumed
        // returns and object with properties (distance, error, dp)
        private DistanceTest checkDist(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, double dist)
            DistanceTest ret = new DistanceTest();

            ret.dp = 2;

             * if (dist.toFixed(3) === dist.toString()) {
             *  // assume it's 3 dp if its 3 dp rounded string matches the string version
             *  ret.dp = 3;
             * }*/

            ret.distance = eddist(p1, p2, ret.dp);
            ret.error    = Math.Abs(ret.distance - dist);
        // calculates the distance between p1 and p2 and then calculates the error between the calculated distance and the supplied distance.
        // if dist has 3dp of precision then the calculated distance is also calculated with 3dp, otherwise 2dp are assumed
        // returns and object with properties (distance, error, dp)
        private DistanceTest checkDist(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, double dist)
            DistanceTest ret = new DistanceTest();

            ret.dp = 2;

            if (dist.toFixed(3) === dist.toString()) {
                // assume it's 3 dp if its 3 dp rounded string matches the string version
                ret.dp = 3;

            ret.distance = eddist(p1, p2, ret.dp);
            ret.error = Math.Abs(ret.distance - dist);
            return ret;