        public void TestDictance()
            Position pos1 = new Position(0, 0);
            Position pos2 = new Position(2, 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, DistanceHelper.FindDistance(pos1, pos2));
        public void TestPointToPoint(object row1, object col1, object row2, object col2, double expectedValue)
            var pointA = new MeasureViewModel();

            if (row1 != null)
                pointA.Row1 = new HTuple(row1);
            if (col1 != null)
                pointA.Col1 = new HTuple(col1);
            pointA.GeoType = MeasureType.Point;

            var pointB = new MeasureViewModel();

            if (row2 != null)
                pointB.Row1 = new HTuple(row2);
            if (col2 != null)
                pointB.Col1 = new HTuple(col2);
            pointB.GeoType = MeasureType.Point;

            double distance = DistanceHelper.PointToPoint(pointA, pointB);

            Assert.True(distance >= expectedValue);
        public static List <String> Searching(Dictionary <String, List <String> > dicVisualWords, List <Dot_RGB> listDot, Size input)
            if (listDot == null || listDot.Count == 0)

            float cellWidth  = input.Width / (float)ConfigPCT.PCT_NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_REGION;
            float cellHeight = input.Height / (float)ConfigPCT.PCT_NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_REGION;

            Dot_RGB dot    = listDot[0];
            int     xIndex = (int)(listDot[0].location.X / cellWidth);
            int     yIndex = (int)(listDot[0].location.Y / cellHeight);

            List <Color> colorVisualWord = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();
            Color        color           = colorVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(dot.color, colorVisualWord)];
            String       key             = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + xIndex + "_" + yIndex;

            if (dicVisualWords.ContainsKey(key))

        void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            // Doc PCT Data
            PCTFeature_RGB data = PCTReadingFeature.ReadingFeatureFromFile_RGB(currentPctFilePath);

            _bitmap = ImageHelper.GetBitmapFromFile(currentImgFilePath);

            // Load data
            panel1.Width    = data.Width * 2 + 30;
            panel1.Height   = data.Height * 2 + 15;
            panel2.Location = new Point(5, panel1.Location.Y + panel1.Height + 25);
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            g.DrawImage(_bitmap, new Point(0, 0));
            g.DrawImage(_bitmap, new Point(15 + data.Width, 15 + data.Height));
            g.DrawImage(_bitmap, new Point(0, 15 + data.Height));

            foreach (Dot_RGB dot in data.ListColorPoint)
                // draw pct dots
                DrawDotWithBorder(g, new Dot_RGB(new Point(dot.location.X, dot.location.Y + data.Height + 15), dot.radius, dot.color));

                // draw visual dots
                Color c = listVisualWords[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN(dot.color, listVisualWords, currentColorSpaceForFormula, currentDistanceFormulaRGB, currentDistanceFormulaLab)];
                if (dot.radius >= 10)
                    DrawDotWithBorder(g, new Dot_RGB(new Point(dot.location.X + data.Width + 15, dot.location.Y + data.Height + 15), dot.radius, c));
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果
            DistanceResult mResult = null;

            var fMidLine = new SDMS_FirstFingerMidLine();
            var image    = new HImage(ho_Image);
            fMidLine.Initialize(image, hv_AllModelRow, hv_AllModelColumn, hv_AllModelAngle);
            var fMidLineModel = fMidLine.GetMidLine() as IMeasureGeoModel;

            var sMidLine = new SecondFingerMidLine();
            sMidLine.Initialize(image, hv_AllModelRow, hv_AllModelColumn, hv_AllModelAngle);
            var sMidLineModel = sMidLine.GetMidLine() as IMeasureGeoModel;

            var distance = DistanceHelper.LineToLine(fMidLineModel, sMidLineModel);

            mResult = new DistanceResult()
                FirstRowBegin  = fMidLineModel.Row1,
                FirstColBegin  = fMidLineModel.Col1,
                FirstRowEnd    = fMidLineModel.Row2,
                FirstColEnd    = fMidLineModel.Col2,
                SecondRowBegin = sMidLineModel.Row1,
                SecondColBegin = sMidLineModel.Col1,
                SecondRowEnd   = sMidLineModel.Row2,
                SecondColEnd   = sMidLineModel.Col2,
                Angle          = hv_AllModelAngle,
                Direction      = LineDirection.Horizontal,
                Distance       = distance,
        public ActionResult <PlaceResponse> GetPlace(int zipcode)
            PlaceResponse result = null;

            var place = _context.Places
                        .Where(place => place.Zipcode == zipcode)

            // if entered zipcode is valid, then calculate the distance from mindgrub
            if (place != null)
                result           = new PlaceResponse();
                result.City      = place.City;
                result.State     = place.State;
                result.Zipcode   = place.Zipcode;
                result.Longitude = place.Longitude;
                result.Latitude  = place.Latitude;

                // get latitude and longitute of mindgrub's location
                var mindGrub = _context.Places
                               .Where(place => place.Zipcode == MINDGRUB_ZIP)

                result.DistanceFromMindGrub =
                    DistanceHelper.haversine(mindGrub.Latitude, mindGrub.Longitude, place.Latitude, place.Longitude);

        public static Individual[] GetRandomPopulation()
            Individual[] population = new Individual[ENVIRONMENT.PopulationSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < ENVIRONMENT.PopulationSize; i++)
                ENVIRONMENT.cities   = DataReader.ReadData();
                population[i]        = new Individual();
                population[i].Order  = new int[ENVIRONMENT.IndividualSize];
                population[i].Cities = new City[ENVIRONMENT.IndividualSize];
                int currentlyPossibleSize = ENVIRONMENT.IndividualSize;
                population[i].RemainingCities = ENVIRONMENT.cities;
                for (int j = 0; j < ENVIRONMENT.IndividualSize; j++)
                    City randomCity = population[i].GetRandomCity(currentlyPossibleSize);
                    //wylosuj jedno miasto
                    population[i].Cities[j] = randomCity;

                    //zapisz jego Index w Individual.Order
                    population[i].Order[j] = randomCity.Index;
                    //dodaj odległość do całkowitego dystansu
                    population[i].TotalDistance += DistanceHelper.FindDistance(randomCity, j > 0 ? population[i].Cities[j - 1] : randomCity);
                    //usuń to miasto z możliwych do wylosowania
                    population[i].RemoveFromPossible(population[i].RemainingCities, randomCity);
                    //zmniejsz tablicę możliwości
                population[i].TotalDistance += DistanceHelper.FindDistance(population[i].Cities[0], population[i].Cities[ENVIRONMENT.IndividualSize - 1]);

        public IEnumerable <SongDistance> GetNearSongs(double latitude, double longitude, int styleId)
            var songsFromAmbassadors = _context.Historics
                                       .Include(x => x.User)
                                       .Include(x => x.Song).ThenInclude(x => x.Artist)
                                       .Where(x => x.LikeType == LikeType.Ambassador && x.Song.StyleSongs.Any(y => y.StyleID == styleId))
                                       .Select(x => new SongDistance
                Song     = x.Song,
                Distance = Math.Round(DistanceHelper.CalculateDistance(latitude, longitude, x.User.LastGeoCoordinate.Latitude, x.User.LastGeoCoordinate.Longitude), 1)

            var nearSongs = _context.Songs
                            .Include(x => x.Artist).ThenInclude(x => x.GeoCoordinate)
                            .Include(x => x.Historics)
                            .Include(x => x.StyleSongs)
                            .Where(x => x.StyleSongs.Any(y => y.StyleID == styleId))
                            .Select(x => new SongDistance
                Song     = x,
                Distance = Math.Round(DistanceHelper.CalculateDistance(latitude, longitude, x.Artist.GeoCoordinate.Latitude, x.Artist.GeoCoordinate.Longitude), 1)

            var result = nearSongs
                         .OrderBy(x => x.Distance)
                         .GroupBy(x => x.Song.ID)
                         .Select(g => g.First())

        private StoreSDTO MongoToDto3(StoreMgDTO entity, decimal lat, decimal lon)
            StoreSDTO store = MongoToDto(entity);

            store.Distance = (decimal)DistanceHelper.GetGreatCircleDistance((double)lat, (double)lon, entity.Location[1], entity.Location[0]);
        public void TestCaculateDistance(string testData)
            var xDoc      = XDocument.Load(testData);
            var testCases = xDoc.Root.Elements("Case")
                            .Select(p => new
                Models = p.Elements("MeasureModel").Select(model => new MeasureViewModel()
                    Row1    = model.Element("Row1").Value,
                    Col1    = model.Element("Col1").Value,
                    Row2    = model.Element("Row2").Value,
                    Col2    = model.Element("Col2").Value,
                    GeoType = (MeasureType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MeasureType), model.Element("GeoType").Value),
                ExpectedValue = p.Element("Expected").Value

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                var f1 = translateToDoubleValue(testCase.Models[0]);
                var f2 = translateToDoubleValue(testCase.Models[1]);

                var result = DistanceHelper.CaculateDistance(f1, f2);

                Assert.Equal(testCase.ExpectedValue, result.Distance.ToString());
        private async void GetPostion()
                var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current;
                locator.DesiredAccuracy = 50;

                var position = await locator.GetPositionAsync(10000);

                Debug.WriteLine("Position Status: {0}", position.Timestamp);
                Debug.WriteLine("Position Latitude: {0}", position.Latitude);
                Debug.WriteLine("Position Longitude: {0}", position.Longitude);

                for (int i = 0; viewModel.stops != null && i < viewModel.stops.Count; i++)
                    viewModel.stops[i].stop_distance = DistanceHelper.DistanceTo(viewModel.stops[i].stop_lat
                                                                                 , viewModel.stops[i].stop_lon
                                                                                 , position.Latitude
                                                                                 , position.Longitude);
            catch (Exception pException)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetPostion : " + pException.Message);
        public void ReturnCorrectDistanceInMiles(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double expected)
            var miles = DistanceHelper.GetDistanceInMiles(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);

            Assert.Equal(miles, expected);
        public double Distance(double lat, double lng, XLocation b)
            var xloca = new XLocation {
                Latitude = lat, Longitude = lng

            return(DistanceHelper.DistanceBetween(xloca, b, DistanceType.Kilometers));
        public async Task <double> GetDistanceBetweenAirportsAsync(string iataFrom, string iataTo)
            Airport airportFrom = await _airportService.GetAirportAsync(iataFrom);

            Airport airportTo = await _airportService.GetAirportAsync(iataTo);

            return(DistanceHelper.GetDistanceInMiles(airportFrom.Location.Lat, airportFrom.Location.Lon, airportTo.Location.Lat, airportTo.Location.Lon));
        public override void AppendFeatures(HostnameSplitterResult parsedHostname, GeonamesCityEntity cityEntity, Features features)
            if (parsedHostname == null ||
                parsedHostname.DomainInfo?.RegistrableDomain == null ||
                parsedHostname.SubdomainParts == null ||
                parsedHostname.SubdomainParts.Count == 0 ||
                cityEntity == null)

            var domain = parsedHostname.DomainInfo.RegistrableDomain;

            Dictionary <PatternRule, PatternMiningCoordinates> rulesToCoordinates;

            if (!this.hostnamePatternRules.TryGetValue(domain, out rulesToCoordinates))

            var subdomainParts = parsedHostname.SubdomainParts;

            if (subdomainParts == null || subdomainParts.Count == 0)

            var ruleAtoms = this.miner.CreateRuleAtoms(subdomainParts);

            if (ruleAtoms == null || ruleAtoms.Count == 0)

            var rules = this.miner.GeneratePossibleRules(ruleAtoms);

            if (rules == null || rules.Count == 0)

            foreach (var rule in rules)
                PatternMiningCoordinates coordinates;

                if (rulesToCoordinates.TryGetValue(rule, out coordinates))
                    var distance = DistanceHelper.Distance(cityEntity.Latitude, cityEntity.Longitude, coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude, DistanceUnit.Kilometer);

                    // TODO: Make this configurable
                    // TODO: Distance should vary depending on geohash length?
                    if (distance <= 100)
                        features[CityFeatureType.HostnamePatternMatch] = true;
        public void AssignRide(Ride r, int curStep)
            Ride = r;
            int distanceToStart = DistanceHelper.GetDistance(Location, r.Start);
            int stepsAtStart    = Math.Max(curStep + distanceToStart, r.EarliestStart);
            int stepAtEnd       = stepsAtStart + DistanceHelper.GetDistance(r.Start, r.End);

            NextEndTime = stepAtEnd;
    public static Truthness GetLessThanTruthness(long a, long b)
        var distance = DistanceHelper.GetDistanceToEquality(a, b);

        return(new Truthness(
                   a < b ? 1d : 1d / (1.1d + distance),
                   a >= b ? 1d : 1d / (1.1d + distance)
    public static Truthness GetEqualityTruthness(double a, double b)
        var distance           = DistanceHelper.GetDistanceToEquality(a, b);
        var normalizedDistance = NormalizeValue(distance);

        return(new Truthness(
                   1d - normalizedDistance,
                   a != b ? 1d : 0d
        public bool DoIHaveToWaitIfILeaveNow(int curStep, Location currentLocation)
            var distStart = DistanceHelper.GetDistance(currentLocation, Start);

            if ((curStep + distStart) >= EarliestStart)
        public void MillionKilometersToAstronomicalUnits()
            double expected = 1;
            var    actual   = DistanceHelper.MillionKilometersToAstronomicalUnits(149.59787069);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            actual = DistanceHelper.MillionKilometersToAstronomicalUnits(149.59787069 * 2);
            Assert.Equal(expected * 2, actual);
        public void AstronomicalUnitsToKilometers()
            double expected = 149597870.69;
            var    actual   = DistanceHelper.AstronomicalUnitsToKilometers(1);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            actual = DistanceHelper.AstronomicalUnitsToKilometers(2);
            Assert.Equal(expected * 2, actual);
 static void Main()
     //Application.Run(new IndexProcessing());
     //Application.Run(new ViewPCTImage());
     //Application.Run(new ImageIndexing());
     Application.Run(new VideoBrowsingForm());
     //Application.Run(new EvaluationForm());
        public void GetDistanceBetweenCoordinates_SimpleTest()
            double distanceCalculated = DistanceHelper.GetDistanceBetweenCoordinates(new List <double>()
                0.00D, 0.00D
            }, new List <double>()
                0.00D, 0.00D

            Assert.AreEqual(0.00D, distanceCalculated);
    public static double GetDistanceToEquality(DateTime a, DateTime b)
        if (a.Equals(null))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(a));
        if (b.Equals(null))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b));

        return(DistanceHelper.GetDistanceToEquality(ConvertToTimestamp(a), ConvertToTimestamp(b)));
        public void SetupTheRightDistanceWhenCitiesAreAtMediumDistance()
            // Arrange
            var distanceHelper = new DistanceHelper();

            // Act
            var distance1 = distanceHelper.GetDistance(City.Barcelona, City.London);
            var distance2 = distanceHelper.GetDistance(City.London, City.Barcelona);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(Distance.Medium, distance1);
            Assert.AreEqual(Distance.Medium, distance2);
        public Ride GetNextRide(int curStep, Cart cart)
            List <Ride>            rides  = new List <Ride>();
            List <RidesByDistance> toSort = new List <RidesByDistance>();

            foreach (Ride r in Rides)
                if (r.IsCurrentlyPossibleFromLocation(curStep, cart.Location) && !r.IsDone && !r.IsInUse)
                    if (rides.Count > 50)

            if (!rides.Any())

            foreach (Ride ride in rides)
                var distStart = DistanceHelper.GetDistance(cart.Location, ride.Start);
                //if (distStart >= (curStep - ride.EarliestStart))
                toSort.Add(new RidesByDistance()
                    Ride = ride,
                    DistanceFromStart = distStart,
                    DistanceToEnd     = DistanceHelper.GetDistance(cart.Location, ride.End),
                    TimeToWait        = ride.TimeToWaitIfILeaveNow(curStep, cart.Location)
                                        //DistanceToEnd = distStart + ride.StepsRequired

            if (toSort.Count == 0)

            return(toSort.OrderBy(r => r.DistanceFromStart).ThenBy(cur => cur.TimeToWait).FirstOrDefault().Ride);

            return(toSort.OrderBy(cur => cur.DistanceFromStart).ThenBy(cur => cur.DistanceToEnd).FirstOrDefault().Ride);

            return(rides.OrderBy(r => r.DistanceFromStart).ThenBy(r => r.LatestFinish).FirstOrDefault());

            return(rides.OrderBy(r => r.LatestStart).FirstOrDefault());
        public void TestLineToLine(object line1RowBegin, object line1ColBegin, object line1RowEnd, object line1ColEnd
                                   , object line2RowBegin, object line2ColBegin, object line2RowEnd, object line2ColEnd
                                   , double expectedValue)
            var line1Model = new MeasureViewModel();

            if (line1RowBegin != null)
                line1Model.Row1 = new HTuple(line1RowBegin);
            if (line1ColBegin != null)
                line1Model.Col1 = new HTuple(line1ColBegin);
            if (line1RowEnd != null)
                line1Model.Row2 = new HTuple(line1RowEnd);
            if (line1ColEnd != null)
                line1Model.Col2 = new HTuple(line1ColEnd);
            line1Model.GeoType = MeasureType.Line;

            var line2Model = new MeasureViewModel();

            if (line2RowBegin != null)
                line2Model.Row1 = new HTuple(line2RowBegin);
            if (line2ColBegin != null)
                line2Model.Col1 = new HTuple(line2ColBegin);
            if (line2RowEnd != null)
                line2Model.Row2 = new HTuple(line2RowEnd);
            if (line2ColEnd != null)
                line2Model.Col2 = new HTuple(line2ColEnd);
            line2Model.GeoType = MeasureType.Line;

            var distance = DistanceHelper.LineToLine(line1Model, line2Model);

            Assert.True(distance >= expectedValue);
        public static List <String> SearchingV3_RGB(Dictionary <string, string> dicVisualWords, List <Dot_RGB> listDotDrawn, Size paperDrawingSize)
            if (listDotDrawn == null || listDotDrawn.Count == 0)

            // init
            bool         SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS = true;
            List <Color> colorsVisualWord = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();

            // Get list visual-words match the list input colors >> dicMatched
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> listKeyMatchTheInputDot = new List <string>();

            foreach (Dot_RGB dot in listDotDrawn)
                Color color = colorsVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(dot.color, colorsVisualWord)];
                List <RegionOfFrame> listRegionsDotBelongTo = Utils.RegionOfFrameHelper.GetListRegionDotBelongTo(dot.location, dot.radius, paperDrawingSize.Width, paperDrawingSize.Height);
                foreach (RegionOfFrame region in listRegionsDotBelongTo)
                    string key = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + region.X + "_" + region.Y;
                    //if (!dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ContainsKey(key))
                    //    dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.Add(key, dicVisualWords[key]);
                    if (!listKeyMatchTheInputDot.Contains(key))
                    if (!SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS)

            // Intersect all item in dicMatched (để lọc bỏ frame trùng ở kết quả)
            //List<string> listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(0).Value;
            List <string> listFramesResult = FileManager.GetInstance().GetAllLinesFromFile(dicVisualWords[listKeyMatchTheInputDot[0]].Replace("D:", ConfigCommon.PCT_INDEX_STORAGE[0] + ":"));

            for (int i = 1; i < listKeyMatchTheInputDot.Count; i++)
                //listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(i).Value.Intersect(listFramesResult).ToList();
                List <string> listFrame = FileManager.GetInstance().GetAllLinesFromFile(dicVisualWords[listKeyMatchTheInputDot[i]].Replace("D:", ConfigCommon.PCT_INDEX_STORAGE[0] + ":"));
                listFramesResult = listFramesResult.Intersect(listFrame).ToList();

 public static CelestialDrawModel ToCelestialOrbitDrawModel(
     this CelestialObjectPositionViewModel celestialObjectPosition,
     CelestialObjectViewModel celestialObject)
     return(new CelestialDrawModel(
                //celestialObjectPosition?.Model.Location.GetOrbitRadius() ??
        private static void ProcessFrame()
            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            Frame = Capture.QueryFrame();

            foreach (var found in Processor.FoundTemplates)
                var foundRect = found.Sample.Contour.GetBoundsRect();
                Console.WriteLine("Distanse: {0}", DistanceHelper.DistanceByRelation(foundRect.Height / CamHeight));
    //will Generate the mesh thats under the water
    //you can Display the mesh, but it will float without it, we just need the data
    public void GenerateUnderwaterMesh()
        //These sore the final data we need to creat the mesh thats underwater
        underwaterVertices = new List<Vector3> ();
        underwaterTriangles = new List<int> ();

        //Loop through all the traingles (3 traingles at a time)
        int i = 0;
        while (i < originalTrianglesArray.Length) {
            //Find the distance from each vertice in the current traingle to the water
            //Negetive distance means below the water

            //That position of the vertice in Vector3 format (need to save this position for later)
            Vector3 vertice_1_pos = originalVerticesArray [originalTrianglesArray [i]];
            float? distance1 = DistanceToWater (vertice_1_pos);


            Vector3 vertice_2_pos = originalVerticesArray [originalTrianglesArray [i]];
            float? distance2 = DistanceToWater (vertice_2_pos);


            Vector3 vertice_3_pos = originalVerticesArray [originalTrianglesArray [i]];
            float? distance3 = DistanceToWater (vertice_3_pos);


            //Continue to the next triangle if all the traingles are above the water
            if (distance1 > 0f && distance2 > 0f && distance3 > 0f) {

            //Continue to the next traingle if there is no water
            if (distance1 == null || distance2 == null || distance3 == null) {

            DistanceHelper distance1OBJ = new DistanceHelper ();
            DistanceHelper distance2OBJ = new DistanceHelper ();
            DistanceHelper distance3OBJ = new DistanceHelper ();

            distance1OBJ.distance = (float)distance1; //from float? to float
            distance1OBJ.name = "one";
            distance1OBJ.verticePos = vertice_1_pos;

            distance2OBJ.distance = (float)distance2; //from float? to float
            distance2OBJ.name = "two";
            distance2OBJ.verticePos = vertice_2_pos;

            distance3OBJ.distance = (float)distance3; //from float? to float
            distance3OBJ.name = "three";
            distance3OBJ.verticePos = vertice_3_pos;

            //Add the objects to a list so we can sort them
            List<DistanceHelper> allDistancesHelperList = new List<DistanceHelper> ();
            allDistancesHelperList.Add (distance1OBJ);
            allDistancesHelperList.Add (distance2OBJ);
            allDistancesHelperList.Add (distance3OBJ);

            allDistancesHelperList.Sort ();
            allDistancesHelperList.Reverse ();

            //All vertices are underwater
            if (allDistancesHelperList [0].distance < 0f && allDistancesHelperList [1].distance < 0f && allDistancesHelperList [2].distance < 0f) {
                //Make sure these coordinates are unsorted
                AddCoordinateToMesh (distance1OBJ.verticePos);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (distance2OBJ.verticePos);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (distance3OBJ.verticePos);

            //Just Adds one Coordinate to the new mesh

            //One Vertice is above the water, the rest is below
            else if (allDistancesHelperList [0].distance > 0f && allDistancesHelperList [1].distance < 0f && allDistancesHelperList [2].distance < 0f) {

                //H is always at position 0
                Vector3 H = allDistancesHelperList [0].verticePos;

                //left of H is M
                //Right of H is L

                //Find the name of M
                string M_name = "temp";
                if (allDistancesHelperList [0].name == "one") {
                    M_name = "three";

                else if (allDistancesHelperList [0].name == "two") {
                    M_name = "one";

                else {
                    M_name = "two";

                //We also need the hights to the water
                float h_H = allDistancesHelperList [0].distance;
                float h_M = 0f;
                float h_L = 0f;

                Vector3 M = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 L = Vector3.zero;

                //This means M is at the position 1 in the Lust
                if (allDistancesHelperList [1].name == M_name) {
                    M = allDistancesHelperList [1].verticePos;
                    L = allDistancesHelperList [2].verticePos;

                    h_M = allDistancesHelperList [1].distance;
                    h_L = allDistancesHelperList [2].distance;

                } else {
                    M = allDistancesHelperList [2].verticePos;
                    L = allDistancesHelperList [1].verticePos;

                    h_M = allDistancesHelperList [2].distance;
                    h_L = allDistancesHelperList [1].distance;

                //Now we can calculate where we should cut the traingle to form 2 new traingles
                //becuase to the resulting area will always form a square

                //Point I_M
                Vector3 MH = H - M;

                float t_M = -h_M / (h_H - h_M);

                Vector3 MI_M = t_M * MH;

                Vector3 I_M = MI_M + M;

                //Point I_L

                Vector3 LH = H - L;

                float t_L = -h_L / (h_H - h_L);

                Vector3 LI_L = t_L * LH;

                Vector3 I_L = LI_L + L;

                //Building the 2 new triangles
                AddCoordinateToMesh (M);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (I_M);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (I_L);

                AddCoordinateToMesh (M);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (I_L);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (L);
            //Two vertices are above the water, the other is below
            else if (allDistancesHelperList [0].distance > 0f && allDistancesHelperList [1].distance > 0f && allDistancesHelperList [2].distance < 0f)
                //H and M are aboe the water
                //H is after the verice that's below water, which is L
                //So we know which one is L becuase it is the last in the sorted list

                Vector3 L = allDistancesHelperList [2].verticePos;

                //Find the name of H
                string H_name = "temp";
                if (allDistancesHelperList [2].name == "one") {
                    H_name = "two";

                else if (allDistancesHelperList [2].name == "two") {
                    H_name = "three";

                else {
                    H_name = "one";

                //We also need the hights to the water
                float h_L = allDistancesHelperList [2].distance;
                float h_H = 0f;
                float h_M = 0f;

                Vector3 H = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 M = Vector3.zero;

                //This means M is at the position 1 in the List
                if (allDistancesHelperList [1].name == H_name) {
                    H = allDistancesHelperList [1].verticePos;
                    M = allDistancesHelperList [0].verticePos;

                    h_H = allDistancesHelperList [1].distance;
                    h_M = allDistancesHelperList [0].distance;

                } else {
                    H = allDistancesHelperList [0].verticePos;
                    M = allDistancesHelperList [1].verticePos;

                    h_H = allDistancesHelperList [0].distance;
                    h_M = allDistancesHelperList [1].distance;

                //Now we can find where to cut the traingle

                //Point J_M
                Vector3 LM = M - L;

                float t_M = -h_L / (h_M - h_L);

                Vector3 LJ_M = t_M * LM;

                Vector3 J_M = LJ_M + L;

                //Point J_H

                Vector3 LH = H - L;

                float t_H = -h_L / (h_H - h_L);

                Vector3 LJ_H = t_H * LH;

                Vector3 J_H = LJ_H + L;

                //Create the triangle
                AddCoordinateToMesh (L);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (J_H);
                AddCoordinateToMesh (J_M);

            UnderWaterMesh.Clear ();
            UnderWaterMesh.name = "UnderWaterMesh";
            UnderWaterMesh.vertices = underwaterVertices.ToArray ();
            //underwatermesh uv = uvs.toArray();
            UnderWaterMesh.triangles = underwaterTriangles.ToArray ();

            //Ensure that the bounding volume is correct
            UnderWaterMesh.RecalculateBounds ();
            //Update the normals to reflect the change
            UnderWaterMesh.RecalculateNormals ();
